"Oh, 100 million yen, how much I thought it was." Yamakawa Sayuri nodded, showing a matter-of-fact expression, and then her mouth slowly opened wide, almost enough to fit an apple in, "Kyoko! You said the Kitahara department chief has it?" A deposit of 100 million yen?!"

"Well, yes." Kobayashi Kyoko, who was in a more complicated mood at the moment, secretly glanced at the stairs leading to the second floor. With such a long series of numbers, she almost thought she had made a mistake.

Even in the bubble era when everyone's assets doubled, 100 million yen was still a huge amount of money out of reach for most people. This amount of money could buy an apartment in a good location in Osaka's Chuo District with full payment.

Yamakawa Sayuri's first reaction was that Kitahara Sosuke had done something illegal, but then she thought it was impossible. If that was the case and he put the money in his salary card, how stupid would he be to do such a thing?

You can't do that annoying Yamada Yang at the door either.

Taiga, who was in a bit of a dilemma, was hesitating whether to continue licking Yamada Yang or go and check Kitahara Sosuke's balance. At the door, Yamada Yang smiled strangely, thinking that the bank clerk might have lost his mind.

It has been three years since Yamada-gumi started doing real estate business, and he has only accumulated a fortune of less than one billion, which also includes all real estate. A bank employee who looks no older than himself can only work for five years at most. 100 million yen deposit?

Sayuri Yamakawa ran over quickly, her face full of energy. First she rolled her eyes and looked at Yamada Yang, who was looking at her. Then she put her hands on her lower abdomen and bowed slightly to Taiga, with the corners of her mouth raised: "Chief Taiga, Chief Kitahara's account. There are enough funds to fill the vacancies, so don’t worry.”

Enough to fill the void? Eighty million yen?

Yamada Yang and Taiga were stunned at the same time, but Yamada Yang reacted faster and asked disdainfully to Yamakawa Sayuri: "Hey, you read that right, that's 80 million yen. I don't believe that kid has so much. Money. How much is his savings exactly? Could it be that you made it up casually to fool us?"

Sayuri Yamakawa looked at him as if he were an idiot, and said in a cold voice: "Mr. Yamada, the bank is obliged to protect the privacy of its customers. We will not tell you the specific amount without the authorization of Director Kitahara."

"Huh, it's enough to fill your vacancy anyway." She couldn't help but add softly, and then ran back to her post as fast as she could, never wanting to say another word to this guy again.

Yamada Yang was so angry that his face was livid. When he looked up, he found that Taiga was also missing.

After a while, Dahe came to the door again. At this time, he had changed his posture, his expression was still respectful, but he no longer had the feeling of kneeling and licking before.

"Yamada-san, if you insist on going to Sakura Bank, then I will no longer try to keep you. I hope we can have the opportunity to continue our cooperation next time!"

For the operations department, the deposit limit is the first priority. If this rigid indicator is met, most of the annual tasks have been completed. As for the cooperation with these large customers, their operations department is only responsible for cash business. The loss of customers is the most important factor. The headache is for the people in the financing department upstairs.

Yamada Yang was not stupid, and he could roughly confirm the truth of the matter from the changes in Taiga's attitude before and after. He snorted coldly and said to Taiga: "I hope you won't regret it, let's go."

"He's just a nouveau riche who forced himself into the real estate business by relying on his association background. What an air!" Dahe looked at his leaving figure and muttered something in a low voice, brushing off his previous groveling attitude.

In a conference room on the second floor, there is a morning meeting for the financing class.

Section Chief Yu Kuroda is sitting at the top, flanked by three department heads, Mitsuo Oshima, Saeko Sakurai, and Sosuke Kitahara. Sitting below are three directors. Other ordinary staff are standing in the back, one by one. With a solemn expression, he held a notebook in his hand, bowed his body slightly, and listened carefully.

These ordinary employees also come to major prestigious schools, including super universities such as Hitotsubashi and Waseda. However, here, the aura of top students in the past has long faded. After the training period, they are all rookies in the bank. Senior employees must be respectful and maintain sufficient respect.

"Kitahara-san, you can't have such a casual attitude when doing business." Oshima Mitsuo glanced at the watch on his left wrist and smiled, "You're two minutes late again."

"Some things were delayed downstairs. I'm extremely sorry." Kitahara Sosuke didn't stand up and bow. In RB, people actually attach great importance to the concept of time. Being late for 2 minutes is already a very bad behavior, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

He said he was sorry, but his body showed no sincerity. Seeing this attitude in Oshima Mitsuo's eyes, it made him even more angry. He was already thinking about how to discipline this so-called top student of Tokyo University after he became the section chief and let him Know the basic workplace rules!

"Kitahara, I won't do this next time." Kuroda Yu waved his hand, wiping it out skillfully. His wrinkled eyes glanced at Kitahara Sosuke, feeling that this young man seemed to be a little different.

In the past, when Mitsuo Oshima targeted him, Sosuke Kitahara always apologized sincerely, which was very weak.

"Yes, Section Chief." Kitahara Sosuke leaned back on his chair and turned the pen in his hand. His focus was actually on Sakurai Saeko beside him.

She was a little different today. She always felt that her eyes were always wandering away from her, as if she was trying to dig for something.

Sakurai Saeko is so beautiful and has a good figure. In an era when women were generally short, she was still 1.7 meters tall. Sitting there, people couldn't help but keep looking at her.

But she, who had always been extremely serious during morning meetings before, was indeed a little lost in thought at the moment. Her big clear eyes would occasionally glance at Kitahara Sosuke and then quickly move away.

Kitahara Sosuke has a keen sense of smell, especially the feeling of being watched. He has experienced too much in his previous life, so he is very sure that Sakurai Saeko is looking at him, in an extremely secretive and secretive way, for fear of being discovered.

It's strange, he is quite handsome, but they have been working together for several years, so they don't suddenly like him, right?

There is no malice in the eyes, but more of curiosity. This is usually seen when a girl is looking at a satisfactory candidate.

Unable to figure this out, Kitahara Sosuke didn't pay much attention. He just sat there without listening, waiting for Kuroda Yu to finish explaining the basic situation.

"I leave it to you all to take care of this month's tasks!" Yu Kuroda stood up and bowed like Naoto Asano, and the others immediately stood up and bowed in return.

Regarding the Best Department Award and Best Branch Honors, as well as his most important promotion possibility, Kuroda Yu was really worried and wished he could leave the field in person and run to do business with others.

"It is extremely difficult to complete the 300 million financing task within a month. I hope you can focus on promoting large projects. As for process issues, I will try my best to get the cooperation of branches, branches, and even the head office. Please do your best! "

He added, by the way, to solve the worries of his subordinates at work. The implication is that you just lend money, and I will take full responsibility for the review by the superiors.

“Don’t worry, Section Chief, the first department will go all out this month and we will never let you down!” Mitsuo Oshima said beautiful words with a calm expression, as if he already had a chance to win. “Speaking of which, I just had a meeting with Yamamoto Architectural Development last night. Co., Ltd.’s Finance Minister Kazumasa Koizumi was negotiating at Giraffe Nightclub, and I heard that President Yamamoto happened to be in need of a loan.”

"Is it the newly rising Yamamoto Construction Development? Isn't he a big depositor of ours?" Yu Kuroda looked at Mitsuo Oshima, "President Yamada needs a loan?"

"Yes, it's a coincidence. Lin and I originally planned to visit Yamazaki-san, the general manager of Giraffe Nightclub. Unexpectedly, we met Koizumi-san who was taking customers to play. After chatting for a while, he secretly revealed it to me. This information.”

Oshima Mitsuo had an uncontrollable smile on his face. He said it was a chance encounter, but in fact he made a special appointment with Koizumi Kazumasa and used the bank's marketing funds to feast and drink.

"Oh, by the way, President Yamamoto seems to be a customer of the Sansei, right? Kitahara, I heard Koizumi-san say, you haven't protected President Yamamoto, a big customer, for a long time? As a bank employee, you are derelict in your duty."

You didn't maintain it, but I contacted you, so this customer is now legitimately mine.

Everyone looked at Kithara Sosuke, but he didn't mind at all. He just smiled lightly: "Oh? Senior Oshima was talking about Yamamoto Construction Development, which used to have deposits with us. I seemed to have seen him just now."

"Yes, department head, he planned to go to Sakura Bank with that Yamada... president. He also said that Kobayashi-san would not be able to escape the fate of being exiled!" Norika Fujiwara on the side nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and then He glanced at Mitsuo Oshima as if he were watching a show, "Director Oshima, are you talking about him?!"

She deliberately made a shocked expression, looking like "Don't you know this yet?" Just now, Yamada Yang was disgusted with Kobayashi Kyoko, and she didn't expect to be killed by her family chief. Now another one came to attack her. But wait and see the show.

"Didn't you know he was going to Sakura Bank?"

"Sakura Bank? How is it possible? Yamamoto Construction Development has always been cooperating with us, why did it suddenly decide to go to Sakura Bank?" Mitsuo Oshima subconsciously asked, that's not what Koizumi Kazumasa said last night!

Yamamoto Construction Development plans to expand and needs an operating loan of about 100 million yen, and he has almost negotiated it!

For this big client, he didn’t know how much marketing money he spent on Koizumi Kazumasa!

"President Yamamoto not only wants to leave, but also takes away all the deposits. Senior Oshima can go down and investigate. In fact, I was delayed downstairs just now because of this matter."

Kitahara Sosuke turned the pen, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Isn't Oshima-senpai very familiar with Yamamoto Construction and Development? Isn't it true that he has a good relationship with President Yamamoto and only communicates with the Finance Minister?"

"I..." Oshima Mitsuo was choked and speechless. He looked back at Hayashihara Hibiki, who immediately got up and left the conference room, running all the way downstairs.

Sakurai Saeko remained silent, and then she raised her head slightly, her eyes still lingering on Kitahara Sosuke.

Lin Yuanxiang ran back in a hurry, his face looked a little sad, and nodded to Oshima Mitsuo, confirming the matter.

Oshima Mitsuo's face suddenly became embarrassed, and he kept cursing the extremely unreliable Koizumi Kazumasa in his heart. This bastard eats his own food, drinks his own food, and plays with his own money, but he can't even deliver a message!

The big business was gone, and Kuroda Yuya felt a little uncomfortable. He resisted the urge to scold Oshima Mitsuo and looked at everyone: "Everyone, is there anything else?"

"Section Chief, I have a business here that needs your approval. It is a special financing project." Sosuke Kitahara straightened up and said, "Fujiwara, give the information to the Chief and two seniors for review."

"Yes, department chief." Fujiwara Norika stood up and distributed the materials she had stayed up all night to prepare one by one to Kuroda Yuki and others.

She felt a little uneasy, after all, the target was Takeuchi Rubber, but remembering that this was a project handled by the department head, she felt confident again. At least the department head was much more reliable than Oshima Mitsuo!

When they heard that it was a special financing project, Kuroda Yu and Sakurai Saeko's eyes lit up at the same time. Only high-quality customers can arrange this kind of project.

In the end, it was Kitahara who was let go... Kuroda Yu thought this, and his face froze as soon as he opened the information.

"Takeuchi Rubber? Kitahara, is your head broken?"


Oshima Mitsuo threw the information directly in front of Kitahara Sosuke.

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