Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Room 70434.

There is a huge glass wall in a blue and white room.

Inside the glass wall is a medium-sized ecological box with lush green grass.

Among them, a handsome little willow tree about half a meter long is particularly conspicuous. Its willow branches gently stretch under the artificial sunlight, greedily breathing the extremely rich nutrient gas in the space.

Outside the glass box, a sign "T3-012" is hung on the white wall column.

"Master, this is a trait-similar body cultivated based on the gene number 1086. It is currently the third generation and the most stable generation."

An old woman wearing purple glasses reported to Shen Chen, with uncontrollable pride in her eyes.

This is the most perfect special life form currently cultivated by their institute!

Thinking of this, she looked at Shen Chen with a sense of reverence again.

Because she knew that the gene sample numbered 1086 was passed on by this young master.

"How about the gifted seeds?"

The old woman waved her hand, and two young researchers immediately brought over a silver transparent ball.

The two balls each contained two purple seeds.

"Master, these are the two highest B-level gifted seeds that have been produced so far, and there are more than a dozen C-level and dozens of D-level and E-level seeds.

"According to the order of Elder Shen Fei, they will be sent to the special forces. Those with outstanding military merits and loyalty will have the opportunity to obtain gifted seeds and become awakened!"

Shen Chen nodded.

When the B-level A-level gifted seeds can be stably produced, the Shen family will consider fusion.

After all, there is also a high probability of failure in fusing gifted seeds.

At least Su Mengning in the previous life was not so lucky...

Shen Chen slowly walked into the glass wall, and the little thing inside seemed to sense the approach of the breath and began to shrink.

"Master, it is very shy."

The old woman laughed in a low voice.

"I know, I hope it can eventually grow to the height of its original body. "

Shen Chen chuckled and then left slowly.


After leaving the Imperial Capital Academy, Shen Chen contacted the Eastern Capital Academy again. After confirming that Urgos had been successfully taken in, he gave some instructions.

The Academy also determined the number of Urgos -


The terrifying demon lord in the abyss has now become the Shen family's possession. How does it feel? Shen Chen really wants to ask her in person.

And the control and reinforcement of Urgos by the crazy people in the Academy also reassured Shen Chen that there would be no failure in the containment.

That was a method discovered from some ancient ruins a few days ago. Integrating modern science and technology, she, who is currently only at the first level, will definitely not be able to break through the containment.


Almost all of a sudden, a storm broke out in the entire imperial capital.

Several top families, led by the Shen family, suddenly gathered their children on a large scale.

And thousands of giant vehicles and hundreds of planes parked in several large airports in the imperial capital.

At the same time, the imperial capital closed the airport passage and prohibited it from being opened to others.

The families were closed, and many powerful children all returned home under the orders of their families and never dared to stroll outside again.

It is even said that there is a lawless young master in the Xiao family who was drinking tea and riding horses at the Snow Dragon Pavilion in the imperial capital that day. , racing, and still didn't take his parents' orders seriously.

As a result, less than two hours later, his doting father rushed to the Snow Dragon Pavilion and almost broke his legs, and finally dragged him into the car.

The young master's friends were trembling beside him, not daring to say a word.

Within half a day, the powerful places in the entire imperial capital were almost deserted.

This made many bosses confused and wondered in their hearts-

What on earth is going on!

This series of actions all happened within two days, which can be said to have made others see what madness is.

And those who can perceive these actions are all those who have some power in the imperial capital. Crowd.

Because of this, their common sense and their worldview told them that --

This is impossible!

This kind of thing can never happen!

Including the top families including the Shen family, look at this posture, are they all going to flee the imperial capital together? !

They dare not imagine, nor believe!

Even if other superpowers launched top missiles, the imperial military would have a way to intercept them, but now...

Who can tell them what happened!

Compared with this group of people, there is a group of people who are really scared crazy.

They are the other families who are also the top dignitaries in the imperial capital.

They were fine at first, in the imperial capitalHow come the big brother is leaving all of a sudden!

They didn't get the news!

Why didn't anyone come to inform them!

There are many clans in the imperial capital. In addition to the top ones, there are still many powerful people standing.

But they are also holding family meetings now to discuss what to do next.

How come this world suddenly becomes so crazy!

At this time, many small clans came to the Shangguan family.

After all, among the top clans in the imperial capital, the Shangguan family seems to be the only one who has not taken any action like them.

The head of the Shangguan family also personally met with many clan heads and held a meeting together.

At the meeting, many heads were terrified and even panicked to the point of speaking without thinking.

Fortunately, the head of the Shangguan family tried his best to comfort them, and they calmed down one by one.

Finally, they unanimously discussed and concluded that -

Even if the sky falls, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After all, as the most powerful city, the Empire is the first choice for dealing with external crises and internal affairs.

The other superpowers have no intention of attacking the Empire, and the recent strange supernatural resurrection events are also limited in energy, and the army can completely resist them.

"Let them go if they want! Maybe they will come back after a while!"

"That's right, I really can't think of any other crisis that will be safer than staying in the Imperial Capital."

"Even if the sky falls, I dare to guarantee that the Imperial Capital will be the one that lasts the longest!"

"Or, let's ask the Shen family."

A weak voice sounded in the midst of a righteous speech.

The other family heads were speechless and looked at the head of this small family.

They wanted to say -

You haven't asked yet?

We almost asked our throats to smoke before, do you think the Shen family will pay attention to us?


Inner ring of the Imperial Capital.

Shangguan Family.

Shangguan Xun, the head of the Shangguan family, sent off a group of family heads before sitting down in his seat.

A young man stood in front of him and asked——

"Father, are we really... not going to do anything? Stay in the imperial capital?"

Shangguan Xun frowned fiercely.

"Do you think it's possible?"

"The Shen family, the Bai family, and the Xiao family are all gone. They really want to isolate our Shangguan family!"

"Father, how about we give in to the Shen family..."

After saying this, the young man lowered his head, fearing that he would be scolded by his father.

But he didn't expect——

"Get the communicator, I want to call Shen Fei."

"Father! You really want it!"

The young man raised his eyes, with a little surprise in his eyes.

Although they are both top families, it is a very shameful thing to give in to one side, but now this situation of knowing nothing makes them more panic.


Shangguan Xun said, his eyes as calm as a well.

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