The Kyoto Bubble Era: It started with selling off hundreds of millions of property

Chapter 57 It’s starting to get hot in Osaka (23, three updates on weekdays is the limit, xdm)

Driving all the way to Egawa Ryotei, Kitahara Sosuke's initial idea was to contact Ogami through Onoue Orihime, and then expose their oracle toad fraud, and then contact the group of people who were in Ekegawa before the stock started to fall. Kawa Ryotei requested the oracle from the financial elite.

He now has 1 billion yen in liquidity on hand. Invading the foreign exchange market at this time is courting death. The discount interest rate will be raised soon, the yen will depreciate in a short period of time, and then the bubble will burst. Whatever he does with the money in his hand will not be particularly meaningful.

Only by circulating money and connecting it with some powerful and wealthy people can it play a greater role.

Financial elites are now speculating aggressively in stocks, those with more money are hoarding houses, and those who cannot afford a RB house are investing overseas. In short, money begets money, and money makes money, so there will inevitably be a shortage of a lot of cash.

Find them through the tail seam, and then lend them money. Soon after, they are trapped, and you become the biggest creditor.

Now he found that Onoue Orihime was a little different from what he thought. He planned to use her, so he would help her by the way.

Most of those girls' families are powerful, and they happen to be able to make money.

Probably because she didn't expect that the bullying would be seen through by Kitahara Sosuke, she lowered her head and looked a little pale, grabbed her short skirt with both hands, and then briefly described it.

She is the child of Ogami and a Chinese man. The Chinese man has returned to China long ago, and she, who has Chinese blood and a somewhat weak personality, is always bullied by other girls at Osaka Women's College.

She had been like this since she was a child, and she didn't dare to talk to Ogami. The latter was, to put it bluntly, an uneducated old woman, traditional and weak at heart.

The person who bullied her the most in the academy was a girl named Chiyoko Utsumi. I heard that her father was an important cadre of the Yamada-gumi. He always walked sideways in the school and was very popular.

She forced Ogami Orihime to run errands for her, pay money, and bully her in various ways. Then Mitsuko Nakamura and others suddenly appeared like saviors and rescued her from the clutches of the Utsumi.

At that time, she was very envious of Nakamura Mitsuko and others who had a hot girl style, so she followed suit, and it was only when she returned home that she returned to being a good girl and a goddess.

But as time went by, she discovered that Guangzi and the others always dragged her to some shady parties, asking her to deceive those boys, borrow money in her name, and so on.

According to the information obtained by Kitahara Sosuke, Onoe Orihime's reputation in school is indeed bad, similar to that of a green tea bitch.

This time, it was a similar situation, but she couldn't make up her mind to cheat Kitahara Sosuke. On the one hand, she felt different about him and those boys, and on the other hand, the amount was too high.

"So that's what happened. Mitsuko Nakamura and the others are obviously in the same group as Utsumi." Kitahara Sosuke glanced at the girl who was crying while talking. He was tired of watching such childish dramas in his previous life.

"B-But Brother Sosuke, you can clearly see that, why do you still want to lend them money? They will definitely not pay it back." Orihime wiped her tears, "It's 2 million yen in total, which is not good for you. A small amount, right?”

"It's okay, they will pay it back." Kitahara Sosuke glanced at the Eikawa Ryokki in front of him, stopped the car, "Go back."

"Brother Aosuke, I, I will find a way to return the 2 million yen to you!" Onoue Orihime got out of the car and bowed to him through the glass window to apologize, "I'm sorry!"

She didn’t think Mitsuko Nakamura and the others would really pay back the money.

"By the way, Orihime, be more cruel." Kitahara Sosuke rolled down the window.


"Be tough on yourself and be tough on them, so that you won't be bullied." He lit up a cigarette and took a deep breath, as if he was recalling something. "Okay, go ahead and do it for me." Say hello to Ms. Onue.”

"Sea Wing!" Orihime Ogami bowed again. When she stood up, she only saw the taillights of the Lexus receding.

Kitahara Sosuke hummed a song. Today he had an unexpected surprise. He hooked up with some hot girls from the management families of Industrial Bank. These days, we are not from a wealthy family, and the family tradition is not strict. Young people don't know that the sky is high and the sky is high. Sooner or later, they have to pay a price. .

He originally wanted to call Yamada Kazuma immediately, but unfortunately in this era, mobile phones were not yet popular, and the eldest brother at home really didn't want to take it with him.

Back home, the approval of Yamada's mortgage business was completed today. Fujiwara Norika and the other three little girls also had to attend the celebration banquet held by the branch. There was no one at home, so Kitahara Sosuke suddenly felt a little lonely.

He took out a can of beer from the refrigerator, opened it, took a sip, and then picked up the phone and called Yamada Kazuma.

The latter is still living in Aida Seiki, so just call the doorman and transfer him to him.

"Yamada-kun, I am Kitahara Sosuke."

"Mr. Kitahara! Do you have any orders?" The man on the other end of the phone sounded a little excited when he heard it was him.

According to Kitahara Sosuke's arrangement, President Nakajima formed a security team for him and got a job for Onodera Seiko. Yamada Kazuma finally had a stable and generous source of income, and he was very grateful to Kitahara Sosuke.

I have been thinking about how to repay this man well, and it seems that the opportunity has arrived.

"It's a small thing. While I'm staring at Inoue Momo, help me investigate whether there is an important cadre of the Yamada group named Utsumi. He has a daughter named Utsumi Chiyoko."

"Utsumi? You mean Utsumi Suke! I remember his daughter's name is Chiyoko and she is studying at Osaka Women's College." Yamada Kazuma immediately told all the information about Utsumi Suke.

Utsumi Suke is a shrewd and intellectual person. I heard that he was recently transferred to the Finance Department to be the person in charge.

Kitahara Sosuke Ichiraku, isn't this just transferring 1 billion in gold to Yamada Yang? When he told the story, Yamada was shocked.

"How can we mobilize the brothers' Najin? These two bastards!"

Kitahara Sosuke raised his eyebrows, briefly told him what happened today, and then asked him to pay attention to Chiyoko Utsumi and Mitsuko Nakamura.

"Mr. Kitahara, are you going to arrest those women? Don't worry, my people are very reliable in doing things. If you are interested in them, I will definitely do it very cleanly!" Yamada Kazuma assured, patting his chest.

"Yamada-kun! We are decent people, legal citizens, how can we do illegal things?" Kitahara Sosuke coughed a few times, "You are responsible for paying attention to their recent developments, where they went to play, who they were with, and what they used How much money and what was spent, record it in a table, eh? You can't. No, Yamada-kun, you should read more. Miss Onodera can? That's good, that's good."

"Collect the information for the past seven days. During the process, you should pay attention to whose elders among their friends are employees of Industrial Bank or other banks, and record them. By the way, if you can't spend the five hundred thousand yen, you want to Find a way to get them to spend it as quickly as possible.”

"When they run out of money, you can lend them any amount."

"Yes! It's just Mr. Kitahara, are you doing this to them?" Yamada Kazuma has not seen this kind of thing happen often. Generally, such girls will end up being tricked to the point of slipping up and going to the special club YZ, or working part-time in a bubble bath custom shop.

He didn't think Kitahara Sosuke wanted to take revenge on them like this.

"Having a bad conscience? They are all adults and have to take responsibility for their actions." Kitahara Sosuke sneered a few times, "Oh, my main goal is their families. Don't worry, I am not responsible for deceiving a few people." The little hot girl has no interest in going to YZ.”

"Yes! I will prepare the form for you as soon as possible!"

"Oh, by the way, Yamada-kun, if you have time, go and sign up for a cram school at night with Onodera. We are about to enter the information age. If you don't understand technology, it will be difficult for you to move forward." Kitahara Sosuke glanced at the heavy mobile phone in his hand. Not happy, we must speed up the evolution of information technology.

"Okay, okay." Although he didn't understand Mr. Kitahara's words, Yamada Kazuma still felt that he was very powerful and worthy of being a top student who graduated from Tokyo University.

After hanging up the phone and coming out of the shower, Kithara Sosuke received another late-night call from Kitano Ran. Her voice was lazy and charming, and her laughter was full of respect and admiration.

Yamada Yang bought his house, and 400 million yen was credited to his account on time.

Kitano Lan was holding the phone, her heart was racing. She had just taken a shower and had no clothes on. Her slender body was exposed to the air, the hot air was rising, and her legs were slightly clamped.

In less than half a month, she personally helped Kitahara Sosuke handle 1.5 billion yen!

This man is a bit scary.

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