If it weren't for the fact that I was two rounds older than Kitahara Sosuke, Ogami would have almost believed it!

Why don't you leave your young and beautiful daughter to find yourself, an old woman? He was probably too embarrassed to take his daughter out on a date when he was so busy.

Ogami coughed a few times: "Aosuke, actually the restaurant is not that busy today. If you want to take Orihime out to play, you can do it now."

"But I'm still wearing these clothes, mom!" Orihime blurted out subconsciously, "Inside, inside."

There is a vacuum inside.

Ogami glanced at his daughter, "What's wrong with the vacuum? Men all like this tune."

Seeing that the topic was about to go off the rails, Kitahara Sosuke said quickly: "No, no, no, I really came to see Aunt Onoe to discuss business today, and I will ask Orihime to play another day."

Definitely next time.

Business? Onoue Orihime's face, which was hiding behind the fan, suddenly showed an extremely frustrated expression.

Brother Aosuke, this is the reason why he got close to me, right?

But he just said he would take him to play. Where will he go next?

"Talk about business? Are Aosuke going to do it in the name of Tosan?" This Ogami has seen a lot. The bank employees came to her in the name of their respective banks, hoping that she would borrow money to buy land.

In fact, Ogami is not short of money at all. She has been prosperous since 1986, and now her and her daughter's houses are filled with 10,000-yen bills, which are more than toilet paper.

However, in order to maintain these bank employees, she would still agree to their request and borrow a sum of money from their bank.

Pay interest on time and repay the loan in advance. Don’t invest it in stocks and real estate. Just pile it up at home and send it back when the time is up.

She knows the truth about the Oracle Toad better than anyone else. Those people actually believed in something that she didn’t even believe in!

Speaking of which, the original reason was that she deliberately talked about a stock to a customer in order to sell a glass of wine. Unexpectedly, by mistake, it just unfolded like this.

Ogami doesn't know how to manage money, and she can't even add and subtract in elementary school. However, human relations are everything to her, so she won over bank employees, club bosses, and even many celebrities at all costs.

Aosuke is probably under business pressure, right?

"No, in the name of Kitahara Investment under my name, I want to cooperate with Aunt Onoe." Kitahara Sosuke took a sip of tea, "These days, with the increase in interest rates, there will be a lot of people coming to Huichuan for help, and they are a little wavering. , I hope Aunt Onoe can continue to provide them with oracles.”

"Of course." Onoue smiled and made a mysterious look, "Our Onue family is a descendant of the Chinese family (the collective name for RB's former nobility), and we shoulder the responsibility of reviving RB."

She wanted to improve her family's reputation. Otherwise, how could the daughter of a bartender and a Chinese national be qualified to marry into a wealthy family in Tokyo?

"The stock will continue to rise. After they see the results, they will believe in the oracle more and be willing to invest more money." Sosuke Kitahara smiled faintly and took out a card from his briefcase, "Here is 500 million yen. , I hope Aunt Onoe can lend money to those in need in the name of Kithara Investment."

"Borrow money? Are Sosuke sure the stock market will be good in the future?" Onagami doesn't understand stocks and economics at all, so if Kitahara Sosuke asks her to help manage the money, she will decisively refuse.

You can't cheat your future son-in-law.

She doesn't understand the interest rate issue, but it seems to be a big deal. From her point of view, if there are shocks, there will be fluctuations, so the oracle must have some small greens to maintain its accuracy.

"It will be great, please feel free to lend them money and continue investing!" Kitahara Sosuke did not lie. The stock market will indeed be strong for a while, and then usher in an avalanche of decline!

He was also prepared to pay a certain price. After all, the original plan was to start with Orihime Onoue, and then slowly gain the favor of Orihime Onoue. At the same time, he would master their secrets and become allies, so that such cooperation would be stronger.

It's just that the old man Mie Noyasu is so good at things. He suddenly raised interest rates again, which will inevitably cause huge financial turmoil, and his plan must be moved forward.

Ogami glanced at him and nodded slightly: "Okay, then I will keep the 500 million for you on behalf of Sosuke. As long as someone borrows money from me, I will lend it to them in the name of Kithara Investment."

"Then thank you Aunt Onoe! My interest rate will be lower than that of the bank, but the total amount is large and the benefits are also considerable. I am willing to give you ten percent of it. Please don't refuse." Kitahara Sosuke said slightly. He leaned forward and handed her another piece of information, "Please pay special attention to the people on this list."

Onoue Orihime on the side took a sneak peek, it seemed like she was a member of Utsumi's family?

Be more ruthless.

She bit her lip, feeling a little confused.

Is he doing it for business or for himself?

But no matter what, it was Aosuke's brother who helped him. He saw through the face-changing scam and didn't expose the Onoe family. What he was worried about as a blackmail last night didn't happen.

He also needs to invest money.

But the oracle is obviously false!

She looked at Kitahara Sosuke with a complicated expression. What she could do was probably try her best to help him get a favorable oracle result. In this way, at least he wouldn't lose money, right?

"That's it. I'll take my leave now and won't disturb you two anymore. I'll invite Sister Orihime another day." Kitahara Sosuke stood up, bowed, and walked out.

After the 500 million yen is released, he will invest the remaining 500 million yen depending on the situation.

A very small part of the money was used to trap three major clubs that would soon rise in the future. The remaining money is most suitable to be used to deceive people now.

If you throw it into foreign exchange or other markets, you won't make much, but the risks that come with it are huge.

What he lacks now is human resources, status and important information. Money is the second priority. Anyway, if he finds the right place to invest, the future will be just a series of numbers.

When competing with consortiums, money is never the first priority.

Everyone is just a bunch of numbers. Even if we fight to the death, there will be no big results.

Power, connections, and status are the most important things.

You have to climb up as hard as you can, Aosuke.

He told himself this in his heart, he couldn't let the regrets from his previous life be brought into this life.

When leaving Ekawa Ryotei, Kitahara Sosuke saw many familiar faces. These were all leaders in Osaka's financial community. They gathered here at this time. It seemed that old man Mie Noyasu's policies were quite powerful.

Back home, Kitahara Sosuke received another call from his father.

It turns out that father and son only talk to each other a few times a year, and their meeting is probably only once during the New Year. But this month, Masao Kitahara has taken the initiative to call three times.

"Aosuke, I have to say that your vision is very accurate. The conservatives and radicals in the industry are currently fighting fiercely. President Shirakawa can hardly bear the pressure of Gennai. However, the current interest rate will not cause Tosan to suffer. Huge change.”

Indeed, the changes in Dongsan began after the stock price fell, but by then it was already too late.

"Father, I think interest rates will continue to rise. You'd better try your best to persuade other directors to minimize Dongsan's losses."

"." Masao Kitahara was silent for a moment, "In the current situation, the struggle between the two factions can only determine an outcome. I cannot interfere, but I can affect the departments and some branches and sub-branches under my jurisdiction."

Can't interfere, or don't want to interfere? Kitahara Sosuke doesn't worry about this, as long as the following sentence is enough.

That was enough for his father to successfully join the board of directors after the fall of President Shirakawa.

"Aosuke, you should also pay attention. The summary meeting at the end of the month will be held as scheduled. I have received news that Asano Naoto's position should be changed."

Sure enough, the loan was successful, and the big shot behind it couldn't stop his promotion.

On the contrary, someone has to take the blame. Obviously, this blame will be put on his head, Kitahara Sosuke!

"I have applied to the head office and will take you back to Tokyo once you are investigated by the head office." This is the greatest effort Kitahara Masao can do at present, directly using his connections to bring Kitahara Sosuke back to the head office.

There was some resistance initially, but as long as things continue to progress and the conservative power weakens, he will be able to successfully rescue Kitahara Sosuke.

But if interest rates really continue to rise, the outcome is really uncertain.

The bubble may burst, but it will take a long time, Kitahara Masao thought. Anyway, he has already earned enough benefits from the increase in interest rates.

In the last two weeks of December 1989, a terrifying storm was brewing over RB.

The economic situation has a certain degree of delay. Although some people have smelled something is wrong, Mie Noyasu still holds the view that "interest rates should be stabilized at 5%." As long as it does not continue to rise, the bubble will still be there. Will not break quickly.

Financial circles, real estate circles, political circles, and financial groups among them are also looking for people to speak out, saying that the interest rate of 5% is still too high and should be lowered.

Amid the tug-of-war of many forces, the stock market continues to rise, and the increase in interest rates does not seem to have a real impact.

Housing prices remain high, the stock market is green, the economy is still strong, and everyone is still so rich.

Only occasional voices of concern about the economic situation, Mie Yasu's occasional speeches, and the news of the divestment of some overseas consortiums have still made a small number of people worried.

On December 28, the day before the RB New Year’s holiday, the residual heat of Christmas had just dissipated, and the New Year’s carnival was once again heated up by businesses.

Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City, Chuo-ku, Tosan Osaka Branch, Auditorium.

The annual summary meeting of the Higashino-Osaka region was officially held.

Suspended Kitahara Sosuke and Sakurai Saeko also came to the scene to participate in this feast that belonged to others and to criticize them.

Hundreds of employees from each branch gathered together, arranged in separate branches. The first person to take the stage to speak was the president of Osaka Branch, Kenji Owada, who was in his prime.

Thank you to Mr. Jicha for the recommendation. Thank you Xiaomengxin! I am also here to shamelessly push down Mr. Ji Cha’s book “This is My Planet”

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