The last building on earth

Chapter 738 Underworld

Finally, Wang Xuan sensed Ming's aura.

He captured the trapped Ming in this endless maze of time and space, and immediately probed his consciousness into it, locating the time and space here to Ming.

He believed that with Ming's ability, as long as he had this time and space positioning, he should be able to find this place and get out of trouble.


Suddenly, the voice of the Mother of Origin sounded in Wang Xuan's mind.

Wang Xuan also sensed it at the same moment, and immediately turned his head, only to see that the land of Taibei suddenly opened from it, and a giant half-human, half-wolf palm stretched out, viciously grabbing at him and Gu Manyao.

With Gu Manyao's current ability, even with the help of the Mother of Origin, she cannot dodge or resist, so the Mother of Origin can only remind Wang Xuan.

Now only Wang Xuan has this ability.

Wang Xuan couldn't care less about guiding Ming out of trouble. The five powers of heaven in his body exploded at the same time, forming a defense to resist the giant palm that grabbed him.

Even the Mother Goddess cannot achieve such power, only the Ancient Titan.

The ancient giant god whose giant palm he had cut off before and who was injured and retreated was indeed hidden in the land of the beginning. At this moment, he suddenly showed his power and waved his palm to kill Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao.

Without the help of several mother goddesses, the ancient giant god did not take the current Wang Xuan in his eyes.

In the eyes of the ancient giant, even the Mother Goddess is just a stronger ant, not to mention that Wang Xuan is just a creature created by the Mother Goddess.

There was a loud "boom", and the Ancient Titan struck the defensive shield formed by Wang Xuan with a palm, making an earth-shaking loud noise. This was promoted to the ninth form of the interweaving of the five heavenly ways. The defensive power formed by it was beyond imagination. .

As this palm failed to crush Wang Xuan's defense, a giant palm appeared again in the cracked time and space. With this giant palm strike, with a harsh sound, the defensive shield formed by the five heavenly paths suddenly began Shattered.

When Wang Xuan saw this, he understood that although his current strength far surpassed that of the Mother Goddess, he was still unable to defeat this ancient giant. Although it was just a simple defensive shield just now, it was actually the strongest expression of the five heavenly ways. Since this giant Being able to crush it with one palm means that the power he currently controls is still not as good as the ancient giant.

However, Wang Xuan is not anxious. After all, he is not alone. He can also borrow the power of the Mother Goddess. What he has just competed with is only the power he personally controls. It is nothing if it is not as good as the ancient giant god.

He stepped back, stretched out his left hand, and took Gu Manyao's hand, entering into a union with her, first borrowing all the power of the Mother of Origin.

Through Gu Manyao, the power of the Mother of Origin came into his body continuously. Now he is several times stronger than the Mother Goddess and can fully withstand the power of the Mother of Origin.

"The Ancient Titan, come again——"

Wang Xuan shouted loudly and looked at the two giant palms that stretched out from the crack. He held Gu Manyao with his left hand and stretched out his right hand to meet him. This time, the five heavenly paths turned into five lotuses and turned into five paths. The rainbow light blasted towards the two giant palms stretched out.

This time, it was not only the power of the five heavenly ways that he mastered, but also the power of the Mother of Origin. This power helped Gu Manyao's Blood Sea Way to advance to the highest level, turning into a bloody lotus and following closely.

Two giant palms grabbed the six lotus flowers, and the six lotus flowers exploded in the two giant palms one after another.

The giant palm was exploded and blood splattered, and the ancient giant was injured.

With an earth-shattering roar, a bloody mouth opened, and a powerful and unparalleled energy was ejected from it. This was the most powerful attack of the ancient giant.

With a "boom", this energy rushed out like a horse. Wang Xuan tried the power of this energy last time. He gathered the power of six mother goddesses before and was able to repel the ancient giant. But now With his strength and the power of the Mother of Origin, he was not confident whether he could block it.

It was too late to dodge, so he could only use his strongest strength. Combined with the power of the Mother of Origin, he turned into a giant sword and slashed it down against the incoming divine light.

In the light of energy that drowned everything, the giant sword Wang Xuan sacrificed was shattered, and the energy spewed out by the ancient giant was also blocked.

This means that his power, combined with the power of the Mother of Origin, can already fight against the ancient giant.

With his confidence greatly increased, Wang Xuan took out his giant sword again with a thought and slashed at the ancient giant god.

One after another divine light shot out, and in a short period of time, both sides were evenly matched, and no one could suppress the other.

"Okay." Wang Xuan took a deep breath. Since he and the power of the Mother of Origin can be comparable to the ancient giant, as long as he borrows the power of another mother goddess, he will definitely be able to overwhelm the ancient giant or even kill it.

Just when I had this idea, I suddenly noticed a strange noise coming from the sky. The next moment I saw a huge five-pointed star emitting light. Among the five-pointed star, there was a mummy wrapped in white cloth crawling out.

Wang Xuan was startled and suddenly understood that Ming, who was trapped in the endless maze of time and space, had finally found an exit and was returning to this world.

Ming is one of the three giant gods and is known as the Lord of the Pentacle and the King of Mummies. When the first mummy crawled out of the pentagram, thousands of mummies began to surge behind it.

Each mummy is like a cell of Ming, and the endless army of mummies combine to form Ming's body.

Only such a body can withstand the power of Ming.


A faint voice came, and groups of mummies united together to form a palm-like shape. The palms formed by countless mummies slapped the cracked space and time heavily.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was constantly swinging the giant sword in his hand. Each sword contained the power of six kinds of heaven. Even the ancient giant was suppressed by his power and needed to fight with all his strength. Unexpectedly, Ming Ming suddenly took action and struck with this blow. A muffled groan suddenly came from the cracked space and time. It was obvious that the ancient giant god was injured. In the next second, two giant palms were seen retracting.

This ancient giant is about to escape again.

Wang Xuan wanted to step forward, but what greeted him was a jet of energy reaching the sky. This energy lasted for a long time and was extremely powerful. Wang Xuan could only raise the giant sword in his hand and launch six kinds of heavenly confrontation.

When this energy exhausted, the ancient giant god had disappeared.

Obviously, this ancient giant knew that it alone could not deal with Wang Xuan and Ming at the same time.

Seeing that the ancient giant disappeared without a trace, Wang Xuan sighed and looked up at the sky, only to see a white light rising above the countless mummies. In this white light, the form of a beautiful woman could be vaguely seen. .

Wang Xuan knew that this was Ming among the three giant gods.

Ming was watching him, and seemed not to have thought that Wang Xuan had now reached a level that could compete with the ancient giant.

"Ming... is the Langxu clan you just mentioned the name of that ancient giant?"

"Yes..." The beautiful woman in front of him nodded slightly: "Moreover, it is the weakest among the ten ancient giants..."

Wang Xuan was shocked. There were ten ancient giants in total? And this Langxu family is actually just the weakest among them?

It’s just that even the Origin Mother Goddess doesn’t know about this news. How could Ming, who had just escaped from trouble, know about it?

Ming seemed to know Wang Xuan's doubts and spoke again.

"All this is made known to us by the One..."

"Who is that one?" Wang Xuangang asked, suddenly understood, and then said: "The one you are talking about refers to the disappeared Father God?"

Ming listened again.

Wang Xuan was a little confused and said: "Didn't you three giant gods join forces to challenge Father God? After that, the three of you were sealed. Since Father God sealed you, why did Father God tell you this? And...the disappeared Father God Where did you go again?"

He had too many doubts and wanted to ask Ming. After all, even the Mother Goddess didn't know much of this information.

"Father God has predicted that the ancient giant gods will be resurrected... Once the ten ancient giant gods are fully resurrected... all the mother gods and living creatures... will cease to exist..."

Ming's words were slowly ringing out. Wang Xuan took in a breath of cold air and felt shuddering. Among the ancient giants who had just escaped, Langxu was actually the weakest among the ten ancient giants. He could already easily kill the mother goddess. The rest How powerful will the nine ancient giants be?

Once they are all resurrected, who can stop them?

All the Mother Goddess and all the buildings will be destroyed.

"Do you know why we are called the Three Giant Gods?"

Suddenly, Ming's voice sounded again. When Wang Xuan heard it, he was slightly startled and looked up at Ming in front of him.

"Yes, you are called the three giant gods, and now there is an ancient giant god. You are all called giant gods. Is there any relationship?" When Wang Xuan heard about the ancient giant god, he had already thought of Tianfan Ming. The three giant gods, since they are all called giant gods, is it just a coincidence, or is there any relationship between them?

"Because we were born to deal with the ancient giant..."

As he spoke, Ming stretched out his hands and said: "Heaven and Brahma will return soon. Wang Xuan, I will help you gather your last soul and make your five heavenly ways perfect. At that time, your strength will surpass the Langxu clan." , only you can prevent the resurrection of the ancient giant god."

Wang Xuan's heart moved and he asked: "The remaining nine ancient giant gods have not been resurrected yet?"

"They are too powerful, and it is not easy to resurrect them. The weakest among them, the Langxu clan, was resurrected first. It destroyed the building and devoured the creatures in the building in order to store energy and help the remaining ancient giants to resurrect as soon as possible..."

"We only need to destroy the Langxu clan and the remaining ancient giants who have not yet been fully resurrected before the situation completely gets out of control to resolve this crisis."

Ming began to release energy as he spoke. Wang Xuan was not polite and immediately sat cross-legged. He understood that now his strength was not much worse than that of the ancient giant. As long as he refined the last Tao Soul, all five of his heavenly ways would be promoted. For the sake of the supreme heaven, his combat power at that time would probably be much higher than that of the Langxu clan.

Wang Xuan sat cross-legged, with the four beasts sitting around him, and the power of Ming began to pour into his body.

Now he finally realized Ming's true strength, which was no weaker than the Mother Goddess.

"It is said that these three giant gods are the descendants of the father god and the mother god, so they have power that is not inferior to the mother god. Now it seems that this is indeed the case, but Ming said that they were born to deal with the ancient giant gods, and both sides regard the giant gods as their Name, but what’s the purpose of it?”

This thought flashed out of his mind, and Wang Xuan then entered into deep meditation and began to refine the last Tao spirit.

Gu Manyao was still guarding silently, and at the same time secretly asked the Mother of Origin. She was also curious and wanted to know whether the three giant gods Tianfanming and Ming were really the children of the Mother of Origin and God Father.

The Mother of Origin did not respond to her question, but said slowly: "Heaven and Brahma are also coming out of trouble..."

Following her voice, she saw seven-pointed stars and six-pointed stars twinkling in the sky, and soon turned into rainbow light. In the rainbow light of the seven-pointed star, groups of angels were descending, and in the rainbow light of the six-pointed star, Demon gods began to arrive.

The army of angels represents heaven, the army of demons represents Brahman, and the army of mummies represents Hades.

These three giant gods have finally returned.

Gu Manyao looked at the angels and demons flying in the sky and thought of these three giants who were called the Three Giants and left the Book of Giants in the Origin Building. Now, ten ancient giants have been resurrected. She always feels that there is a gap between these giants. , it must be related, Ming's response just now was incomplete.

Heaven and Brahma did not show their true bodies. When their angelic and demonic armies arrived, they flew all over the sky and rushed towards the Gate of Absolute Beginning and were leaving here.

"Go to the ancient land...those ancient giants...are sleeping there..."

"As long as we destroy the ancient land, we can kill these ancient giants before they are resurrected..."

A huge voice came from the army of angels and the army of demons. Following this sound, the army of angels and the army of demons poured out of the land of the beginning, apparently heading towards the legendary land of the ancient times.

Gu Manyao looked into the distance and saw angels and demons pouring out of the Gate of Taichu. This scene was very spectacular.

Wang Xuan was surrounded by an endless stream of mummies. Wang Xuan closed his eyes and meditated deeply. Behind him and the four beasts, the tenth divine ring was slowly taking shape.

Once the tenth divine ring is completed, he will be promoted to the high heaven. At that time, ancient giants like Langxu will no longer be his opponents.

Ming tried his best to help. In order to speed up, Wang Xuan activated the ability of infinite devouring, continuously drawing energy from Ming to help him condense the tenth divine ring as soon as possible. Now he has understood that the Langxu clan is trying to Help the remaining nine ancient giants to resurrect as soon as possible.

Once all ten ancient giants are resurrected, it will be the end of all mother goddesses and all living creatures.

You must know that each mother goddess represents a building, and in each building there are countless races and civilizations, and there are immeasurable creatures.

Including Wang Xuan himself, he was once one of these countless creatures.

Now, he needs to fight for all living things.

Wang Xuan's infinite devouring ability was activated, and Ming Ze was fully assisting. The tenth divine ring behind Wang Xuan and the four beasts was condensing at an astonishing speed.

According to this speed, Wang Xuan will be promoted to Gaotian Dao soon.

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