Tokyo, Sumitomo Bank Head Office Building, President's Office.

Sumitomo Shigeki was sitting on the boss's chair with his legs crossed. The two men in front of him were supposed to be his mortal enemies with the Sumitomo Foundation, but now they were sitting opposite him like friends, looking at him with a smile.

This is sometimes the case in shopping malls.

There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

"Both of you, Tokyo Daiichi Bank is now the core asset of the Mitsubishi Consortium. The reason why the Mitsubishi Consortium is superior to us, Sumitomo, is because of its existence. There are people within the Mitsubishi Consortium who are really willing to pay such a high price to bring down Kitahara. Aosuke?"

Sumitomo Shigeki asked with a smile.

The six major consortiums are closely related, and their common enemy is the newly emerged Kitahara Consortium and the Prime Minister Hashimoto's cabinet it supports. After the Sumitomo Consortium fired the first shot, the Mitsui Consortium and the Fuji Consortium followed closely behind. The Silver Consortium also intends to intervene in this war between Sumitomo and Kitahara. As a result, only the Sanwa Consortium, which favors the Kitahara Consortium, and the Mitsubishi Consortium, which controls the Tokyo Daiichi Bank, are left.

If we can really get the support of the Mitsubishi Consortium, then there will be no changes in the sniper attack on Kitahara Sosuke.

It’s just that Sumitomo Shigeki doesn’t quite understand. How could Tokyo Daiichi Bank, which relies on Kitahara Sosuke’s support, dare to stab him in the back at this juncture?

"Yes, this is the conclusion reached by the Mitsubishi Group's board of directors after many discussions." Owada Kenji smiled slightly, "Your bank is currently busy recruiting financial institutions that are on the verge of bankruptcy, but with the funds in your hands alone, it should not be able to Let’s completely monopolize Tokyo’s financial industry.”

Now that the Financial Services Agency has been defeated by Sumitomo Shigeki, and the Bank of Japan exists in name only, the only one left who can restrict their merger behavior is the Ministry of Finance. However, the officials of the Ministry of Finance are deeply involved in the housing issue and cannot extricate themselves. Where can they go? There is time to adjust the chaotic market.

Just as Kitahara Sosuke said before he went to rescue Fujiwara Norika, each of them participated in the destruction of the national economy. Without the Financial Services Agency's control over the consortium, the consortium can now unscrupulously annex those crumbling industries and grow stronger. own territory.

He is really trying his best to make the country rich.

At this moment, in the eyes of all of them, the national economy can temporarily collapse, but the unstable factor that may affect the domestic economic structure - Kitahara Sosuke, must be eliminated!

For this, no matter how much you sacrifice, it is worth it.

"Indeed, what are the needs of the Mitsubishi Consortium?" Sumitomo Shigeki nodded and admitted.

Xiao Owada, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "We want to obtain a total of about 15% of the shares of twenty-one urban banks to ensure that Tokyo Daiichi Bank will firmly occupy the throne of Japan's largest bank in the future. We will give Sumitomo-kun, you provide a large amount of funds, which are drawn from various branches and sub-branches by the head office. The amount is sufficient and can definitely meet your needs to bring the Tokyo financial industry under your command."

"Twenty-one large urban banks hold a total of about 15% of the shares, which means that Tokyo Daiichi Bank will occupy an absolute position in the banking industry and can even influence the internal board resolutions of other banks."

Sumitomo Shigeki looked at the man who once helped Kitahara Sosuke.

He admires Akatsuki Owada very much. He is a rare talent who can single-handedly go from an unknown small bank employee to the position of deputy president of the head office of Japan's largest bank.

The fact that he can come with Owada Kenji shows that the Mitsubishi Consortium is sincere enough. A president and a vice president are equivalent to sending Tokyo Daiichi Bank to his camp.

"This is their request. If Sumitomo-kun cannot meet it, I'm afraid this business will not be negotiated." Yamada Xiao did not let up.

He "abandoned the dark and turned to the light" and joined the big families of the Mitsubishi Consortium, and then returned to the family of his sworn brother Owada Kenji. The two brothers joined forces to prepare to completely remove the gangrenous Kitahara Sosuke from the First Bank of Tokyo. Pull out.

As for which of them will lead Tokyo Daiichi Bank in the future, it can be discussed again.

But that man must not be allowed to stay in their territory.

Yamada Akatsuki was disappointed and angry when he failed to successfully enter Kitahara Sosuke's inner circle. He thought that he had been doing his best to help Kitahara Sosuke. The faction members in his hands were also the backbone elites of various clubs in the Kitahara Consortium. In the end, Not to mention his pile of women, even a few old guys with no strength can ride on his head!

Takeuchi Hikaru's group of people are just the presidents of small clubs who were most attracted by Kitahara Sosuke. How can they have a place in the Kitahara Consortium?

But he had no chance of returning to Kitahara Bank. He became a chess piece that could neither advance nor displace, working as a dog for Kitahara Sosuke at the First Bank of Tokyo!

He is not convinced, he wants to fight for a higher position and more power!

"In other words, after the plan is successful, I will take over Tokyo's financial industry, and the Mitsubishi Group will take over Japan's banking industry. It sounds like I have suffered a big loss." Sumitomo Shigeki smiled lightly.

After giving up the banking industry, and then competing with the Mitsubishi Consortium, it will be constrained in every way.

But if they can really come up with enough money to subvert the situation, it doesn't matter.

His vision is not that small. The benefits that can be obtained by defeating Kitahara Sosuke are countless. Just taking over the Kitahara Consortium's property is enough to make up for this loss.

"Sumitomo-kun, if you take this money, you will drive Kitahara Sosuke out of Tokyo without any suspense. He can only survive in Kyoto and Osaka, and over there, there are back-ups from other consortiums waiting for him. When The profit of time is just a small share.”

Yamada Akatsuki's mission this time is to try his best to promote cooperation with Sumitomo Shigeki. As long as it succeeds, he will also benefit greatly.

He does not have to stay in Tokyo Daiichi Bank. He can take this opportunity to join the senior management of Mitsubishi Group, or even become the president of other super clubs, with his own power and industry. If he really wants to stay, some senior officials will support him in competing with Kenji Owada. The position of the next president.

These are things that Sosuke Kitahara cannot give him.

"So, how much can you offer?"

Owada Xiao raised his head, knowing that this matter was settled, he smiled and held out three fingers.

After coming out of the Kitahara family's villa, Kitahara Ningzi walked Kitano Lan all the way to the car. Before leaving, she smiled and patted Kitano Lan's waist.

"Xiaolan, don't be too nervous. I believe Cangjie has already thought of a countermeasure."

"Well, thank you, Ningzi." Kitano Lan nodded. After telling the traitor's name, she was actually afraid that Kithara Mie would not believe it.

After all, he is such an important high-level person - Akatsuki Owada, who has followed Kitahara Sosuke all the way, is still working at Tokyo Daiichi Bank, in case of mistake.

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