The Landlord And His Wife

Chapter 68: : go back to grandma's house

He took out the things for the family, and took out the four pieces of material for Liu Xuer's clothes and came to help He Ruyu: "Yu, these four pieces of material, you give our family Xu'er Do you want to make clothes? I haven't made a girl's clothes for so many years, and I really don't dare to do it. Don't waste such a good material. "

When they spoke, they were divided into two rooms for men and women.

Liu Xuer listened to the probe and looked at it, grandma was reaching out and touching the pieces of material and smiling: "Oh, this is a good material! I heard that this plush is very valuable! You are willing to give money to the baby now. Have you bought materials? These pieces are for my Xuer clothes? How did you finally figure it out as a mother? Finally, I am willing to make clothes for Xuer, and my good granddaughter doesn’t have to be in the dark all day. already."

He sneered, and Liu Xuer bowed her head over there to eat pine nuts for Senzi, and also laughed.

He said: "I bought these two pieces, and Yuan Sanshu bought these two pieces. How can we afford this cashmere... But speaking of it, this money is all fudge. Earn it yourself."

What He Ruyu knew about this matter was the most detailed among her relatives, so she had already told her grandmother, and her grandmother smiled and said, "My Xuer was watching the spirit! At that time, your father Didn't I tell you, the little girl didn't know how to speak not long after she was born, and her black eyes rolled around! At first glance, she's smart!"

He smiled and nodded: "No way!" She said to He Ruyu sullenly: "It's just four clothes, I'm going to tire you... The velvet and cotton ones are not in a hurry, yes For autumn and winter, only this one of ling cloth and muslin can be worn in summer, so don’t delay your embroidery of handkerchiefs.”

He Ruyu smiled and said: "Sister, why are you being polite to me?! I also made Xu'er's clothes very quickly, and that one is ready in three or five days." She was still in a hurry. She had four pieces of clothes in her hands all of a sudden, and now she couldn't sit still. She got up with the material and went to her room: "I'll measure it first."

He didn't follow, but smiled and said thank you, which made He Ruyu laugh and went out.

Here, Liu Xuer wanted to follow along to have a look. After all, it was her own clothes. She didn’t expect her mother to be so cruel, so she added two more pieces of material to herself. From now on, the clothes will really be all It's beautiful! However, Moriko wanted to eat pine nuts, and she couldn't help herself, so she dragged her to keep her from going, so she could only eat pine nuts for Moriko with great effort.

Here, the grandmother and Mr. He were talking with a smile. The grandmother asked her daughter and son-in-law if their foot injuries were all healed. Mrs. He nodded, and had to say something about this for a long time.

After talking about Liu Hongding's family, my grandma sighed enviously: "Your sister-in-law is really lucky! It's also a good person who has a good reward. At that time, your foot hurt was good to you. , let people see it... This is fate!"

He nodded, and sighed when she heard what her mother said. Naturally, she knew what it meant. She stretched her head and looked inside. Her daughter and son were patronizing and eating! So he whispered: "As for Ruyu... Has anyone come to propose marriage?"

The ears of the catkins immediately froze!

When it came to this, my grandmother sighed even more and couldn't care less to lower her voice. She pulled her eldest daughter and began to complain: "Why do you think I am so miserable? Ru Yudu fourteen Now, he looks one of the best in the village, but why didn't anyone come to propose marriage? A few years ago, one finally came, guess who?"

"Who?!" He didn't even know!

"The rogue Mao family in the village! Third Mao! It's a shame he can salivate! He told your father and your eldest brother to blow them out with a broom..."

He made an 'ah', then changed his face and scolded in a low voice: "Shameless thing! The toad wants to eat swan meat! Don't sprinkle it..." If it is too rough, I will not say it. , the daughter is still in the house!

He scolded a few words to vent, and then asked: "If you don't get out, then you'll be fine? Is it possible that you still depend on our family?"

The grandmother scolded in a low voice: "No way! That family is shameless! I mean, why has no one come to propose marriage, and one day I went out to visit, and Aunt Zhang from the back of the village That's when I told me, it turns out that the rogue Mao San is talking about everywhere in the village! Say... Saying that we are like jade, anyone else who dares to come to the door to propose marriage will break anyone's leg! You say... there is such a thing ?!"

He's anger is really unusual! All of a sudden, he sternly said with straight brows and eyes: "Beat! Go and beat that kid up and maim! Look at him, he dares to talk nonsense! How many younger brothers are eating dry food?!"

"We beat him, why didn't he beat him?! Wen Qing took Wen Hui and Wenyu to beat that kid half to death! I told him not to talk nonsense and ruin my girl's reputation, but that kid, You also know that even if you kill him, he won't be able to change his rascal appearance! Your brothers have been beaten twice, and your father has taught him a lesson, and it's still the same! Li Zheng couldn't do anything about it, but told your father about the bitterness for a long time, saying how rogue that family is... Alas, this will worry me to death. "

Grandma kept sighing: "I don't even dare to ask Ruyu to go out now! Fortunately, our family is not separated, how is it a big family, that kid dare not mess around!"

He's body trembled with anger, wishing that Mao San was right in front of her, so that she could use an awl to poke a few transparent holes in him!

Liu Xuer was also worried when she heard it, such a cold and unscrupulous demon king was in the village, and he was eyeing his aunt. This is troublesome!

"What about other villages? No one from other villages came to propose marriage with us?" He asked.

Grandma shook her head frowningly: "No... I don't know what's going on."

"It is estimated that 99% of the time is caused by Mao San! I don't know how it was spread outside...No! Mother, this thing can't be allowed to go on like this, there must be a way!" He 's Road.

Grandma's wrinkled face wrinkled with worry: "Of course your father and I know! Your younger brothers are watching people outside, the better offspring... Oh, there's no suitable one anyway. died."

Liu Xuer frowned and thought to herself, can you tell the fourth uncle now? In this way... it also lays a foundation for grandma and grandpa, knowing that there is a suitable candidate like Fourth Uncle!

Just thinking about it, Mrs He has already said, "How about I visit our village again? Our village should still have unmarried offspring who are of the right age."

My grandma said, "Is that okay? Marry a village with you?"

"What's that..."

Before He's words were finished, Liu Xuer who was sitting inside said: "Grandma, mother, you all forgot a suitable person, my fourth uncle is not married! Why not call My aunt married my fourth uncle?! In this way, my aunt and I and my mother are in the same family!"

This sudden sentence made both grandma and He stunned, and He scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, child!"

Grandma also smiled and nodded: "Yes, relatives are not suitable."

"Why isn't it suitable? My fourth uncle is such a good person!" Liu Xuer was about to talk with her neck stubborn, but Mr. He came in and threw her out with her arms: "I and you Grandma talks about adults, why don't you listen to your child? Go out and play!"

Liu Xuer was thrown out and turned around at the door, only to touch her nose to come to my aunt.

He Ruyu saw her at the door, smiled and waved hurriedly: "Come here, I just want to measure you... I want to make you bigger, these two pieces can be worn for two more years !"

He came over with a ruler, Liu Xuer opened her hand to ask her to measure, and wanted to talk about what happened just now, but she closed her mouth after thinking about it, my aunt was originally a shy Temperament, this must be something she is particularly shy about. If she mentions the fourth uncle, she might think that the fourth uncle told her to tell her, and she feels that she will not be able to get on the stage! Don't spoil the good things yourself!

Thinking of this, she hurriedly shut her mouth.

Uncle He Wenqing's daughter named He Xiuxiu is also here. She is three years younger than Liu Xuer and is the eldest of the uncle. , The fat hands touched those materials and envied them.

When Liu Xuer's brain became hot, she immediately said to take out one of the pieces to make clothes for Xiuxiu, and He Ruyu lightly beat her with a smile.

Xiuxiu knew her disapproval when she saw her sister-in-law's appearance. The aunt called Xiuxiu to drink water outside, Xiuxiu climbed down from the edge of the kang and went out to drink water, while Liu Xuer took advantage of Xiuxiu to go out to discuss with He Ruyu, or would she share some materials for Xiuxiu to make one?

He Ruyu burst into laughter, and turned her back and said: "That's the material that your mother finally bought for you, why are you so generous as a gift? Besides, look at yourself , wearing your brother's smaller clothes all day long, how can you be a little girly? Okay, don't talk about it, Xiuxiu's side, my aunt will make her clothes!" After speaking, she took out a piece of material from the kang, and she was the same as last time. It is the same lotus-colored fabric that Liu Xuer is wearing now, she said with a smile, "This is for Xiuxiu, but it's just to catch up with my work of embroidering handkerchiefs, she hasn't done it yet. Come out!"

Liu Xuer put this matter down.

My aunt was pregnant at the beginning of last year. She gave birth to a big fat boy in the first month of this year. Now the child is only five months old. Liu Xuer came out again when she had nothing to do, and went to the uncle's house with Liu Sen to play with the children for a long time.

During lunch, the whole family was lively and lively. Liu Xuer's mother, He, was the eldest in the family. She was the first to marry, so she never lived with her eldest siblings and second siblings. Of course, there is no contradiction, and after listening to He Ruyu, the two sisters-in-law are still well, and they are also good to their parents, so He is very relieved.

After dinner, the children continued to play. Brother He Wenqing led his brother-in-law to the field for a circle, and Mrs. He continued to talk to Liu Xuer's grandmother. walking back.

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