The Landlord And His Wife

Chapter 45: :cheeky

Liu Gao immediately instructed Liu Hong: "Go to the kitchen and bring the freshly fried melon seeds." In the countryside, people usually buy raw melon seeds, which are much cheaper than fried ones, and they will fry them when they come back.

Liu Hong agreed to go. As soon as she walked out, she heard her speak at the door: "Why are you here?"

, Look at what the little girl said, I am the eldest daughter-in-law of this family, come to see what happened to my parents? Do you still use such a surprise? "

As soon as she heard her voice, everyone in the room stopped talking, and the old man Liu went to get the cigarette bag again, as if he wanted to smoke, Liu Gao's brows were deeply wrinkled, his face There are a few more wrinkles.

Ma's tone of voice, although the last sentence was a complaint, but it was also a very intimate complaint. Although she didn't see it, Liu Xuer could guess that she must have approached and patted the aunt's shoulder affectionately.

Liu Xuer's eyes rolled, but she already understood a little bit. Did she know that the little aunt had set a door for a good kiss, and she was cheeky? Ma's urinating temper, Liu Xu'er is already very familiar with her. She just quarreled with you before, and in a blink of an eye, she can come over to chat with you with a smile, just like changing her face, she feels that she should treat others how she should, then Everyone has to be the same.

Isn’t this how you used to treat your mother He? Now, this energy is used on the side of grandma and sister-in-law.

Sure enough, I heard that Liu Hong didn't pick up at all outside, and the footsteps went to the kitchen, and Ma followed with a skinless smile and said: "Oh, my sister-in-law is a person who is going to get married. Now, why are you still cooking? How bad is the smoky smoke turning your hair brown? Line, hurry up! Go and help your aunt."

It turned out that Liu Xian’er was also here, so she agreed to follow Liu Hong.

Liu Gao had already jumped off the edge of the kang. She didn’t want to let Ma enter the door, but when she entered the door, she saw the Liu Xuer brothers and sisters, maybe they were going to make noise again. gas.

He was wearing a padded jacket, his face was clean, and he wore a thick hat on his head. It was black, but there was a circle of white cloth strips around it. As if injured.

Ma saw her and laughed and called out, "Mother."

Liu Gao frowned and walked out, went to an empty wing next to him, turned around and saw Ma led Liu Yuner in, and then asked coldly: "What are you doing? Are you here? Didn't we say that our old couple is partial and that we will give you less money when we split up? Why, it's not even worrying about the Chinese New Year, and you still want money?"

Ma's face is very thick, but he didn't even turn red, he just smiled with a smile: "Mother, what are you talking about! The wounds on Yuner's head are very serious these days. , we took it to the city to see the injury, and we didn't even bother to come over to see you and your father. It's going to be New Year's Eve. I don't know what you are missing here. Tell us what you are missing. I am the eldest daughter-in-law. You are ready!"

Liu Gao hummed and sat on the edge of the kang. When he just came out, he took out the soles he was putting in, and now he lowered his head to take in the soles.

Ma shi sat next to him, and asked in a surprised tone: "Mother, I heard that the marriage of the little sister-in-law has been decided? Oh, this is quite anxious..."

Main house.

Liu Shu saw that grandma went out and took the aunt to another house, so he said to the old man Liu: "Master, Xu'er and I are leaving first."

The old man Liu nodded and asked, "Are you ready for the New Year?"

The willow tree nodded: "Everything is ready, lord, don't worry... By the way, my father said that he should come over to eat reunion dumplings on the evening of the New Year's Eve, but he and my mother... "

The old man Liu nodded: "I know, what can I do if I can't get off the kang? Just eat at your own side. , It's not easy to go out now, and your mother is busy these days. If you have something to do over there, just come and tell me. Shu'er, you are the boss, run more diligently. "

Willow nodded hurriedly: "I see, Lord, don't worry."

"Also, on the morning of the first day of the new year, your father will ask your fourth uncle to carry it, and your mother will not have to worship this year."

"Oh, I see, let's go back and talk to my dad."

The old man Liu nodded. He was also worried that Ma saw the two brothers and sisters making a noise, so he did not leave them. Liu Shu and Liu Xuer got off the kang and said goodbye to the old man Liu.

Coming out of the house, Liu Hong pushed out from the kitchen, carrying a basket in her hand, but did not speak in the yard, only took Liu Xuer's hand and walked out, Liu Shu and Liu Xuer Do not speak and follow.

Liu Changqi, who had just chopped firewood in the courtyard, did not know where he went, and was no longer in the courtyard.

The hostess, as well as the stewed half of the pig's face, and a little sesame oil, are all for you to use for the New Year."

The willow tree hurriedly pushed out: "Little aunt, no need, we have prepared a lot of things for the New Year!"

Liu Xuer also nodded: "Yeah, you don't need to give us anything, we have enough over there, keep it for the father and milk."

Liu Hong shook her head and shoved the willow tree into her hands: "If you ask you to take it, take it! By the way, the two chickens your uncle gave you last time, you can eat them by stewing them yourself. , I don't need to give it to my grandparents, there are all here... This year, someone gave these things for the Chinese New Year. There are a lot of them at home. You can eat it yourself, Shuer, remember what aunt said, don't come with a big jar If you walk, what should you do if you fall?"

Willow pursed her lips and nodded.

Liu Hong rubbed Liu Xuer's head again: "It's alright, go back."

Liu Shu and Catkin were about to say goodbye to her when they heard someone shouting from a distance: "Liu Hong? Tree?"

A few people looked over, but saw three people walking this way, the fourth uncle Liu Changshi was running in front, Liu Changqi was walking behind, and he was carrying a large pile of Chai, a young man walking beside Liu Changshi.

Liu Xuer recognized the village's name is Yuan Hao, that is, her future uncle, the uncle is still carrying a large bag, two fish here, two chickens there of. Liu Xu'er suddenly understood what the little aunt's special instruction just now meant.

My aunt is attentive, probably because she is afraid that she and her two brothers are both young, so I brought food to eat, and it is not good if the soup is sprinkled with water, and I want to make my family feel more at ease. , That's why it was said that there was someone here to give it for the New Year. Indeed, the marriage has been made. The future son-in-law will give something to the future husband's family for the New Year's holiday.

Is it coming?

Liu Hong had already turned around when she saw the person coming over.

Liu Changshi ran to them in three or two steps, smiled and bent over to pick up the catkins, and asked Liushu: "Tree, come to see your grandma? How are your parents? Why not? Wait a while, and go back after dinner!"

Liu Xu'er looked at her uncle Liu Changqi, Liu Changqi seemed to be going to help his fourth uncle carry firewood, and he didn't know that Ma Shi was here.

Liu Shu replied to Liu Changshi's words: "Fourth uncle, don't eat, my sister and I will go back to eat." Then he greeted Liu Changqi and Yuan Hao behind: "Uncle, Uncle Yuan San."

Yuan Hao was slightly embarrassed, his face was still a little red, he nodded and smiled.

Liu Xuer also called: "Uncle, uncle."

Liu Changshi laughed hahaha, Liu Changqi put down the firewood stack on his back, also laughed and stretched out his hand to rub Liu Xuer's hair, poor Liu Xuer's hair today Kneaded in a mess. Liu Xu'er looked at Yuan Hao with a smile, Yuan Hao's face turned red when she said goodbye, and his hands and feet seemed to have nowhere to rest. Touching, seems to want to take out the gift.

Liu Changshi smiled and said, "This little ghost is very good!"

Liu Changqi also smiled to help Yuan Hao: "Little girl is just a mouthful, I'm just kidding you! You don't need to take things now."

Yuan Hao blushed and touched for a long time before he said: "Xuer is good, Shuer is good, I didn't bring it this time, I will make it up for you next time."

Liu Shu hurriedly said: "Uncle Yuan, don't worry, my sister is playing along!" Then he pulled Liu Changshi's arm: "Fourth uncle, put Xu'er down, we are going back."

Liu Changshi put down Liu Xuer and said, "Slow down on the road!"

The two agreed and walked back hand in hand. After walking a short distance, the willow tree turned back and saw Liu Changqi put the firewood on his back again. Er said: "Xu Er, are you angry with the uncle?"

Liu Xuer shook her head: "Why are you angry with him? That must be the aunt who has been muttering in front of Liu Yuner that it is because of our family that they can't move to the city. , Liu Yuner, this ignorant little shrew, remembered it, dare not provoke you and second brother, only dare to pick up the youngest bully in our family!"

The willow tree nodded: "Yes, I don't hate uncle either... Don't worry, I will protect Senzi and you well in the future, and I won't let people bully you again."

Liu Xuer also nodded: "Our whole family has protected Moriko!"

The two children went back to their house talking, Liu Xuer went to put the things they gave into the kitchen, Liu Shu went to the main house and told about the old house, Liu Changgeng and He's all Nodding, the two of them didn't say anything about Ma Shi's face down again to have a relationship with Liu Laohan Liu Gao's.

Chicken, let's see when the mother rabbit will give birth to the little rabbit.

It's New Year's Eve.

In the morning, Catkin got up when she heard the sound of **** crowing. The chicks she bought last month have grown up a little, but before the crowing, the remaining old hen was about last time I was frightened, and for a while I was very inactive. I didn't lay eggs for several days and looked sick.

But this morning, I heard the chicks chirping over there, and the old hens cooed a few times from time to time, as if they were very irritable.

Liu Xuer hurriedly got up and put on her clothes to look.

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