The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1376: Planet consciousness, I am familiar! (No. 3)

The Green Group's control of space capabilities can be said to be the most powerful one Su Chen has seen so far.

Even the home star of the Wing Clan could not stop the green group from manipulating the space and prevented it from exploding.

As long as it is a life, it must exist in space, and what the Green Group does is to use space power to suppress her self-destruction. It sounds simple, but in fact the operation is very complicated.

The green ball consumed a lot at once, and the hand holding the cigarette was trembling. This is the use of more power.

The green group is responsible for suppressing the self-destruction of the Wing Clan home star, and the black yarn's task is to kill the Wing Clan home star half-dead

How to beat a planet consciousness to death is actually very simple, as long as it destroys the planet itself.

Planetary consciousness can exert its greatest power only if it is attached to its own planet. Without planets, they are rootless duckweeds.

The most important point is that planetary consciousness cannot be too far away from the planet.

Hei Sha rushed up and began to ravage the home star of the Wing Clan. With one punch down, a big hole appeared on the planet, the plate moved, and the volcano erupted with magma, a scene of apocalypse.

The black yarn didn't care at all, and continued to destroy the planet.

It almost smashed the surface of the planet in a circle before stopping, but the condition of the Wing Clan's home star was very bad. If it weren't suppressed by the space power of the green group, the planet might have exploded.

At this time, Heisha's figure suddenly began to shrink, changing from a long-legged imperial sister back to the original appearance of a mass of black matter, and her power was time.

"Your power is very peculiar. You can use the power of other Heart Demon Race without any hindrance. There seems to be no backlash. It seems that the Heart Demon Race has greater potential than I thought." Green Group said seriously, it is the first Once looked at the Mind Demon Race.

Hei Sha didn't have the thought to reply, she just wanted to go back with the corpse of the big insect.

For some reason, Su Chen didn't tell Heisha that the bug was not dead.

The same is true for the green group, until the weak body of the big worm approached Heisha and made its voice "Miss Heisha, I'm fine."

"Big Worm, you are not dead" Hei Sha's voice was crying.

Seeing that a moving scene was about to take place later, the Green Group directly broke the atmosphere. "You can contact the King of Chen. You can let the King of Chen come over. It is safe here."

The Wing Clan parent star basically lost its combat power, and those clones and the two Wing Star children would not pose much threat, and Su Chen would not be in any danger when he came over.

"I'm here." Su Chen's voice suddenly appeared, making the green group a little surprised, but it didn't feel Su Chen's approach.

Even relying on the combat effectiveness of the Green Group does not mean that Su Chen will not show off his strength. Su Chen knows very well that only if his strength is strong, others can look up to you.

Without waiting for Su Chen to speak, the green group proactively said, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, because of a false master message, I almost broke the matter of Ms. Chen. If there is still room for Ms. Chen next time, please feel free to contact me. ."

In other words, what plans does Su Chen have next time? The Green Group will be a free fighter for Su Chen, which is a good thing for Su Chen.

Although the previous behavior of the Green Group was a bit wrong, it was not under Su Chen's, and could not be imposed on it by the standards of Su Chen's subordinates. In addition, the Green Group was very aware of its own mistakes and took the initiative to raise this matter. Will stare at this matter and continue.

"These are trivial matters. I know your feelings for King Lin. If there is news from King Lin, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible." Su Chen said.

This thing has passed, and now this looking tattered Wing Clan home star is even more important.

"I can suppress the Wing Clan home star. The problem is that once I leave, she can explode at any time." Lu Tuan felt that things were a bit tricky.

It knew that Su Chen's goal was this Wing Clan home star, and it couldn't go without solving the problem of the Wing Clan home star.

What made the Green Group unexpected was that Su Chen smiled "It's okay, planet consciousness, I'm familiar."

With that said, Su Chen directly descended on the surface of the Wing Clan's home star. The environment here was similar to that of hell. The surrounding area was full of hot magma and scorched earth, green plants and so on, completely invisible.

Under Hei Sha's rage, he hadn't completely exploded the planet, it was already very restrained.

Su Chen didn't care about this, as long as the consciousness of the Wing Clan's home star was still there, everything was easy to say.

I saw Su Chen stretched out a hand and inserted it into the scorched earth standing under his feet. Then, when he mentioned it upward, he caught a group of translucent consciousness, which was naturally planetary consciousness.

Su Chen's previous research on the consciousness of the earth is not a boast. His understanding of the consciousness of the planet may not be better than him.

The planet consciousness is almost the same, and it only needs some special methods to easily pull the planet consciousness out of the planet.

The Wing Clan home star was stunned. She didn't seem to expect that Su Chen had this ability.

"Su Chen, let me go, I can let you control the entire Wing Clan" The Wing Clan's home star began to beg for mercy. Su Chen can catch her and there is a way to destroy her.

As the home star of the Wing Clan who had lived for so long, she certainly didn't want to die.

"If I need your surrender," Su Chen said with a smile.

The home star of the Wing Clan stopped speaking, and giving up the control of the Wing Clan was already the limit in her opinion. As for her to surrender to Su Chen, this is impossible.

Su Chen said with a smile, "Do you think you still have a chance to comeback now, or say, without your order, I can't control the Wing Clan"

Of course, the Wing Clan mother star knew that her words didn't have any appeal to Su Chen, but now she didn't have any trump cards.

The only thing she miscalculated was that Liu Yuanyuan was able to become so strong, a powerful turnaround, and she lost her last chance.

Su Chen knew that the Wing Clan's home star was a thief, so he simply used his soul power to directly bombard the Wing Clan's home star's consciousness.

The power of the soul is stronger than the power of the soul, and the destruction of consciousness is even more terrifying. The Wing Clan home star screamed in pain, and her consciousness became weaker and weaker.

Despite this, the home star of the Wing Clan does not mean to surrender, she really wants to die

Su Chen felt that it was troublesome now. His purpose was to make the Wing Clan mother star surrender, not to really kill her.

The benefits of a wing clan home star were so great that Su Chen was really reluctant to kill it.

At this moment, Heisha secretly contacted Su Chen, "Commander, she and Liu Yuanyuan once had grievances. If I communicate with her as Liu Yuanyuan, maybe I can make her surrender."

"The problem is that you don't have any memory of Liu Yuanyuan." Su Chen was helpless.

"I don't have one, but I don't think the Wing Clan parent star will recognize the wrong person. Maybe there is a memory of Liu Yuanyuan hidden in my soul, so"

"Please commander to use soul power on me, I will become Liu Yuanyuan"

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