The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts

Chapter 121: These few will be unlucky soon

Jiang Fu stood where he was, slowly raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on the face of the woman who spoke.

She was about the same age as her, with almond eyes and a slightly collapsed nose, but her skin was very fair, which complemented Xiaojiabiyu's entire face, and she looked even more delicate with the green shirt.

But that pretty face was full of sarcasm now, so that face was not so pretty in Jiang Fu's eyes.

Whenever he sees ugly faces, Jiang Fu will always see their miserable past or future first.

For example, the one in front of her, her miserable future is about to happen.

An hour later, her maid was about to report her fraudulent test in the women's court, and then the gentlemen of the women's court would let her draw in front of them, instead of allowing her to paint alone in a small room like before. Come out.

But the pictures she painted in front of the gentlemen were simply unsightly, so the gentlemen were naturally furious and expelled her from the women's courtyard.

Perhaps Jiang Fu's gaze was too weird, the woman felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, and glared at Jiang Fu, "What are you looking at!?"

"This lady is also someone you can look at directly!?"

There were many people sitting in the room, they all looked over, but no one spoke for Jiang Fu.

The few sitting in the front row also showed disdain, and looked away lightly.

Jiang Fu's eyes swept over them one by one, and his expression was not very good.

These few will soon be unlucky.

Jiang Fu frowned, it was a pity that they were all good-looking.

In the corner, a woman in green shirt who was sleeping on the table seemed to be woken up. She opened her sleepy eyes and raised her eyes to look over. Just as she saw Jiang Fu's face clearly, she heard a piercing voice.

"Miss Huang is talking to you, didn't you hear?" Another mocking voice echoed in the suddenly quiet room, both the voice and the owner's face were equally full of malice, "Didn't you come down before?" What, why, won't you salute when you see your master?"

"Didn't the Xie family teach you the rules?"

The others looked at Jiang Fu, some showed pity, but remained silent, while others seized the opportunity to please those in the front row, and immediately echoed:

"That's right, it's too unruly, and I don't even know how to salute."

"Tsk, what a petty person."

"I don't know what old lady Xie was thinking, but she actually bought such a one for General Xie. No wonder General Xie didn't like it. How could he like a woman from such a family..."

"The old lady is really confused."

"People from their family can put down their figures, and they can coax people, but it's not like us, who have been pampered at home since childhood, who would do such trivial things."


Jiang Fu listened to what they said, but he didn't feel angry at all. Instead, he raised his foot and walked inside, and said softly, "In the school, do people have to salute according to their superiority?"

"Yesterday, my husband didn't tell me this, but only told me that wearing this green shirt, I will be a member of the Women's Court just like everyone else."

"In the women's court, there is no distinction between high and low. Everyone has only one identity, and that is the student of the women's court."

Her voice is sweet, soft and slow, but extremely powerful.

When speaking, the whole person is also generous, and he does not feel the slightest bit of shame or inferiority because of his background.

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