The last building on earth

Chapter 503 Heart of Gaia (Happy Children’s Day to all my friends)

He saw that the Mechanical God was in the process of fusion, and the energy it released was extremely terrifying. Once the fusion was successful, he would be a very powerful enemy.

The giant angel swayed, trying to bypass Wang Xuan and attack the Mechanical God directly, destroying its ongoing fusion.

Just as he had this idea, he suddenly felt a giant head hitting him.

Wang Xuan's reaction was no slower than his.

The halberd in his hand thrust out and stabbed the head of Jiufeng that was coming towards him. The halberd buzzed and vibrated violently. The giant angel relied on the power inspired by the halberd to block Jiufeng's head.

The force angel in front of him is far more powerful than the previous force angels.

In Wang Xuan's estimation, this is probably the peak state among true gods.

And now that I can fully exert the power of the real arm of Warcraft and the head of Jiufeng, what level will my strength be?

Out of curiosity, Wang Xuan began to push Jiufeng's head to face the powerful force angel in front of him.

This powerful angel opened his mouth and let out a slight whistle. The twelve wings of light behind him opened one after another.

With each additional light wing he spreads, his strength increases to a higher level.

Jiufeng's head was covered with a layer of light wings, with twelve layers at the front and back, almost covering the entire Jiufeng head.

Wang Xuan felt the Jiu Feng's head sink. Suddenly, a radiant humanoid figure emerged from the body of the powerful angel. There were twelve wings of light on his back. He held a halberd in his right hand and suddenly pointed towards the machine below. God stabs away.

This force angel still wants to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the fusion of the mechanical god first.

"Innocent..." This thought came to Wang Xuan's mind, and the hidden giant hand of the monster suddenly appeared again, and with a snap, the glorious human form that came out of the body of the force angel exploded.

An earth-shaking scream sounded, and a large amount of blood suddenly spurted out in the sky. The layers of light wings covering the head of Jiufeng controlled by Wang Xuan were shattered, and the head was crushed against it. The man holding the halberd Angel Li had no time to dodge, and was crushed by Jiufeng's head and shattered into pieces.

One of the souls burst out and shot towards the sky at extremely high speeds. Wang Xuan controlled the monster's big hand and intercepted it from the air. A finger fell from the sky and directly pressed its soul. With one press, this powerful man The angel's soul was shattered, and a large amount of light flames exploded from it, scattering around.

These flames are all transformed by his true spirit. As long as a ray can escape, he can live again.

It is extremely difficult to kill a true god. Unless the two sides are extremely different, it is impossible.

Wang Xuan was slightly startled when he saw the bursts of flames exploding in all directions. He was busy trying to confine the void and lock all the flames, but still failed to trap all the bursts of flames in time. When he saw A few rays of light disappeared into the distance, and it was clear that the Angel of Power had successfully escaped.

"He is worthy of the name of the true god. Even this can't kill him." Wang Xuan whispered to himself, slowly put away the arm of the magic beast and the head of Jiufeng, and found that there was no longer an angel around. He fell down, still guarding him. Looking at the mechanical god.

Wang Xuan originally thought that a more powerful angel would appear, but in the next half day, no angel appeared again, and the energy beam inspired by the Mechanical God became stronger and stronger. Finally, the energy beam suddenly burst out. Collect, and suddenly all of them were concentrated in the chest and abdomen of the Mechanical God.

Its head was finally connected to its body and perfectly fused together. The mechanical metal all over its body was making a soft buzzing sound. Wang Xuan noticed that there were two blood-red lights in the eye sockets of its head formed by a combination of mechanical metal. It was flickering, seeming to produce an indescribable terrifying pressure.

This pressure was so strong that even Wang Xuan's scalp felt numb when he was stared at.

"Good guy, the terrifying feeling of the Mechanical God is even better than that of the Power Angel just now. Is it really just a true god level?"

Wang Xuan was secretly surprised that the Mechanical God had stood up from the ground.

"I finally found my head..." The Mechanic God moved his neck, then reached out and patted his cheeks, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

After all these years, it is finally back to wholeness.

However, Wang Xuan looked at its head and found that it did not seem to be completely complete. There was a hole on its forehead, which looked a bit weird. It seemed that the hole above its forehead should be filled with something.

"Mechanical God, there seems to be something missing on your head?"

"Yes..." The Mechanical God also touched the hole on his forehead and said: "Here is an energy gem called the Heart of Gaia. It was the human civilization of the generation that created me. It was inadvertently found in the core of the earth. What they found, they believe that the earth has consciousness, is called Gaia consciousness, so the energy gem they found is regarded as the heart of Gaia..."

When the Mechanic God said this, he raised his head slightly, and the two blood-red lights in the metal eye sockets made people feel heart-stopping.

"It's a pity that the Heart of Gaia was taken away. If I could regain the Heart of Gaia..."

The Mechanic God clenched his hands into fists, and there was a slight sound all over his body. Wang Xuan understood that if it could get the heart of Gaia again, its strength could be further improved.

It seemed that the strength of the Machine God at its peak was far beyond his imagination.

"No wonder he can die together with the leader of the Heavenly Army. The leader of the Heavenly Army must also be a great man." Wang Xuan thought and said, "Then can you sense this Heart of Gaia now?"

The Mechanical God shook his head and said: "Not yet, but maybe when we get close to the Heart of Gaia, we will be able to sense it. Let's go, let's go to the Eternal God Clan first."

"Do you know where the Eternal Gods are?"

"Yes, I have recovered some memories. If there are no changes in this seventh-level world, I am still relatively familiar with it. Let's go. The heavenly army has invaded here. With the strength of the Eternal God Clan, we should be able to fight against the heavenly army. No. As for it being destroyed so quickly.”

The Mechanical God soared into the sky as he spoke, and Wang Xuan followed closely. Soon they turned into a meteor and shot away into the distance.

The body of the Mechanical God contained a ball of blood-red light. This energy suddenly dimmed and fluctuated endlessly. Wang Xuan found that the metal bones all over his body were slowly being dyed blood-red, which made his speed become faster and faster. Quickly, he had broken through time and space, and a space-time black hole appeared in front of him. He rushed into the oncoming space-time black hole.

Wang Xuan chased after him, but with his current strength, he couldn't catch up. He could only start to borrow the energy from the monster's arm to ensure that he would not be thrown away.

Although it was only a moment, the two people traveled through the black hole of time and space. When they reappeared, a majestic mountain range appeared on the land in front of them, like an undulating dragon. On top of this mountain range, there were countless buildings, almost all of them. The white dome palace is surrounded by mountains and surrounded by black rivers. Above the sky, various talisman formations are rotating and flowing, and they are continuously working.

"That's the Eternal God Clan. Sure enough, everything is fine." The Mechanical God immediately slowed down and pointed toward the distance.

Only then did Wang Xuan understand that there were countless white domed palaces standing on that mountain range, and the Eternal God Clan lived in them.

"It seems like there are a lot of Eternal Gods. Are there so many true gods? Or are some of them not true gods?"

With Wang Xuan's current spiritual consciousness, he could sense this in an instant, but he found that in the area where the Eternal God Clan was located, the rune array above and the mountains and earth below formed a whole, and his spiritual consciousness could not invade it. Not to mention sensing the entire Eternal God Clan.

"Of course, two true gods can also combine and give birth to offspring. The offspring will be very powerful, at least equivalent to a blue god. When they grow up, even if they don't practice, they will basically reach the level of the peak god. It’s hard to say whether we can also break through the True God. It’s a bit difficult to break through the True God.”

"When the peak gods combine, the offspring born will be weaker. If they are passed down from generation to generation, a race with a huge base will be formed. This is the Eternal God Clan."

Wang Xuan snorted and realized that he had guessed correctly. Although he lived in the seventh level of the world and claimed to be the Eternal God Clan, in such a huge race, the real number of people was still not the true god. Maybe the true god occupied it. The quantity is also very rare.

He has personally cultivated to reach the realm of a true god, so he understands the difficulty of breaking through from a peak god to a true god. It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that he is one in a million.

"The Heavenly Army didn't invade the Eternal Gods?" Wang Xuan frowned and followed the Mechanical God as they approached the Eternal Gods.

The ground below was full of cracks, and there were signs of battle everywhere. Wang Xuan immediately understood that there had been fierce battles here. Maybe the heavenly army had appeared, but they failed to capture the Eternal Gods.

As he approached, Wang Xuan began to feel pressure. The space here was filled with an indescribable sense of oppression, which was radiated by the large array of runes above.

"I see, once you get close, you will fall into the power of this rune formation. Under the pressure of this formation, the intruder will bear the pressure and its strength will weaken, but the people of the Eternal God Clan should not be affected."

Wang Xuan understood it at a glance, and secretly admired the Eternal Protoss for being able to lay out such a large array of runes to cover this area of ​​time and space. It could be said that as long as the array of runes was not destroyed, they would be almost invincible.

"The Eternal God Clan is one of the ten tribes that rule this seventh-level world. When the heavenly army invades, these ten tribes will inevitably unite. It will not be easy for the heavenly army to conquer the seventh-level world."

The Mechanical God analyzed: "Especially behind the Eternal God Clan, the 'Holy' among the first-generation gods is suspected to be still alive. Even if the power of the sky is restored, the Holy One will probably be able to fight against it."

The Mechanical God was obviously very familiar with the Eternal Protoss, and he quickly approached while introducing them. The two of them were constantly descending, feeling the endless pressure released by the runic formation.

"There must have been a fierce battle here, but the bodies have been disposed of. But looking at those buildings, the heavenly army should not have invaded the Eternal God Clan yet."

When the Mechanic God said this, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the distance.

The sound sounded one after another, like beating war drums, coming from afar. Judging from the direction of the sound, it seemed to be coming from the other side of the majestic mountain range.

The two looked at each other, and both thought of a possibility at the same time. Something happened in the other direction of the mountain range where the Eternal God Clan is located.

"Let's go." The mechanical god swayed and rushed out diagonally.

The top of the Eternal God Clan is when the power of the rune formation is the most powerful. Even they cannot force their way above, for fear of causing misunderstanding by the Eternal God Clan. The best way now is to bypass this mountain range and go to the mountain range. See what happens on the other side.

The rumbling sound is still ringing, one after another. This sound shakes the world, like the sound of ancient thunder drums. The speed of Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God is so terrifying, almost teleporting, and they quickly bypass the mountain range. , came to the other side of the Eternal God Clan, and saw a huge seven-pointed star pattern carved on the ground in the distance.

This seven-pointed star pattern is emitting white light, and in the white light emitted by the seven-pointed star, countless angels are surging, so many that they need to be in the millions.

These angels are of almost all levels. Wang Xuan saw the weakest two-winged angels, intermediate angels with four wings, advanced angels with six wings, archangels with eight wings, powerful angels with ten wings, and even more than a dozen of them. Twelve-winged angel of power.

These dozen powerful angels with twelve wings are at the forefront of the millions of angels, and the sound of war drums is coming from the Eternal God Clan.

With the sound of war drums, an army from the Eternal God Clan also gathered in front of the mountains.

However, the number is much rarer, with the total number being only about 10,000.

As the Mechanical God said, the Eternal Gods are not all true gods, but mostly descendants of true gods. They are the main force. In front of these thousands of people, there are also some true gods standing. Wang Xuan recognized them at a glance. One of them is the leader of the original Eternal Divine Kingdom, the Golden Buddha.

Now observing his divinity, it has turned from the original golden color to orange, and he has been promoted to a true god.

The familiar Wuxiang God, Bess God and Golden Goddess were also found in the rear. The other two peak gods who used golden war spears and swords had disappeared. Wang Xuan guessed that they were dead.

"It seems that although the Eternal Divine Kingdom on the sixth level was destroyed, many gods still fled to the seventh level. Zhao Lei and Maya should be the same."

Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God stayed in the distance and did not approach. The millions of angels began to charge.

They rushed into the area covered by the rune pattern formation, and were oppressed by the formation. Their strength weakened, but their speed was not slow, and they still rushed forward crazily.


On the side of the Eternal God Clan, tens of thousands of gods of all levels also rushed forward.

Under the maintenance of the Rune Pattern Array, they received blessings, and their strength waxed and waned. Fighting within the Rune Pattern Array was beneficial to them.

The brutal battle between gods broke out at this moment.

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