"Sister Fujiwara, just now, I was really scared." Kyoko Kobayashi lay in Fujiwara Norika's arms and couldn't help sobbing. Her voice was filled with tears. "These days, they keep coming to harass me. , from morning to night, once, once I just changed my clothes and went out, I saw two Yakuza standing downstairs."

"How can these guys be so hateful!" Yamakawa Sayuri opened a carton of milk and handed it to Fujiwara Norika, clenching her fists tightly and her face full of anger.

The matter was more serious than they thought.

It turns out that Yo Yamada has been harassing her since the first day he set his sights on Kobayashi Kyoko. At first, he just blocked her from going to and from get off work, and coerced her into dating him. After being decisively rejected by Kobayashi Kyoko, he went to the bank to find trouble.

That day, Kithara Sosuke and Fujiwara Norika met only once. There were several other times that Kobayashi Kyoko endured silently without telling anyone.

She felt that as long as she maintained a resolute attitude, this kind of playboy would lose patience over time and move on to find another target.

However, Yamada Yo became more serious. After being criticized by Kitahara Sosuke once, he took away many of Kobayashi Kyoko's customers, forced them to withdraw their deposits, and severed the cooperative relationship with Tosan.

After a few times, she was targeted in various ways in the department. Naturally, colleagues and department heads would not trouble Yamada Yang, so they put all the blame on her.

Kyoko Kobayashi endured it like a little daughter-in-law. After once again rejecting Yamada Yo's date invitation, when she returned to the apartment that night, she was blocked by several Yakuza!

"He, they wanted to catch me and take that kind of photo. My shouting attracted a few neighbors, and they left." After venting, Kobayashi Kyoko sniffed and stopped crying, "After that, this group of People would come over from time to time to threaten and scare me, and scold me harshly, saying that I was that kind of woman, and then the neighbors just ignored me."

"They are breaking the law! Sister Fujiwara, let's go to the police headquarters and call the police! These Yakuza are too rampant!" Yamakawa Sayuri glanced at the smashed glass and broken door, her chest heaved and she was so angry. light.

"Isn't that the police who came just now?" Norika Fujiwara sighed and helped Kyoko Kobayashi up. "These people from the Yamada group must be related. Now Kyoko's home has become like this. It's too unsafe. While the sky is still bright, , let’s leave first.”

She always felt that those people would never give up. They went too far this time, and Yamada Yang was obviously a little impatient. If they came to the door again after dark, this time there would be no windows and doors to serve as barriers.

And when she heard that they actually tried to catch Kyoko to take that kind of photo, she shrank her head and became a little scared.

Fujiwara, you can't show fear! Kyoko and Sayuri still have to rely on you!

She cheered up again in her heart, and then said to the two of them: "Let's go, let's go now."

"Hey, but where are we going?" Kobayashi Kyoko was also frightened by the horrific harassment just now. She nodded and hugged Fujiwara Norika's hand, "It's some distance from here to the taxi place."

"How about coming to my house? My house is not far from the bank. This group of Yakuza can't make trouble in the busiest area of ​​Chuo District!" Yamakawa Sayuri suggested. She was afraid that something would happen to a single woman renting a house, so she gritted her teeth and rented a house near the bank. The rent is expensive, but at least the safety factor is guaranteed.

The three of them reached a consensus. Kobayashi Kyoko simply packed up her clothes and looked at the condolence gifts they bought, feeling a little regretful.

"Sister Fujiwara, here's the money for you!" She took out a few 10,000-yen bills from her handbag, with an apologetic look on her face, "I've caused you to spend a lot of money."

"Hey, it's okay. I don't have much money." Fujiwara Norika waved her hands grandly. She was actually quite frugal, but the money came from the department head, so she didn't feel bad.

The three of them cuddled together and went downstairs. As soon as they walked out of the apartment, Fujiwara Norika saw a familiar figure shaking not far ahead.

It's that wretched Yakuza who was slapped away by Irie Masaru!

He led several other people around without leaving, obviously planning something.

"Quick, go back to the management room first!" Fujiwara Norika made a quick decision and took the two of them back to the apartment management room.

She didn't know the specific situation of today's group of people. The green-haired man seemed to be the leader. He had no intention of continuing to pester them, but it seemed that the people under his command were not obedient.

She wouldn't think that those Yakuza were still here at this late hour just for a ride.

When the manager uncle saw them turning back again, he cried in his heart. These little girls offended the lawless little bastards of the Yamada group, and he would also suffer a lot. He was really speechless.

"Uncle, please lend me your phone." Norika Fujiwara ran over and picked up the fixed phone. Seeing the administrator's expression as if he was facing an enemy, she quickly waved her hand, "Don't worry, I'm not calling the police."

"Ah, that's good, that's good." He didn't want to see the police come and return without success again, and then he would be resented by these little bastards and couldn't live in peace.

It’s okay to call anyone anyway, it can’t be worse than calling the police, right?

Fujiwara Norika dialed Kitahara Sosuke's mobile phone.

She also just learned that the wealthy department head bought a mobile phone. The department head should be at home by now, right?

The phone beeped a few times and then connected.

A familiar and reassuring voice came.

"Moxi Moxi, I am Kitahara Sosuke, who is this?"

"I am the department head!" She held the phone and kept looking outside, speaking quickly, "Are you at home? Is it convenient to come to Asahi Community now? Asahi Community, yes, it is the old-fashioned community at the last stop of the tram! "

"Me, Sayuri and Kyoko are all here. Yes, it's Kyoko-chan's home, specifically."

"You can tell me the specific details later. I'll leave immediately and arrive in about an hour." Kitahara Sosuke interrupted her and hung up, then turned to look at the two people behind her who were sweating like rain.

Today he found a new place to live while taking a walk. It has to be said that it is good to have money. There is no need to think too much about it. As long as you are satisfied, just book it.

The new residence is not far from the branch, so he no longer has to take the tram to and from get off work, although he has only taken it a few times, mainly because he can sleep in.

After being reborn, he would no longer ignore the importance of good health.

It was just a bit troublesome to move. The people from the moving company were off work, so he had to find temporary help.

Inoue Momo, who was playing with potted plants in the living room, noticed his gaze, stood up, and lightly hammered her back, not knowing what it felt like.

The bastard Inoue Hiko sent her to accompany Kitahara Sosuke. In his opinion, Kitahara Sosuke wanted him by name, so he must be very greedy for her body, so there was nothing she could do to go back tonight.

Originally, she didn't mind if something happened with a young and handsome financial elite, and she was vaguely looking forward to it. However, as soon as she arrived at the place he designated, she was assigned to work.

move place! Make the bed! Prune your plants! Shopping!

Isn’t this the moving company’s job?

On the other side, Yamada Kazuma, who moved various boxes in and out under the command of Kitahara Sosuke, was also puzzled. When he received a call from Kitahara Sosuke, his blood boiled for a moment.


Kitahara Sosuke, who hung up the phone at this time, seemed to have a bad expression on his face. He grabbed the windbreaker on the shelf and put it on, his eyes cold.

Similar to the conversation I had with myself that day.

He remembered that in the group, his father had the same look every time he was about to kill someone.

"Yamada-kun, do you know how to drive?" Sosuke Kitahara took out a set of brand new car keys. The newly arrived Lexus LS400 was parked in the garage. "I don't know the way there."

"Yes, where do Mr. Kitahara plan to go?" Yamada Kazuma took the key. It was so high-end. He had never seen this brand before.

"Asahi Community." Kitahara Sosuke led him to the garage, and waved his hand to let Inoue Momo rest for a while, "By the way, can we fight?"

"Of course!" Yamada Kazuma followed closely.

"There may be many people on the other side, and there are probably a few girls on our side."

"It's okay, I'll take care of it. I basically know all the Yakuza in Asahi Community." Kazuma Yamada patted his chest.

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