The Lexus parked below Kitahara Sosuke's apartment. The boss who owned more than 300 properties turned out to be an apartment tenant. Inoue Momo looked at the young man in the passenger seat and always felt that this scene was extremely ridiculous.

What she doesn't understand the most is why Kitahara Sosuke is so sure that the stock market will collapse completely, even if the government and consortium take action, it can't be saved!

When she was working at Inoue Logistics, she also attended several private parties among wealthy people with Inoue Yan. The lewd and extravagant parties were shocking and completely refreshed her outlook on life.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want!

Inoue Hiko's level is too low and she can only come into contact with the outermost people in the core circle of the consortium. The most powerful person she has ever met is just the vice president of a well-known company under the Sumitomo Consortium. I heard that man is worth tens of billions. , is the younger brother of the president of Sumitomo Bank Osaka Branch.

Anyway, I have always been Inoue Yan's external tool.

I still remember that the party was so exciting that a little sister couldn't recover for a while and just disappeared. After the incident, the police came to the door, but the vice president yelled at the police. , and finally they ran away in despair.

At that moment, Inoue Momo realized that the power of the consortium had spread all over RB, and it was definitely not something ordinary people could resist.

And such behemoths join forces, but they can't save the stock market! What force is blocking them?

If it is as expected by Kitahara Sosuke, then the consortium that took over from him and those who have borrowed money from him will probably suffer a big loss!

"Yamada-kun, please send Miss Inoue to the airport." Kitahara Sosuke got out of the car, went upstairs alone, and left without saying a word to Inoue Momo from the beginning to the end.

Lexus started up again, Inoue Momo tightened her skirt, extremely nervous.

Now there is only one Yakuza and himself left in the car. Did he get the instructions from Kitahara Sosuke and prepare to kill and silence him?

Going to the airport? She remembered that there was a small forest near Osaka Airport, which was a good place to dispose of corpses and eliminate traces.

Momo Inoue, who was in a state of confusion, wanted to jump out of the car and run away several times, but the speed was too fast, and she was afraid that she would jump and die.

Yamada Kazuma remained expressionless. As Osaka Airport approached, he slowed down the car and suddenly said to Inoue Momo in the rearview mirror: "Miss Inoue, don't worry, Mr. Kitahara has already bought the ticket for you. Today you can You can leave RB."

"Ticket? Where to go?" Inoue Tao's heart dropped. Was she going to be sold abroad as a prostitute?

Knowing so many of his plans, he would definitely not let her go!

"Mr. Kitahara said that you and he dealt with Inoue Yan together. After the matter was revealed, he was worried that Inoue Yan would attack you and planned to send you abroad first. You can come back at any time when the limelight is over."

Yamada stopped the car and handed a paper bag to Inoue Momo.

Inside was a bank card with 20 million yen in it, and a plane ticket to Hawaii.

"Miss Inoue, there is something I want to say to you personally." Yamada Kazuma opened the car door for her.

"Please tell me!" Inoue Momo hugged the paper bag and bowed to thank her.

"In this world, there are always things more important than money. I hope you can understand." Yamada Kazuma stood upright.

"What do you mean?" Inoue's heart suddenly twitched, feeling that the other party was referring to something.

"I got orders from Mr. Kitahara and have been secretly monitoring you, and then I accidentally found out something about the connection between Inoue Logistics and the consortium."

Inoue Momo shook her head quickly, saying that she didn't know clearly.

Seeing that she had no intention of saying anything, Yamada bowed and sent her to the airport.

Kitahara Sosuke returned home and soon received a call from Yamada Kazuma from a public phone booth.

"Mr. Kitahara, she took the money and air tickets. I mentioned those things a little bit, and her reaction was obvious. She didn't want to remember or mention it at all. It seems that there is no way to pry anything out of her mouth for the time being."

Regarding the connection between Inoue Logistics President Inoue Hiko and the Sumitomo Foundation, Yamada Kazuma accidentally learned about it while monitoring Inoue Momo. At first, he thought they were ordinary trading partners, but after extensive investigation, he gradually discovered that things seemed not that simple.

Inoue Hiko used to go to a luxury villa on the edge of Chuo District every now and then to attend a private party. The organizer seemed to be the vice president of a large trading company, and the nature of the party was not quite right.

He has been in the Jida for a long time and is particularly sensitive to this kind of thing.

It's a private place with a high degree of secrecy, and the participants have high authority, so it's very difficult to find out the information. It's obviously something very bad.

Yamada Kazuma got too little information, and Kitahara Sosuke couldn't guess anything. Anyway, it was a good thing to get some handle on the consortium. But when he heard that he was from Sumitomo, he subconsciously thought of a big scandal.

"Mr. Kitahara, do I want it?"

"Yamada-kun, you have left the Yakuza. If you have time, go to night school with Miss Onodera. Whatever messy things are in your head all day long, just let her go."

Kitahara Sosuke was speechless and hung up the phone. He still had to remind Yamada Kazuma from time to time to prevent him and his people from doing bad things with good intentions.

Soon after, Ogami and Kitano Ran called one after another. Ogami watched the stock market go red and couldn't sleep all night. These days, her Huichuan restaurant has been questioned by countless people. The oracle toad seems to no longer appear. Among several stocks, one or two have experienced bankruptcy and delisting.

"Aosuke, if this continues, they won't be willing to trust me anymore. What should I do?" Ogami has always believed in Kitahara Aosuke's judgment. Seeing that he lent them all the money without hesitation, and the stocks It was indeed rising, so I decided to keep up.

Even though the stock price plummeted after the meeting, those financial elites still believed that the stock market would rebound, so all her 30 billion was bet!

But now, her oracle is completely useless. The stock market has been falling for eight days, and some people are on the verge of bankruptcy. If this continues.

"They said that if the stock market is ruined, housing prices will plummet. Sosuke, how about we sell some of those houses?" Ogami asked tentatively.

Kithara Sosuke sensed something, grabbed the phone and asked in a low voice: "Aunt Onoe, the agreement we signed is that it will be until the end of February. Those mortgaged properties will be sold now. Don't you worry about them using money to redeem them? Will you give them a room?"

"Did someone find you?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then the voice changed to that of a man.

"Moxi Moshi, is this Mr. Kitahara Sosuke? I am Junta Kogi, the executive director of Itoman Co., Ltd., could Mr. Kitahara come out for a while?"

"Three days. I will come to Ekawa Ryotei in three days. Aunt Onoe arranged it. I don't want to see anyone else besides you." Kitahara Sosuke did not respond to his invitation, but took the initiative into his own hands. .

By the end of tonight, the opponent should have been prepared. He who knew nothing about them would definitely be at a disadvantage. He never fought a battle he was not sure of.

I just didn't expect that the other party would be so fast, and that he would find the best breakthrough point in the tail seam right away!

The people in the consortium were much smarter than he thought.

Kitahara Sosuke leaned on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and smiled gradually. This was interesting.

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