The Kyoto Bubble Era: It started with selling off hundreds of millions of property

Chapter 81 There are still two hundred and ninety-nine boxes (33, Kitahara, who has a net worth of t

February 27, 1990.

Two months have passed since the Dafa Conference. During these two months, no one knows how they survived.

After experiencing magical events such as the stock market plummeting, financial groups came to rescue the market, the Bank of Japan raised interest rates, the stock market completely collapsed, and many companies went bankrupt, a new round of economic crisis has swept across.

The Japanese stock market, which once had a volume of 600 trillion, evaporated most of its assets in an instant. Several major super banks that were originally among the top in the world suffered serious asset losses due to shrinking stock prices. The Tokyo Industrial Bank, which was ranked second in the world, instantly evaporated 800 billion in market value and fell to . Outside of the 50th place, Sakura Bank, ranked fifth in the world, also suffered a loss of 500 billion, falling to 36th place.

Retail investors finally couldn't stand it anymore and no longer believed in the future, so they withdrew their remaining funds from the stock market. After that, they will face the biggest dilemma - whether to choose personal bankruptcy and become a wanderer without dignity and future. Chinese.

Many of these fanatical investors are key employees of large and medium-sized clubs and the main consumer force during the bubble economy.

If they cannot go bankrupt, they will have to bear high bank loan interest and the loan principal that they cannot repay at all.

Tosan Osaka Chuo-ku Branch.

Deathly silence.

The promotion document that was supposed to be issued today did not arrive, and even the opening bonus after the New Year was cancelled.

Mitsuo Oshima is wandering on the first and second floors like a lonely ghost. The best employee in the Osaka region who was famous at the end of last year is now like a lost wild dog. His clothes are disheveled, his tie is crooked, his face is bleak, and he looks like he has no love in life. appearance.

"I heard that Department Chief Oshima's best employee certificate was withdrawn."

"Ah, is it true? Even if the economy is in recession, last year's performance was solid. Why take it back?"

"You don't know yet. Oh, that's right. You are the fourth department of operations under Department Chief Sakurai. Let me tell you, don't tell anyone. I heard that Chief Oshima accounted for more than 80% of the 2.5 billion he raised last year. It was used for stock trading! This is 1 billion yen in bad debts, 2 billion. My annual salary including bonuses is only 2 million yen, a salary of 1,000 years! If someone is willing to give me 100 million, I will sleep with him every day, what? Any trick will do!”

The person who was chattering was Sayuri Yamakawa. She looked at the lost Mitsuo Oshima, and she didn't know why she was particularly relieved.

As a young lady from a local middle-class family in Osaka, she possesses both elegance and unrestrained temperament.

The female staff member who was talking to her stuck out her tongue, teased her a few words, and then asked doubtfully: "Hey, didn't Director Oshima get a 1 billion deal at the end of the year? This business allowed us to surpass Kyoto." Branch."

"That's right, but I heard that the Yamada-gumi lost nearly 4 billion yen in the stock market this time. The 1 billion we lent can't be recovered at all, and it became the biggest bad debt." Yamakawa Sayuri sighed in admiration. , she is considered one of the less affected people in this economic crisis.

I don’t like stock trading or investing, and I can’t afford a house.

She works hard and spends most of her time on entertainment after get off work. She comes from a well-off family and does not need to go to YZ for luxury goods. When a storm comes, the only thing she worries about is her job.

"The enviable business has now become a hot potato that everyone wants to throw away. It's pitiful." The female employee nodded.

There are very few people in the industry who can continue to talk and laugh like them. Most of them look sad, especially those who planned to speculate when the stock market soared to its highest point at the end of last year. They shed tears of loss.

When the door opened at 9 o'clock, Yamakawa Sayuri put away her smile, straightened her posture, and prepared to deal with the large number of customers who came to withdraw money today.

It's really distressing. What words should I use to persuade them not to withdraw money today?

The financing department staff on the second floor left the branch early and drove to various loan customers to "investigate the situation." Among all the financing departments, the ones in the best condition were the Kitahara 3rd Department and the Sakurai 2nd Department. The former lent a total of 3.6 billion. Seventy-nine million yen, of which 3.5 billion went to the stock market and real estate market. Of the 3.5 billion yen, 2.5 billion was recovered under the instruction of Sosuke Kitahara. It was successively managed by Norika Fujiwara after he was suspended. Organized.

At present, the actual bad debts that are likely to be outstanding are about 500 million. A large part of them come from old customers of the branch. They are the "bad debt permitted" customers recognized by the head office. Even if the liability is held, it will not affect too much. deep.

Sakurai's second line ended her mission for the month after Saeko Sakurai's suspension. She was not inclined to transfer large amounts of loans to the virtual market. The situation was not as good as that of the third line, but it would not collapse.

Therefore, when everyone was busy collecting loans, the financing lesson was much easier. Of the three departments, two were slightly injured, and the only one who was seriously injured could not be saved.

The morning meeting was lifeless, and Mitsuo Oshima did not attend.

Kuroda Yu sat in his seat, his eyes were blood red, and he reviewed the business list of the financing class all night. He really couldn't sleep.

Most of this amount of money was released with his tacit approval and encouragement. Now that a large number of bad debts have appeared, he cannot absolve himself of responsibility.

Everyone in the morning meeting looked at the two empty seats with mixed emotions.

Especially Kitahara Sosuke, who has been suspended from his job.

"At that time, Director Kitahara and Director Oshima had a heated argument, saying that we could not let the entire real industry collapse. With so much money flowing into the real estate and stock markets, something would happen."

"Yes, he also deliberately created a special financing project plan on his own, with the purpose of rescuing some high-tech manufacturing industries that were about to go bankrupt. I heard that he was crazily suppressed because of his different ideas and branch goals."

"I heard that Department Chief Kitahara was suspended because he collected the loan from Inoue Logistics that was approved by President Asano, and also blocked the 1 billion mortgage loan from Chief Oshima to Yamada."

"Isn't that true? I heard that when President Asano asked Kobayashi-san to sleep with President Yamada, Department Chief Kitahara broke President Yamada's head on the spot. He was so handsome. It was me, so I took the initiative to confess to dating him. Got it!"

The topic deviated from the center as we chatted.

In the past few days, the branch has been filled with similar conversations. Kitahara Sosuke's series of abnormal operations before the year-end summary meeting were mentioned again. His name was also talked about over and over again. Some people began to call him "the most handsome banker." Genius", Fujiwara Norika felt like she was in a dream every time she heard this.

She was the only person who stayed with the department head from beginning to end. In the end, the department head was suspended, and she handled many tasks.

She had endured a lot of eye rolls, sneers, and ridicules, and she understood how much pressure the department head who made such a plan was under.

More than once, she wanted to rush over and shout to let them understand the pressure and persistence of the department head, but in the end she was unable to say it out loud. She could only turn it into motivation to work and help the department head continue on.

It must be very hard for the department head to be suspended from his job these days. I saw him eating instant noodles several times when I went there. He must have suffered a lot!

The morning meeting was silent for a long time.

Everyone was a little at a loss.

Kuroda Yuya, who has always been mediocre and weak in ability, was speechless.

At this moment, someone said: "It would be great if Beitahara was here."

The noise quickly died down.

The deathly silence is even more despairing.

At this moment, the sound of stomping footsteps came from the stairs. Yamakawa Sayuri, who was unable to run because of her hip-covering skirt and high heels, came to the Financing Class 1 conference room as quickly as possible and pushed the door open.

"Fujiwara, Sister Fujiwara! Head of Department Kitahara is back!"

There was an uproar. Kuroda Yu saw a girl named Fujiwara Norika pause for a moment and then rush out. Near the stairs, her feet were sprained due to high heels. She didn't care, bent down and took off her shoes, throwing them aside. He ran down the stairs again!

"Department Chief!"

Kitahara Sosuke was startled when he saw Fujiwara Norika running down and jumping down with bare white feet. The middle-aged man beside him who was talking and laughing just now was also stunned, and then frowned.


The beautiful and innocent girl threw herself into Kitahara Sosuke's arms, and then her voice choked up.

"I-I thought you wouldn't come back!"

"Huh?" Kitahara Aoi hugged Fujiwara Norika, dumbfounded.

"I recently went to your house to look for you, but you weren't there." Realizing that there were many gazes on her around her, Fujiwara Norika blushed and jumped out of his arms, "I, I thought you had gone back to Tokyo. "

"Director Kitahara, who is this?" a middle-aged man named Dahesuke asked with a smile.

"She is my assistant, Fujiwara Norika, director of the third department of financing, and one of the planners of the Kitahara investment project." Kitahara Sosuke took her hand and introduced with a smile.

After hearing the second part of the sentence, Dahesuke nodded: "What a great young man. Chief Kitahara, please deal with your matter first. Let's go to the Asano branch together later?"

"Ah, no need. I'm still on suspension. I'm not counted as a Tosan employee. I can't go to the second floor without permission. Investigator Taiga, you can go ahead." Kitahara Sosuke waved his hand, then smiled at Yamakawa Sayuri, "Yamakawa-san , when you see customers in need, why don’t you come over and help?”

The other guests also looked at him.

Who is this young man?

"Come here, come here, Mr. Kitahara, do you need my help?" Yamakawa Sayuri stuck out her tongue and ran over with a smile.

"I'm here to save money."

Handle deposit business? at this time?

Others looked sideways and curiously looked at the large black suitcase in his hand.

Anyone else have cash deposited at this time?

"Okay, is all the cash here?" Sayuri Yamakawa heard from Norika Fujiwara that Department Chief Kitahara seemed to have made a lot of money, maybe hundreds of millions?

If only he could share 100 million. Bah, bah, bah, he is Kyoko-chan’s person, Sayuri, that’s not allowed!

"This is 100 million." Kitahara Sosuke handed the suitcase to her, "Be careful."

Daheji Changfei inside quickly ran out with an attentive smile. Last time, Kithara Sosuke's 100 million helped him overcome the difficulties brought by Yamada Yang. At this time, there are still deposits flowing in, but it is a high-quality business.

"I'll do it, I'll do it, let me do it." The chief of the Taihe department was extremely enthusiastic and took the initiative to get the black suitcase. He and Yamakawa Sayuri were not in the same department. The latter was a little reluctant, but thinking that he was Kyoko-chan's boss, he had no choice but to let go.

After counting the 100 million in it, Chief Dahe smiled happily: "Chief Kitahara, are you planning to store it in a private account?"

I don’t know where he made the money. It’s awesome and scary.

"No, there is a public account, Kitahara Investment. Oh, by the way, this account is linked to Kobayashi Kyoko and has nothing to do with the second department of operations." Kitahara Sosuke smiled, "But thank you for the help, Chief Taiga, I There is still some money, and I need you to count it."


Also shocked was Ohsuke, an investigator from the Tokyo head office, who stood silently.

His trip was originally to investigate Kitahara Sosuke's irregular financing project plan, but now

The roar of a large truck sounded outside.

Kitahara Sosuke ran to open Tosan's door, smiled at the driver of the car and said, "Thank you for your hard work, let's stop here."

"There are still two hundred and ninety-nine boxes left. Please ask the Chief of the River Department to move them."

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