The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1318: The first ancestor of the Zerg is born

After Zhao Lin got rid of his emperor status and became the first king of mankind, the place where he lived was changed. On a very humble planet in the Feilin Empire, this is an unmanned planet.

As a king, he can live in any place, and he has no requirements for living conditions, and he has started a life of deep living and simplicity.

Only at this time did he feel that the self at this time was very similar to the self who had just become an extraordinary person.

At this moment, Zhao Lin opened his eyes, and he felt that someone was approaching here. The other party had no hiding and was easily discovered by him.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see, why come to find me at this time if I have been on my planet for too long, ready to come out and breathe" Zhao Lin's voice spread far.

Not long after, Su Chen's figure appeared in front of Zhao Lin.

In Zhao Lin's eyes, Su Chen's strength did not seem to have improved since that battle. This is not surprising to him. Some kings who appeared later also had this situation.

After reaching the Constellation level, it is very difficult to improve his strength, even if he has only been promoted to the Eighth Constellation level so far.

In fact, Zhao Lin didn't know that Su Chen's strength came from his authority, and the strongest among his men was his current strength.

Over the years, Su Chen has also tried to improve his strength, but unfortunately his strength is limited by this, otherwise his level will never be lower than Zhao Lin.

It seems that this is not good for Su Chen, but when he was weak, this authority helped him many times.

As a commander, he didn't need to do it when charging into battle, no matter what strength he was.

This time I came to see Zhao Lin, but before I left, I asked him about some future developments to ensure that there would be no problems in the general direction afterwards.

"It's nothing, it's just that the development of the human star field is booming, and the king is also increasing. There is no problem without me. I just want to go out to the far door." This is a reason Su Chen found for himself.

Disappearing for no reason will make Zhao Lin care, and maybe even make some extraordinary actions in the future to find the King of Chen. This is not what Su Chen wants to see. In this way, traveling far is a very suitable reason. .

For a human king with infinite life, it would be a very painful thing without a goal.

Zhao Lin didn't object, just said "When will I be back?"

If other kings came over to say that, Zhao Lin would definitely not release people, but Su Chen was the exception.

After all, this was the first person to defeat him, and also the first human constellation level he saw. It was from Su Chen that he knew the need to change humanity, otherwise he might still be his emperor. , Cannot be the king of mankind.

"I don't know, it may be fast, or it may be slow, the universe is so big, it should be fun to explore the end of the universe, right" Su Chen smiled.

"If I didn't care about the future of the human star field, I would also like to explore the end of the universe." Zhao Lin sighed, and then waved, a stone table and a stone bench appeared in front of them, and the two of them sat in the starry sky. Next, with endless stars as the background, speak freely.

Zhao Lin told Su Chen that as the current situation continues, the number of human empires will soon exceed 10,000, and there will be hundreds of thousands or even millions of empires in the future. Even he feels in the mood for such a scene. Agitated.

"No matter how much the number of human kings increases, one general direction will never change, that is, human kings must never interfere in the affairs of the empire." Zhao Lin looked serious, "but I am even more worried. If humans develop better, there will be nothing. External threats may cause problems over time, so I thought of a way. I only tell you this way."

"Oh, what can I do"

"Create an enemy for mankind"

The corners of Su Chen's eyes twitched slightly, why are these words so familiar?


Isn't this what I said at the beginning? Although the words are different, the meaning is the same, all of which are to make enemies for humans.

Zhao Lin was just an idea, but he had implemented it a long time ago, and now I don't know how far those alien races have developed.

"What do you want to do" Su Chen asked deliberately.

"It's just an idea for the time being. If you can find other intelligent life in the universe, then you don't need to do this." Before Zhao Lin's words were finished, a green light suddenly blinked from the planet below. Appeared in front of the two.

Su Chen subconsciously prepared to shoot, but Zhao Lin stopped it.

"Don't shoot, it won't hurt you."

Su Chen stopped and looked at what the green light was just now. After seeing it, his expression was shocked.

This green caterpillar the size of a baby's fist is too similar to the caterpillar he has ever seen.

If you insist, this one looks a little small and cute. There is no such thing as asking him if he has a cigarette right after meeting.

"It is" Su Chen asked, not sure if the caterpillar was the one he knew.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Zhao Lin’s eyes, and he explained, “It was created by me unintentionally. It is my pet. I thought it was just an ordinary life with a little wisdom at best. I didn’t expect it to grow. Sex, for so long, its strength has actually reached the level of a small galaxy, and its wisdom is close to the level of a five or six-year-old child of ordinary humans."

"It has become a completely different race from humans. Because it looks like many insects on the planet of life, I named it Zerg."

Really hammered

This is the caterpillar

Only then did Su Chen understand why the caterpillar said that after seeing him, he knew him a little, but he didn't have much impression.

The caterpillar is too small, and after it has slept for a long time, it is not strange to forget some memories, but even if the memory is forgotten, it also has a sense of familiarity with itself.

Su Chen understood everything. Why did Caterpillars say that Zerg is not the enemy of humans, even the caterpillars were created by Zhao Lin, and of course the Zergs are not the enemy of humans.

Only afterwards the human king disappeared, and the caterpillars seemed to fall asleep, and the Zerg race did not know what changes had occurred before it became the latter.

"You are going to make the Zerg the enemy of mankind"

"No, the Zerg will always be a friend of mankind. In the future, I should create more Zergs, imprint something deep in their genes, and let the green group control them, so that no problems will arise even if I am not there." As Zhao Lin said, he stroked the caterpillar on his hand.

It’s just that Su Chen’s expression is very strange, the caterpillar’s ​​real name is actually called Lv Tuan

I have to say that the name is very vivid.

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