The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1394: The artificial **** plan begins!

The king's meeting, in a virtual room.

"What happened again?" King Lotus looked at Su Chen. This meeting of the kings was initiated by Su Chen.

"The first thing is that the suppression plan for the Shell Clan not long ago has been successful. From now on, the Shell Clan will not give birth to another Shell Clan that can be mutated and promoted."

Su Chen's words directly stunned the other kings, and they didn't even know the plan.

Yuan Wang took the initiative to say, "This is a plan made by Su Chen and I. It was originally planned for a long time to produce results. I will tell you at that time, I didn't expect the plan to succeed so soon."

"This means that there is not much threat to the shell clan in the future" Feng Wang asked most excitedly, after all, his battle line was aimed at the shell clan.

"Yes, as long as the constellation levels of a few shell races are resolved, there is no threat to the shell race." Su Chen said definitely.

Su Chen clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention, "The Shell Tribe's things are trivial matters, and the things I will say next are the major matters that concern the entire human star field."

Hearing what Su Chen said so solemnly, the kings became serious, waiting for Su Chen's next words.

I saw Su Chen said, "I have a technology in my hand called Artificial God Technology. This is a plan that can transform ordinary humans into small galaxy-level strength. If they are extraordinary, the upper limit will be even higher. The important thing is that this technology does not affect the appearance of human beings."

As soon as these words came out, they shocked the kings, and they understood the preciousness in the first time.

An ordinary person can possess the power of a small galaxy after being transformed. For the Ten Great Battle Line, this is simply the combat power falling from the sky.

In the human front, people who are less than the small galaxy level account for a large proportion. If these people have the small galaxy level combat power, even if it is only the first tier of the small galaxy, this will also make the Ten Great Battle Line undergo earth-shaking changes.

If everyone really becomes a powerhouse above the small galaxy level, they will even dared to directly break out of the front and take the initiative to attack the alien star field.

The most important thing is that this technology can actually guarantee the appearance of human beings. It is necessary to know that after many technologies are applied to humans, it will cause various changes in the body.

Some are only partial changes, and some are even overall changes. This is the price of gaining power.

"This artificial **** technology really does not have any side effects" King Jie couldn't believe it.

"Of course not, but the side effects are smaller than expected. When using power, you cannot burst out the maximum strength you can withstand at one time. This will easily lead to self-destruction and you must slowly increase your strength. At the same time, the battle time is It is determined by the amount of stored energy and cannot be maintained at its peak state."

According to Su Chen's words, it is more realistic, so there is one last important question left.

"How much does it cost to transform an artificial god"

If the cost is too high, far more than the cost of a small galaxy-level powerhouse, then the gain is not worth the loss.

"It can be said that the cost of an ordinary person's transformation is only one-tenth of the cost of building a small galaxy in the first order."

This price was completely beyond the expectations of all kings. They thought it would take at least half of the price, but they didn't expect the price to be so low.

"Su Di, I want to buy this kind of technology, even if I don't sell the technology, I still need a modified finished instrument," Feng Wang said at the time.

No one thinks that Su Chen will share this technology with them for free, plus this time there is no Black King, Fengwang will proactively say to buy the technology.

Other kings also said similar things, but what they didn’t expect was that Su Chen smiled and shook his head. “What kind of person do you think of me? This technology is good for humanity as a whole, and there is no need to sell it. The current star field of the police empire lacks resources"

Only then did the kings react. If they were short of resources, it should be them.

There have been some regulations in the past, and each empire is responsible for the supply of some resources for the Ten Great Frontiers every year. Now these empires have become a Red Police empire, but Su Chen did not reduce any resource supply, but gave a lot more.

If they use resources to buy finished technology, it means they use Su Chen's resources to buy Su Chen's finished technology, which is a bit unreasonable.

It’s just that Su Chen’s generosity this time makes them a little uncomfortable. In the past, Su Chen didn’t get a lot of things from them every time, so why didn’t they need it this time?

Of course they would not know the change in Su Chen's heart.

In the past, Su Chen's subordinates did not have absolute power, that is to say, he did not regard the Ten Great Front as his own, and of course he needed to settle the accounts clearly.

But since he has so many constellation-level powerhouses under his men, as long as he wants to, he can control the Ten Great Lines in his own hands at any time. At this time, he has faintly regarded the Ten Great Lines as belonging to the Red Police Empire. .

It was this that made Su Chen suddenly generous.

As long as the man-made **** technology is understood, it is not as complicated as imagined, but the space technology is still a bit troublesome. This requires the Red Police Empire to send scientists to help.

"According to the current speed, one room can produce one hundred man-made **** warriors a day, and I can produce 10,000 of this special room, which will be divided by the ten battle lines." Su Chen said.

Each room needs a scientist to sit in, which means that the number of scientists under Su Chen will be reduced.

It is a bit unrealistic to want everyone to become an artificial **** warrior, and not everyone is willing to reform.

Only a few people are really willing to reform.

In the previous human front, a large number of warriors suffered various degrees of injuries due to battles with alien races, and the most serious ones became vegetative.

The state of vegetatives was completely insoluble with the technology at the time, but since the Red Alert Empire could use mind technology, these vegetatives have all revived one by one.

But there is a problem here. Although they have awakened, their own power has passed in a long sleep, and they have become planetary or even ordinary people.

If they are allowed to practice again and spend time without talking, what about the resources they need?

In this way, artificial **** technology comes in handy.

The first batch of using artificial **** technology were these awakened vegetatives and the extraordinary warriors who were seriously injured and no longer hope to move on.

They walked into Su Chen's first batch of rooms with an expression of being unsuccessful.

When they came out, their expressions completely changed. It was an expression of rebirth from the ashes, an expression full of hope.

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