It was a sunny Sunday, December 17, 1989.

The winter sunshine has a warm and welcoming feeling, shining from the sky, bringing a touch of vitality to the whole city.

For many people, this is just an ordinary Sunday, a normal outing, a normal family gathering, a normal daily life.

But for employees at the Bank of Japan headquarters near RB Bridge in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, this is a momentous day worth remembering.

Starting from the morning, employees from various departments who were supposed to be resting at home showed up one after another to prepare for the subsequent press conference.

At a famous French restaurant in Sennichimae, Osaka's Chuo District, Kithara Sosuke, who came to the lobby early, was wearing a black suit and trousers, had already ordered lunch, and was waiting quietly for Orihime Onoe and her friends.

He deliberately spent some money on it. Today, he wanted to build up his image as a son of a wealthy family, and he was happy and spent some money to celebrate.

After a while, a group of chirping little girls walked into the restaurant. The leader, Orihime Onoue, was dressed in a hot girl outfit, which was quite eye-catching and bold in this era. Behind her were four equally hot girls, who were chatting and laughing as they left. Come on, it seems like you are talking about something happy.

"Hey, Orihime, didn't you say that this restaurant is very popular? Why can't you see anyone? Could it be that your Aosuke brother just found a rubbish restaurant just to save money~" One of them had a round face The girl asked doubtfully.

"How is that possible! The things in this store are very expensive. A piece of steak costs 3,000 yen. If you don't believe me, look at the menu!" Orihime smiled and shook her head, walking towards Kitahara Sosuke, "Brother Sosuke~ Good afternoon. .”

"Good afternoon, you are quite on time." Kitahara Sosuke stood up with a smile and opened the seats for them in a very gentlemanly manner. "Because I didn't know how many friends you would bring, I simply booked the venue."


Surprised voices came out from the girls. Onoue Orihime and the others looked at the menu and were shocked by the astonishing prices on it.

Any set meal above costs tens of thousands of yen. How much does it cost to book the entire restaurant?

They heard Onoe Orihime say that this brother Aosuke came from a wealthy family in Tokyo, and he was still working in Tosan, and he was truly rich and handsome.

But before they actually met him, they only made rough guesses about the word tall, rich and handsome through fantasy.

Now that I have seen it, I just feel that their poor life has limited their imagination!

Several people also followed Orihime Oue and called Aosuke-nii sweetly, and then tentatively asked: "Aosuke-nii, can we order this dessert?"

"It doesn't matter, just order whatever you want to eat." Kitahara Sosuke waved his hand, very proud.

Onoue Orihime smiled sweetly and introduced several of her best friends to Kitahara Sosuke. These were all her close friends at Osaka Women's College. The girls who had a close relationship with her basically had good family backgrounds, and there were several The elders in the family all come from Industrial Bank.

They were really rude, and they were all a little bit louder. These girls came from a well-off family, but their pocket money was also very restricted. This time they had the opportunity to rip off people, and they showed no mercy at all.

Probably realizing that her best friends had gone too far, Orihime winked at them a few times, but was deliberately ignored. She could only show an apologetic smile to Kitahara Sosuke.

Kithara Sosuke waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter.

The atmosphere of this lunch was actually a bit strange. Kitahara Sosuke's biggest goal during this trip was Onoe Orihime. Wanting to please this little hottie, he suggested that she bring her friends with her.

Winning a girl's heart usually requires attacking the people around her.

But looking at it now, her relationship with her group of close friends is a bit special.

Onoue Orihime was not as much of a playboy as he imagined. She looked hot, but deep down she had a touch of gentleness and softness.

But those of her best friends are real hot girls. They are easy to make sexy jokes. After seeing how generous she is, they are also very skilled in robbing people.

After a meal, when the bill was finally paid, Onoue Orihime was already embarrassed and wanted to share part of the money, and the round-faced girl named Nakamura Mitsuko ran over to hold Kitahara Sosuke's hand and asked Sosuke's brother Then take them to KTV to sing!

At this time, KTV and discotheques had just emerged and became popular in the coming 1990s. They were the favorite dating and entertainment venues for young people.

The store they were going to was located in the core commercial area of ​​Sennichimae and was expensive. They were sure they were going to kill him.

"Mitsuko, forget it, didn't we make an appointment to go shopping in the afternoon?" Onoue Orihime glanced at her.

Nakamura Mitsuko's round face suddenly fell down, and he teased: "Hey, Orihime, that's not what you said when you asked us out today. If you hadn't said that Aosuke-san is a very nice person, we wouldn't have come out in the first place. .”

"Yes, yes~" Others nodded in agreement.

"Then go sing, I can do it." Kitahara Sosuke was still very angry. It was obvious that Onoue Orihime wanted to please these friends, although she didn't understand why the daughter of a dignified investment queen would do things based on the faces of these girls. , but his purpose is to win the favor of Onoe Orihime as soon as possible and get the investment queen before January 12th.

It doesn't matter if you spend this little money now.

"Sorry~ Brother Aosuke, I have cost you money again." Onoue Orihime approached him, blushing and feeling a little embarrassed.

Several people walked away and headed towards the KTV.

At the same time, the closed door of the Tosan Osaka Branch was found on the second floor. It was rare that many employees gathered during the holidays.

A group of branch leaders headed by Naoto Asano watched Taro Sakamoto from the technical department operate the computer, quietly waiting for the message to be delivered.

Outside them were several section chiefs, followed by a group of department heads, and the outermost circle were ordinary staff. Everyone looked serious and clenched their fists, waiting for the final answer.

"The accounting specialist sent a notice that at 13:05, the business accounting of the branch this week was confirmed to be correct. Thank you for your hard work, colleagues!"

Taro Sakamoto's hands shaking the computer were a little shaky. Finally he looked at Naoto Asano, stood up suddenly and bowed.

“The approval for Yamada Mortgage’s financing project has been approved!”



"Great! The best branch this year is no longer a problem!"

"Congratulations, President Asano! At the summary meeting at the end of the month, you will become the first president in the Osaka region to continuously lead his branch to obtain the best branch!" Kuroda Yu's voice was excited, and he bowed ninety degrees to thank him, "Yes Your leadership is truly an honor for all of us!”

"Congratulations, President Asano!"

The employees bowed one after another, and Mitsuo Oshima was also ecstatic. This year's best employee is his. When Yuichi Kuroda leaves, he will be the new head of the financing class!

Sakamoto Taro sat back down and looked around, but could not find Kitahara Sosuke. Finally, he looked at the ceiling in despair, feeling his joy drop sharply.

Thanks to the help of Department Chief Kitahara that day, he was saved from being ridiculed and even stabbed in the back. But he didn't expect that just a few days ago, Chief Kitahara who helped him was facing the crisis of being exiled.

A KTV in Qiannichimae.

Kitahara Sosuke was leading a group of drunken hot girls howling like ghosts in a private room. These girls' singing skills were really bad, and they had to sing while drinking. The dice game they played during this period made him feel like he was back in high school.

A few of them were still clinging to Kitahara Sosuke, and their young and alluring bodies began to rub up against him. They were really having fun.

On the contrary, he thought that Orihime Onoue, who was supposed to be a hot girl, was the most reserved, drank less, ordered very traditional songs, occasionally a few beautiful and slow love songs, and had a good voice.

After estimating the time, Kitahara Sosuke excused himself to use the restroom and left the private room. He ran to the hall with a color TV to smoke, and then asked the waiter to switch the TV to Fuji Channel, which was broadcasting news.

The Bank of Japan's press conference came as scheduled.

He had been paying attention to this news a few days ago. On December 17, the Bank of Japan will produce the 26th generation bank president, the so-called central bank governor.

The previous governor was Satoshi Sumita, who came from the Ministry of Finance and served as Vice Minister for Affairs. Like traditional Ministry of Finance officials, he is a staunch conservative.

The new governor will be born from the Bank of Japan headquarters, but it is not yet known which executive will take over, and the person in charge is likely to affect the future situation.

Masao Kitahara also mentioned this, but there were divergent opinions within Tosan. In the end, the conservatives led by Governor Shirakawa gained the upper hand. They believed that interest rates would not change and could continue to attack the stock market and housing market.

At this time, on the TV, the 65-year-old Mie Yeyasu stood tall and straight, speaking impassionedly to the camera. This old man, who was later called the "Heisei Genius", defeated a group of promising young people and successfully took over in December 1989. On the 17th, he served as the 26th president of the Bank of Japan!

And his first policy after taking office was to increase the discount interest rate!

Kitahara Sosuke put out his cigarette without watching the end, and walked towards the toilet with a smile, feeling comfortable and having everything under his control.

The next series of actions of the genius of Heisei will make all the people's intoxicated bubble burst in an instant!

And when the bubble bursts, everyone will fall into endless despair.

Except him, Kitahara Sosuke.

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