The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1597: The shell clan wants to escape!

As early as when the Shell Clan Star Territory was dead, the Shell Clan had no threat.

In addition, the spies disguised as the Shell Constellation Grade and passed various wrong messages to them, making them really think that their Shell Constellation Grade was still there.

However, as the shell clan's losses became greater and greater, all the news of their various applications for a constellation-level battle in the clan was ignored, and some smart shell clan noticed the abnormality.

"Have you noticed that the Human Star Territory is fully attacking the three races of Ice Race, Unicorn Race, and Gem Race, but the attack on us here is much worse. Why?

"According to the information sent over there, the constellation levels of the three major races have united to open a virtual network called the different network, but why the constellation level in our clan does not participate, it is clear that we can also open the different network."

"The people here are my own people. I have a very bold guess, but I am worried that after saying it, it will cause irreparable results."

"Whatever you say, our shell clan has reached the point where we are now. Without a future, there is nothing to worry about."

The shell clan hesitated, and finally said, "I suspect that the constellation level in the clan has been dropped."

As soon as these words came out, all the shells present were shocked.

"Do you have any evidence"

But what is even more strange is that no shell clan reprimanded it, but asked if it had any evidence.

"There is no evidence, but I have a good relationship with a constellation level. I know some of its habits, but when I met with that one last time, I found that it has many habits and they have changed."

After the shell clan finished speaking, other shell clan also said the strange places they found.

This is not surprising. The spies don't know what the Constellation-level shells originally looked like. They can only use the least words and actions to deal with these shells.

In Su Chen's words, it doesn't matter if it is exposed, anyway, the Shell Clan will perish sooner or later.

Shells are not all idiots. After a long time, they will definitely be found in abnormal situations.

Adding some information around it is enough for them to make this judgment.

"It seems that our shell clan has already lost in the last battle. Without the constellation level, our shell clan will lose the threat. No wonder humans will focus on the other three races and ignore it. Us." A shell clan who was considered the oldest in the field, let out a sigh.

"Then what do we do now that the constellation-level army is annihilated? We don't have the ability to open the alien network. Moreover, we don't know where the alien network is or how to open it." A shell clan panicked.

"Even if the Internet is opened, do we have the ability to fight against humans. What we can do now is to figure out how to save the last fire of the shell race. I suggest starting the fire project."

Before the extinction of human beings, the fire project was launched to send various empires to other places in the universe.

Shells are also preparing to do similar things, but they don't have such powerful space technology, so they can only think of ways from mutation technology.

In theory, the shell family can be transformed into any appearance through mutation technology, but in practice it is difficult to achieve this.

This time for the Tinder plan, no matter what kind of form it is, they must do it

"Bring all the shell clan within the clan that has not been affected." A high-level shell clan issued an order.

Now that they know that there are problems with those constellation-level shell races, these high-level officials will of course not report everything, and these things are going on quietly in private.

Even if the No. 8 spies did such a big thing, there are still a small part of the slippery fish that did not use inhibitors, which means that these shell races can still improve their strength and undergo mutations.

And these shells are the targets of the future Tinder plan.

Soon, some shell races close to each other were sent over, and according to their research, the research results were applied to these shell races.

At this moment, for the sake of future shell races, they directly conduct experiments on these shell races.

The experiment was very painful, and even the shell race died, but they didn’t care. It was their honor to die for the race.

It can be said that all these shell clan high-levels are crazy, as long as the shell clan can continue to multiply, they will not care by any means.

They thought that they were acting very concealed and were not discovered by spies disguised as shell clan constellation-level spies, but in fact, Alice was all in sight.

"Uncle, the Shell Race has discovered the constellation-level identity disguised by the spy, and they are starting the fire project."

"Who allowed them to keep the fire in the fire plan?" Su Chen's face showed a trace of coldness. "It just happens that it does not require too much force to attack the three races. Send all the remaining forces to the shell battlefield, and let The overtime air force regiment was dispatched to assassinate the top shell clan"

For Su Chen, the surrounding alien races, except for the special case of the Zerg Race Leiyun Race, are all enemies, and the enemies must be killed.

Su Chen advocated equality between humans and cosmic races in the empire. It was based on the premise that the cosmic races and humans had no blood feuds. Like the Shell Clan, like the Cthulhu Clan, they must be completely wiped out.

Su Chen’s order was quickly conveyed. With the help of the Hyperspace Teleporter, the warships quickly went to the shell battlefield, and the timeout air force group also teleported and appeared in the red shell star field. Inside the police base.

Here, they don’t need to worry even if they freeze for a long time.

When the time-out air force regiment's arms freeze ended, they began to prepare for assassination of the shell clan seniors.

An overtime air force regiment, after a teleport, appeared in front of a high-level shell clan, and the weapon in his hand emitted a light, hitting the target.

Suddenly, the Shell Clan senior found that he could not move.

It took about a minute or so, the shell clan senior management completely disappeared, the overtime air force regiment was expressionless, and continued to deal with the next target.

In this way, the Tinder plan of the Shell clan died directly, and the command of the high-level was lost. The Shell clan fighters below were defeated one after another, and the front line kept retreating.

Shell family, powerless

Even some videos of humans killing the shells were sent back to various schools in the human star field, allowing those students to see this scene with their own eyes.

A teacher stood on the podium and said to the students below, "This is the war between races. There is no right or wrong in race war. There are only winners and losers. Once you lose, this is the end."

"For hostile alien races, we can't take pity, don't look at them, we feel pitiful, if we humans fail, we are 10,000 times pitiful than them"

"But among the alien races, not all of them are enemies. Then watch the big screen with me."

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