The last building on earth

Chapter 745 The Beginning Arrives

With deep thought, Wang Xuan walked slowly along the entrance of the parking lot alone and found that everything here was as before.

Wang Xuan still remembers what happened back then. He still remembers that five people in their car were going to have an outdoor barbecue, but they parked the car in the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza and couldn't get out.

Now he was walking here alone and saw many vehicles parked on both sides.

His divine consciousness has long enveloped the entire underground parking lot. According to Ming, Father God knew it when he entered here. Now, Father God is also waiting for him here...

What is this former God of ignorance and now God the Father like?

Finally, Wang Xuan stopped and saw a large number of tree roots appearing in front of him. These tree roots penetrated the ground and extended in all directions. Many vehicles were pierced by the tree roots.

At the end of these roots, thick tree trunks can be seen.

This tree pole ran through the underground parking lot, and what he could see with the naked eye was only the tip of the iceberg of the tree pole.

Wang Xuan stopped, thinking that when he entered here, he had encountered similar trees and tree roots, and these tree roots could turn into snakes and pythons to attack them.

At one time, he thought this was called the Tree of Source and should be part of the Mother Goddess, but now that he saw this tree here again, Wang Xuan finally understood.

"The God of Obscurity?" Wang Xuan spoke softly. If the other party is really the God of Obscurity, he will naturally be able to deceive the Mother Goddess, so even the Mother of Origin does not know the existence of this tree.

"No wonder... I was just a newcomer who had just entered here, and I would encounter this tree. I had no doubts before. Now that I think about it, it is indeed unreasonable. Only today did I know that this tree is the God of Ignorance... …”

This thought passed through Wang Xuan's mind, but he saw that a large number of tree roots around him seemed to come alive, slowly squirming on the ground, and then, a faint voice came from the tree pole in front of him: "Not bad... Wang Xuan, the three giant gods should have told you all the cause and effect..."

"Now...I will help you awaken...the primordial consciousness..."

Following this faint sound, Wang Xuan saw the tree roots flying around, breaking through the ground around him, extending upwards, and soon there were such dense tree roots all around him.

Wang Xuan watched quietly as these tree roots approached him and soon coiled around his body. He did not resist and allowed these tree roots to wrap around him.

As a large number of tree roots became entangled, Wang Xuan closed his eyes and felt the light waves released from these tree roots. These light waves entered his body, like scanning, continuously releasing vibrations.

This light wave was very weak at first, but as it continued to be released, the power of this light wave gradually increased.

It soon reached an intensity that required a heaven-level existence to withstand.

But this is not the limit, the power of light waves is still growing, each light wave is more powerful than the previous light wave.

Wang Xuan began to understand why the other party would not help him awaken the primordial consciousness when he was still weak. The power released by this light wave alone could not be endured by a body that was not strong enough.

"Heaven, Datian, Dahuatian..."

Wang Xuan silently felt the increasing energy level of the light waves in his heart, and his body slowly sat cross-legged. He was completely covered by tree roots. The endless light waves continued to pass through his body, and their power continued. Enhance.

Now you need at least the strength of Dahua Zizaitian to withstand the energy level of the light wave.

After that, there is a breakthrough to the Great Transformation of Freedom and enter the level of Tao.

From the immature form of Tao, to half-step of Heavenly Dao, and then to ordinary Heavenly Dao...

In the past, the energy level of the light wave increased rapidly. As the power became more and more powerful, the energy level of the light wave also increased slowly.

As the energy level of the light wave becomes more and more powerful, the energy that Wang Xuan needs to bear also gradually becomes terrifying. In the end, the energy level released by this light wave has surpassed the highest level of heaven where the Mother Goddess is.

Now he could finally be completely sure that the person who transformed into a tree in front of him was the former God of ignorance and now the Father God.

Otherwise, even the Mother Goddess would not have such ability.

"I have waited for countless years and made all kinds of arrangements...just for this moment...I want to stop Taichu...only Taichu..."

"In the are the origin and the end. You are everything, and everything is you. Wake up..."

A sound began to sound in Wang Xuan's body along the light waves, then from his mind, then from his consciousness, and finally from his soul.

This sound keeps repeating, and the energy level of the light waves released by the tree roots is still increasing.

Wang Xuan vaguely understood that the God of ignorance was using extremely powerful energy to forcefully awaken the sleeping Taichu consciousness in his body. Of course, if he really had the Taichu consciousness in his body.

No matter how deeply the primordial consciousness is hidden, when this power that transcends the supreme heaven enters his body, under the impact of this energy, no matter how deeply hidden it is, it will still be touched, but this method has a prerequisite , that is, Wang Xuan's body must be able to withstand this energy.

And now Wang Xuan's strength has surpassed that of the Ancient Titan, let alone the Mother Goddess. It can be said that except for him, there is almost no one in the world who can withstand this power.

Now Wang Xuan fully understood why the God of Obscurity had to wait until now to awaken the primordial consciousness in his body, just because he did not have the ability to withstand the power of the God of Obscurity.

As the voice of the God of Obscurity is repeated over and over again, Wang Xuan is just sitting cross-legged silently, entering deep meditation. He can feel this power entering every inch of his body and entering every cell of his body. , it can be said that as long as the primordial consciousness exists, it must be captured by the power of the ignorant god.

Repeatedly, the underground parking lot was almost submerged by light waves, and even the entire Origin Building shook slightly.

The power of the Mother of Origin was also activated, trying to maintain the balance of the entire building.

Now the Mother of Origin has finally returned to her former peak state.

The three giant gods and Gu Manyao were suspended above the building, looking across the building silently at the bottom of the building.

There, they could see the light shining at the bottom of the building, and understood that Wang Xuan was meeting the God of ignorance there, hoping to awaken the primordial consciousness in his body.

Gu Manyao was in a daze. She did not expect that Wang Xuan would have such a big background, and that there was Taichu consciousness hidden in his body.

And who is Taichu? That's where it all comes from.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, a radiant figure came to the side. A beautiful female form appeared in this radiant figure. She looked like a noble lady. She was enveloped in the power of Taiyi. She was among the mother goddesses. Mother of the One.

Obviously, the mother of Taiyi also got the news and came here to see what happened.

Now that the resurrected ancient giants have basically been dealt with, it can be said that the danger that threatened the mother goddesses has been temporarily eliminated, but the greater crisis is the awakening of Taichu's instinct, and the power of this instinct is beginning to spread out along the land of Taichu.

Although this place is extremely far away from the Land of Absolute Beginning, through the endless darkness, some Mother Goddess can already observe that the time and space of the Land of Absolute Beginning is collapsing inwards, faintly turning into a dark vortex.

All the mother gods paid attention to this situation, and through mutual communication and induction, they all learned the truth one after another. The mother of Taiyi was the first to come here.

After the arrival of the Mother of Taiyi, not long after, another woman shrouded in brilliance arrived. She was shrouded in the aura of Yuanshi. Naturally, she was the Mother of Yuanshi.

When these mother goddesses came, they all paid attention to the depths of the Building of Origin. They could see the waves of light releasing through the building, and faintly felt the atmosphere of ignorance.

The current God of ignorance no longer hides his aura. He is both the former Son of the Beginning and the true Father God now. The energy released in the light wave at this moment has far surpassed the Mother Goddess and is gradually approaching the level of the Ancient Titan.

It can be said that it is not the current Wang Xuan, but any other being would not be able to withstand such energy.

Among the mother goddesses, the Mother of Daluo, the Mother of Menghong, and the Mother of Taiyuan also came one after another.

More and more Mother Goddess are coming here, and the aura released here is getting stronger and stronger. And in the distant Taichu land, the dark vortex is gradually becoming more and more terrifying, and a large amount of time and space is being swallowed up. Gradually, began to affect the nearest building.

That building represents a mother goddess. At this moment, the power of the mother goddess envelopes the entire building, wanting to protect the billions of creatures in the building. However, as the dark vortex approaches, she realizes that this dark vortex With the power inside, she was simply unable to resist it now.

As the dark vortex approached, the building began to twist and deform, the sound of rattling was heard endlessly, and countless cracks appeared on the surface.

In this dark vortex, the appearance of a baby was vaguely visible, but the baby looked very ferocious at this moment, opening its huge mouth and constantly devouring everything.

There is still an umbilical cord connected to the baby's belly button, as if it has not really been born, and the dark vortex is the baby's uterus. This umbilical cord is connected to the dark vortex. As the dark vortex devours everything around it, these are swallowed up. Everything turns into billowing energy, transported along the umbilical cord and into the baby's body.

At this moment, a terrifying scene was taking place in the dark distance. Amidst the screams of the Mother Goddess, rays of light descended, and human figures emerged in the light. It was obvious that the Mother Goddess had arrived and came to help.

However, the energy released by these mother goddesses entered the dark vortex. Not only could it not be stopped, but all the energy was swallowed up by the dark vortex, making the dark vortex's swallowing power even more terrifying.

They finally understood that the dark vortex was unstoppable.

They could only retreat and watch from a distance as the building representing a mother goddess was swallowed bit by bit by the dark vortex.

The Mother Goddess knew she couldn't stop it, so she was forced to escape from the building with some of the creatures in the building.

She considered that as long as some of the creatures in the building still existed, she might not completely perish, and there was hope of living again.

Those she took away were all the most powerful creatures in the building. As she pulled away, the building seemed to have lost its support and collapsed. Together with the remaining creatures in the building, it was instantly swallowed up by the dark vortex.

When the building was completely swallowed up, the glorious figure of the mother goddess who fled the building with a group of creatures suddenly became very dim.

And this dimness begins to fade at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sure enough... it still doesn't work..."

The voice of the mother goddess became weak, and her voice was full of helplessness.

She understood that even if she escaped from the building with some of her creatures, she would not be able to survive as long as the building was destroyed and ceased to exist.

It was as if everything that existed no longer existed, and she had nothing to rely on.

Those creatures could only watch as their mother goddess disappeared, and eventually the remaining energy was dragged into the dark vortex that was becoming more and more terrifying.

"The cannot be stopped..."

The mother goddesses who witnessed all this felt desperate and understood that when the dark vortex swallowed up the building where they were, their results would be exactly the same as the mother goddess who just disappeared.

At this moment, around the Tower of Origin, more than a dozen incarnations of the Mother Goddess have arrived. It can be said that the God of Obscurity and Wang Xuan at this moment are their last hope.

The energy level of the light waves released by the God of Obscurity has reached the level of the powerful Ancient Titan. This light wave has in turn slowly submerged the entire Building of Origin.

The building was shaking violently, and the Mother of Origin could not support it at all. Fortunately, the three giant gods of heaven, Brahma, and Hades came to help and maintained the building together.

After that, the Mother of Daluo, the Mother of Menghong, the Mother of Yuanshi, and the Mother of Taiyi successively came to help, and together they blessed the Origin Building, allowing the building to barely withstand the impact of this light wave energy.

When the fluctuation of the light wave was about to reach its limit, finally, a brighter light spot appeared in the center of the light wave, and within the light spot, there was a faint fluctuation of consciousness.

"I am... Taichu..."

As this consciousness fluctuated, the light waves suddenly converged and darkened, revealing Wang Xuan's figure.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was sitting cross-legged, opening his eyes, his eyes seemed confused, and his mind was like an electric shock, endless memories and thoughts were pouring in crazily.

He understood that there was really a ray of self-consciousness from the beginning hidden in his body, but this wisp of self-consciousness was hidden so deeply that even a being like the Mother of Origin could not sense and capture it. Wang Xuan's current strength It has surpassed the ancient giant god, but it also has no feeling.

It was not until this moment that the power of the God of Obscurity finally inspired this ray of self-consciousness in the beginning.

As this ray of self-awareness awakened, endless knowledge and past memories began to pour into Wang Xuan's mind.

These memories allowed him to experience from the original creation to the era of ignorance and prehistoric times, to the ancient times, the ancient times...and then the battle at the end of ancient times, which involved all living beings.

After that battle, all eras and creatures fell, even Taichu's self-consciousness was shattered, and the originally vibrant world turned into a world of endless darkness.

But it still relied on its last thought to create buildings and the Mother Goddess in such an endless dark world, allowing life to continue. It also allowed its fragmented self-consciousness to enter these buildings, and with the help of the creatures that these buildings will breed in the future , wake up again.

It's a pity that in the endless years, even the creatures that can actually walk out of the building are very rare, let alone the level that is strong enough to withstand the light wave of the ignorant god.

At this moment, Wang Xuan finally understood that Taichu's self-consciousness was not only hidden in his own body, but also hidden in the bodies of all living creatures. In other words, Taichu was everywhere, and everyone was Taichu.

Who can walk out of the building like him and be so powerful that he surpasses the Mother Goddess and the Ancient Titans? Naturally, it is Taichu. Therefore, this memory wakes up in his mind and allows him to know everything.

He is Taichu now.

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