The last building on earth

Chapter 213 Totems and Antiquities (Arrived Today)

Wang Xuan watched countless dryads rushing towards the ancient ruins a few kilometers away. The 100-meter-long tree in the distance moved at a terrifying speed. He couldn't see how it moved at all, he could only see how it moved. In this forest, giant mushrooms that appear above the ancient ruins are constantly approaching.

Strangely enough, each of those towering trees seemed to have come alive, bending to both sides to make way for a road, like gods splitting the sea. This ancient tree totem split the primeval forest into two. .

"This forest seems to have come alive..." Wang Xuan looked at this miraculous scene from a distance, and was shocked beyond words.

The large trees surrounding the ancient ruins showed signs of struggle and resistance. They were swinging automatically without wind, and the ocean of light and liquid formed by the gathering fluctuated and slowed down.

The 100-meter-large tree kept approaching along the automatically separated forest passage, and soon rushed into the ocean of light liquid. The ocean of light liquid fluctuated violently, and there were signs of tearing from it. Half of the light liquid cracked and flowed back. .

Wang Xuan, Wan Qianying and others were separated by several kilometers, so they climbed up the towering trees around them for fear that they would not be able to see carefully enough.

For their own safety, no one dared to get too close. A few kilometers away, no matter how powerful the 100-meter tree and the translucent mushroom-shaped ancient object were, it was impossible for them to reach here. Now the groups of tree demons have also left. , it is still safe for everyone to stay here for the time being.

The six people climbed to the crown of a big tree and immediately saw everything happening in the distance clearly.

A few kilometers away, the tree totem has arrived at the ruins, and the ocean of light liquid formed by the gathering has been torn apart. On this hundred-meter-long tree, the crown spreads out, and countless thick branches extend out, like one by one. javelin.

Only then did everyone realize why the crown of this 100-meter tree was so lush. It was just because it had curled a large number of branches together. Now these curled branches are stretched out, and the short branches are as long as twenty or thirty meters. The long branches can reach more than 100 meters.

The hundred-meter tree fell towards the translucent mushroom, and the thousands of branches spread out like the thorns of a hedgehog, all stabbing at the mushroom.

Under attack, the mushroom launched a counterattack, and a giant translucent tentacle separated from the translucent flesh pillar below. The tentacle was raised and volleyed away.

Although everyone was far apart, they could still vaguely hear the howling of the wind caused by the surge of energy. Countless branches penetrated into the huge mushroom canopy, and a large amount of translucent liquid splashed out.

The translucent tentacles swung out by the giant mushroom also hit the 100-meter-long tree, cutting off the branches extending one after another. With the sound of snapping branches, a large number of branches fell down with the green tree.

Wang Xuan and the others watched the battle between the two super beings. They did not expect that their fighting method was so direct and simple. It was very different from what they imagined. It was just a meeting, and it was a fight in which both sides suffered losses. It was far more tragic than their fight. Much more.

Countless branches penetrated into the giant mushroom. Because the mushroom was translucent, everyone could see from a distance that these branches were wildly extending and growing inside the mushroom cap. On the cylinder below the mushroom, split out There are more and more giant tentacles. These tentacles are extremely powerful. They are constantly beating the 100-meter tree, breaking a large number of branches, and then entangled the giant tree trunk with a height of 100 meters. The tentacles begin to glow, as if they want to pull the 100-meter tree The life essence of the tree is sucked away.

"No, the tree totem seems to be at a disadvantage!" Wang Xuan heard Huang Qingzhi whispering next to him. In his opinion, a large number of branches of the 100-meter tree were cut off, and even the trunk was entangled. It seemed that the situation was not good. .

Wan Qianying said: "It's hard to say now. It's hard to say who will win and who will lose until the last moment."

Wang Xuan looked at the battle at a height of 100 meters in the distance. The 100-meter-high tree completely fell on the giant mushroom. The branches that penetrated the mushroom canopy expanded in all directions, like sharp knives, cutting the giant mushroom. The mushroom cap was torn into pieces, and a large amount of translucent liquid was spilling downwards.

Thousands of dryads have already rushed to the ancient ruins. They climbed over the high wall outside like crazy and rushed in, intending to attack from the roots of the giant mushroom.

From below the hundred-meter tree, thick tree roots appeared one after another, like prehistoric pythons, rising from the ground, entangled with the translucent tentacles split from each other, pulling each other, these tree roots and tentacles They all contain the power of uplifting mountains. During the pulling, tree roots and tentacles are constantly breaking, and blood-red juice and translucent liquid are constantly spurting out along the fractures.

More and more tree roots and tentacles appeared on both sides, entangled with each other. The 100-meter tree trunk and the giant mushroom were completely squeezed together. The tree crown and mushroom canopy above were colliding with each other, making loud rumbling noises. .

The battle between the two sides became more and more intense. Wang Xuan watched from afar as the roots of the 100-meter-high tree were swung out casually, and then he uprooted the trees that were tens of meters high, and then used these big trees as weapons to smash them against the giant trees. mushroom.

This giant mushroom had no time to absorb the life essence of the surrounding plants during the battle. The mushroom canopy above it became tattered. The translucent tentacles under the canopy resisted the towering trees that were smashed towards it, and continued to fight back and pull out.

The crown of the 100-meter tall tree was beaten to pieces, and a large number of branches broke and fell down. Suddenly, dozens of giant tree roots sprouted from the 100-meter tree, entangled with the giant mushroom, trying to pull it up in the air.


Amidst the earth-shattering noise, the 100-meter tree pulled up the giant mushroom, but all the tentacles of the giant mushroom completely wrapped around the 100-meter tree, like pushing a golden mountain toppling a jade pillar, and both sides fell down together.

Everyone witnessed this scene from a distance of several kilometers, and they were horrified. The two super beings fell into the ancient ruins together, crushing the buildings covered by plants, and the buildings were crushed and collapsed. Various harsh sounds continued to sound, and there were endless rumbling noises.

The whole ancient ruins were filled with rubble and dust. After the two behemoths fell to the ground, they rolled and fought on the ground. The blood-red liquid flowing out of the ancient tree totem and the translucent liquid in the unknown ancient object continued to surge out, making the scene more and more tragic. .

As both sides fell, strange roars were heard from all around the primitive forest in the center of the ancient ruins. These strange roars were like tsunamis, one wave bigger than the other, one after another.

Wang Xuan and the other six people standing on the tree crown all looked surprised. They looked around hurriedly, but saw more tree demons appearing on the towering trees in the distance. These tree demons were like apes. They were flying in the tree crowns, rushing towards the ancient ruins.

There are so many of these tree demons that at a glance, there are thousands of them at least.

Everyone gasped, never expecting that there were so many dryads hidden in the distant forest.

In addition to these tree monsters, vines standing upright appeared on the other side of the ancient ruins. Between these countless swinging vines, green strange insects crawled out. These vines were their tentacles. .

Wang Xuan had sharp eyes and immediately recognized that these strange green insects with rattan tentacles were the resident vines he had encountered before.

These resident vines are parasitic in the big trees. At this moment, they are climbing with all their strength, relying on the vines to wrap around the branches and swing out. The speed is not much slower than the tree demon. From a distance, Wang Xuan sees these resident vines like a green tide, surging close to the ancient ruins. .

In addition to the dryads and resident vines flying on the canopy, there are more figures approaching quickly in the grass below and in the towering trees. The entire primeval forest seems to be in a short period of time. Time turned into a sea of ​​monsters.

"So many monsters are gathering towards the ancient ruins. It is the ancient tree totem that is summoning them." Wan Qianying whispered to herself.

An earth-shattering roar sounded from the distance. Wang Xuan saw a giant tree demon suddenly fly out among the thousands of tree demons and land steadily on a towering tree.

This tree demon is several times larger than the ordinary tree demon. It stands ten meters high above the tree crown. It opens its mouth and roars loudly in the direction of the ancient ruins. Under its command, the surrounding tree demons become more and more powerful. Madly, rushing into the ancient ruins.

"That's the Tree Demon King." Xu Jian shouted.

Huang Qingzhi's face changed color and he said: "Let's leave quickly. It's getting more and more unsafe here. If we don't leave, we're probably in danger."

Wan Qianying shouted in a low voice: "Go down!" She also saw that not far away, there were figures covered with plaques approaching quickly. Although they were not deliberately targeting them, it would be troublesome if they fell into it.

Wang Xuan also saw groups of figures appearing in the distance. These figures looked like human-shaped fungi, with plaques covering their surfaces and densely packed small mushrooms growing on their bodies. For people with trypophobia, Just looking at it makes one's hair stand on end, making one look indescribably uncomfortable.

He used his illustrated eye to take a look and immediately obtained their information.

The Mushroom Man has the terrifying ability to spray mushroom bombs. The danger level is the same as that of the tree demon and the tree demon, reaching six stars.

Wang Xuan saw a piece of information about the mushroom people. They naturally hate humans. Once they find humans, they will try their best to kill humans.

When he noticed this information, he knew he was in trouble.

Groups of mushroom people appeared from a distance and were gathering towards them.

Everyone felt that something was wrong with the situation around them. Not only were there more and more monsters gathering in the ancient ruins, but also a large number of monsters began to gather here, including them. If they didn't leave, they might not be able to leave.

Wan Qianying said as she quickly slid down the trunk of the big tree. Wang Xuan and the other five people went down one after another and soon fell to the ground.

Those strange mushroom people had appeared more than 20 meters away from them. Although their main target was the direction of the ancient ruins, when they noticed the six Wang Xuan and others, many of them started to rush towards them.

"Hurry up!" Wan Qianying climbed onto the back of the giant mechanical bear, shouted, and immediately rushed towards the distance.

The other five people followed closely. The fastest mushroom man had already rushed within ten meters and immediately started firing mushroom bombs.

The densely packed mushrooms growing on the surface of their bodies are special mushroom bombs. These mushroom bombs grow on special organs. These organs can compress and eject powerful airflow, allowing these mushroom bombs to fly out like bullets. Once they hit the enemy, A violent explosion occurred immediately.

In terms of power, a mushroom bomb is almost as powerful as an exploding crystal.

Gong Yangxuan was busy summoning pieces of glass mirrors to protect them behind everyone. The flying mushroom bombs hit the glass mirrors and exploded immediately, blowing the glass mirrors into pieces.

Everyone did not dare to fight, and rode the mechanical beasts, running at full speed in the direction where the mushroom man did not appear in the distance.

Now the direction to the five major cities is full of dryads, and on both sides are mushrooms and vines. The only direction everyone can escape is to area nine, which they took the elevator up before.

These mushroom men are proficient in powerful long-range range attacks, but their movement speed is not their strong point. They cannot catch up with the mechanical beasts.

The six people ran all the way and quickly left the group of mushroom people far away. Suddenly, a group of Rafflesia-like monsters appeared in front of them.

This monster is brightly colored, about two to three meters tall, has a huge corolla, and relies on centipede-like roots below to move.

Wang Xuan checked their information and captured their information.

Piranha can spray corrosive venom, with a six-star danger rating.

A group of piranha flowers suddenly appeared in front of them. Fortunately, they were not targeting them, but moved towards the ancient ruins.

Six people rode mechanical beasts, avoiding these moving piranha flowers, and ran at full speed.

Wang Xuan looked towards the direction of the ancient ruins, which was almost overwhelmed by all kinds of weird creatures in the forest. The battle between the ancient tree totem and the translucent mushroom seemed to be coming to an end, and the movement gradually became smaller.

"This tree totem has summoned so many monsters to help, so we should be able to win."

Wang Xuan guessed in his heart.

At the moment, they can only give up heading to the five major cities and return to Area 9 first. They do not want to see more and more monsters appearing around them. Even in the direction of Area 9, a large number of monsters have begun to appear.

Six people were still attacked.

Attacking them are a group of piranha flowers.

They shrink the petals, form venom from them, and spray them out.

Their venom can be sprayed up to more than 20 meters away and is very powerful. These venoms will not corrode flowers, plants and trees, but they can corrode the human body and even steel. Once contaminated, it will be very troublesome.

Gong Xuanyang's glass mirror once again played a huge role. He kept raising his right hand to summon the mirror to appear as a shield to resist the venom sprayed towards him.

Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand, and the four metal tentacles extended to the limit of seven meters. Since these piranha flowers were attacking them, he was no longer polite. He rode Xiaoguai, suddenly surpassed everyone, and rushed forward first.

Four metal tentacles waved out. Before the venom of these piranha flowers could be sprayed out, they were hit by the metal tentacles and immediately became tattered.

Wang Xuan's metal tentacles contain the power of blue crystal scales. Each strike seems simple, but is actually very powerful. The venom of this piranha's long-range attack is powerful, but its body is very fragile. As long as it is hit, it will immediately break apart. .

Wang Xuan absorbed the white scales that appeared in their bodies and took the lead, killing these piranha monsters in succession.

Soon, tree demons appeared above their heads. They appeared in the tree crown above, fell in the air, and rushed toward everyone.

Everyone took action to fight back. Wang Xuan saw that the ten glass pillars in Area 9 had appeared two or three kilometers away. With the speed of their mechanical beasts, they could arrive very quickly, but at this moment, people gathered around Area 9. There are a large number of monsters, and it will not be easy for them to return.

Wan Qianying followed Wang Xuan closely, and Gongyang Xuan summoned glass mirrors from time to time to resist the attacking piranhas.

After Xu Jian and Huang Qing broke up, they knew it was difficult to resist, so they took out flame crystals and explosive crystals, and kept throwing them behind them to block these piranha flowers that were rushing towards them crazily.

Wang Xuan took the lead and led everyone to run at full speed in the direction of the ten glass columns in the distance.

In the direction of the ancient ruins, the movement became smaller and smaller, with only the screams of countless monsters coming one after another.

Wang Xuan didn't know how many piranha plants he killed along the way. The ghost wings that appeared behind him turned into steel feathers and shot rapidly in the air. The body of this piranha plant is very fragile and as long as it is hit If hit by a steel feather, it will soon wither and die.

Wang Xuan continued to absorb the white scales, and the steel feather on the left side of his back gradually grew larger, and now it has become the size of a cattail leaf fan.

As he gradually approached Area 9, Wang Xuan saw groups of dryads and mushroom men gathering around the ten glass columns. However, they did not enter the circle surrounded by stone runes, but gathered around The areas on the edge of the circle were gathering towards them, trying to stop them.

Looking up at the tip of the iceberg that appeared to be a building in the sky, Wang Xuan took a deep breath, and the four metal tentacles exploded with full force, like four tumbling pythons. He activated the energy of the blue crystal scales, each strike containing The most powerful force, whether it is a piranha or a tree demon, can kill it in an instant.

Such an all-out attack was very draining of physical strength. He had just drank a bottle of primary physical strength water in order to continue to maintain such a crazy outburst.

The others followed closely and were secretly shocked when they saw the power of Wang Xuan's attack. In their opinion, Wang Xuan's strength was getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, they approached the stone carvings with runes. Wang Xuan let out a loud shout, and pulled out four metal tentacles in the air. With a crackling sound, a dryad exploded from it. Xiaoguai jumped up and took it with him. He rushed through the rune stone carvings and entered the stone carvings.

Strangely enough, these tree demons, mushroom men and other monsters seemed to be as afraid of the rune stone carvings as tigers. As soon as they approached the rune stone carvings, they immediately stopped and stopped entering.

Wan Qianying, Tang Ruoyu, Xu Jian and Gongyang Xuan rushed past the rune stone carvings and entered area nine.

Outside the rune stone carvings on the ground, groups of tree demons were screaming at them, baring their teeth and claws, and seemed to want to attack them. However, these tree demon monsters only gathered outside the circle of the stone carvings on the ground, and did not approach the circle at all. .

Wang Xuan saw this and was secretly amazed.

I just killed an unknown number of monsters in a round and harvested a lot of white scale energy. The ghost wing on the left changed a lot. Looking at the ancient ruins in the distance, it became quiet. The tree totem and the mushroom-like In the battle of antiquities, no one knows what the outcome will be.

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