The last building on earth

Chapter 577 Return to Earth

The leader of the three ancient ancient Buddhas, the leader of the Glazed World, the Ancient Medicine Master King Ancient Buddha, was completely destroyed.

Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, and Bai Yan were all looking at Tie Jun silently, feeling that the current Tie Jun was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Maitreya Light King Buddha was busy stepping forward and bowing respectfully.

In his mind, this was the Buddha of the past, one of the three supreme Buddhas in the past, present and future. Even the Ancient Medicine King Buddha, the leader of the Glazed World in ancient times, could not compare with these three supreme Buddhas.

Tie Jun ignored the great salute paid to him by Maitreya Light King Buddha, but glanced at Wang Xuan and others in front of him, and suddenly said: "The doomsday catastrophe is coming, and no living thing in this building can escape. The only way to survive is Opportunity is the boat to the other shore. What you can do is to gather all the creatures in this world together as much as possible and wait for the boat to the other shore to appear."

Wang Xuan looked at the Tie Jun in front of him and could no longer tell whether he was still the Tie Jun from before, the Buddha from the past, or a combination of both.

"Is this catastrophe related to the Mother Goddess?" Wang Xuan suddenly asked.

Tie Jun looked at Wang Xuan, nodded and said: "Yes, the catastrophe is related to the Mother Goddess. This building, all levels of the world, are born and destroyed by the Mother Goddess' thoughts."

"I'm going to find the boat on the other side and find this last chance of survival for all sentient beings."

When Tie Jun said this, his body began to rise.

Zhang Haofei couldn't help shouting: "Are you still a Tiejun?"

Tie Jun's figure paused for a moment, then continued upwards, his hands clasped even to his chest, with an unspeakable meaning on his face.

"If you think I am, I am."

After saying that, his figure suddenly shook slightly and disappeared in front of everyone.

Except for Wang Xuan, the others didn't notice how he disappeared.

"It seems that we worried about him in vain. He is now much more powerful than the Medicine Master Wang Fo. But, is he still the Tiejun? He feels much different from the previous Tiejun." Zhang Haofei murmured.

Zhao Lei said: "Maybe some of them are Tiejun, but most of them should be the resurrected Buddha from the past."

After saying that, he let out a sigh.

Maitreya Light King Buddha said nervously: "Let's go quickly. First, gather all the tribes together as much as possible. Listen to the Buddha's wishes. A real apocalyptic catastrophe is coming. Only by boarding the boat on the other side can we survive."

"The boat on the other side, I thought of the corpse, but the boat rotted away from the corpse." Zhang Haofei immediately looked at Wang Xuan.

Zhao Lei frowned and said: "What kind of brain do you have? That ship may just be like the legendary ship on the other side. How can it be true? A rotten ship can carry us through the catastrophe of the end of the world?"

Zhang Haofei rolled his eyes and was about to attack Zhao Lei. Bai Yan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Tie Jun said that this catastrophe is related to the Mother Goddess. From what he means, this catastrophe seems to be caused by the Mother Goddess. It is the Mother Goddess." Want to destroy all sentient beings?"

Hearing what Bai Yan said, Zhang Haofei closed his mouth. Everyone looked at each other. Wang Xuan said: "Let's go, leave here first. You go and gather as many people from all races as possible. No matter if there is a real catastrophe, We all need to be prepared.”

Everyone nodded and followed Wang Xuan to leave the place where the Buddha died. With their strength and cultivation, they returned to the "Human King's Palace" in just one step.

The matter of gathering all the clans was left to Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others, but Wang Xuan left alone.

He left the seventh-level world and came to the sixth-level world of this building.

His ability is now so powerful that he can directly tear apart the barrier between the seventh-level world and the sixth-level world, and reach the giant red ghost city of the sixth-level world in one step.

Hidden beneath the Red Ghost Giant City is a world of green vines representing the Mother Goddess, including the Tree of Origin that Gu Manyao transformed into.

Wang Xuan has always wanted to open the door of origin, find Gu Manyao's true spirit, and bring Gu Manyao back to life.

Wang Xuan's heart was full of respect and love for the Mother Goddess. There were times when the Mother Goddess had not intervened, and he would have died long ago. Including the glimmer of hope that he could save Gu Manyao, it was also the Mother Goddess's power.

Including the fact that he obtained the divine egg and became an innate god, he was almost equivalent to being the son of the Mother Goddess, which gave him a deeper respect for the Mother Goddess.

But various signs these days have made him confused. It seems that this doomsday catastrophe is suspected to be related to the Mother Goddess. Tie Jun's words just now pointed directly at the resurrection of the ancient Buddha and the ancient demon gods, which were all led by the Mother Goddess.

If this is really the case, it would be terrible. This building is the Mother Goddess. The Mother Goddess means the highest will of the building. If she wants to destroy all living beings in the building, I am afraid no one will survive.

Thinking that the souls of the resurrected ancient Buddhas did indeed hide green vines similar to the Mother Goddess, this made him very confused, and finally decided to come to the green vine world under the giant red ghost city to see what was going on.

Returning to the Red Ghost Giant City, Wang Xuan unexpectedly found that the current Red Ghost Giant City was quite lively, with many blue primary gods gathered. These were all detached gods from different universes below.

They discovered the giant city of Red Ghost, lived and practiced here, and gradually developed into a city where new gods lived.

Wang Xuan did not show up, but he just sensed a little and discovered that the leader of this divine city was a cyan intermediate god whom he had seen before, named Fu Dizhu.

Back then, the red ghost occupied this huge city and once captured Fu DiZhu. Later, Wang Xuan solved the red ghost. Fu DiZhu felt the horror of this sixth-level world and returned to his fifth-level universe world. Now, It seems that he has broken through to the cyan intermediate god level, transcended into the sixth level world again, and now becomes the leader of this giant red ghost city.

Wang Xuan was a little emotional, but he did not show up in front of Lord Fu, but quietly entered the green vine world below the Red Ghost Giant City.

This green vine world is still the same as before, with seemingly endless green vines. No one can enter without the permission of the Mother Goddess.

As soon as Wang Xuan appeared, these green vines seemed to sense and automatically separated to make way for them.

Now Wang Xuan is not only the most beloved child of the Mother Goddess, but also an innate god himself. He can currently be regarded as the last innate god, or even the last son of the Mother Goddess.

These green vines were swinging, as if they were welcoming Wang Xuan to enter. The space here was faintly filled with an atmosphere of joy. It seemed that the mother goddess felt joy because of his arrival.

Wang Xuan continued to walk forward, feeling this atmosphere as well, like a mother greeting her child who has returned from a long journey.

"Mother Goddess..."

Wang Xuan whispered very softly, and soon saw the tree of origin, and immediately thought of Gu Manyao.

Now that his ability has reached the limit of a god, can he open the door of origin and find the true spirit that looked back on Manyao? Let her come back to life?

Following Wang Xuan's soft call, the green vines in all directions were undulating. Soon, behind the Tree of Origin, among the countless squirming green vines, an unimaginably large mouth appeared.

Wang Xuan took a deep breath and said: "Mother Goddess, now our tribes are experiencing catastrophe, and we need the help of Mother Goddess."

The resurrected ancient Buddha and the ancient demon god have basically been solved. If based on previous guesses, this catastrophe has been overcome, but what Tie Jun said means that the resurrected ancient Buddha and the ancient demon god are not counted at all. The real catastrophe, the real catastrophe will destroy everything, and all living things will cease to exist. The only way is to find the boat on the other side. Only by boarding the boat on the other side can you escape.

Wang Xuan looked at the big mouth in front of him and moved slightly, but did not make any sound.

"Mother Goddess, I want to know, what is this world-destroying catastrophe? Why are those ancient Buddhas and demon gods resurrected? Why do I feel your aura, Mother Goddess, in them?"

Wang Xuan asked again, but the Mother Goddess still did not respond. Not only that, the green vines around him began to squirm violently. Soon, the exposed big mouth shrank back and was covered and obscured by countless green vines again.

Wang Xuan was stunned, feeling his hands and feet were cold. Could it be that the Mother Goddess's reaction meant that his previous guesses were true and Tie Jun did not lie. All of this was really led by the Mother Goddess?

Is it the Mother Goddess who wants to destroy her children with her own hands?

"Why...the Mother Goddess...says that you are the supreme will of this building. You represent everything. All races and all creatures in this building can be regarded as your descendants. want to destroy yours now?" Descendants?"

Wang Xuan couldn't understand and kept asking questions, but unfortunately there was no response. The atmosphere of joy that was originally filled here also disappeared.

Faced with this incomprehensible existence, since the other party did not respond, Wang Xuan was helpless. He could not take action against the mother goddess in front of him.

Suddenly, a Ruoyouruowu message came in front of him.

"go out……"

Sensing this message, Wang Xuan was startled, and then the green vines around him suddenly fluctuated violently. Wang Xuan immediately sensed that the time and space around him were changing.

"The Mother Goddess asked me to get out? Of course, getting out doesn't mean leaving this green vine world. Does it mean leaving this building?"

Wang Xuan's heart moved, and he realized that the green vines around him had disappeared, and were replaced by a hall. There was silence around the hall. He saw the familiar elevator and the door facing him.

He suddenly understood that the Mother Goddess teleported him to the lobby on the first floor, facing the entrance and exit passage of the building. It seemed that the "get out" that the Mother Goddess just said really meant for him to leave the building.

"Mother God asked me to leave. Did she want to tell me that the truth can only be found outside the building?"

Wang Xuan found that there were no newcomers in the hall on the floor in front of him, and he was the only one who was quiet here.

After pondering slightly, although Wang Xuan was not sure why the Mother Goddess sent him here, he could only go out to see what happened.

And he has always been curious about this building. He had left the building through the entrance and exit passage before, but at that time he was not strong enough and his ability was not enough to know more truth. Now he has reached the limit of God and can Speaking of the seventh-level world, except for Tie Jun, who had obtained all the power of the past Buddha, no one was his opponent.

Wang Xuan walked out of the oncoming entrance and exit like an ordinary human being and walked out.

After going out, the outside looked very familiar. It was the huge square in front of Longmao Plaza. There were a large number of shared bicycles parked in the distance, and there were a large number of vehicles on the vast roadside. This was a modern city where he had grown up and lived. Having studied it, you are naturally familiar with it.

The only abnormal thing about this city is that there are no people around, it has become an empty city, and there is deathly silence all around.

He came to this familiar place again. Now Wang Xuan is different from before. Now he is the supreme god. His eyes are slightly narrowed and he immediately shoots out two rays of light. He wants to see through the illusion in front of him and get a glimpse of the city in front of him. .

As the two divine lights shot out, the city in front of Wang Xuan began to twist and change, and everything seemed to have turned into an illusory time and space.

"That's it, indeed..."

Wang Xuan whispered softly, stretched out his right hand, and pulled back. He immediately tore a gap in the distorted space and time in front of him, and he stepped into the gap.

Passing through the gap, he found that the surroundings were no longer the familiar city he had just seen, but the endless space. Facing him was a blue planet. This planet was so familiar that his heart skipped a beat and he suddenly recognized it. come out.

This planet is the hometown of mankind, the earth.

"Is this the real Earth? Or..."

Wang Xuan was a little excited, but he was afraid that his joy would be in vain. He also shot two rays of light from his eyes, trying to peek at the source. Unexpectedly, he didn't see the problem this time. Everything he saw in front of him turned out to be real.

In the midst of surprise, confusion and excitement, Wang Xuan gathered his breath and began to approach the Earth. At the same time, he quietly sensed that the Earth was being covered by the atmosphere. He also captured a large number of satellites with various purposes, and various objects shuttled through the atmosphere. All kinds of aircraft, including countless animals, plants, and human creatures on the earth...

"I...really came back?"

How powerful is Wang Xuan's spiritual thought now? In this moment, you can completely sense hundreds of millions of living things on the entire earth, and even capture your familiar relatives and friends among these billions of human beings...

And in his eyes, none of this was fake.

Feeling all this and looking back at the past, it all seemed so bizarre and absurd that it seemed like a dream.

Wang Xuan continued down with excitement, and he had already begun to enter the earth's atmosphere.

Soon we entered the thermosphere of the earth's atmosphere and saw a space station floating in the thermosphere.

Wang Xuan almost didn't need to observe in detail to see all the details in the space station, and even the structures inside were clearly visible.

Wang Xuan ignored it and went straight down.

Although the people in the space station did not see him, they certainly could not believe that there would be humans appearing in such an atmosphere, or even walking in the void.

However, his appearance still caused abnormalities in the space station instruments. The energy detection pointer suddenly shook violently. Suddenly the pointer reached the limit, followed by a slight hoarse sound, and then the pointer stopped. It was obviously a machine failure.

This caught the attention of the observers, who immediately rushed to greet their companions.

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