The Landlord And His Wife

Chapter 97: : rent a shop

When Liu Gao saw Liu Xuer coming in from outside, it was not good for him to speak in front of his granddaughter, so he could only turn his face away to ease his emotions.

He Ruyu raised her head to look at Liu Xuer, and whispered, "Xu'er is here."

Liu Xu'er nodded, smiled and sat next to Liu Gao's, anyway, she was here to persuade, there was no need to hide, she just smiled and said: "Mom, of course my fourth aunt I don't want my fourth uncle to go to Ningxia either... If we say who in our family does not want the fourth uncle to go, you are the first, and the fourth aunt is the second! Does it need to be said?"

Liu Gao turned around and knew that Liu Xuer heard what she said just now, and said angrily: "Don't talk too much about your lord's business, little girl!"

"Nursing, think about it, if my fourth uncle decides, who can persuade him? I certainly can't persuade my son. Besides, my fourth uncle just has his own ambition and can't say it's just for marrying a daughter-in-law. If he doesn't marry my fourth aunt, but another fourth aunt, it's also for that Four aunts?"

Liu Xuer deliberately said it a little funny, but she absolutely believed that Liu Gao could understand it, and obviously, Liu Gao understood it too, snorted, and asked: "Where's your mother? Didn't you come with me?"

Liu Xuer smiled and did not hide: "My mother walked to the door and stopped again."

Liu Gao was stunned for a moment, but He who was at the door said nothing, so he could only come in, and called out with a smile, "Mother."

Liu Gao snorted, she didn't feel that she said that the fourth daughter-in-law was wrong, and she taught her a lesson in an open and honest way, not secretly, but the granddaughter came in and said it. I woke her up, even if the fourth son didn't marry He Ruyu today, he would still go to Ningxia. This is because the son's character is there, and it really can't be all blamed on the fourth daughter-in-law.

Liu Xuer's persuasion made Liu Gao's dissatisfaction more than half resolved. He laughed and talked for a while, carefully explained it, and Liu Gao didn't say anything. .


This year, Liu Xuer readjusted her business affairs. According to what Shicheng said, she was preparing to rent a shop next year. Although she handed some small pieces of handicraft to others to do, not only handkerchiefs, but now even purses have been handed over to He Ruyu. It seems that they have fewer things. Besides, she still does not accept He Ruyu and her aunt this year. Even Aunt Wu and Sister Xiao Tian next door didn't collect the rent, knowing that they were having a hard time at the beginning.

It seems that the income should be less, but in fact, doing so ensures sufficient supply, and she also spares her time to make relatively high-end things. Naturally, the income will follow increased.

Aunt Wu and Miss Tian only only made insoles at first, but everyone knows how to embroider insoles, and they use the remaining cloth and thread at home. Everyone likes to embroider with an insole, so it doesn't sell well. Willow Xuer asks them to make head scarves, hand towels, etc. These are very simple, buy fabrics and cut them into the corresponding size, just lock the edges, and the small hand towels are only It sells for a penny, and a large square towel is only two or three cents.

Aunt Wu and Xiao Tian started to make square scarves of about ten yuan. After selling them, they tasted the sweetness. The mother and daughter started to make a lot of square scarves with great energy. There are all kinds of square scarves, including spinning handkerchiefs, Baotou, red headbands, cloth handkerchiefs, flower handkerchiefs, etc. There are many types.

In this way, people in the village gradually came to know about it, and they came to them. The people next to Liu Xuer did not agree for the time being. Only the Liu family had a cousin named Liu Lian who made bead flowers. It's okay, Liu Xu'er will take it, but it's less, let's see how it sells.

Liu Changgeng has all the tools at hand, and he can make these little things quickly.

Liu Xuer knew that her uncle would also be a carpenter. I asked in the past that my third uncle, He Wenyu, now has eight or nine apple trees. entered the prosperous period. The four or five trees that were planted last year were planted in the ground. It was just at the growth stage, so there was not much time. Only He Wenqing and He Wenhui could do something in their spare time.

The carpentry of the uncles has been learned a long time ago, and Liu Xuer asked them to make small boxes for jewelry, fruit boxes, makeup powder boxes and even Duobao grids, all of which are exquisite.

Liu Changgeng has been making small pendants for several years, and now it is difficult to find wood. Every time I spend a while, I have to go to the deep ditch to find wood. Also trying to grow peach trees or something. He Wenyu smiled and agreed.

By November, Liu Xuer had roughly calculated this year's accounts. This year is about half more than last year, and the income should be around 60. After removing the expenses, the profit should be Forty hangs up and down. In addition to the 30 hangings that I had saved before, and the harvest from this year's fields, I could have 80 or 90 hangings this year, and this money was enough to buy a house.

However, Liu Xuer still thinks about not mentioning the matter of buying a house for the time being this year. Parents know this matter in their hearts, and they know if they have enough money, but if they want to move to the city, they need to know During an acceptance process, Liu Xuer planned to use next year to persuade her.

Shi Cheng nodded after hearing her thoughts: "It's good, don't be too obtrusive, besides, my home is in the county seat, and I won't go to Hanzhong Xianyang soon... One place has to live for three people It's been five years, I can't move every year, not to mention that my father has to move steadily now, and he doesn't want to be too conspicuous when doing business... In short, he is much more cautious than before."

Catkins nodded with a smile.

Shicheng asked her again if her fourth uncle was back, Liu Xuer shook her head, and was a little worried when she said this: "No, he said he should be back in mid-November, it's not coming... For a few days, my grandmother's face was really ugly and cruel, and she was very angry with my aunt."

Shi Cheng said strangely: "How can you blame your aunt? Your fourth uncle is a man, and he naturally has responsibilities and responsibilities when he becomes a kiss. It is normal to want to live a good life. Can't you rely on your aunt to do embroidery to support the family? Your fourth uncle doesn't earn as much from farming as your aunt, how can a man of this age... how can he bear this?"

"My grandmother could hear these words at first, but since my fourth uncle has not come, she can't listen at all now..." Liu Xuer squinted at him: "The mother-in-law is the Two creatures born to fight each other, no matter how sensible the previous mother-in-law was, how sensible the daughter-in-law was, and the people around them felt how easy they were to get along with each other, but as long as these two people met together, it would be like a thunderbolt.'s impossible not to hit a spark and splash around."

Shicheng laughed: "You have a deep understanding."


Fortunately, this time is not as dangerous as the last time. Liu Changshi came back safely in the middle of November. All pick dates, the closer to the root of the year, the more money you need for the New Year, the more frequent it will come out, and the greater the chance of encountering it. Now there is still a month and a half, and it does not come out so frequently, so the chance of encountering it is small. point.

This time Liu Changshi left enough seeds, and the rest was sold to the dried fruit shop in the county town, and the money earned is ready to buy land.

It is best to connect it to the ground at home, otherwise it will be divided into three places and it will be difficult to plant. But it also takes a chance.

Actually, Liu Changgeng also had the idea of ​​buying land at the beginning, but he hadn't opened his mouth yet. Xu'er had already said her plan and wanted to live in the city. After Liu Changgeng fell asleep at night, he and He were in bed It was also discussed that in their current situation, they are no longer pure countrymen, but half craftsmen. Of course, their work is much more meticulous.

It has been selling well all year, and now half an acre of farmland can still be renovated, but if you buy land, not only will you be unable to do these things, but you will have to devote yourself to the land, and willow trees and willow forests will all have to come back.

The couple discussed, mainly about the business. They have been doing business for several years, making money every year. Both sons and daughters are developing in this area. They can't cut it off and come back to farm. Although Liu Changgeng and the He family are from the countryside, they still have this vision.

So I didn't mention the matter of buying land. Since I didn't mention it here, the matter of entering the city to buy a house has not been decided yet, but almost everyone has made efforts in this regard.

"Big brother has already calculated the account. There are seventy-three bucks in total this year, and there are more than a dozen grains in the fields, but the grain can't be sold, so keep it." Liu Xuer said .

Liu Changgeng nodded and said with a smile: "Well, there is a lot of money, if you really want to buy a house, it seems that you can afford it. But after buying a house, it will be tight, so we don't have to. I'm so nervous, wait until next year... What do you all think?"

Liu Xu'er didn't expect Dad to bring it up, she smiled and said: "What Dad said makes sense, I also think so, and there is one more thing, Shicheng may not open that small shop next year. There is a shop, I went to do business with his father, that shop, I want to rent it... Shicheng has been running a shop for several years, and we have followed it for a few years. We can count how much money the shop can make. "

The willow tree nodded: "If you rent a shop, it will cost a lot, but as long as you manage it well, it's no problem to hang fifty or sixty a year. I told Xuer before that we don't buy goods, Do it all by yourself, this saves you having to turn a hand and let the extra people earn money, and save the cost of tangling tolls, and it should be able to earn more than when he is operating... But make sure that the handmade goods can keep up and can't be out of stock. ...and the matter of paying taxes, Shicheng said, as long as they are in Feng County, our shop will not have any trouble, and the two shops of their family used to deal with this kind of thing."

Liu Changgeng thought about it and looked at the He family. They have been doing business for the past few years, and it has been gradual. Now even if it is renting a shop, it does not seem to be difficult. Shops can also be rented for three to five seven or eight years.

The only thing I worry about is paying taxes and dealing with officials in this area in the future. Since Shicheng agreed, and the family does have this strength, there is nothing wrong. Liu Changgeng nodded and said, "Okay, let's rent it and see what the situation will be next year."

The whole family is settled.

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