The last building on earth

Chapter 516 Sky Beast

Perhaps because Ming had chosen him as a contractor, Wang Xuan had complicated feelings for Ming, one of the three giant gods. Although Ming had a purpose in choosing him, after all, he had been saved by it several times because of Ming. .

At this moment, I saw Ming's true body, which looked like a huge honeycomb with countless holes on the surface, like black holes in the universe densely arranged on the surface of the honeycomb.

The big hand of "heaven" formed by countless angels grabbed the huge body of Ming and began to lift it upward.

Such an unimaginably huge body, only the power of "heaven" could lift it out of the black coffin.

"Mechanical God, are you sure this is Ming's body?"

Wang Xuan asked secretly, thinking that in the patterns he saw on the ground before, there were stars representing the three giant gods. He would not be surprised if the black coffin contained the remains of the three giant gods, but why was there only the remains of Ming?

Looking at the remains that resembled a beehive, Wang Xuan could not have imagined it if he had not seen it with his own eyes. It turns out that this is the true face of the underworld. According to legend, the underworld is the kingdom of the dead. After death, all living creatures will enter the underworld. It turns out that this is In the form of the remains of Hades.

An earth-shattering roar came from the direction of the giant dark door.

The giant beast had already broken in, and the chain around his neck was pulled straight, making a harsh sound.

The chain was not long enough, and the giant beast could not get close to the black coffin. It could only watch helplessly as "Heaven" was about to take away Ming's body.

The giant beast looked very angry, and kept roaring and pulling the chains. When "Tian"'s big hand was about to lift Ming's body and was about to leave the black coffin, there was only a loud "bang" sound, and the giant beast was about to leave the black coffin. The chain around the beast's neck was finally broken.

When the chain broke, a heavy light emitted from the giant beast's body.

These lights ejected from the top of the giant beast's head, and then extended in all directions, forming a dome, as if a sky was stretched above its head.

This scene made Wang Xuan couldn't help but look over. Suddenly, a piece of sky opened up in the darkness and nothingness. It was a blue sky with white clouds floating in it, which looked indescribably weird and strange.

The giant beast slammed into the blue sky with its head on its head.

It is impossible to describe the force of the impact, and Wang Xuan could only avoid it far away, until countless angels were shattered, and at least half of the billions of angels that formed the "sky" were shattered by the impact at this moment. Come.

In Wang Xuan's spiritual sense, one of the big hands of "Heaven" was hit by the giant beast and collapsed.

"Awesome, this power..."

Wang Xuan saw it and was secretly shocked. After getting rid of the chain, the strength of the giant beast unexpectedly improved to an almost terrifying level, and even the big hand of "Heaven" could not hold it.

"Qiong... beast..."

A vague consciousness appeared, Wang Xuan sensed it, and his heart moved, and he immediately understood that the person who issued this consciousness should be "Heaven", and the real name of this giant beast was the Sky Beast.

"Sky Beast, this name is so familiar..." The voice of the Mechanical God rang in his mind, murmuring.

"Have you heard the name of the Sky Beast?" Wang Xuan asked immediately.

"I must have heard it before, so it feels familiar, but unfortunately I can't remember it. I didn't expect that without the chain to suppress it, this dome beast would be so terrifying..."

While the two were communicating, the Dome Beast had already rushed in front of the black coffin. Two huge claws fell down, tearing the billions of angels alive into pieces. The body of "Sky" made up of countless angels was torn apart by the Dome Beast. Come on.

Ming's body, which was originally lifted up by the "sky", fell into the black coffin again.

Wang Xuan saw that the mission of this dome beast should be to guard the black coffin and prevent anyone from opening it.

"It seems that Ming's body is very important. Heaven wants to snatch it away, and this dome beast wants to continue to seal Ming's body..."

Wang Xuan was pondering, watching the sky beast tear apart the body of "heaven" formed by countless angels, and a larger seven-pointed star pattern appeared below. In this seven-pointed star pattern, more angels Not only that, but among the countless angels, a divine throne appeared. Sitting on the divine throne was none other than Tang Ruoyu.

Tang Ruoyu appeared again.

Now Wang Xuan is already a middle-level true god. In addition, he has obtained the "god egg" and refined the Warcraft arm and the Nine Phoenix skull. Compared with him before, there is a world of difference, although he is still not able to compete with "Heaven" or the Sky Beast. Compared with this kind of existence, ordinary true gods are not in his eyes.

He couldn't see through Tang Ruoyu before, but now it seems a little unusual.

The divine throne is like a medium that runs through two different dimensions of time and space, and Tang Ruoyu sits on the divine throne. Through the divine throne, he can continuously use the power from another dimension of time and space.

Sure enough, with the appearance of Tang Ruoyu and the Divine Throne, the power of "Heaven" became even stronger.

Tang Ruoyu suddenly shouted and stretched out her right hand. As her right hand stretched out, the right hand of the "heaven" formed by countless angels above the void also stretched out.

With a "boom", the blue sky above that was manifested by the power of the Sky Beast shook and cracked from it.

Wang Xuan kept retreating, and he understood that "Heaven" was also beginning to use its real power. It was hard to imagine that in a battle of this level, if you were not careful, you might be affected.

The power of "Heaven" that appeared this time was much stronger than before, and the sky beast that got rid of its chains was equally terrifying. In Wang Xuan's view, such power and level have far surpassed the power of the middle true god. level.

As for how powerful the upper true god is, Wang Xuan cannot evaluate it because he has never seen it.

As Tang Ruoyu appeared, "Heaven" used Tang Ruoyu and the God's Throne as a medium, and countless angels gathered. In addition to the two big hands, shoulders, heads, and bodies continued to appear.

This huge body formed by billions of angels is shrouded in endless brilliance. From a distance, it looks like a glorious humanoid with limbs. A pair of hands begins to wave out continuously, and each wave can tear open the dark and void time and space. .

The azure sky above that was opened by the dome beast kept showing cracks, and soon a large number of spider web-like cracks appeared.

With a "boom", finally, the sky held up by the dome beast above completely collapsed. "Tian"'s big hands fell on the dome beast's arms. "Tian"'s head went down and hit the dome beast's head.

Wang Xuan watched from a distance with a solemn expression. Such a battle was beyond imagination.

The head of the Dome Beast was hit, and the huge body was shaking and falling back. The body of "Heaven" formed by countless angels further collided with it, and both sides were shaking.

Although Tang Ruoyu appeared, the power of "Heaven" could be further unleashed, but even so, "Heaven" could not completely suppress the Sky Beast.

The two sides continued to collide with each other between the black coffin and the dark giant door. In a short period of time, neither one could overwhelm the other.

At this moment, Ming's body placed in the open black coffin quietly underwent some changes.

Ming's body, which was originally as silent as a honeycomb, suddenly began to slowly shrink with the dense black holes covering its surface.

The contraction of these black holes was like the beating of a heart. It was only very slight at first. As the "sky" continued to fight with the dome beast, and the black coffin was always open, the contraction of countless black holes on Ming's body gradually became faster. It gradually became stronger and more powerful from the original lightness.

The entire hive is like a huge heart, contracting more and more violently. Every time it contracts, it will make a sound, and a stream of air will be ejected from countless black holes.

The dome beast noticed it and let out an earth-shattering roar. Its roar shook the darkness and nothingness and spread far away.

It began to rush toward the black coffin desperately, and it seemed to understand that if it did not close the black coffin, it would become more and more troublesome.

"Sky" is just the opposite. A larger seven-pointed star appears below, and more heavenly troops emerge from it. "Sky" has also raised the power it can exert to the limit, blocking the sky beast at all costs, no matter what. Keep it close to the black coffin.

The sound of the beehive in the black coffin was getting louder and louder. The air currents in this space and time were changing and surging more and more violently. Wang Xuan looked at the black coffin. The beehive was constantly expanding, gradually filling the entire black coffin and expanding. The black coffin made a creaking sound.

"Is Ming's body going to be resurrected?" Wang Xuan saw it and was secretly shocked. The three giant gods were already existences beyond his understanding. Ming had obviously fallen, and even his body was in the black coffin, but as the black coffin After being opened, Ming's body actually came to life again.

The black coffin was being propped up by the growing beehive and made a creaking sound. The sound sounded very harsh. Wang Xuan, who was as powerful as he was now, felt very bored in his ears and had to sacrifice his divinity. The power enveloped the whole body, protecting itself to isolate this harsh sound.

The power of "Heaven" is getting stronger and stronger, and there are gradually signs of suppressing the dome beast. However, as a medium, Tang Ruoyu's face is getting more and more ugly. Apparently, the power of "Heaven" she has withstood is beginning to exceed the load. There is blood at the corner of her mouth. If it flows out, it may not be able to hold on and collapse at any time.

Wang Xuan watched from a distance and was worried for Tang Ruoyu, but he could not intervene in a battle of this level now unless he could grow to his peak state like the top ten first-generation beasts.


Another crisp sound came, and a crack finally appeared on the surface of the black coffin.

As the cracks appeared, the honeycomb inside suddenly shrank, and then expanded outwards. Countless black holes on the surface opened, and these black holes sprayed out an endless stream of dark matter.

These dark substances merge into the dark void, making the time and space inside the dark giant door darker, and even the time and space becoming heavier.

Wang Xuan obviously saw that the battle between "Tian" and the Dome Beast seemed to be affected, and their movements became slower.

"This is..." Wang Xuan's heart suddenly moved when he saw this scene.

He suddenly thought that when he summoned Ming before, all that appeared was boundless darkness, and Ming was hidden in the deepest part of the boundless darkness.

And now the body of Ming is suspected to be resurrected, and the darkness it spits out is exactly the same as the darkness and nothingness. Watching the hive getting bigger and bigger, an even more terrifying scene appears. After spitting out the darkness, the hive suddenly shrinks, However, he saw that the surrounding darkness and nothingness was sucked in by the countless black holes on the surface of the hive, and the original time and space immediately began to distort.

"What kind of ability is this?" Wang Xuan saw it and began to feel a little frightened. Is this hive really the remains of Ming? How could it be so weird?

Watching the beehive continue to open the black coffin, more and more cracks appear on the surface of the black coffin. The beehive is constantly opening and contracting, creating a resonance and fluctuation with the darkness and nothingness around it. Time and space continue to distort all around, and everyone who enters The existence of this dark giant gate has been seriously affected.

Wang Xuan kept moving away, and he had a feeling that if the hive continued to expand, it would distort and swallow up the dark void.

"Mechanical God, is this really the body of Ming? Is it the underworld you mentioned?"

Wang Xuan began to doubt. This hive looked too weird and terrifying, completely different from the image of Ming in his imagination. What was sealed in this black coffin?

Mechanical God said: "There should be no mistake. The underworld is originally the country of the dead. Regardless of any existence, the final destination is the underworld. It is the same whether it is gods, the universe, or time and space. Therefore, once the underworld appears, its ultimate goal is Devour everything.”

Wang Xuan was shocked. If he said this, the underworld would burst out of the coffin, and the final result would be to swallow everything. If that was the case, this was definitely not what he wanted to see.

From this point of view, the sky beast prevents the emergence of the underworld, but it is a righteous party, and "Heaven" intends to release the underworld in order to use the underworld to swallow everything?

"Impossible. Ming is one of the three giant gods. His true appearance is so terrifying. Once it appears, it will swallow up and destroy everything?"

Wang Xuan murmured, finding it difficult to accept this reality.

"No." Mechanical God said: "You have mistaken the underworld and the underworld. As one of the three giant gods, the underworld is naturally supreme, while the underworld is in the form of the body after the death of the underworld. Strictly speaking, the two are not completely equal."

"As long as Ming can come back to life, it can naturally control the underworld, but now Ming's soul consciousness has disappeared, and his body has turned into the underworld. It will indeed continue to devour everything, and the speed will get faster and faster. This is why it is The reason why it is sealed in this black coffin is that I don’t know why the sky released it. If the underworld really swallowed up all time and space, even the sky would have no meaning of existence. Why would it do this kind of thing? Everything you can do?"

The Mechanical God didn't understand either. He looked at the "sky" formed by countless angels and was fighting fiercely with the dome beast. The power of "sky" was gradually gaining the upper hand. However, as the hive became larger and larger, the expansion of the underworld began to seriously affect the dark giant. The time and space inside the door caused the surrounding darkness and nothingness to change violently.

The dome beast continued to roar, appearing extremely angry, and its eyes were almost spraying flames, wanting to burn everything down.

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