The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1054: There are big mushrooms everywhere (2nd more)

The mutant nuclear bombs that Su Chen had agreed to provide had already been transported to the Ten Great Battle Line. The only people who knew the existence of the mutant nuclear bombs were the king and a few frontier generals.

After all, there are too many frontier generals. Once everyone knows it, the mutant nuclear bomb, as a secret weapon, loses its original role.

The mutant nuclear bomb will only appear at the beginning of the plan, which is also an important means to attract aliens.

If there is no mutated nuclear bomb, those fronts that lack the king's seat, once the alien constellation level appears, the king will not show up by then, obviously there is a problem.

The alien race is not a fool, and Su Chen would not really underestimate the alien race. This battle was just a bad news.

With the mutant nuclear bomb, then the attention of the alien race will be focused on this, and the king's problem will be ignored for the time being. When they are aware of it, the plan may be over.

According to what they said at the beginning, as long as the three of them act together to deal with an alien constellation level, they are sure to get rid of it instantly, no matter how bad they are, there is no problem within a day.

One day's battle is actually very short for the Constellation Level. Many battles at the Constellation Level often last for dozens of hundreds of years.

When Leng Yuwei took a group of people to trade, Su Chen had some of his subordinates who happened to be on the seventh front. He directly used his authority, borrowed the eyes of a class of troops, and saw the battle over there.

This group of soldiers can join the battle after getting permission, but they have no merit in the battle, that is to say, pure strength is not pleased.

Su Chen didn't care. He didn't care about these exploits and trophies at all. Anyway, the resources he had now were useless.

These Red Police troops, those with less than the strength of the small galaxy class, are fighting on the surface of the planet, and those with strength exceeding the small galaxy class, all fighting in the starry sky.

Compared with the battle on the planet, the battle in the starry sky is more shocking.

Often people do not see it, and there may be an alien's body torn directly and tragic death on the spot.

There was also a human warrior whose head was chopped off by followers of the evil god, leaving only instinctive convulsions in his body.

The Red Police soldier he relied on had the strength of the first tier of the big galaxy, which was considered quite good here, coupled with the all-round balance of the Red Police soldier, with a gun in his left hand and a laser sword in his right, it was not majestic!

Cthulhu believers are a collective term, as long as they become followers of Cthulhu, no matter what race they are, they are called this way.

In it, Su Chen saw all kinds of weird races, as well as many familiar races, among which he also discovered many...humans!

According to what Su Chen knew, these human followers of the evil **** were not human beings in the human star field, but some human beings specially raised by the evil god.

Cthulhu seems to believe that the beliefs provided by humans are better than other races, so when they captured the human star field, they did not rush to exterminate them. Instead, they raised a large number of humans and converted them into their own believers.

In other words, there are still many human beings living in the Cthulhu Star Territory. They know that they are human beings and that they are raised in captivity, but they have no way to resist.

There, humans are not allowed to appear extraordinary, once they appear, they are killed directly.

Unless you become a believer of the evil god, it doesn't matter if you become a transcendent.

For the soldiers on the seventh front, they are very decisive in killing the believers of other races, but in the face of these compatriots, they often have some hesitation.

They all know that these compatriots are all forced to become followers of the evil god, not their will.

The anger of the soldiers on the entire seventh front toward the Cthulhu clan was visible to the naked eye.

Through the eyes of the Red Police soldiers, Su Chen saw a dense crowd of Cthulhu followers appearing in front of him, and several powerful Cthulhu gods were mixed in them!

At this moment, Su Chen saw a mutant nuclear bomb, which suddenly appeared among the followers of the Cthulhu. At the moment when those followers of the Cthulhu did not react, the mutant nuclear bomb exploded!


A huge mushroom appeared in the starry sky. The Cthulhu disciple at the center of the explosion, no matter who it was, died on the spot, and there was even a Cthulhu not far away, which also did not have the power to resist the mutant nuclear bomb.

Quite simply, this mutant nuclear bomb is the largest explosive power of that kind, that is, it can directly destroy a small galaxy.

The Cthulhu believers who were a little farther away suddenly turned green, and a tingling sensation appeared from the whole body. Not long after, these Cthulhu believers screamed and their bodies began to fester!

To be honest, Su Chen has always felt that his nuclear bomb is weird, and the radiation is obviously invisible, but the radiation emitted by the nuclear bomb in his hand, once encountered with life, will appear green and greasy symptoms, which is exactly the same as in the game!

With the appearance of the first mutant nuclear bomb, a large number of mutant nuclear bombs appeared one after another. They exploded directly where the Cthulhu clan was located, taking the lives of countless Cthulhu clan.

So countless soldiers saw it, and there were big mushrooms in the starry sky. These mushrooms were big and small, and no matter how small they were, they were much bigger than they thought.

Su Chen discovered that these nuclear bombs were all sent to the center of the Cthulhu Clan at the moment they were about to be detonated. How did they send it to them, using the Hyperspace Teleporter?

Soon, he heard the people around him talking about it, it turned out that this was teleported by a very small number of extraordinary people with spatial capabilities on the front.

Although there are very few people with space capabilities, they have reduced their achievements. Over the years, they will always accumulate some. In the past, when they were fighting, they had better life-saving capabilities.

But in this war, their abilities have been used on ideas, directly transmitting the mutant nuclear bombs over, killing a large number of the evil gods.

Not only the seventh front, but the other nine fronts are the same. For a while, the entire human star field was surrounded by a large number of mushrooms, and the scene was very spectacular.

The appearance of mutated nuclear bombs directly confuses the entire alien race. When have they seen humans use such a large-scale and powerful weapon?

Doesn't it mean that humans rarely have such powerful weapons, and they all fail after being used a few times?

Who is the source of this news, he must be killed!

With such a large loss, even the constellation-level powerhouse could not sit still. They appeared on the battlefield one by one, without saying a word, as if waiting for the human king to come forward.

The human warriors temporarily stopped their attack, the constellation-level powerhouses were not something they could resist. They were all waiting for the appearance of their own king.

Seeing this, some insiders felt that they were going to suffer. The king was not on the front at all!



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