The Landlord And His Wife

Chapter 27: : Cotton hand cover

Shicheng came in first, and Uncle Quan followed closely. Just as Liu Xuer was about to follow, she was pulled by the willow tree behind her and whispered to her: "Xu Xuer Son, can't we go into such a store? What if... we are kicked out? Uncle Quan is still holding those chickens and rabbits..."

Liu Xuer paused and pointed to the front: "But Uncle Quan has already gone in, no one said..."

Liu Lin also doesn't like to enter such a shop. First, there is nothing he is interested in. Second, with such an expensive shop, rural children have a natural sense of fear. So he also nodded: "Let's not go in, just wait at the door."

Liu Xuer was thinking about what to say, Shi Cheng felt that no one was following behind him, turned to look, saw their brother and sister standing at the door muttering, of course he understood, and came out again: "My mother Want to buy a cotton hand cover, come in and have a look?"

Willow shook her head: "We won't go in, just wait here."

Shi Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand to pull him in first: "Why don't you come in? Which shop didn't say that they would bombard guests!"

Liu Shu didn't take precautions, and was pulled into the shop by him at once, and Liu Xuer took advantage of the opportunity to pull in the second brother Liu Lin.

Although the willow willow forest has come in, but the hands and feet are tied up, feeling that there is no place to put the hands and feet, standing on the edge, for fear of blocking the way of other guests, and dare not move Other people's things, they don't even dare to look at them.

Shicheng pretended to be a cotton-picker covering the child, strolling around in front of the wooden counter, also known as the catkins, the catkins followed the trend.

When I arrived at the place where silk sashes and sashes were sold, I stopped and looked carefully, comparing the method of making sashes and weaving silk sashes given to me by Shi Chengniang, and I basically understood in my heart. the difference. These silk sashes and ties that are sold are all ordinary weaving methods, the only difference is that the silk threads used are all gorgeous silk threads, and the fancy styles are very fancy.

And what Shichengniang taught herself, they were all very delicate techniques. The silk sash and the zigzag were very delicate. The things that big families use, and the ones that are sold are relatively popular and popular.

I looked at the silk sash and the net, and then looked at the handkerchief. At this moment, a guy came over, coughed and asked, "You two children...what do you want to buy?"

Shi Cheng looked up, this guy doesn't know him?

Before he spoke, the shopkeeper who was leaning over the counter shouted, "Awen! Come and clean the counter for me!"

The guy named Awen was stunned and could only go over, still whispering: "Didn't you just clean it this morning?"

Shi Cheng looked over, the shopkeeper smiled and gave him a smirk.

Liu Xuer continued to look at the handkerchief. Similarly, the embroidered flowers on the handkerchief were not as good as the two handkerchiefs that my aunt gave to my aunt last time. Even if Liu Xuer was not very skilled in embroidery, this Eyesight is there.

Shicheng was actually not interested in these, because he was talking about buying things for his mother, so he had to look in front of him, picked up a cotton hand and turned it over and over to have a look. When she was about to put it back, Liu Xuer came over to pick it up and looked at it over and over again.

"Do you like this?" Shicheng asked.

Liu Xuer shook her head and didn't say a word, the cotton hand covering the child was warmer in winter by a wealthier family, like a bobbin, with his hands in it. This kind of cotton hand cover is really used by those who don't need to do it, and they won't move if they cover it. I thought, if you give it to the country people, who can put their hands in the cotton hands and don't take them out?

However, this cotton hand cover is quite delicate, and the embroidery on it is also very beautiful. The most fun is that there are big and small, the smallest is a small hand like Liu Xuer, which looks very cute.

I was watching, a group of people came down from the upstairs, and a few maids in green velvet jackets came down, surrounded by a woman wearing a begonia red-dotted emerald-leaf jacket.

Shi Cheng glanced up, then lowered his voice and said, "This is the second young grandmother of the Gu family."

Liu Xuer nodded slightly, but did not look up, so as not to be noticed.

Who knew that the second young lady came directly here, Liu Xuer tugged at Shicheng's sleeve, and the two quietly leaned to the side, and together with Willow Willow Forest In the same way, pretending to be a sub-countryman entering the city, she shrank aside and did not speak.

The second young grandmother didn't pay attention to the little people at all, and went to Mian Shou Huzi's side, looked at them, and picked up all the little ones to look at them.

Liu Xuer had seen it beside her, and behind her was a young and fat nurse in her twenties, holding a fat little boy in her hand, it seemed that she should It is about the same size as Liu Sen.

The second young lady chose one and handed it to the child with a smile: "Sanbao, bring it and try it?"

The child didn't listen at all, but turned his head around, reached out and picked up the stack of handkerchiefs next to the cotton hand cover, and threw it on the counter .

The guy behind him smiled and spread his hands, as long as he didn't fall to the ground.

The nurse who was holding the little boy whispered, "Little Master, reach out and try Little Master?"

The second young grandmother put her cotton hand over the child and took it to the child, then tilted her head to look at it. As soon as the child lowered his hand, the cotton-padded hand slid down and fell to the ground.

The second young lady stomped her feet: "Oh! Take your mother to see if it's okay!"

A maid rushed up and hurriedly picked up the cotton hand and put it back on the counter. The second young grandmother naturally didn't care about this, she picked up another one that looked even smaller, and brought it to the little boy. The little boy just felt his head was itchy, so he raised his hand and scratched it on his head, just like this, this cotton hand The cover was also thrown out.

Second Young Mistress sighed, but she still lit the remaining two small cotton hands to cover her hands: "These two."

The second young lady just walked away, and the older one went to pay the bill at the shopkeeper. The pats were still on the counter, and the messy handkerchiefs were quickly tidy up.

You can meet any kind of people in business, and if you have the knowledge and courtesy, there will naturally be the outbursts, we businessmen, no matter what kind of people the guests are, we must greet them with a smile."

Liu Xuer pursed her lips.

Shicheng suddenly asked: "The shopkeeper, was that someone from the Gu family? Did their family members come to the store to buy things in person?"

The shopkeeper turned his head to look at him and said with a smile: "It's from the ancient family, sigh, what kind of family does not have family members, in a small place like our county town, to be honest, there is no serious family. The big family is not so particular about it. The family members are divided into those who like to go out and those who don’t like to go out, and those who don’t like to go out. When a new style arrives, it must be sent to see, which one you like to keep. And the one who likes to go out , just like to visit a jewelry store or something, don't we have to smile and continue?"

Shi Cheng laughed: "How often does this guy usually come to your shop?"

"Come here as soon as there are new items...the period before the Chinese New Year is more frequent. Next month, we will have a batch of new items! There is this lady who wants to buy it for the young master. The cotton hand covers the child, this time is the serious Jiangnan Su embroidery craftsmanship, it will definitely sell well at that time!" Although the shopkeeper did not clearly nod his head and bow, he still spoke in a respectful tone.

Don't say that Willow and Willow looked at each other strangely, even those guys peeked at their shopkeeper frequently, wondering what happened to the shopkeeper? How can you be so polite, little baby with a big fart? There are also questions and answers.

Uncle Quan knew it, so he sat on the stool over there with a natural expression, with a cage of chickens here and a cage of rabbits over there. A guy squinted him several times. He wanted to go up and shoot him away, but when he saw that the shopkeeper was so polite to the children who came with him, having eyesight is also one of the essential abilities of a guy. That guy Therefore, the idea of ​​​​bombing him away has been dismissed.

Liu Xuer just saw the situation of the young master with cotton hands covering his son, and he already had an idea in his heart, so he came over and whispered to Liu Shu and Liu Lin: "Brother, Shall we go?"

The two naturally agreed, and they came out in a hurry, and Shi Cheng also followed in a hurry, scratching his head: "Xu'er, are you not watching?"

Liu Xuer nodded to him: "Well, read it."

Shicheng understood, so he jumped down the steps: "Go! Let's go eat!"

Liu Lin stared at him with wide eyes: "Shicheng, didn't you say you want to buy cotton hand coverings for your mother?"

Shi Cheng was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "How can I have money? The money is all with my father! He should remember to buy it for my mother." Then he pointed to an oil cake stall opposite : "Let's go! Let's go eat pancakes!"

Willow said: "You just said you have no money."

Shi Cheng suffocated again and smirked: "Of course my father came to pay."

The willow tree immediately shook his head, and the catkin also shook his head: "No, it's already very troublesome for us to follow, how can we still have the cheek to eat?"

Liu Lin nodded busyly, he still remembered ten cents for an oil cake!

Shicheng stopped and said, "What are you doing now?"

"Wait," said Willow.

So the children returned to the place where the carriage was parked, climbed into the carriage and warmed up in the carriage, waiting for Shicheng's father.

When Dad Shicheng came back, he was a little surprised to see a few children sitting in the car honestly, and said to Shicheng with a smile: "I thought you could always bring Willow and the others to eat. something."

Shi Cheng said: "I want to take them there, but they won't go!"

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