The last building on earth

Chapter 355 Chaos (please vote and subscribe)

"Yu Hao, are you crazy?"

The incident happened suddenly, and everyone around was in an uproar, and some palace guards screamed loudly.

The palace guard named Yu Hao said nothing. He swung the knife in his hand and struck at another palace guard.

With a "porphy" sound, his head suddenly exploded. A crutch penetrated and shattered his head, and then it shrank back with blood and flesh.

Behind him, Mr. Qian appeared quietly. It was he who suddenly took action and smashed Yu Hao's head with a stick.

"If you see someone going crazy, kill them immediately..."

Before he could finish his words, several more screams rang out at the same time. Some of the guards from the Nine Halls went crazy and suddenly attacked their companions.

If they were too close to each other and were caught off guard, they would be hit almost instantly, either their heads would be chopped off, or they would be hit in fatal vital parts and die immediately.

These people are too familiar with each other, and they all know each other's fatal weaknesses. They can attack suddenly and almost kill with one blow.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Take action!" Mr. Qian shouted sharply. His eyes, which were originally weak, now glowed with a terrifying light. His figure was like lightning, and he rushed out again. The crutch in his hand was carrying a heavy white light, and he stabbed out suddenly.

A palace guard from the "Yaksha Palace" had just gone crazy and killed his companions when his crutch pierced his chest. The terrifying energy carried by the crutch directly tore the palace guard into pieces.

Wang Lao, who had been silent all this time, also took action. Her weapon was a sword formed by water condensation, which was shot out in the air. She would show no mercy to these crazy palace guards.

In just a short period of time, at least a dozen people suddenly went crazy. Most of them were palace guards from the Ninth Hall, and two were elders of the elder group.

The other elders and palace guards all began to fight back. Except for the first wave of people who were caught off guard and were killed, the others began to distance themselves from each other to guard against everyone around them, including Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei and others. distance, watch out for each other.

Wang Xuan somewhat understood what the God of Machinery meant by "internally".

Apparently, it meant that the real danger lay within their own ranks.

Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang took action very decisively. They did not investigate the reasons for those people's sudden madness. Instead, they took action decisively and quickly killed the mad palace guards.

Soon, the original chaotic situation calmed down, and the dozen or so people who suddenly went crazy were killed. Including the people they killed in the previous sneak attack, the number of people who died in just ten seconds exceeded 30. .

Looking at the more than thirty corpses falling on the ground, these corpses were slowly sliding down the sloping passage.

Wang Xuan used Zhou Tian's Eye to observe and could not see the reason for these people's sudden madness. He originally thought that Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang would find a way to catch these people and then investigate the reason for their madness. Unexpectedly, they would act so quickly and ruthlessly, directly The killing made Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei and others look in disbelief.

You must know that these palace guards are basically only at the perfect level of strength. With Qian Lao's strength, it is not difficult to catch them.


Following Qian Lao's order, the palace guards began to go deeper.

They had all received special training. Although they had difficulty understanding the actions of Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang, no one raised any objections and continued to go up the sloping passage.

More than thirty people had just died, and the smell of blood filled the passage.

Watching the team continue to move, Wang Xuan heard Zhao Lei's whisper in his ears: "Do you feel something is wrong?"

Wang Xuan glanced at Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei lowered his voice and whispered in a voice that almost only Wang Xuan could hear: "I won't tell you why these palace guards suddenly went crazy. They could obviously catch these palace guards and investigate the cause of their madness, but they suddenly attacked and killed them. Don’t you find it strange that these crazy people have all been killed, and it seems as if they were deliberately trying to kill them?”

Wang Xuan hummed softly. Like Zhao Lei, he always felt that there was something wrong with the way Mr. Qian and others handled it, but he couldn't figure out the specific reason.

At this moment, the voice of the Mechanical God sounded in Wang Xuan's mind again.

"...It's...a sacrifice...only blood...can appease..."

When Wang Xuan heard this, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly asked secretly: "Mechanical God, what does sacrifice mean? Can it be appeased by blood?"

"Yes... here... chaos... hides... terror... needs blood... to appease..."

The mechanical god's words were very messy, but Wang Xuan understood them.

"You mean there is a very terrifying thing hidden here? It needs blood to appease it? In other words, Mr. Qian and the others also know this situation, so they deliberately kill these crazy palace guards, hoping to use their deaths to Have peace?"

"Yes... it's... maddening... it's dangerous here... you have to find a way... to leave..."

The voice of the Mechanical God was intermittent in his mind. Only Wang Xuan could hear this voice. If what it said was true, it meant that there was some kind of terrifying existence hidden here. Those palace guards would go crazy because of the power of this terrifying existence. influence, but blood and death can appease it.

In this way, the powerful Zhou Mingrui also died in the hands of this terrifying existence.

Moreover, Mr. Qian, Mr. Wang and others also knew about this existence.

"If all this is true, is their true purpose of bringing the guards of the Nine Halls... to use their lives... to appease that terrifying existence..."

Wang Xuan shuddered when he thought of this possibility. Then he looked at the more than thirty people who had just died. Their corpses were slowly sliding down the inclined passage. Soon he saw a strange phenomenon. These corpses began to slide down the passage. Sliding down, slowly no longer sliding down, but sliding around along the sloping passage.

This situation is very wrong. Normally, corpses should slide down from top to bottom, but now they seem to be upside down, left and right, and these corpses begin to slide around unruly, especially some of them slide down from bottom to top. It slid up and down, looking indescribably weird.

Many people noticed this situation. Qian Lao at the front of the team suddenly said in a deep voice: "Don't panic, everyone. Chaos has begun to approach here. This is a sign of chaos. It means that we are about to succeed. Next, we just need to get out of this chaos." By breaking out, we can truly open this road to heaven.”

Many people felt inspired by Mr. Qian's words, and a group of palace guards led by him began to accelerate upward.

As he continued to go up, Wang Xuan saw that the damage to the walls of the surrounding passages was getting more and more serious, and a large amount of steel bars emerged from these damaged gaps.

Soon, severely damaged walls appeared above. These walls were covered with green plants such as ivy. Everyone now began to pass through these severely damaged walls and continue upward.

Soon, the road above was blocked by a large number of ivy plants. Unless the ivy plants above were destroyed, a new passage opened, or the direction was changed.

The leading group of palace guards stopped. Under the order of Mr. Qian, sixteen elders took action again with the "Arrow of Judgment".

The huge white light turned into an arrow shape and flew upwards, hitting the ivy plant above. With a huge sound, the ivy plant blocking the way above was destroyed and disappeared, revealing an unfathomable huge hole inside.

The sixteen elders looked exhausted and retreated with the "Arrow of Judgment". After everyone waited for a while to make sure there was no danger inside, the palace guards began to explore along the huge hole that was opened.

Soon a group of palace guards entered. Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang were about to enter when they suddenly noticed that the ivy blasted away by the "Arrow of Judgment" began to squirm violently. They appeared along the damaged walls around them, emerging from the cracks and cracks. The holes and windows protruded out, like pythons, sealing the newly opened holes in an instant, followed by the roars and screams of the palace guards.

Everyone was shocked when something happened suddenly. Mr. Qian let out an angry shout and stepped back suddenly: "Use the Arrow of Judgment——"

Before he finished speaking, ivy burst out from all directions and rushed toward everyone crazily.

Almost everyone was attacked, including Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and Tang Ruoyu at the back of the team.

In just a short time, there were green vines in all directions, and they were caught in endless green vine attacks.

The most terrifying thing is that these green vines sprayed green liquid. One palace guard was sprayed by the green liquid. There was a "sizzling" sound all over his body and green smoke came out. The equipment he was wearing began to melt and fester together with his skin. No matter how hard he struggled to resist, He couldn't stop the body from rotting. In just a blink of an eye, it turned into a skeleton and fell downwards.

You must know that these palace guards are all perfect strong men. They can corrode a perfect strong man into a skeleton in an instant. You can imagine how toxic this green liquid is.

Continuous screams rang out. The dozens of palace guards who were sealed inside did not know what happened to them. They kept screaming. Everyone outside was also attacked. Wang Xuan immediately launched the "Ghost Car Night Walk" and cooperated with the "Ghost Car Armor". Dodge and resist at the same time.

Yu Shanshan shouted, and used all her strength to open a light curtain, protecting herself and everyone around her in the light curtain to resist the green liquid sprayed by the ivy.

The sixteen elders held the "Arrow of Judgment" and fired it upward again. A huge white light destroyed the newly gathered ivy. Green juice gushed out from these destroyed ivy, heading towards Everyone sprinkled it.

Fortunately, many of the people were proficient in large-scale defense methods. At this moment, they took action one after another. Light masks and shields appeared one by one to protect themselves and everyone around them.

Everyone quickly calmed down from the brief panic. Mr. Qian swayed and rushed in through the gap opened above.

He just rushed in and found that it was a maze-like world with huge dilapidated walls everywhere. These walls were criss-crossed, forming a space like a maze. At this moment, a large number of skeletons were floating between these walls. The person who had just entered Most of the more than forty palace guards were dead, and only a dozen were still alive.

What killed them was an unprecedented eyeball monster.

This eyeball must be the size of a house, and is completely green. The eyeball is surrounded by ivy of varying lengths and thickness. The eyeball monster relies on these countless ivy to kill dozens of palace guards in a short period of time.

When Mr. Qian rushed in, he happened to see a large number of green vines shooting wildly like javelins. Both speed and strength reached an appalling level, far beyond the level of perfection.

The combat power of these palace guards is only perfect. If they set up a magic circle, they can fight against the powerful palace master. However, the situation is chaotic at the moment. They have lost their position. Without the help of the magic circle, they are simply vulnerable. In the blink of an eye, nearly ten palace guards were killed by the eyeball monster.

Mr. Qian was shocked when he saw this scene. He threw the crutch in his right hand suddenly, turned into a white light that reached the sky, and hit the monster with eyes.

Following closely behind, Wang Laochu rushed in, followed by a group of palace guards.

There was a loud "boom", and the crutch thrown by Mr. Qian hit the eyeball monster. The energy impact caused a large number of surrounding walls to be unable to withstand it and began to crumble and collapse. Pieces of walls fell down. Mr. Qian was shocked to find that he was The single blow failed to destroy the eyeball monster, and his cane was blocked by the swarms of ivy.

The next moment, dozens of green vines shot up like a bolt of green vines and shot toward him.

The more than forty palace guards who had just entered were all killed by it in a short period of time.

Wang Xuan and others outside were also under tremendous pressure, and everyone was in danger.

Behind these green vines, green-eyed monsters appeared one after another. These eye-eyed monsters ranged from big to small. The small ones were only the size of a millstone and no more than one meter in diameter, while the large ones were seven or eight meters in diameter. They were extremely huge from below. Rolling up, countless green vines were like giant pythons, rushing toward them crazily.

A group of elders holding the "Arrow of Judgment" roared and launched the "Arrow of Judgment" again.

This killer weapon was extremely powerful. With one blow, a huge white light shot out and instantly hit several eyeball monsters below.

Although these eyeball monsters were weird and powerful, when they encountered the "Arrow of Judgment", they were instantly shattered and spewed out a large amount of green liquid. Everyone dodged to avoid being sprayed by the terrifying green liquid.

The green liquid sprayed onto the surrounding walls and immediately made a sizzling sound, as the walls melted and rotted.

Wang Xuan displayed the Demon Slayer Blade and cut off the green vines that were attacking crazily. While fighting against the green vines that came towards him, he paid attention to Tang Ruoyu's safety.

Tang Ruoyu's strength was stronger than he imagined.

She holds the White Tiger Giant Sword and releases a giant white tiger.

The white tiger was protecting her in front of her, and all the green vines that came towards her were blocked by the white tiger's claws.

Not counting her own combat power, the combat power of this giant white tiger alone is comparable to that of a powerful ultimate expert.

And this is obviously not all of Tang Ruoyu's strength.

"It seems... these days, she has another chance encounter..."

Wang Xuan took a look and felt relieved for the time being. He swung the demon slayer in his hand continuously. Although the green vines around him were terrifying, they were inaccessible in a short time.

The "Arrow of Judgment" exerts its power and destroys a large number of eyeball monsters after each attack.

These eyeball monsters couldn't get close to them, but Qian Lao and Wang Lao, who had just rushed above, retreated.

"Use the Arrow of Judgment!" Mr. Qian's face looked very ugly.

Although the eyeball monster that appeared outside was powerful, it was nothing compared to the eyeball monster above that was as big as a house.

Even Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang couldn't destroy the eyeball monster above. They could only withdraw and wanted to use the "Arrow of Judgment" to solve it.

There was a rumbling sound above, and a large number of walls were collapsing and falling downwards. While everyone had to resist the attacks of the surrounding eyeball monsters and countless ivy, they also had to resist the falling walls and the large amount of green liquid sprayed downwards.

The scene became more and more chaotic. From time to time, a palace guard failed to avoid it and was contaminated by the green liquid. His body was immediately corroded, and he was corroded into a pile of bones amidst painful roars, and died here.

Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan, Bai Yan and others gathered together, and the demonic shadow appeared outside the bodies of Zhao Lei and others.

The phantoms of these demons intertwined with each other and formed a protective area. Whether it was the falling wall or the green liquid sprayed down, they were blocked by the phantoms of these demons.

Wang Xuan was protected by these phantoms and did not need to take action for the moment. As he watched Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang retreat, a huge eyed monster appeared above them with a rumbling sound.

This eyeball monster is as big as a house, and should be the leader and core of all eyeball monsters. Its diameter is more than ten meters, rolling and rolling, with countless ivy tentacles waving wildly, it crushes down, wherever it rolls, there are buildings. Things were breaking and collapsing, and no one could stop them. Even Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang were retreating continuously.

Soon the "Arrow of Judgment" in the crowd began to exert its power, and a huge white light rushed out, turning into the shape of an arrow, dragging a huge white light tail, and blasted towards the crushed eyeball monster.

The eyeball monster sensed something was wrong and immediately shrank all the ivy to form an ivy shield, trying to withstand the incoming "Arrow of Judgment".

After an earth-shattering noise, the ivy shield was blown apart, followed by an arrow-shaped white light that penetrated the eyeball monster.

With a "boom", an eyeball with a diameter of more than ten meters exploded from it. Green liquid splashed in all directions. A vague groan of pain sounded from all around. All the eyeball monsters seemed to be shocked and started to cry. Started to retreat.

Seeing this scene, everyone secretly sighed.

The most powerful eyeball monster above was exploded and disappeared. The surrounding eyeballs of different sizes also shrank and disappeared, but the surrounding light suddenly dimmed.

The voice of the God of Machinery suddenly sounded in Wang Xuan's mind again: "It... wakes up... it's dangerous... hurry up... run away..."

When Wang Xuan heard this, his heart trembled slightly. He looked around hurriedly, only to find that suddenly it became pitch black below, and all the light seemed to be blocked. Then in the darkness below, he suddenly opened his eyes. There are only one eye, and the huge eyeballs in the eyes are moving.

Then the second eye, the third eye...

In the darkness below, eyes opened one after another. This darkness was rising in all directions. Wherever it rose, eyes would open. These eyes varied in size, and the eyes were rolling strangely inside. With.

In just a short time, the darkness rose hundreds of meters high, covering all the buildings, and everyone was covered in darkness.

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