The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1020: A photo (3rd more)

Zhu Hui doesn't know how long he has been in the dream world. He feels that it has been at least fifty years, and he has long since turned into a middle-aged man.

It's just that he is the emperor, his life span is much longer than that of ordinary people, and he still looks like he is in his thirties.

When Su Chen found the Southern Emperor, he knew that this dream was the dream of everyone, not his own dream.

The Nanhuang here is the Nanhuang who has all the memories, and even Zheng Zhao is not dead.

At the beginning, Zheng Zhao fought desperately to save the human beings besieged by mutants, but Zhu Hui had all the memories, and the initial growth was very fast, and he did not develop to that point.

Not only them, Zhu Hui also saw Northern Emperor Yin Xin!

Except for the teacher, him, and Yin Xin, the other human emperors seemed to be people in the dream world. He deliberately said some other things, and it turned out that these emperors did not hear.

Later, the three of them discussed together and thought that it might be caused by the power of the dream. Only the consciousness originally in the dream world can enter this deep dream. The other emperors are not in it. They are all constructed by the power of the dream.

In terms of the game, they are all NPCs.

"Teacher, what do you think we should do now? The current time should be the future without Su Chen's appearance. I really didn't expect that without his appearance, we humans would have reached such an exhaustion." Zhu Hui's face It was full of wry smiles.

Even with the help of his "rebirth", the starting point of mankind was too low at the beginning, and it was inferior to mutant beasts in all aspects.

The only thing fortunately is that the mutants in this dream world don't have any wisdom, and it seems that there is no bloodline wisdom pearl, otherwise they will not last for fifty years.

The time in the dreamland also had a great impact on them. Originally, in reality, the Southern Emperor suffered too many battles after 30 years of the last days, and his body was seriously injured. In the end, he couldn't fight hard with the mutant beast.

But in this world, Zhu Hui tried his best not to let the teacher participate in the battle. He almost took care of it all alone, which allowed the Southern Emperor to live to the present, but this was already the limit.

The Southern Emperor felt that his lifespan was not much left. If he died here, then the last trace of consciousness would also dissipate. At that time, even the dream power of the dream demon would not be able to resurrect him.

So far, there are only less than fifty base cities left for mankind, and all the others have been attacked by mutant beasts. As for the gathering place, it did not exist from the beginning. Zhu Hui could not let the gathering place appear here again. It was just helpless before. Act of.

He once tried to find Su Chen's existence in this world, but the strange thing was that there was no such person as Su Chen in this world. He found many people with the same name who were not the ones he was looking for.

Yin Xin sighed and said: "I already said that if we want to leave this dream world, we may need to defeat the enemy of mutant beasts. Our world may affect the breakthrough of Meng Yao sister-in-law, which is very important."


He punched on the table and groaned in hatred: "If our strength can break through to the small galaxy level, how can we be reduced to where we are now?"

Speaking of this matter, Zhu Hui was also helpless.

His actual strength has reached the level of a large galaxy, but he has been cultivating in a dreamland. For fifty years, he is still only the ninth peak. There are two ninth peaks on the mutant beast side. how to spell?

Originally at the same level, mutant beasts were stronger than humans, let alone one-to-two.

In the past, Zhu Hui didn't know why there was such a big surprise, but later he learned that a small part of mutant beasts will undergo an evolution when they mutate.

In other words, in the past, their human emperors used unevolved bodies to fight against an evolved mutant beast emperor. They were all geniuses who were able to draw a draw, and they were peerless geniuses who were able to defeat them head on.

Nan Huang's complexion was still calm, but his body was so weak that he needed a wheelchair to move.

"These are the scenes we have experienced before. Don't be afraid. Even without Su Chen's help, with us, we will definitely be able to figure out a way!" Nanhuang said categorically, "I was a dead person, when it is necessary. , I will use all my strength to kill a mutant beast at the ninth peak, so that humans have hope!"

"Teacher!" Zhu Hui was shocked.

Is he going to once again see the teacher fighting desperately for humans and mutant beasts?

"And me, I died earlier than the teacher. Even if I die, I have to die first. Although my strength is a bit weak, there is still hope for taking a ninth-tier peak." Yin Xin Said with a smile.

Zhu Hui wiped away the tears, his eyes condensed: "Since this is a deep dream, it is still a critical moment for the dream demon's breakthrough, I believe the dream demon must be paying attention here."

"Meng Yao, tell me, how can we defeat them?" Zhu Hui shouted to the sky.

After a period of time, there was no sound around, and Yin Xin was about to give comfort, his eyes widened, and something floated from the world.

Zhu Hui was overjoyed. He thought this was something Meng Yao gave him. When he caught this thing, Su Chen's voice suddenly sounded: "Brother, remember one sentence, dreams are always just dreams, you want to believe It, it exists, if you don’t believe it, it’s just shit!"

The voice ended, Zhu Hui saw that what he was holding was actually...a photo!

The photo above is the photo of him and Meng Yao. They left behind when they were playing on a planet. If he remembers correctly, this photo should be saved by himself. Where did Su Chen find it?

"Never mind this, what do you mean by what I just said? Even if I don't believe in the existence of dreams, it actually still exists. If I am killed, I will die."

When talking to himself, Zhu Hui suddenly thought of what, if people are killed, they will die?

This law certainly applies to the outside, but here is the world of dreams. Who has heard that people die in dreams?

Even if this is a deep dream, even if it is almost exactly the same as in reality, it is always a dream!

At this moment, a trace of power that was completely different from the power of the dream emerged from the photo. Zhu Hui didn't know what power it was, but he could feel that with the blessing of this power, he seemed to be able to blast the mutant beast!


Zhu Hui flew out directly, and the Southern Emperor and the Northern Emperor who saw this scene were all taken aback, and then hurriedly followed.

However, they found that Zhu Hui's speed was so fast that he could barely see the shadow in the blink of an eye.

"What's wrong with him? If he is stopped by two 9th-order peak mutant beasts with his strength, it will be over." Yin Xin was very anxious.

"Did you see what fell from the sky just now?" Nan Huang asked suddenly.



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