Perhaps in the eyes of many ordinary people, no, even many people in the military.

The face of the Free City is the seven guardians, all of whom are owners of S-level supernatural powers. They are famous in the eastern region and have countless supporters.

But Li Er, as one of the highest officers in the military, knows clearly that the so-called guardians are just actors pushed out by the Free City.

It is true that they are valued, but that's all.

The real foundation of the Free City is enough to make everyone dumbfounded.

At least Li Er knows that the number of S-level awakeners in the Free City, excluding the guardians, is not less than the number of guardians.

After all, in the era when there were no guardians, there were already seven natural S-level awakeners in the Free City.

Most of them are not in the military, nor are they active in front of people, but are hidden in the dark. Few people know about them, and even no one can dispatch them except for a few people at the top.

But their strength is terrifyingly strong.

And Bai Lingyao is one of them.

Now, the Bai family, the top family in the Free City, has S-level spiritual ability and is a third-level awakener.

He awakened S-level ability at the beginning of the establishment of the Free City. His mind and strength are among the best in the entire Doomsday.

Of course, the reason that makes Li Er most anxious is that this Bai Lingyao——

He has a bad temper, is cruel and ruthless, and most importantly, he likes men!

And Li Er is one of the people who has been harassed by him!


North of the North.

Shen Chen and Xia drove a modified off-road vehicle on the snowy plain.

The cold wind was like a knife, and the heavy snow fell and accumulated on the thick snow layer.

"How long will it take?"

Shen Chen asked.

"Don't worry, Adam. There's about an hour left. We're already deep into the North Plain. Can you feel the climate getting colder? It will be even colder in the ice cave."

"The nest of a king demon has been operating for a year, not to mention the various protections built for the cubs during pregnancy. I don't think it's that simple."

"Oh, but if we two join forces, what can't we take down!"

Xia chuckled and looked at Shen Chen with curved eyes.

"By the way, Adam, what is your strength now?"

"There's no one here, why do you still call me Adam?"

"Don't change the subject. Although you were also very strong a year ago, I could at least see some clues. Now that we meet again, I can't even sense your strength."

Shen Chen looked at her and smiled——

"A year ago, you were slightly stronger than me. Now, maybe I am slightly stronger than you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"


If you look down from a high altitude, you can only see the endless ice field, with undulating hills and valleys on it like tiny ice marks.

Amidst the flying snow, the car was like a black grain of rice, sliding on the vast land of ice and snow.

One and a half hours later.

Shen Chen could finally see from afar a very deep and wide hole on the land, like a giant ice cave formed by cutting a piece of ice and snow.

"Is this the ice cave?"

Shen Chen's eyes also showed surprise. He did not expect that it was so huge, just like an abyss cliff.

At least, this is definitely formed naturally, and may have existed for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

"That's right."

Xia Ye looked at the big hole.

"Not only that, the inside is as complicated as a maze, so I waited for so long."

As the two talked, they approached the giant ice cave. Just as they approached, a piercing chill surged from below, as if penetrating the skin and into the bones.

This chill was not ordinary, and even made Shen Chen feel a little cold.

"Let's go."

Xia took another step forward, his toes almost hanging in the air.

Shen Chen looked around again, then looked at Xia and nodded.

The two of them no longer hesitated and jumped down.


Eastern region, the city of freedom.

Li Er looked at the man with a fair and delicate face and peach-like eyes standing in front of him, and suppressed his unhappiness.

"Master Bai, thank you for your help..."

"Master Bai? You are really unfamiliar," Bai Lingyao raised his tone slightly, "Li Er, I know you hate me, but you don't have to show it so obviously."


Bai Lingyao snorted coldly, no longer looking at him, but turned to look at the several guardians standing in front of him.

"You can choose your teammates, and the three guardians who have not arrived yet have other tasks..."

Bai Lingyao walked in front of Zhuang Shengxu as if he didn't hear it, and looked at him carefully.

"You must be Zhuang Shengxu, right? I've heard of your name. "

While speaking, Bai Lingyao put her hand on Zhuang Shengxu's shoulder, very close to him.

Zhuang Shengxu felt a chill in his heart, but he couldn't show it, so he could only nod.

"How old are you?"


"So tender."

Bai Lingyao teased Zhuang Shengxu for a while, and seemed very satisfied. Then he walked straight past the snake girl next to him and came to Chu Qingyang.

"Chu Qingyang, you're quite tall."

Bai Lingyao's body was thin, and her face had a feminine feeling. She had a unique temperament when she spoke.

Turning around, Bai Lingyao pointed at three people.

"Just these three."

Only the snake girl was skipped.

Li Er took a look and said:

"Okay! "


In the ice cave.

A chilly air was constantly surging.

Shen Chen and Xia had walked nearly 400 meters. As Xia said, there were countless passages under the ice cave.

And each passage led to an unknown place.

It was easy to get lost if you were not careful.

But Shen Chen and Xia both had the ability to sense things, so it was not easy to go wrong.

Although they were not walking fast, they were at least walking towards the deepest part of the ice cave.

There were many monsters like snow scorpions living in the ice cave along the way, but they were often penetrated by Xia or Shen Chen before they could formally attack.

After another half an hour, the two came to a fork in the road.

There were fine ice fragments on the ground, and the two cave entrances were extremely narrow, as if they led to a very deep place.

"How is it?"


Shen Chen was silent.

"Oh? Could it be that in your perception, it is..."

"Well, I sense it is on the right. "

"What should we do? Who of us is more accurate?"

Shen Chen was silent for a moment, and said:

"I'll go to the right anyway."

"Okay," Xia waved to Shen Chen and smiled, "Then let's split up for now."

Obviously, both of them were confident in their perception.


Shen Chen didn't pretend, and walked straight to the passage on the right.

Xia was stunned for a moment when she looked at Shen Chen's back, and an inexplicable emotion rose in her heart, but it soon disappeared without a trace, and she also went to the passage on the left.

On the other side, Shen Chen groped forward in the narrow passage.

He didn't tell Xia that his perception did not come from supernatural powers, but from the guidance of the forbidden power on his right arm.

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