The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1512: The output depends on the waves!

Before becoming Su Chen's subordinate, the Wind King had never felt so cool. In the past, it was just a tie with the opponent's constellation level, and sometimes it didn't take much advantage.

But after surrendering, everything is different.

The super weapons are cool to use, and the power of each super weapon surprised the Wind King who had never seen it before.

Used on the enemy, it makes people feel comfortable.

Super weapon is used too much, it will be addictive

"Wind King, what exactly are you using? The most recent technological product of Wonders of the Universe is still an extraordinary ability that you have been hiding." A shell clan constellation level questioned.

This shell clan constellation level is the one that has been confronting the King of Wind. It never knew that King of Wind had so many good things in his hands. It had never seen King of Wind used in previous battles.

The other shell clan constellation level was very impatient, they were a little confused by the super weapons that the Wind King took out from time to time.

Although these super weapons can't kill them, some can affect their combat effectiveness, and some can even make them injured. Even if the injury is not serious, this is an injury.

What can hurt the constellation level, no matter what it is, is a very precious existence.

"Guess" Feng Wang said with a smile. As soon as his voice fell, he added a layer of iron curtain device to himself and went up to fight with the two shell clan constellations.

With the help of super weapons, he faced the two shell clan constellation levels, which was worthwhile, and it seemed that he had the upper hand.

This is not surprising, after all, Shell Clan has never encountered a super weapon.

To describe the current Wind King in one sentence is that rowing does not require oars, and the output depends on the waves.

In order to prevent the King of Wind from overturning, Su Chen still sent three Constellation Levels, and must eliminate the two Shell Constellation Levels. The same is true for Su Yi, using every two Constellation Levels against one Shell Clan Constellation Level. In this way, all the five shell constellation levels are left.

Since the shell clan wants to attack desperately, they must bear the consequences of the defeat of the war.

"I thought we were in the old days, thinking that the entire race was overwhelmed, and we would succumb" Feng Wang sneered.

Now, only kings like them know how terrifying the real strength of the Red Police Empire is. The Libra they knew before is just one of the constellation levels.

More constellation ranks are hidden in the dark. This is not the case. When the human king knew that the human alliance was actually made by the Red Alert Empire, the so-called God-level fighters were also the Constellation Level of the Red Alert Empire, and they were all shocked. shocked.

In the past, they all secretly concluded an alliance with the Human Alliance, and they were planning to wait until the decisive battle to ask the Human Alliance some help. Unexpectedly, the Human Alliance was their own commander.

There is nothing to say, the winning rate of humans has increased again

Feng Wang recalled that once the alien race had two constellation levels, they would be very nervous. After all, it would be a bit risky for two constellation levels to contend with a king.

Once the alien race comes to a constellation level, unless there is any special means, the human king is estimated to be unable to escape.

Whenever I think of the hardships, the wind king starts more and more heavier.

Originally, the Shells were desperate this time and wanted to directly break through the ninth front of mankind, but they did not expect that the ninth front was not won in the first time, and several of their constellation-level ancestors did not know where to go. , Coupled with the appearance of an alien constellation level helping humans in the field, this makes many shells of the ninth order of the big galaxy very puzzled.

"Commander, if this goes on, even if the entire army is wiped out, we won't be able to win the ninth front."

On a shell the size of a planet, a group of large galaxy-class shell races are discussing front-line matters.

One of the top players is a mechanical shell clan, which is the commander-in-chief of this shell clan attack. Constellation-level shell clan will never be responsible for these things.

"There are only ten kings in the human star field. Even if they can transfer two kings, this is already the limit. Three kings deal with our five constellation levels. They are definitely at a disadvantage. Besides, we still have three constellation levels without any actions. I don’t know, there may be a fatal blow to them at any time"

"These two kings are most likely transferred from the front of the Zerg. If the **** Zerg hadn't stopped attacking the human star field, how could the human king come to support?"

These shell races began to resent the Zerg race. Everyone said it was good to target the human star field. However, at this critical time, the Zerg race chose to quit, so who should we go to?

There have been other alien races who went to Zerg to give an explanation, but they never came back after the other party went. Obviously, the Zerg was determined not to play with them.

Zerg’s performance is the strongest cosmic race. After all, it can force humans to use two fronts to guard it. In fact, this is not the case. As long as the Zerg has resources, it can theoretically create a large number of Zergs infinitely and implement the worm sea tactic. This is the most terrifying place of the Zerg.

Even if other cosmic races have ways to increase the speed of reproduction, they are not comparable to the Zerg's lifetime. In this regard, the Zerg is definitely the number one.

The shell clan commander finally decided "this time is our shell clan's final battle. You should know that our shell clan has been framed by other races and can no longer rely on mutation to continue to break through the big level. It’s really abolished. The Constellation level has also seen this. It is necessary to lay the ninth front of humanity before the Shell Clan is abolished, so we will attack with all our strength"

"Squeeze all the shell races behind. This is the last decisive battle of our shell race. Either humans die or we die. We have no retreat."

After receiving the order, more shell races pressed on the ninth front of mankind, which immediately caused a significant increase in the casualties of the soldiers here. Even the constellation-level strong, it is impossible to kill the enemy indefinitely. Consume her own energy.

The battle line that had already suppressed the past is retreating rapidly. The ninth battle line is very dangerous.

"Let the death squad dispatch, absolutely can't let the shell clan continue to come close." The commander of the ninth front gave this order cruelly, but soon a brand new message reached his ears.

"Our reinforcements are here"

The reinforcements were naturally sent by Su Chen, and the cleanup of the Cthulhu Star Territory could slow down a bit, but the Ninth Front must not be lost.

It is impossible to send troops from other fronts. The war against the Cthulhu Star Territory has already sent them some soldiers.

The reinforcement this time is a group of cosmic races

Don't forget that in the Red Police Empire, there is a group of armies with cosmic slaves as the main force, but they have rarely appeared since.

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