The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1520: Necromancer

Not long after, Su Chen appeared here.

"You are the wild constellation level" Su Chen's gaze slowly looked at the constellation level whose whole body was bone.

Bone Chicken is also in a large number of Su Chen, but it can't be seen how to look at it, what strength Su Chen has.

Being able to stay in the starry sky means that the opponent is at least a small galaxy level, but that the two constellation-level protoss can think that the boss of the human race will only be a small galaxy level.

He thinks it is impossible for the big galaxy level, that is, the opponent is likely to be the constellation level, and the level is likely to be higher than it.

"Yes, I originally wanted to join the Protoss. I didn't expect the Protoss gods to say that the Protoss already belongs to you, so I just wanted to join you." Bone Chicken said sincerely.

If it weren't for its wild constellation level to be more and more difficult, it would not have such an idea.

Constellation-level powerhouses don't have to fight, and once they have fought, the energy they need is enough to make people bald.

Naturally, Su Chen also used his own power, and did not find any traces of lying, which means that he really wanted to join his subordinates, not to mention that once he chooses to surrender and has a systematic existence, there is no need to worry about his loyalty.

"Yes, now declare to surrender to me." Su Chen said.

At the moment when Bone Chicken said the word surrender, the system's voice suddenly sounded, "An error occurred. The opponent is not a creature race, but a necromantic race. The loyalty value cannot be full, and it can only have 90 loyalty points for the time being. "

Su Chen's eyes moved, Bone Chicken was actually a bit similar to Yuan Wang's situation.

However, the main reason for Yuan Wang may appear in the Galactic Consciousness, but what is going on with this bone chicken, the necromantic race

"System, you never told me that there are any necromantic races." Su Chen asked.

"The master never asked me either." The system felt wronged.

Su Chen felt like he was choked, he clenched his fists, but unfortunately he couldn't hit the system and had to give up.

"Then you can tell me well now."

"It's very simple. The living race is the creature race, and the race after death is the necro race. However, the existence of the necro race is very rare. After all, the creature is dead when it is dead. The physical consciousness and even the soul are gone. It is naturally impossible. Become a necromantic race."

"But the universe is so big, there will always be miracles, and the necromancer race is this kind of miracle. Generally speaking, the necromancer race is the existence of a new consciousness and soul born on the basis of some dead universe races. This probability is really too small. If the owner can meet one or a constellation level, it can be said to be out of luck."

"Yeah" Su Chen stared.

"No, it's a big luck"

Su Chen ignored the system, but he was a little surprised when he encountered the Necromancer for the first time. If so, would the Necromancer be born with so many corpses in the inner space of the black hole.

If you spread your thinking, will the inner space of a black hole not only reserve the last kind of fire for all civilizations, but also a hotbed for incubating necromantic races?

It's just that there doesn't seem to be the existence of the Necro race in the inner space of the black hole, so you can let your subordinates pay attention for the time being.

"See Boss." Bone Chicken raised his bone wings to Su Chen.

It seems to be affected by Rice, and it is not the commander who shouts.

"Well, during this time you will be with Les and get familiar with our situation." Su Chen said.

The system has said that there will be no betrayal at 90 points of loyalty, and it can be completely trusted, but there is no way to let it say suicide and commit suicide.

"What's causing the loyalty of the Necromancer race to fail to reach its full value" Su Chen asked the system.

"unknown reason."

Su Chen curled his lips. As his strength increased, he felt that the system was no longer as invincible as it was at the beginning. Could it be that he was about to approach a certain truth?

After receiving a new constellation level, and also knowing the existence of the Necromancer race, Su Chen suddenly thought of something. The star field Yun Ru was studying seemed to have a large number of dead cosmic races.

Could it be that there are many necromantic races there

"No, the system will not deceive me on this point. If the necromancer races were discovered at the beginning, it should tell me directly, that is, those are not necromancer races, but simple universe race corpses." Su Chen thought Tao.

Regardless of whether it is a necromantic race or not, the star field is blocking the establishment of the star road and must be dealt with.

There is no such problem on the star road behind, and it goes smoothly.

On the human star field, the battle between the ninth front and the shell race is still going on. Among them, the slave army and the vassal race have lost a lot. The slave army can't help it, but the vassal race is a bit reluctant to go to the battlefield.

Just one or two. This time it’s all the vassal races. They understand a little bit. Humans just use them as cannon fodder.

If this continues, their racial strength will be reduced to a minimum, and there will be no way to resist humans in the future.

So these vassal races united, hoping to negotiate with the human king.

"Who gave them the qualification to negotiate and told them that if this battle is not over, they will fight until death. If anyone refuses, the entire race will be destroyed directly" Su Chen issued an order.

This command was passed to the ears of the vassal races, they were very angry, but in the eyes of a large number of powerful weapons and warriors around, they could only swallow their breath and dare not make any movements.

Being a vassal race for so long has long wiped out the blood in their hearts. They have become accustomed to obedience, even if the cost of obedience is high.

Su Chen has long seen through the essence of the vassal race, these are a group of losers

Even if they have a bit of blood in their hearts, they were directly defeated when they were at war with humans. How could they be willing to be a vassal race.

Some people may say that they are just trying their best.

This is all nonsense

The wars of the cosmic races have always been very cruel. The victorious party can enjoy everything of the losing party, and the loser has no right to resist.

Even the era of the peak of humanity was the same.

After the disappearance of the human king, the entire human peak era was ravaged by foreign races, causing countless deaths and injuries. If it were not for the rise of the Yuan king, humans would be almost extinct, if not.

Many fighters thought that the vassal races would resist, but they found strangely that none of the vassal races resisted. They vented all their anger on the shell race.

Some smart fighters can see that "they have long been accustomed to impossibility, one time or ten times is the same, as long as their race can survive, no matter how cruel they are, they will do it.", please bear in mind :, Free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft report error chapter, if you want to find a book, please add qq group 647547956 group number

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