The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1050: I have a bold idea (3rd more)

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The ten kings finally recognized this method, each front divided into 80 million transcendental potions. Of course, each person would need to spend half of his own property to purchase, and they would make people stare.

After the nuclear bomb and the Transcendent Potion, the kings could no longer underestimate the Red Alert Emperor in front of them. The things he brought were too helpful to mankind.

"Lao Su, what good things do you have in the Red Police Empire, show them to us? Of course, they will all be paid." Shi Wang asked with a smile.

Hearing this old Su's name, the other kings looked at King Shi in surprise.

This can only be called that by someone who has a good relationship?

If they remember correctly, Shi Wang had trouble with the Red Police Empire last time because of the death of his descendants. What the **** is this?

"No, all the good things have been drained by you, but..." Su Chen paused and looked at the ten kings with a mysterious expression: "It is rare that all the kings gather together. I have a bold idea, no know……"

"What do you think, let me hear it?" King Lotus was a little curious, but he knew that Su Chen had always been very courageous.

At the beginning, without any contact, he found himself and persuaded himself to buy the weapons of the Red Police Empire. This means and ability, not everyone can do it.

"If I remember correctly, we humans have always been in a passive defense situation over the years, right?"

The kings nodded, everyone knew this, there was nothing bad to say.

"That's easy. This time, we are going to have a big counterattack, and by the way, we will expand the front."

The kings were shocked by Su Chen's words. They also wanted to counterattack. The problem was that human beings' current strength would not dare to imagine the consequences if they really entered the enemy's star domain.

After all, they don't know anything about the enemy's defense system.

Even if there are some insiders, the information provided is still very little. In terms of intelligence, human beings are absolutely weak.

"The emperor of the Red Police, this is not a casual talk. The strength of our human front is very reluctant to be able to resist. Let alone counterattack, do you know what our human situation is?"

At this time, an unknown king said in a stern tone.

Su Chen thought for a while, this person seemed to be...King Jie.

He controls the sixth front and seems to be a very serious person.

"I know that human beings are besieged by several powerful cosmic races, and they are currently in a situation where they may be finished at any time."

Su Chen's words are a bit ugly, but this is true.

As long as one of the fronts is breached, then the human star field will have to wait for death. By then, the king may be fine, but none of the others can escape.

"Since you know and dare to say something to counterattack, do you want something to happen to the front?" King Jie's tone was very unfriendly.

King Jie was a king who could not understand the behavior of the Red Police Empire at the beginning, and his attitude towards Su Chen was not surprising. "If you say, am I sure?" Su Chen's mouth raised. Jiuzhou Chinese.

Just when King Jie was about to continue taunting a few words, King Yuan said directly: "What are your plans?"

"It's just a thought. One of the biggest weaknesses of our human beings compared to the other is that the distribution of combat power is too even to complete the killing of one of the cosmic races. Even if it is two adjacent fronts, the king needs a lot in the past. Time. Another is the inconvenience of communication. These two conditions limit us."

"But now, I don’t know if you have thought about it. We already have the most basic counterattack capabilities. The first one is the star network. With the star network, we can exchange information anytime and anywhere, no matter which front is affected by what. We will know about such an offense the first time. The second one is...the teleporter!"

"What you have been thinking about is to use the Hyperspace Teleporter on one of your fronts. If you say that the Hyperspacer Teleporter is used on all fronts, what will the result be like?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

There are also times when the king’s thinking is narrow. They think about current things with their previous thinking, but now they are constantly changing. They ignore the biggest role of the teleporter, that is, to allow a powerful combat force to go at any time. other places!

The fronts are connected. As long as they use the Hyperspace Teleporter, the green light all the way is unimpeded, and it only takes a short time to get from one front to the other!

If this is an ordinary warrior, it does not matter, what if it is a king?

For a long time, each front has been guarded by a king, forming a fixed situation. On the cosmic race, only a constellation-level powerhouse has been sent out.

There are rarely more than two constellation-level battles.

Once the two kings unite and target the constellation level of a cosmic race, then the final result is likely to be... the opponent's constellation level powerhouse has fallen!

No matter which race it is, the number of constellation-level powerhouses will not be many, and losing one is enough to hurt the vitality of the race.

At that time, it is not impossible to expand the frontline.

"Or, try?" King Lotus was moved.

Not only him, but other kings also felt this way, anyone would be willing to fight back once.

The king also has a temper. They have been suppressed by the cosmic races, and they are also very frustrated. If they can really expand the front and slap the cosmic races, this is what they want to see.

"Will it be too anxious? If it irritates them, what should I do if more constellation-level powerhouses appear behind?" The Wind King on the ninth front asked aloud.

His worry is not unreasonable. If they really kill a constellation-level powerhouse, no one knows what will happen by then.

The biggest possibility is that the alien race became angry from embarrassment and directly summoned all the constellation levels to start a battle!

At that time, their ten major battle lines may not necessarily be able to block them.

"Originally, humans and alien races are endless situations. Even if the war is coming, we only need to try our best to block it. Of course, if this happens at that time, we will be a little more ruthless than them, and directly declare that if there is a decisive battle, Humans will definitely drag one of the races to death, don't doubt the strength of humans!" Su Chen said viciously.

With human strength, it is indeed possible to achieve this point, but a few kings are somewhat unable to make this determination, after all, human beings have not yet reached that point.

"Then we will decide by voting, whether or not to do this, or the old rules." Shi Wang suggested.

The king glanced at each other and agreed to this method. Of course, the Yuan king had two votes.


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