The Landlord And His Wife

Chapter 37: : earned two taels

After a while, Liu Gao came in. Although she tried her best to hide it, her brows and eyes were smiling and beaming, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were much deeper.

Liu Changshi hurriedly got off the kang and stood on the ground, waiting for Liu Gao to sit on the kang and sit at the table before he sat down too.

The old man Liu asked, "What are you doing here?"

With a smile on his lips, Liu Gao said vaguely: "Send... Geng Tie."

The children were all in front of him, the old man Liu didn't ask in detail, just nodded to show that he knew, but the old man was even happier, and filled several children's bowls in one breath. The meat of the chopsticks, but I only drink alcohol, and with a happy sip, a small cup goes in.

Liu Xuer also understood, and sent Geng Tie, which means that the father and the milk have nodded, and then began to perform the six ceremony. Don't look at the country, but the etiquette is no less vague than the city.

Liu Xuer happily ate a few mouthfuls, her mouth full of oil.

Liu Changqi held Moriko, who was very excited, and the children were still holding hands. Just when he was about to go out, Liu Gao stopped Liu Shu again and brought a basket over: "These are four pig trotters, all of which have already been cooked. I told your parents to eat at night. You can make up for what you eat, and make up for the two of them..." When he said this, he couldn't help but laugh.

Liu Lin also heard it, hahaha laughing.

Liu Changshi smiled and pressed on the back of his head: "What are you laughing at?" Liu Sen curiously stretched out his head and looked at his second brother, wondering why he was smiling?

The willow tree and the catkins said in unison: "Thank you, milk!"

Liu Gao's smiling brows and eyes can't be seen: "Why are these two babies and milk polite?"

Liu Shu took it over, and Liu Xuer said, "Goodbye, milk!" But Qiao Liushu was also talking, and the two of them spoke in unison again, and Liu Gao was happier and couldn't stand.

Liu Changshi sent them back, greeted the second brother and the second sister-in-law and left, He smiled and asked Liu Sen what he had for lunch, Liu Sen rolled around on the kang, a Said vigorously: "Meat, meat! It's delicious!"

The children ate meat, and the whole family was very happy. Liu Changgeng and He Shi kept teasing Liu Sen, asking how much they ate, and Liu Xuer went over to see their little rabbit, then The female rabbit who was pregnant with the bunny squatted in the corner with her eyes closed as if she was sleeping, but the male rabbit never finished eating.

The two smaller ones that I just bought are kept separately on the other side. Liu Xu'er watched for a while, then went back to her room and took out the hand cover she made during this time.

She has already made the piece of cloud brocade that my aunt gave her, and the size of the hand cover is similar to that worn by Liu Sen. In addition, when my aunt was teaching them embroidery in the past few days, there were some better material cloth heads left, and Liu Xuer found out three or two pieces that could be used to make hands, and made two, just because of the material It is small, and the edges and corners are not neat, so the material needs to be used, so the hand cover is also extraordinarily small, suitable for the hands of the newly born baby.

What Liu Xuer thought was that these hand-covered children would be sold in the shop of his family through Shicheng's relationship, and sent to the second young grandmother who likes to go shopping. . Therefore, you can't just make one, and it doesn't look good when you display it alone!

But the good stuff is just that. After making three, there will be no more. And last time I promised to make a pair for the little grandson of the doctor who came to see a doctor. Liu Xuer went to He and asked for cotton cloth, the same cloth that Liu Sen was wearing, and was going to make a few pairs of ordinary cotton cloth.

It just so happened that in the middle of the day, Shicheng came and told her that the new goods from their jewelry store had arrived in Hanzhong Mansion, and they would arrive in the county in three or two days.

Liu Xuer hurriedly said: "Then I have to hurry up, and I have to do a few hand covers. By the way, I have something to discuss with you. My aunt took a few pieces last time. Good material, I made three hands to cover the child, can I put it in your shop and find a way for the second grandmother to see it?"

Shicheng agreed: "Of course there is no problem with this, you can bring it to me when you make it, and when my father is going on the day of delivery, I will go too, and let the shopkeeper be there After the second young lady comes, you can just put it out." After that, I thought of it again and asked her, "Do you want to go?"

Liu Xuer thought for a while and said, "It's okay to go or not, but the doctor who came to see Morizi last time saw Morizi Dai's hand covering her, and I want to make a pair for his grandson. ...of course it's better to go and give it to him, and then thank him in person."

Shicheng listened, in fact, he did not agree with thanking the doctor. The doctor came to see the doctor and received the consultation fee, so no additional thank you was needed, but of course he hoped that Liu Xuer would be able to go, so He didn't make a sound, but instead said, "Of course it's best to show it to others in person."

Liu Xuer nodded, and when Shicheng left, she hurriedly covered her hands. She has been doing this all the time, and she is already familiar with it. I also made two pairs and embroidered a little white rabbit on it, looking cute and tight.

On the third day, Shicheng came to tell him that the goods have arrived today, and tomorrow his father and him are going to the city. Liu Xu'er went to discuss with Liu Changgeng and the He Clan, and only said that the hand cover that she made for that doctor, should she send it by herself?

Liu Changgeng and He Shi already felt that they owed them the last time they didn't pay for the consultation, not to mention that people in the countryside have a special kind of reverence for the doctor, and they should have sent it in person. After discussing for a long time, the two still asked Liu Shu to lead Liu Xuer. The so-called one time is born and two times are cooked, Liu Xuer and Liushu have also entered the city alone once, this time is not as difficult to accept as the last time.

The next day, Shi Cheng brought Uncle Quan to pick them up, meaning that Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu were relieved. Liu Lin didn't particularly want to follow him this time. He went to the county town twice, and he didn't think there was any fun, so he didn't really want to go.

When they arrived at the county seat, Uncle Quan led Liu Xuer and Liu Shu to the doctor first, and by the way, bought some medicines that Liu Changgeng and He Shi wanted to change. And Shi Cheng's father took Shi Cheng to the shop first.

Shi Cheng put on the hand that Liu Xuer gave him, and before leaving, he whispered to Uncle Quan to come out from the doctor's side, and then lead Liu Xuer and Liu Shu to the shop. Uncle Quan nodded in agreement.

Liu Xuer and Liu Shu followed Uncle Quan to the medical center. This is the only large medical center in the county. It was opened by the doctor who treated Liu Sen that day. There is a pharmacy in front of the courtyard.

Liu Changgeng and He Shi were also sent here on the day they fell into the ditch, so when they went to see Liu Sen, they also saw a doctor.

Uncle Quan went in to say hello. The doctor looked up and saw Willow and Catkin standing timidly at the door, smiling and beckoning: "Come in, don't be afraid."

Liu Xuer went in immediately, walked up to the doctor, took out the two hands to cover the child, and sent them with both hands: "Uncle doctor, I brought the cover with the hands you said last time, Hope you like it!"

The doctor smiled and took a look at it. It was soft and fluffy, and the handwork was exquisite. There were two red-eyed rabbits embroidered on the back of the hand. The doctor nodded with satisfaction. He smiled and said, "Okay, yes, I like it very much!" He smiled and raised his head to ask her, "How much is a pair?"

Liu Xuer was stunned for a moment, she really didn't want money, so she was stunned and said: "If you don't want money, just treat my family as thanking the doctor for treating my father, mother and brother."

The doctor gave a 'hey', shook his head and smiled in disapproval: "One pile is one pile, the money still has to be collected, otherwise I can't take it." Saying that Willow catkins.

Liu Xuer was a little overwhelmed, and subconsciously looked at the willow tree, and the willow tree also looked at her at a loss. Uncle Quan next to him said with a smile: "The doctor is right, it's time to collect money or you have to collect money, just tell me how much a pair is."

Liu Xuer thought about it for a while, the doctor paid the doctor's fee for seeing a doctor, probably they don't want to owe their favor, although it's just a small hand to cover the child, but the debt always feels uncomfortable, right? In the future, if I see a doctor for my own family, will I receive money or not? If you don't collect money... people will definitely suffer.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly said: "Uncle, doctor, if you don't dislike it, just get a pair..." After that, she blinked and thought about it, she hadn't thought about it before, and asked her to say it all at once She didn't know how much a pair would cost, so she couldn't figure out how much would be appropriate. After a while, he said a little embarrassedly: "Two hundred wen a pair... Do you think it is suitable?"

Uncle Quan and the doctor all laughed. A cotton hand on the street would cost two or three taels of silver, but it was ordinary cotton. Although her hands are small, they are also handmade by villagers. They use ordinary cotton cloth, but they are still delicate, and they are filled with rabbit hair, which is very strong to the touch, and the materials used are not spared.

The doctor pondered for a while, and wanted to say eight hundred pennies, but thinking about a few hundred pennies is a bit too stingy, and these country people are also a bit pitiful, it is better to give an integer. So he smiled and said, "I'll give you one tael of silver and a pair, I want both." Before Liu Xu'er could speak, he turned around and asked the man to bring two taels of silver.

Liu Xuer was taken aback, turned to look at Uncle Quan, Uncle Quan only smiled and nodded, she didn't say anything, but her face flushed, and she was very surprised.

Two taels of silver received from the man, Liu Xuer was even more embarrassed, and thanked the doctor with a blushing face: "Thank you, uncle, doctor!"

The doctor smiled and nodded: "You're welcome, you've also put a lot of thought into it, the little girl is very skillful!" He also praised her.

The willow tree took out a list of medicines, asked the man to grab the medicine, packaged it and gave the money, a few people came out, the doctor was very happy, and even stood up and gave them away.

When Liu Xuer went out, Mr. He still gave them five hundred pennies to get the medicine, and the rest to buy some food, and sternly warned her not to buy things indiscriminately! Even if you don't eat, you are not allowed to buy any chickens and rabbits!

It cost more than 300 yuan to get the medicine, and the remaining more than 100 yuan and 2 taels of silver, Liu Shu was about to put it into his arms, when Liu Xuer stretched out his hand and pulled him softly: "The last time Uncle Quan still pays for the consultation fee, so give it back to him?"

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