The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1381: The position of the peak of humanity (third more...

Su Chen was taken aback, Liu Quan is not from this world

According to the news that Su Chen received, Lin Feichong is not a talented person in this world, he is a parallel world Liu Quan, how come Lin Feichong's words are different

Is Lin Feichong lying?

Su Chen used his spiritual power and soul power to confirm, and found that Lin Feichong did not lie, what he said was the truth.

In this way, things will be problematic. Liu Quan is not from this world, where is he from?

"In current words, Liu Quan is a traverser, not the fake traverser I made, he is a real traverser." Lin Feichong explained.

Of course, Su Chen has not forgotten that Yao Yifei, the fake traverser created by Lin Feichong on Earth 2, can be said that Liu Quan is a real traverser. What is the situation?

Lin Feichong put a hand on his head, he frowned and said, "It's not wrong to say that Liu Quan is a person in this world. He passed through the soul, and the soul entered this body and became a member of this world. People, but I am different. I am here as a whole person and overlap with his existence. That kind of situation will happen."

"According to some sporadic memories in the depths of Liu Quan, the world before he traveled is very similar to the earth, and the level of technology is probably higher than that of the earth before the end of the world. I don't know exactly where it is."

Lin Feichong told all the news he knew, and there was not a word that came out suddenly.

Su Chen's expression was a bit weird. He thought that he was the only traveler, but he didn't expect that even Liu Quan was a traveler, but Liu Quan didn't seem to have his golden finger.

"Apart from these daily routines, what important news is there?" Su Chen continued to ask.

Lin Feichong closed his eyes and recalled carefully. After a while, he said, "I remembered that Liu Quan had accidentally discovered that a very strange phenomenon appeared in the planetary space. It was a torn space, but He didn't know the situation on the other side. He saw a person standing on the edge of the crack, waved a large number of light spots past the passage, and soon this person and the crack disappeared."

"Liu Quan is an astronomy enthusiast. At that time, he thought he had read it wrong, so he kept observing the place and waiting for several years. He found the same situation again, and he was that person."

Excluding all the possibilities that Su Chen knows, then there is only one possibility, Liu Quan’s world is another universe

At the beginning, Yuan Wang had told Su Chen that the universe's beings would become virtual races when they came here. They used this method to put all kinds of beings over, and Yuan Wang also came back through this channel and finally returned.

According to Yuan Wang’s discovery, there seemed to be few such channels, and the number of lives cast each time was not particularly large. Only the channel on the first front seemed to exist all the time.

This conclusion stunned Su Chen. He didn't expect Liu Quan to be from another universe.

Lin Feichong knows the virtual race, but doesn't know the universe behind the virtual race. He just thinks that Liu Quan, like him, is a person in a parallel world.

The threat of the virtual race is too great, and Su Chen feels that human strength still needs to be improved. If he can return to the star field where the original human peak era was, he might be able to get a large population.

After so many years, he didn't believe that there was really no one alive in those places. It was amazing to know the survival ability of human beings.

If anyone knows the stars of the peak age of mankind, someone must know it.

Yuan Wang

It was Yuan Wang who brought the remaining humans to settle here from the distant Star Territory of the Human Peak Era. The only surprise was that the identity of the person who made Yuan Wang come and settle here was very suspicious.

After letting Lin Feichong go back, Su Chen found King Yuan.

"Wang Yuan, what else do you know about that universe"

Yuan Wang was taken aback, "What's wrong, I asked about this suddenly"

About that universe, only he and Su Chen knew.

"I'm just very worried. There were some simple and intelligent virtual families last time, so will there be virtual families with full wisdom"

"I am also very worried about this, but it is useless to worry about the current human situation." Yuan Wang sighed.

"So if there is no external threat to the human star field," Su Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of light.

"How is this possible? You know the situation in the Human Star Territory. It is already doing your best to resist the alien race. This is still helped by the Human Alliance. Compared with them, our Human Star Territory is really far worse. "

Yuan Wang has already received the news that the Human Alliance has not long ago warned with the Yi Clan, and finally forced the Yi Clan to sign a covenant. This ability is not available in the human star field.

Of course, the situation between the human star field and the human alliance is different. The human star field is surrounded by enemies, and the human alliance is not.

Su Chen didn't talk about the virtual race any more, but instead talked about another thing, "Humanity used to be the star of the peak age, do you have it here?"

"Yes, do you think"

"I want people to go there and see. It is impossible to have no one for so many years. If there is a rise of human power, it would be a good thing for us." Su Chen said his thoughts.

"In fact, I had this idea a long time ago, and I sent someone to try it at that time, but do you know how far it is from here"

"How far"

"More than 50 billion light years."

The corner of Su Chen's mouth twitched, this is so far away

The human star field is tens of millions of light-years away from the human alliance, this distance is already very far, and as a result, the distance of the human peak era is even further.

The original King Yuan was also able to run so far.

"You have run so far, why the foreign race is also following" Su Chen was puzzled.

"I don't know. They seem to be following up slowly. I didn't notice it at the beginning. When I noticed it, there was nothing I could do. Migrating again will definitely kill more people. No one wants to. Find a place to live."

Although Yuan Wang is the king, he will not ignore the lives of other people. There is really no one left. Even if he is the only one, it makes no sense.

At such a long distance, even using the Hyperspace Teleporter, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time. Before the trouble of the human star field itself is solved, Su Chen has nothing to do.

Unless you locate there from the dark universe, and then pass directly from the dark universe.

In this way, that woman's ability is very important. This time, she must take down that woman's ability to let Yuwei absorb everything from her.

It has been a while since the appearance of that woman last time, and then Su Chen began to wait and see.

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