The last building on earth

Chapter 281 A shocking battle

Just now, he punched with enough force that even steel could be broken, but when he hit King Rakshasa, although he was hit in half and flew away, there was not a single wound on his body. Wang Xuan had a feeling. It felt like the Rakshasa King had withstood his punch without any injuries.

If that's true, that's scary.

You know, Wang Xuan used enough force in this punch.

Just as Wang Xuan rushed out of the building, he saw the Rakshasa King who had fallen on the ground straighten up, and his three-meter-high metal body stood up straight. His whole body was unscathed, as if he had never been attacked by him. .

Seeing this scene, Wang Xuan's heart sank, but he saw the Rakshasa King who had turned into a metal man grinning, showing a mouth full of white teeth, shaking his body, and suddenly seemed to be covered with arms, attacking him like a violent storm. Come.

At this moment, Wang Xuan felt dazzled.

The strength of the Rakshasa King in front of him was higher than that of Xuan Lord and Justice City Lord.

Although they are both strong in the seventh form, there is obviously a strength gap between them.

If Xuan Lord and Justice City Lord are just ordinary seventh-form powerhouses, then the Rakshasa King in front of him is at least a seventh-form powerhouse.

With Wang Xuan's current strength, he couldn't resist it under normal conditions. He immediately activated four ghost wings and entered the "Ghost Car Night Walk".

A blurry shadow appeared in the body, merging with the four wings. The dark wings stretched back, and the strange sound of vehicles crushing at high speed came from inside, and afterimages appeared one after another.

The sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom" was heard endlessly. As soon as each afterimage appeared, it was blasted by King Rakshasa's giant metal fist. His speed kept up with the "Ghost Car at Night".

More and more super-powerful people gathered in the distance, and those who stayed in the central city rushed over one after another, with incredible looks of shock in their eyes.

From their point of view, they could only see that the Rakshasa King had countless arms and was attacking the void in front of him crazily, while Wang Xuan seemed to have turned into a paper man, with countless paper men piling up and heading towards the Luosha King. The King of Chasra approaches.

But these paper figures began to shatter immediately before they came into contact with the Rakshasa King.

With a "boom", an earth-shaking loud noise suddenly erupted. Wang Xuan's body reappeared, his arms stretched out, and the two monster arms collided with the metal giant arms of the Rakshasa King. The air waves were emptied, and there was a huge sound. Deafening.

This attack had no tricks. Wang Xuan only felt his mind shaken. He staggered and fell back. He stepped back seven steps in a row. Qi and blood surged in his chest. He almost vomited blood. Although he had already used the ghost The power of the car, the power of the monster, and the power of the blue crystal scales are still no match for the Rakshasa King.

The Rakshasa King fought off Wang Xuan and roared again. This was the power he controlled. The Rakshasa battle body was invulnerable and infinitely powerful. In the Rakshasa battle body, he seemed to be the legendary Rakshasa evil ghost. With both feet kicking, the three-meter-high Rakshasa battle body stepped forward. Wang Xuan, who was retreating, suddenly found fists coming from all directions with giant metal arms. He had been surrounded by the Rakshasa King, and he retreated. No retreat.

Separated by a distance of tens of meters, more and more people gathered. They did not dare to get too close. People from the five major cities who got the news gradually entered the central city through the transmission channel, and more and more people rushed over.

The battle between strong men in the seventh form can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. At least they have never seen it with their own eyes. This is the first time.

In their eyes, Wang Xuan and Rakshasa King are both strong men in the seventh form.

Wang Xuan had no choice but to fight hard. "Ghost Car Night Travel", "Ghost Stealth" and Warcraft Giant Arm also waved his fists like a violent storm. A large number of luminous parts appeared on his left arm. He decided to launch an attack with the left arm of the deus ex machina.

The Rakshasa King was too powerful, forcing Wang Xuanwei to use his strength to defeat the force. This was a real fist-to-flesh fight. The two sides fought fist to fist, arm to arm, and the monster's giant arm hit the metal fist, once or twice, Ten times, twenty times...and soon dozens of collision attacks.

Wang Xuan felt that his monster arm could not withstand it, and the surface of his fist began to crack, and blood flowed from it.

Even if he has mastered the primary hatchling skill "Metal Toughness" and the intermediate skill "Active Metal", the toughness of the giant arm of Warcraft has been raised to an astonishing level, but it is still unbearable at this moment, with wounds appearing like spider webs. Blood started to splash everywhere.

Wang Xuan's Warcraft giant arm couldn't withstand it, but the Rakshasa King's Rakshasa battle body remained unscathed. Obviously, the Rakshasa battle body was tougher than the Warcraft giant arm and could withstand repeated attacks from such terrifying power.

With a "boom", suddenly, a two-meter-long mechanical god's arm appeared and struck from the side. The Rakshasa King turned his head to avoid it and raised his arm to block it.

The mechanical god's arm hit the Rakshasa King's left arm. There was a faint crisp sound inside, and the Rakshasa King flew out like a kite with its string cut off.

Although his Rakshasa battle body is tougher than Wang Xuan's Warcraft giant arm, it cannot withstand the power of the mechanical god's arm.

Seeing the Rakshasa King fall more than 20 meters sideways, Wang Xuan paused for breath, his hands were covered in blood, and his giant arms of monsters were covered with terrible open wounds, with bones faintly visible inside.

After taking out the primary physical strength water and primary healing water and drinking it, Wang Xuan flapped the ghost wings behind his back and, in conjunction with "Ghost Stealth", accelerated his attack.

He had just rushed to the place where the Rakshasa King fell, but he saw the Rakshasa King rolling on the ground. There was a crisp "pop" sound, and a metal leg swept out sideways. Wang Xuan blocked it with the giant arm of the monster, and a heavy A mountain of power pressed in, and the Rakshasa King stood up again. Wang Xuan noticed that his left arm collapsed into a hole where it was hit by the arm of the mechanical god. Other than that, there were no other obvious injuries.

I was secretly shocked, the Rakshasa King was a monster, the defense and toughness of this metal body were simply unbelievable.

The Rakshasa King once again launched a violent attack, with countless fists raining down. Although Wang Xuan was in the "Ghost Car Night Journey" and could barely block it, the giant arm of the Warcraft could not withstand the continuous attacks, and more and more cracks appeared on the surface. , not even the primary healing water he just drank had time to heal.

As his strength increased, the power remaining on the surface of the injuries became more and more terrifying, and the effects of the primary healing water became less and less effective.

Fortunately, this time he killed the elders and those men in black robes, and in addition to harvesting a large amount of primary healing water, he also had 270 bottles of intermediate healing water.

Since the effect of the primary healing water was not obvious, he decided to drink the intermediate healing water.

The four ghost wings opened and shot together, and together with the two metal tentacles, they were drawn out together, and the mechanical god's arm attacked again.

With the help of ghost wings and metal tentacles, this time the mechanical god's arm hit the Rakshasa King's chest head-on.

The metal chest immediately collapsed into a hole, and there was a faint sound of bones breaking inside. The Rakshasa King rolled in the air and fell back dozens of meters, hitting the wall of a building behind him with a loud bang.

Fortunately, the buildings in the central city are specially manufactured and difficult to damage. The wall withstood the strong force and remained unscathed.

The Rakshasa King slowly fell along the wall, and Wang Xuan let out a louder gasp. The load on him was extremely heavy when he activated the mechanical god's arms, especially the giant arms of Warcraft, which were scarred and covered with blood.

This time Wang Xuan took out a bottle of intermediate healing water and drank it.

Now he still has 269 bottles of intermediate healing water left.

The healing water entered the body and exerted a huge healing effect. This effect was ten times better than the primary level. It immediately concentrated on his arms and endlessly restored the numerous wounds on his arms.

The wounds on the monster's giant arm were healing at an alarming speed. Wang Xuan stepped forward at the same time and rushed towards the fallen Rakshasa King.

After being hit hard twice by the mechanical god's arm, the Rakshasa King finally suffered a little injury this time. His collapsed chest did not recover, and there were broken bones inside.

The passage of time around him was slowing down. Wang Xuan entered the "Ghost Car Night Journey" while rushing over. Blue lights lit up on the surface of the healing monster's giant arm. Wang Xuan moved the blue crystal scales. When his strength reached the limit that he could bear, he let out a loud shout and struck with all his strength.

The real terror of the Rakshasa King is his Rakshasa battle body. It is as indestructible as it has been tempered thousands of times. Even the attack of the mechanical god's arm cannot cause fatal damage. Now the only thing Wang Xuan can do is to attack continuously, but every time Activating the mechanical god's arm not only consumes a lot of physical strength, but also puts a certain load on his spiritual soul.

After all, this is an attack that is beyond his current ability. If you want to use it, you need to pay a certain price.

King Rakshasa was hit in the chest by the mechanical god's arm, and a bone was broken inside. He growled slightly and tried to stand up, but Wang Xuan jumped in front of him again.

The defense of his Rakshasa battle body was so strong that he could hardly be injured, but it also had a shortcoming, that is, once injured, it was extremely difficult to heal. Even the intermediate healing water had no effect, so he did not take the healing water at all because of these It has no effect on his Rakshasa battle body.

Wang Xuan appeared again, and the Rakshasa King growled and stretched out his hands. Suddenly his hands tightened, but they were caught by Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan used all his strength to pull the Rakshasa King flying into the air and smashed it against a wall.

There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and the Rakshasa King's body hit the wall firmly, making a huge noise.

The walls of Central City are so strong that even the totems cannot be easily destroyed. Even though both of them can burst out the power of the seventh form and hit the wall, they cannot destroy the wall.

Just when Wang Xuan pulled the Rakshasa King and hit the wall, he saw the Rakshasa King's body spin violently. Wang Xuan suddenly felt a force like an overwhelming force spinning over him and spinning his body out.

With a "boom", Wang Xuan fell out and took the Rakshasa King with him. The two rolled and rolled together, clinging to the ground and fighting each other crazily.

Fighting at close quarters, without the help of "Ghost Car at Night", Wang Xuan was crushed by the Rakshasa King in both strength and speed.

With a hiss, one ghost wing was grabbed by the Rakshasa King and torn apart, and then the second ghost wing.

Wang Xuan groaned and received another blow to the chest. At the critical moment, the mechanical god's arm appeared again and hit the Rakshasa King's chest at the same time.

Both sides received a blow at the same time, and Wang Xuan rolled over and fell out. Fortunately, the neutral energy shield he activated reduced his power by half. Even so, after the energy shield was destroyed, the mechanical shell covering his body shattered, and the ghost armor It shattered, and several bones in the body were broken. A stream of blood surged up and spurted out immediately.

King Rakshasa's metal chest, which originally collapsed into a punch pit, was hit again. The punch pit expanded, and two ribs in his chest were broken this time. His body also rolled and fell out.

In addition to the previous broken rib, he now had three broken ribs in his body.

Wang Xuan fell out and immediately took out the intermediate healing water and physical strength water and drank it. The Rakshasa King turned over and jumped up again, ignoring the three broken ribs in his body.

There was a slight growl in his throat. He didn't take Wang Xuan seriously at first. Even if Wang Xuan became a strong man in the seventh form, he was still full of confidence. Now after the fight, he realized that Wang Xuan was far better than he thought. It's scary. Wang Xuan's own strength is just that. What's really troublesome is the attack from the mechanical god's arm. The power and speed of this attack are so powerful and fast that even he can't dodge or resist. If it weren't for the invulnerability of his Rakshasa battle body, he would have been seriously injured or even... He was shot to death by Wang Xuan.

"This human being is too terrifying. No matter what, we will kill him today. We must not let him grow again——"

King Rakshasa suddenly let out a low roar as his mind raced. He took out a crimson fruit and swallowed it.

As he swallowed the fruit, the surface of his metalized body showed a red luster. This luster rose and turned into a red flame, wrapping around his whole body. He turned into a three-meter-high red flame metal giant.

Covered in flames, the Rakshasa King suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out an earth-shattering roar. He stamped his feet violently, and with a bang, the ground shook. He rose into the air like a flaming giant, jumped tens of meters, then turned down and locked onto Wang Xuan. down.

Even when he was hunting the white rhinoceros that day, he didn't use the fruit. Until now, he clearly regarded Wang Xuan as a real and unrelenting enemy and wanted to kill him at all costs.

As he roared, terrifying power surged down, and the temperature of the space in all directions suddenly increased, becoming unbearably hot.

Wang Xuan saw that the space around him was like a stalemate and the heat wave was rolling. It became difficult for him to move. He looked up at the Rakshasa King flying down in the sky. He knew that he could not bear the blow. With one blow, his giant monster His arms were about to explode. Even if his arms could bear it, his body couldn't.

Without thinking too much, he also let out a low roar, waved his left arm, and white rays of light burst out from it. The rays of light converged to form countless metal parts. These parts were combined to form a two-meter-long mechanical giant arm.

The Mechanical God's arm was activated again, with a faint blue light flickering in it. This time, Wang Xuan also used his strongest power, which contained the power of blue crystal scales, and struck with all his strength to meet Luo Luo who was blasted down from the sky. King of Chasha.

The glowing Mechanical God's arm collided with the Rakshasa King flying down from the sky, and was blasted into the swirling flames. The Rakshasa King was roaring, and a pair of metal arms came together to resist the Mechanical God's arm that was coming up. There was a head-on confrontation twenty or thirty meters in the air. This was the most powerful collision between the two sides, and only an earth-shaking roar was heard.

The powerful mechanical god's arm was shattered from it and suddenly exploded into countless luminous parts scattered in all directions.

The Rakshasa King opened his mouth, roared wildly, blood spurted out, and his body fell backwards in the air.

Wang Xuan raised his head and looked in his eyes, his heart beating with fear.

The Rakshasa King was so powerful that he broke the arm of the Mechanical God into pieces?

This is the first time since I got the mechanical god arm.

The Rakshasa King fell in the air, Wang Xuan pounced forward, and hit the Rakshasa King again with a pair of monster arms.

What he attacked was the collapsed chest of the Rakshasa King, and there was another crisp sound of bones breaking inside.

Following the blow, King Rakshasa vomited blood and his body became much weaker. Wang Xuan seemed unaffected, but the cracked mechanical god's arm could no longer be used for the time being.

Once again, the Rakshasa King was knocked away. Wang Xuan followed up and pounced on him, targeting his collapsed chest and hitting him crazily.

Just blast his chest to pieces to break this terrifying Rakshasa battle body.

The Rakshasa King's chest continued to collapse, and blood seeped out of his mouth.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan felt as if the giant arm of the monster he had blasted was sucked by a force. He quickly tilted his head back, but was still a step too late. He received a blow on the face. His eyes were immediately blurred, blood spattered out, and his nose bones were broken. , blood spurted out from both sides of his ears.

If it weren't for the triple defense of the helmet, mechanical shell, and neutral energy shield, as well as the fact that he leaned back to avoid part of the force, his head would have been shattered by just one blow.

Wang Xuan flew out heavily, and the Rakshasa King roared and got up. With his huge right hand, he grabbed Wang Xuan's head and smashed it to the ground.

The ground in Central City is as hard as iron and is almost indestructible. If this blow hits, Wang Xuan's brain will burst immediately.

Between life and death, the mechanical god's arms were unable to be used. Wang Xuan watched the ground magnify in front of him, his heart beating like a drum. A pair of giant arms of Warcraft moved upwards and grasped the giant arms of the Rakshasa King. Four ghost wings slapped the ground, and his legs moved towards the ground. As soon as he held it up, his whole body lit up with a dazzling blue light.

Perhaps sensing Wang Xuan's danger, this time the blue crystal scales exploded with the strongest power. This power was so incredible that it caused Wang Xuan's muscles to tear and a large amount of blood to spurt out.


With a roar, Wang Xuan spurted blood from his orifices, moved his body upwards, hit his head on the collapsed chest of the Rakshasa King, and pushed him to fly into the air.

There was a look of disbelief in King Rakshasa's eyes.

Lines of blue light were like small snakes, traveling up Wang Xuan's arms and legs, converging on the top of his head, and finally burst out.


There was a muffled thunder, and Wang Xuan flew thirty or forty meters high against the Rakshasa King.

In the entire central city, nearly a thousand people had gathered in a short period of time.

At this moment, everyone opened their eyes wide, raised their heads, and looked into the air.

Time seems to have frozen at this moment.

As the muffled thunder ended, everyone saw a large amount of blood spraying in the air, and a large amount of blood and internal organs exploded from the Rakshasa King's back.

With this blow from Wang Xuan, the head pierced directly through his chest and emerged from his back.

The two rose to the limit and began to fall.

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