The last building on earth

Chapter 584 Above the Limit of God

The bloody light drowned the Bi Fang beast.

Bi Fang Beast let out a sharp cry, and in the bloody light it faced, it felt a kind of fear and uneasiness from the depths of its soul, which made it want to temporarily evacuate the "Human King's Palace".

Unfortunately, it was already too late. From the bloody light, a figure appeared, and a handsome-looking man stepped out from it.

Wang Xuan put away the remaining remains of the little half-red ghost, and stepped into the "Human King Palace" from the time and space where he originally practiced. When he saw Bi Fang Beast who wanted to retreat, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed Bi Fang Beast.

Originally, Wang Xuan had reached the limit of the strongest god by achieving the divinity of the Supreme God, obtaining the body of an innate god formed from the divine eggs of the "Mother Goddess", and fully inheriting the power of the God of Order. , and now he has refined most of the red ghost's true body, and his power has reached a level that even Wang Xuan himself cannot estimate.

He now felt that his body was like a vast ocean formed by energy universes. Every cell was an energy universe. It was almost telekinesis. When he stretched out his right hand, nearly endless energy universes exploded in Bi Fang Beast's body. .

The Bi Fang beast let out an extremely shrill cry.

The flames and lightning accompanying it were instantly torn apart by the energy universe explosion launched by Wang Xuan, and then each energy universe impacted its body, exploding its body into thousands of fragments in an instant.

This moment also showed the power of Bifangmon as the ten strongest beasts among the second-generation beasts. While its body was exploded into thousands of fragments, unimaginable energy also burst out from its body, which turned into fiery red. of flames and lightning, with the flames turning into wings and the lightning turning into its body.

It was reborn in an instant and turned into an energy body formed by flames and lightning. It became more powerful than before. A pair of flame wings moved forward. Wang Xuan felt that the world suddenly turned into a fiery red, and two huge incomparable wings flew forward. The wings of flames covered the sky downwards, and the time and space he was in burned violently, burning everything to ashes, leaving only chaos in the end.

Three claws formed by lightning were raised and approached Wang Xuan faster than ordinary lightning. One claw clawed at Wang Xuan's head, one claw clawed at Wang Xuan's chest, and the third claw directly picked off Wang Xuan. Reveal the soul hidden within the body.

Wang Xuan pursed his lips slightly. This Bi Fang beast possesses power that is close to the limit of a god. The power that explodes between life and death is indeed terrifying. This is its strongest blow. Even if the previous God of Order is reborn and comes to face it, Bi Fang Beast had to go all out for this attack and didn't dare to be careless at all.

Wang Xuan raised his hands slightly, seemingly stretching them out slowly. His movements looked stretched and slow, but in fact, the passage of time around him was already under his control.

He has already refined Jiu Feng's head, neck and five wings. It can be said that half of Jiu Feng's true body has been refined by him, and Jiu Feng's original power is the control of time.

At this moment, the passage of time around him was in his mind. Although the speed of Bifang Beast's attack exceeded the speed of lightning, in his eyes, it was no different from slow motion.

When they exist like them, speed no longer means much. Without enough power, even if the opponent allows you to attack, you will not be able to harm the opponent at all. And a casual blow from the opponent may be able to knock you out together with the person you are on. The world went up in flames.

Behind him, five nine-phoenix wings spread out, colliding with each other with the strongest force. The two flame wings covered by the Bi Fang beast were instantly destroyed by the nine-phoenix wings. Wang Xuan grew six arms, three of which He grabbed Bi Fangmon's three claws formed by lightning, and the other two arms slapped Bi Fangmon's body one after another.

Bi Fang Beast's head and chest exploded one after another. Wang Xuan opened his last hand and poked into the exploded Bi Fang Beast's body to grab out the soul hidden inside.

The surface of this soul is faintly glowing with blood, and there are countless tiny green vines entangled inside. It is the soul that the "Mother Goddess" gave them to resurrect.

Wang Xuan thought of the "Mother Goddess" and sighed slightly. The hand holding the soul tightened, and the soul was immediately destroyed and died.

Bi Fang, one of the ten most powerful beasts among the second-generation beasts, lost his soul and finally died again.

After killing Bi Fang, Wang announced the "Human King's Palace" and came towards the second roaring beast nearby.

Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan, Lin Baiyu and Bai Yan all knew that Wang Xuan had appeared. They all cheered up and immediately tried their best to resist, knowing that as long as they lasted for a while, Wang Xuan would definitely help.


Zhang Haofei roared, holding the Hell Dragon Spear again and stabbing towards the King Beast.

The surface of his body was covered in blood. He was injured by the Golden King Sword of the Beast of Kings. The terrifying power of the Golden King Sword kept tearing at his wounds. With Zhang Haofei's strength, he could not heal the wounds in a short time.

The Shoutmon's strength is slightly weaker than that of the Bi Fangmon. Wang Xuan is approaching. It seems to feel something is wrong and wants to retreat to the King's Beast on the other side and join forces with the King's Beast to fight against Wang Xuan.

The scene where Wang Xuan killed all the beasts in an instant was seen by it, and it understood that it was unable to fight against Wang Xuan on its own.

But when Shoutmon retreated, he realized that although his body was continuously retreating, time and space were moving with it. In fact, it was still fixed in place, not even retreating one meter.

"This is..." The roaring beast felt shocked. Only then did he realize that everything at this moment, whether time or space, was under Wang Xuan's control. He was like the only god in this time and space. Apart from him, , all living beings are ants.

The roaring beast opened its huge mouth, roared, and suddenly uttered a voice with a faint hint of fear: "Heaven?"

Following this sound, one of Wang Xuan's hands silently appeared on top of its head, pressed down, and grabbed the fur of the roaring beast's forehead, just like a human holding a kitten, and pulled it Lifted the whole thing.

Hearing the roaring beast's voice, Wang Xuan was curious, why did it suddenly appear with the word "天"?

At this moment, there was a melee all around, and he didn't have time to think too much. He picked up the roaring beast, swung it up, and threw it towards the sun-shielding beast on the other side.

He saw that Zhang Haofei was in danger.

Zhang Haofei had been retreating steadily against the King Beast, and the Sun-Blocking Beast suddenly launched an attack. Zhang Haofei's retreat was very likely to be severely wounded by the Sun-Blocking Beast.

The Shroudmon, shaped like a sun, started to move, trying to avoid the Shoutmon that was coming towards it. Although it moved, it found that the Shoutmon and the surrounding time and space were also moving with it. It was equivalent to staying in place and not moving. , the roaring beast hit it hard.

The moment Wang Xuan caught the Shout Beast, he had already injected a large amount of the energy universe in his body into the Shout Beast. When it hit the Shroud Beast, these energy universes exploded at the same time. The Shout Beast was like a detonated bomb. It exploded when it hit the sun-shielding beast.

The power of this explosion was both the energy universe that Wang Xuan punched into and the energy of the Shoutmon itself being detonated. These two energies exploded at the same time, and even the Shroudmon, which was stronger than the Shoutmon, could not withstand it.

The Sunshade Beast, which was shaped like a sun, was blown apart from the middle. The worst thing was the Shoutmon, whose body exploded and was shattered together with the soul given by the Mother Goddess in his body.

From the time Wang Xuan came to the present, in just a split second, he killed the Fang Beast and the Shout Beast in succession, and even severely damaged the Sunscreen Beast, one of the two strongest among the ten beasts, causing all the beasts to tremble.

However, the beasts were resurrected and the souls they obtained made them fearless. They did not run away because of this, and they continued to rush towards the "Human Palace" and the "Imperial Capital".

Wang Xuan smashed the Shout Beast towards the Sun-Blocking Beast, and he appeared on the other side of the Sun-Blocking Beast almost at the same time. For one of the two strongest beasts among the ten beasts, Wang Xuan was not careless and showed six arms, among which The two claws belonging to the red ghost grabbed into the split body of the sun beast, split it to the left and right, and the sun-shaped sun beast was completely torn apart.

After this sun-shading beast was torn open, its body was filled with water-like liquid. The liquid flowed out, leaving only a thin layer of skin on the outside.

This sun-shielding beast screamed and tried to resist desperately. It possesses the ultimate power of a god. In terms of strength, it is not weaker than the previous God of Order. There is no one more powerful than it in this seventh-level world, even if it cannot defeat it. Wang Xuan, if he wants to escape, no one can do anything to him.

But when Wang Xuan exploded his energy universe within its body, it finally felt desperate.

This burst of energy universe completely overwhelmed its power, surpassing the limits of God, and it was a level and realm that it could never peek into.


It let out a final desperate roar, and then its soul was shattered, leaving only an empty shell, which was thrown out by Wang Xuan.

Among the ten strongest beasts among the second-generation beasts, Bi Fang, the Roar Beast and the Sun-shielding Beast were killed by Wang Xuan one after another. Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan, Lin Baiyu, Bai Yan, Zhao Lei and the gods of various tribes saw this and all believed in it. Doubling, the most shocked among them were Bai Yan, Zhao Lei and others.

After refining the Witch Blood Beast, Bai Yan's strength has reached the limit of God. He originally thought that he had reached the same level and realm as Wang Xuan, but now he suddenly found that the gap between himself and Wang Xuan seemed to have become worse again. Bigger.

The increase in Wang Xuan's strength is simply unimaginable. Why can he break through again when he was already at the limit of a god?

After killing the sun-shielding beast, Wang Xuan did not follow up and attack the closest king beast, but turned around and appeared above the "Imperial Capital".

The King Beast and the Obscuring Sun Beast are both called the two strongest beasts among the ten beasts. Now that the Obscuring Sun Beast is dead, it is the strongest and is the true limit of the gods. However, although it is powerful, Zhang Haofei can barely block it, while the other The one who is really in danger on one side is Bai Yan.

At the same time, he was besieged by Snake Yi, Mountain Ghost, Neptune and others, and was already in danger.

Wang Xuan appeared silently, and the first thing he targeted was the weakest snake corpse among them. He almost killed it with one move. He injected energy universes one after another into the snake corpse, and then these energy universes exploded from the snake corpse.

After Snake Yi died, Bai Yan breathed a sigh of relief. With one against two, it was no problem to block the mountain ghost and the sea king. Zhao Lei had already gained the upper hand in the battle against the elves and used him to help. Wang Xuan appeared next to Zhang Haofei again and joined forces with him to move towards Zhu Haofei. Kingmon, the strongest among the beasts, takes action.

As long as the king beast is dealt with, the rest is not a concern.

The King Beast held two golden king swords and swung them wildly. Although it knew the danger, it did not retreat and still moved forward bravely. It also let out a majestic roar. As it roared, various beasts appeared around it, one after another. Lend it strength.

Obviously, the king beast knows how powerful Wang Xuan is, and it needs the power of other beasts to fight against him.

On the other side, the dragon beasts and fire demons who were originally fighting with Yu Shanshan and Lin Baiyu also retreated one after another, falling to either side of the king beast, one on the left and one on the right.

They want to join forces to fight against Wang Xuan.

"Now it's your turn to tremble!" Zhang Haofei laughed wildly and, in coordination with Wang Xuan on the other side, stabbed out the Hell Dragon Spear in his hand.

Yu Shanshan and Lin Baiyu also followed closely to help Wang Xuan.

Wings appeared one after another behind Wang Xuan, descending towards the King Beast.

But when he stretched out his arm, it was the dragon beast that really attacked.

Compared to Kingmon, Dragonmon and Fire Demon were weaker, so he decided to deal with the weaker beasts first.

The half-refined Chi Gui body came out of his body directly.

Although he only refined most of the Red Ghost's body, the energy in his body was almost endless and he was able to complete the remaining half of the Red Ghost's body.

When the complete red ghost appeared, the pressure from the first-generation beasts immediately suffocated all the beasts.

Originally, Kingmon or Dragonmon were already the most powerful beings among the second-generation beasts, but once compared with Red Oni, everyone immediately saw the huge gap between the first-generation beasts and the second-generation beasts.

A pair of red claws of Chi Gui stretched out. The dragon beast could hardly move, let alone resist. The red claws of Chi Gui scratched deep red blood grooves from its head all the way down. After that, Chi Gui's power Detonated from these blood ditches, the dragon beast was immediately destroyed.

As the refined remains of the four beasts' true bodies became more and more complete, Wang Xuan's strength gradually exceeded the limits of a god, and he possessed more and more magical powers. Not only did he control time and space, he could now completely The true bodies of the four beasts that were refined into the body were differentiated again.

He almost doesn't need to do anything, just relying on the absolute crushing of the first-generation beast by the red ghost, he can kill the dragon beast among the ten strongest second-generation beasts.

Once Dragonmon died, only Kingmon, Fire Demon, Elf, Mountain Ghost and Sea King remained among the ten beasts.

The situation on both sides was reversed, and everyone had the absolute upper hand.

Even if a few beasts unite together, everyone can also unite together.

Bai Yan swung the blood crystal sword and successfully killed Neptune.

Zhang Haofei's Hell Dragon Spear penetrated the core of the Fire Demon. Wang Xuan's power was everywhere, suppressing the King Beast, causing its two golden giant swords to gradually bend downwards, vibrate constantly, and may break at any time.

Wang Xuan didn't need to use any special means to face it. He only needed to use absolute power to suppress the king beast and make it unable to move. After that, the red ghost who came out pierced the chest of the king beast with his claws and took out the soul from its body. , and then destroyed.

This king, who was known as the strongest among the ten first-generation beasts, finally fell.

With the fall of King Beast, the offensive of all the beasts was completely disintegrated.

Everyone let out a long breath.

The Fire Demon was also killed soon after, and among the ten strongest second-generation beasts still alive, only the elves and mountain ghosts remained.

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