The last building on earth

Chapter 498 Return to the Origin (Please subscribe)

Maya watched from the side. She could feel the despair and madness of her master. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything to help. She and herself were all held captive by the power of the magic mystery.

Wang Xuan's roar became smaller and smaller. In his mind, the memory of Gu Manyao became more and more blurred. All the imprints of Gu Manyao's existence in this era were being erased bit by bit.

Including the fragments of her existence in everyone's memory, including the items she used are disappearing, including many of the events she experienced are being revised.

Even true gods from major forces cannot achieve this kind of ability.

Gu Manyao became more and more transparent in the shroud of light, and was about to disappear completely. Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan and others could only watch and scream in despair, but they could do nothing.

Just when Gu Manyao was about to disappear, a bloody light suddenly lit up in his almost transparent body.

There was a flash of blood, and a muffled groan came from above the void. This groan was vaguely painful, as if someone above the void had been severely injured.

"Not good!" Lin Yao, who had always looked calm, suddenly changed his face and looked up.

Immediately afterwards, the nearly transparent Gu Manyao's body quickly transformed into a blood-red human form, suddenly got rid of the frozen state, and rushed towards the distance at extremely fast speeds.

At this moment, Gu Manyao's body erupted with power, and even the magical power could not immobilize her.

"Blood Ancestor——"

The God of Thunder, the God of Poseidon, Bones, and the True King Bodhi roared together and took action almost at the same time, trying to intercept Gu Manyao, who had turned into a bloody human form.

The last remaining true spirit of the Blood Ancestor was really hidden in Gu Manyao's body.

Now Gu Manyao's existence in this era will be completely wiped out. The Blood Ancestor has always regarded Gu Manyao as the host in this era. Now even the host has been wiped out, and the cause and effect relationship is also involved.

At the last moment, the Blood Ancestor True Spirit, who was forced to have no choice but to break out, wanted to escape from here with Gu Manyao.

The former Blood Ancestor was said to be as famous as the three giant gods of Hades, Brahma and Heaven. He was one of the three supreme beings outside this building. Its status outside the building was the same as that of the three giant gods inside this building. status.

But now the Blood Ancestor has almost run out of fuel, and even his old nest has been destroyed. At this moment, the Blood Ancestor has a burst of true spirit. These true gods have not been able to intercept it. They only saw a bloody light passing by and disappearing into the void. above.

Almost at the same moment, the void above suddenly cracked open, revealing a giant face with three eyes. There was blood flowing on the vertical eye in the center, which was obviously caused by some kind of injury. , that muffled groan just now came from it.

At this moment, there was a look of anger on the face. Almost at the same moment, a big hand stretched out from the void, clamped two fingers, and caught the bloody humanoid that wanted to escape, and then pulled it away. Everyone saw this A flurry of blood-red light was pulled out of the bloody humanoid, and the bloody humanoid returned to Gu Manyao's appearance.

Everyone was looking up at the sky, understanding that a little bit of the Blood Ancestor's true spirit had been extracted from Gu Manyao's body.

Although the blood ancestor's true spirit was exposed in Gu Manyao's body, being able to extract it was still not something that ordinary true gods could do.

This giant face with three eyes existed, and its methods were simply unfathomable. Wang Xuan suddenly understood that it might be the masterpiece of this giant face with three eyes that could erase Gu Manyao from this era. Just now, the true spirit of the Blood Ancestor suddenly suddenly The outburst at a critical moment seemed to hurt it.

The Blood Ancestor True Spirit was extracted, and Gu Manyao's body fell downwards.

Wang Xuan suddenly felt that he had regained the ability to move. The magic mystery had stopped and could no longer immobilize them.


Wang Xuan rushed out and stretched out his hands to catch Gu Manyao who fell.

Gu Manyao, who didn't want to become more and more transparent, passed through his arms and continued to fall.

When Wang Xuan saw this, his gallbladder and liver were split.

Although a little bit of the blood ancestor's true spirit hidden in Gu Manyao's body was captured, Gu Manyao's disappearance did not stop.

Above the void, the three-eyed giant face pulled out a bit of the blood ancestor's true spirit. As soon as the big hand closed, the ball of blood-red light burst and disappeared in the big hand.

All the true gods below saw this and let out a long sigh.

The Blood Ancestor's true spirit was shattered and disappeared, which meant that the Blood Ancestor had finally completely disappeared.

But the giant face with three eyes suddenly changed its expression, and its big hand spread out again. In the palm of its big hand, the originally destroyed Blood Ancestor True Spirit disappeared, but a blood-red hair appeared.

This blood-red hair suddenly split in the big hand, shattered into dust, and disappeared.

"I see……"

Looking at the disappearing blood-red hair, the vertical eye on the forehead of the giant three-eyed face suddenly shot out a divine light. The divine light penetrated the void and passed through for a long time, seeming to be peeping at something.

After the divine light disappeared, the three-eyed giant face disappeared into the void.

When the giant faces disappeared, these true gods woke up from a dream and began to leave one after another. Each true god's face looked a little ugly.

When they saw the blood ancestor's true spirit turned into a hair, these true gods understood that the real blood ancestor had not disappeared at all. They took action from all sides and mobilized troops, but in the end, their opponents were just a hair of the blood ancestor. .

These true gods no longer paid attention to Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao. They understood that Gu Manyao was disappearing. This was irreversible, so Wang Xuan would inevitably forget everything about Gu Manyao. They did not have to worry about Wang Xuan, the modern successor of the demon clan god. They will hate them and become a hidden danger if they grow up in the future, because this matter is over in their minds.

Not only the God of Thunder, the God of Poseidon, and King Bodhi left, but Lin Yao also left, including the Demon Xuanji of the Demon Tribe, who also disappeared after taking a deep look at Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao.

Wang Xuan could not rely on his hands to hold the fallen Gu Manyao, so he could only use his strength to freeze the space and time, and then he could barely hold Gu Manyao.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan and others all gathered around, their faces filled with grief, anger and helplessness.

Zhang Haofei clenched his hands tightly into fists. He wanted to kill all these true gods, but he did not have such ability.

"Manyao, don't disappear...someone will save her, Ming...Ming, are you still there?"

Wang Xuan was trembling all over. He had no ability to save Gu Manyao. The only thing he could think of was Ming.

Ming existed in his body before, but then Ming fought with the sky. He didn't know the result. He only knew that Ming mysteriously disappeared after that.

Now he was so scared and helpless that he could only scream desperately from the depths of his soul, hoping to get a response from Ming.

Unfortunately, there was no response from Ming in his body.

Ming seemed to have really disappeared completely.

Wang Xuan was desperate. The only one who had hope of saving Gu Manyao was Ming Ming.

However, Mingzhen disappeared.

Watching Gu Manyao's body becoming more and more transparent, becoming indistinct, and might completely disappear at any time.

Once Gu Manyao disappears completely, their memory of Gu Manyao will no longer exist.

"Mother Goddess..."

When Wang Xuan was feeling extremely desperate, the voice of the Mechanical God suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Mother Goddess?"

"Yes, the only one who might be able to save her... In this building, there is only the Mother Goddess... Here, the Mother Goddess represents everything..."

Listening to the voice of the Mechanical God, Wang Xuan immediately mobilized the power of the monster in his body with all his strength. He did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately used his strength to surround Gu Manyao's disappearing body. He exerted his strength to the limit and stepped forward in one step. A huge black hole appeared in the time and space. He led Gu Manyao into the oncoming black hole, traveled through time and space, and headed towards the time and space where the Red Ghost Giant City was located at the fastest speed.

Now Wang Xuan can use part of the power of the monster's giant arm. This burst of full power is so terrifying. He almost stepped back from the time and space where the Buddha City used to be to the Red Ghost Giant City, and then rushed into the endless hidden under the giant city. Between the ivy.

"Mother Goddess, Mother Goddess——"

While Wang Xuan was stimulating the aura of the monster with all his strength, he was using his soul to summon the mother goddess, and at the same time, he was spilling the blood from the severed arm of the monster's real body.

This is the real blood of Warcraft, and the Mother Goddess must be able to sense it.

Sure enough, as the blood of the monster was spilled, the dense green vines in front of him immediately gave way and made way for a path. Wang Xuan rushed forward at full speed, only to see at the end of the road, between the countless ivy, there was a A huge mouth is emerging.

"Mother Goddess, save Manyao, please, save her——"

Wang Xuan almost roared and fell to his knees. He tried his best to stimulate the aura of the monster. Only the monster could cause the Mother Goddess to react.

As if he had heard Wang Xuan's plea for help, the exposed mouth opened and closed slightly, and the green vines around him suddenly reacted and stretched out towards Gu Manyao, who was fixed in the void by Wang Xuan.

Now Gu Manyao was almost completely gone. Seeing these green vines stretching out, Wang Xuan felt hope rise in his heart, and his whole body was slightly excited and he could not control himself.

He looked at the green vines clinging to Gu Manyao's almost disappearing body. "The Mother Goddess represents this building. She can definitely save Manyao. Manyao can be saved..."

Wang Xuan watched as these green vines stretched out and attached themselves to the surface of Gu Manyao's body. The current Gu Manyao had almost completely disappeared. Wang Xuan could not touch her at all, but these green vines seemed to be able to touch the current Gu Manyao.

These green vines continued to stretch and wrap around Gu Manyao's body. More and more green vines gathered and soon completely wrapped Gu Manyao into a giant cocoon. More and more green vines were attached to it, and this cocoon also getting bigger and bigger.

With hope in Wang Xuan's eyes, he understood that the Mother Goddess must be using some special means that he could not understand to save Gu Manyao. He did not dare to disturb her and hurriedly stepped back, cautiously lest he disturb the Mother Goddess.

Finally, these green vines wrapped around Gu Manyao, forming a giant cocoon with a diameter of more than ten meters, and then fell silent.

Wang Xuan stayed on the side and watched, because he left too quickly and did not notify Maya, Zhao Lei and others at all. They all only saw Wang Xuan suddenly stepped into a black hole of time and space and disappeared, and they did not know that he was there. Where did he go with Gu Manyao who was about to disappear?

Wang Xuan has been waiting anxiously, watching the surface of the large number of ivy vines formed into a giant cocoon emitting a faint cyan light, which is continuously gathering into the giant cocoon.

Wang Xuan knew that this was the Mother Goddess transmitting energy. Seeing this situation, Gu Manyao should be saved. At least now he still remembers Gu Manyao and has not lost his memory of Gu Manyao. All this means that Gu Manyao should be saved by the Mother Goddess. return.

Not knowing how long it would take, Wang Xuan sat down cross-legged, watching quietly and watching the big mouth representing the Mother Goddess slowly disappearing again and hiding among the countless ivy.

I don’t know how long it took, but the gleaming light emitting from the surface of the ivy finally dimmed.

As the light disappeared, the giant cocoon of ivy began to slowly open again.

One by one, the ivy shrank back.

Wang Xuan stood up hurriedly, waiting anxiously.

"Man Yao must have been very excited after she recovered. It's pitiful to see that she is finally fine, and the blood ancestor's true spirit has also been extracted from her body. Those true gods should not attack her again..."

"Mechanical God, thank you for reminding me that I can ask for help from the Mother Goddess. I was so excited that I almost forgot that I could ask for help from the Mother Goddess."

While Wang Xuan was watching the giant cocoon opening in front of him, he secretly communicated with the Machine God to express his gratitude.

"Want to erase her existence... This method... once activated, is almost irreversible. The only one who can save her... I think only the Mother Goddess... Of course, I don't know how. I just I can tell you to give it a try." The Machine God responded in his mind.

During their secret communication, the giant cocoon in front of him finally opened completely, and the ivy vines were pulled out, but Wang Xuan did not see Gu Manyao in the giant cocoon.


Wang Xuan was stunned. He took two steps forward and looked at the green vines spreading around him, but did not see Gu Manyao.

"Manyao... Where is Manyao?" Wang Xuan's originally excited face turned stiff, and he felt his whole body suddenly become cold.

The Mother Goddess failed and couldn't save Manyao after all?

But if Manyao really disappeared, why do I still retain the memory of her?

In panic, Wang Xuan suddenly looked at the place where Manyao was, and a small sapling grew out of nowhere on the ground.

This small sapling is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is..." Wang Xuan watched as the sapling quickly grew to one meter high, then two meters, then three meters, and continued to extend new branches and leaves around it.

"God of Machinery, what's going on?"

"Mother Goddess, what is this? Where is Manyao?" Wang Xuan was trembling all over. He looked up at the countless green vines facing him. Unfortunately, the mouth representing the Mother Goddess did not appear, and the surrounding green vines did not respond. .

The voice of the God of Machinery rang in his mind: "This is the Tree of Origin...she...returned to the origin..."

"Back to the origin? What do you mean?" Wang Xuan's eyes turned blood red and he summoned the Mechanical God.

The brainless mechanical god appeared in front of him.

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