At 1:55 pm on December 30, 1989, Osaka Stock Exchange.

Countless people were waiting in the hall, staring intently at the huge scrolling stock trading display in front of them. Green stock names flashed past one after another, making people's hearts surge with excitement.

It’s gone up, it’s still going up, it’s still going up!

Inoue Yan squeezed the cigarette case in his hand and stared at every stock he purchased. Without exception, all the stocks turned green.

The Nikkei Index also continues to rise. From the opening and closing in the morning to the opening in the afternoon, the index keeps rising, as if it will never end, and can continue to hit higher points.

Generally, when buying stocks, you focus on one or two high-quality stocks that you are optimistic about. A buying method like his that casts a net is simply seeking death in the eyes of insiders.

However, the fact is that all the stocks in which Inoue Yan invested a lot of money are rising!

Momo Inoue, who was holding his hand and staring at the screen, had an ugly face. The market was going to close in less than five minutes. This year was over, and the stock exchange would not reopen until January 4 next year.

Kitahara Sosuke has been suspended indefinitely. The stock and real estate markets do not seem to have changed due to the increase in interest rates. Is everything she has done in vain?

Inoue Momo bit her lip, and suddenly whispered to Inoue Yan: "Hiko, you should have made a lot after today, right? Or just polish it off, and now take advantage of the limelight to bankrupt Inoue Logistics in advance, and Kitahara Cang "Introduce him"

"Are you kidding me?" Inoue Yan looked at her as if she were a fool. When it was so easy to make money, he didn't put much money in and evacuate early. Is his brain broken?

Women are indeed too cautious.

He didn't know that Inoue Momo couldn't hold on and was trying to waver. She felt that Kitahara Sosuke had no hope of making a comeback.

The big screen jumped for a moment, then stopped. At two o'clock in the afternoon, this year's trading day ended, and the market closed on time!

"Oh my God! Am I reading that right? The Nikkei Index is 38915.87, the highest in history! RB has risen! RB's economy is the best in the world!"

"It will definitely rise to 40,000 points next year!"

"Haha, all the stocks I bought have gone up! I made nearly 50 million yen!"

"Hahaha!!! Buy, buy more for me, increase your position, invest it all! Ruijiang, go and notify Neihai Finance, no matter what method he uses, get me another 500 million, no, get me 2 billion! I want to put it all in!"

An extremely crazy voice sounded in the hall, and everyone was shocked by the number in his mouth. 2 billion yen invested in stocks? Is this the president of which club?

Inoue Yan's money currently invested in the stock market is only 700 million. He looked in the direction of the source of the sound and found an arrogant young man sitting in a wheelchair.

Yamada Yang's roar ignited everyone present, and everyone was ready to prepare for the next year's big hair event (on the first trading day of the new year, the securities exchange will invite some young women to participate in colorful costumes, and the transaction prices will usually be high Open up) spend a lot of money on it and continue to make money.

Irie nodded and exited the hall expressionlessly.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Kitahara Sosuke, who was bored at home and was not planning to go back to Tokyo this year, was thinking about how to spend this New Year. The phone rang suddenly and it was Ogami.

She excitedly informed Kitahara Sosuke that all the 500 million he invested was borrowed today, and part of it was given to the staff of RB Industrial Bank. Then she solemnly invited Kitahara Sosuke to come to Eikawa Ryotei to celebrate the New Year, and hoped that he would accompany Oage on January 1. Orihime went to a shrine in Kyoto for her New Year's visit.

Kithara Sosuke smiled and refused, hung up the phone, and the doorbell rang again.

This time, the person at the front is Kobayashi Kyoko. She is wearing a snow-white sweater, her graceful figure is tightly wrapped in it, and her breasts have beautiful and attractive curves.

Behind them were Norika Fujiwara and Sayuri Yamakawa, who were carrying large and small bags. The former wore the dark blue sailor suit and short skirt that she and Sosuke Kitahara bought that day, while the latter wore a mink coat that was draped down to her ankles.

"Department Chief, we have discussed coming to your house one day early to have hot pot to celebrate the New Year. Do you mind?" Fujiwara Norika also specially put on makeup, looking youthful and beautiful, especially moving.

"How could it be? I was worried that I had nothing to eat for dinner, and you guys brought it to my door." Kitahara Sosuke smiled and stepped aside.

"I'm really sorry for bothering you, Chief Kitahara." Kyoko Kobayashi bowed at a ninety-degree angle, revealing a trace of pink under her snow-white sweater.

There is a vacuum inside.

The three of them walked to the hall skillfully, opened the refrigerator to get ingredients and drinks, and went to the kitchen to get hot pots and dishes. Kyoko Kobayashi picked up a mop and rag and started to help Kitahara Sosuke clean the room.

It's like being at home.

Kitahara Sosuke smiled bitterly. He was asked to sit on the sofa and watch TV. The three girls would take care of everything, and he could just wait and eat.

Turning on the TV, when he saw the Nikkei Index soaring to its highest point, Kitahara Sosuke suddenly felt a lot more at ease. The rise was great, but unfortunately this was the highest point.

Almost all the stocks held by my father were sold off yesterday, which caused a lot of shocks to the stock market. He said that overseas consortiums were also withdrawing large amounts of capital, and they were also responsible for the rise in RB's stock market.

Buying when the trading price is low and selling when it is the highest, these people who have the best information have reaped a full harvest and left with satisfaction.

However, only a part of the overseas capital is being evacuated at the moment, and there are still countless RB people's money trapped in it. In addition, the six major consortiums are more or less involved. When the consortium withdraws, Kitahara Masao and other high-level executives outside the core of the consortium, who have received first-hand information, also After they leave one after another, the stock market will collapse.

Of course, the losses incurred by the stock market fall are those of retail investors.

This is the plan of the consortium and upper class people.

Mie Noyasu's two interest rate adjustments have indeed disrupted their rhythm to a certain extent, and the consortium will withdraw earlier. However, there is no big data analysis in the information age, and the consortium cannot estimate the withdrawal of overseas capital. Even if it is necessary If they run, they will also withdraw after the last wave of gains that Dafa will bring after the year.

After that, it will be Kitahara Masao and others' turn.

Kitahara Masao also thought deeply for several nights, and finally decided to trust his confident son. If the price continues to rise, the Kitahara family will make a lot less money.

But making less money is better than losing money.

"If I don't fall, I will obey your orders from now on, father."

Such an arrogant son would say such a thing, so what's the harm in meeting his son's request once?

In the evening, the four of them sat around the kotatsu, eating hot pot and chatting. Fujiwara Norika came over specifically to comfort Kitahara Sosuke, but did not want to hurt his pride. The three girls were worried but did not dare to speak out, which made Kitahara Sosuke feel warm in his heart.

At times like this, there are still people who will stand on your side.

"Department Chief, I will keep my word. If you are exiled to Kyushu, I will go with you!" Fujiwara Norika drank the beer in her hand in one gulp, her chest heaved violently, her face turned crimson, and she expressed it as if she was confessing her love. Be loyal.

"Director Kitahara will not be exiled, Crow Mouth!" Sayuri Yamakawa glared at Norika Fujiwara, "Neither Sister Fujiwara nor Director Kitahara will leave, I believe it!"

"I also believe that if, if she is really exiled," Kobayashi Kyoko blushed and lowered her head. She did not continue talking, but sat closer to Kitahara Sosuke, her thoughts were self-evident.

Come up quickly, Kyoko-chan! Yamakawa Sayuri watched anxiously, and finally waited until Sister Fujiwara was very drunk. She also pretended to be drunk and lay on the table, but she did not wait for Kobayashi Kyoko's further action.

I'm so anxious!

Now Department Chief Kitahara is at his most depressed and lonely. If something happens at this moment, it will be stable!

However, until she really fell asleep, Kobayashi Kyoko still didn't dare to take a step. She just got closer to Kitahara Sosuke. Their bodies were close to each other and they could feel each other's skin and temperature.

"Thank you for today." Kitahara Sosuke took a sip of beer, glanced at Fujiwara Norika and Fujiwara Norika who were fast asleep, and prepared to get up and give them a blanket.

Seeing him getting up, Xiaolin Xingzi also stood up immediately: "I, I'm here to help you sort it out!"

The two of them settled the messy tabletop with a tacit understanding, looked at each other, and got into the warm kotatsu together.

Considering that these girls always come to his place to eat, drink, and stay, Kitahara Sosuke specially made a larger kotatsu, but now that the four of them are in it together, the space is still a bit too small, and they are tall and have their legs stretched out. Open, I don’t know whose butt or leg I touched.

It's really embarrassing and helpless.

Kobayashi Kyoko leaned towards him, lying with him and looking at the ceiling. After a while, she suddenly said quietly: "Chief Kitahara, actually, I, I have liked you for a long time."

"From the very early days I met you until later"

In the silent night, in the girl's light and slightly shy tone, one after another, seemingly trivial things were told, like stars scattered in the night sky, shining brightly across the entire sky.

".So, no matter where you go, I, I am willing to follow you. You won't mind and you won't hate me for this, right?"

Kithara Sosuke turned around and looked at her profile, then smiled lightly and said, "No, and we won't go anywhere."

The next morning, the three girls quietly cleaned the house and left, leaving only Kitahara Sosuke who was still sleeping.

Fujiwara Norika and Kobayashi Kyoko are going back to their hometown in the New Year, and Yamakawa Sayuri will definitely not come to Kitahara Sosuke alone.

At the end of the year, he was still the only one left.

From December 31st to January 3rd, Ran Kitano, Kazuma Yamada, Matsu Nakashima, Masahiko Mori, and Hikaru Takeuchi visited respectively.

Kitano Lan expressed some worries, but since she had decided to go on Kithara Sosuke's boat, she no longer hesitated. At this time, she came over to express her loyalty and hinted that she could spend a comfortable New Year with him. However, Kitano Ran Sosuke refused.

Yamada Kazuma brought Onodera Seiko over to thank him and at the same time reported the surveillance situation.

Yamada Yo, Inoue Hiko, and the families of those children were frantically raising money, preparing to show off their talents after the Dafa Conference. He also specifically mentioned that Inoue Momo might have some minor problems, and said that if Kitahara Sosuke If she feels unstable, she can ask Kikujiro to kill her.

Kitahara Sosuke still refused.

The next three presidents came purely to thank and comfort him. No matter what others said, his loans really saved their three clubs!

Subsequently, at 9 a.m. on January 4, the much-anticipated Daihatsu Conference invited a group of major bank presidents such as Owada Kenji, the president of Tosan Osaka Branch, to attend, and the trading prices on the first trading day of the new year were about to be revealed.

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