A few days later, Ye Xian’s group stopped to rest on a desert island, where Ye Xian developed moves and became familiar with the power of skyrocketing

On the ghost ship, Kikyo and several sisters were talking about their adults on the boat, which seemed to have become a daily routine, and as for the men, they felt that they couldn’t listen to it, and they all said that they had something to do, and they all went to the island to wander

On the boat is the little devil Ma Yan is entangled in her family’s adult face

“You say, what do adults look like, I haven’t seen an adult’s face until now


The black eyes took a bite of the candy and also spoke:

“Our heart is rippling.”

“Poof… What the hell?” Ma Yan was so terrified by these words that he was about to spit

“Hee-hee… It’s possible.” Hinamori Momo mended with a smile on her face

“Ma bacteria are also not small.” Kikyo said this sentence with a calm face

Ma Yan was blushed by a few unscrupulous sisters, and she was angry, stood up, and aimed at the waist of several people with bad


“Look at my tickling method.”

“Hahahaha… Don’t, let go, itch to death… Let go… Haha…”

Hinamori Momo and Kikyo looked at the show, watching Ma Yan straddle the black pupil, and the two loli twisted into a ball and played

“Haha… Ma bacteria… Why do you only scratch me, peaches they also say about you.”

The black pupil misfortune water east lead said

“Huh? Oh too! That’s it… Not? How?

Hinamori Momo and Kikyo were curious to see what the two of

them were grunting at each other

“Got it?”

Ma Yan and Black Pupil stood up, straightened their clothes, and the two stared at Hinamori Momo and Kirito with bad intentions

“Up.” With the order of Ma Yan, the two pounced on Hinamori Momo and Kirito, and hung one on them, well, Ma Mu can’t hang Hinamori Momo

Hinamori Momo was pounced, and then a similar scene was staged

“Hahahaha… Don’t, go away, itch to death… Let go… Haha…”

And the black pupil is still hanging on Kirito, and the black pupil is embarrassed at this time, and is held in the arms of Kikyo, and then….

“Hahahaha… Don’t, let go, itch to death… Sister Kikyo let go… Ha ha… It wasn’t my idea…”

Is this just that if you don’t die, you won’t die?


Ye Xian on the island, he quietly held the chopping knife, sitting cross-legged on a large rock, closing his eyes and performing the knife meditation, while Junmaru stood motionless not far away on guard

“Whew… It’s almost solved.”

Ye Xian closed his eyes, exhaled, twisted his neck, and there was a click

“It seems that under more activities, although the strength of the body given by the system is very powerful, it can allow me to use armed color domineering without pressure, but it is not flexible enough


“Oh…” drew the sword out of its sheath, tiptoe a little, the flowing body rotated, the sword moved with him, the wrist waved, and a half-moon-shaped sword qi was concurrent


Like tofu, the boulder is easily cut in half, and the section is smooth as a mirror

Landing, luck, stomping, swinging a sword…

One after another sword qi flew, and finally the sword qi was contained in the sword body with the swing of Ye Xian, the cold light flashed, and finally a sword split out in the direction of the sea, a huge slender sword flew out, split on the sea, the sea was like someone took a knife and slashed on the cloth, the sea was cut open, hundreds of meters long, shocking

Ye Xian looked at his masterpiece, not very satisfied, he had to store gas to issue such a slash, usually he could only cut open the sea for a hundred meters, it seemed that he had to practice more

Landing, luck, stomping, shaking the sword…

Ye Xian began to practice basic swordsmanship again, although he was already a master of swordsmanship, it was only theoretical, and it was basically a basic understanding, only a few rude killing moves, whether he could take it out to meet people, it was still one thing

When he didn’t want to fight with people, he was broken by someone in three or two strokes, then it was a little disgraceful to his ghost emperor’s face, especially in front of a group of subordinates, it was a bit of a slap in the face, he was always the only one who hit others in the face, he was a proud person

I’m not afraid of trying to fail, I’m afraid of failing without trying, and the face is given by myself

“Ask for collections, ask for tips, ask for flowers.”

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