The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1611: Half a month

Precisely because of the inconvenience of information transmission, Su Chen can be sure that the Yao Box Alliance will definitely not know the situation here. The news they received must be to rush to the Ice Race Star Territory as soon as possible to help the three alien races deal with humans.

"Half a month, you can do a lot of things." Su Chen stretched out. After the alien constellation level was resolved, he felt a lot less pressure on his body.

Then just give the human army some time to clean up the alien star field a little bit, and that's it.

"Alice, am I all right?" Su Chen asked.

"Uncle is fine before the constellation level of the Yao Box Alliance arrives." Alice nodded.

"Then can I take a vacation, a long vacation," Su Chen said in surprise.

"Of course. Uncle wants to go wherever he wants without anyone's permission." Alice said with a grin.

Su Chen stood up suddenly, and he decided to take advantage of this half a month's time to play around in the Human Star Territory and the Human Alliance, and of course he must take Yuwei with him.

"Alice, if there is nothing serious next, you can handle it yourself and you can't find me again." After speaking, Su Chen teleported to find Leng Yuwei, and then took her to teleport again and appeared on the moon.

Since the earth became the emperor star of the Red Alert Empire, not to mention the moon, all planets in the entire solar system have been developed.

As I said before, in order to get a meteorite, there are countless people who want to pay crazy every day.

But here is not something you can buy if you have money. According to the rules that Su Chen set at the time, whether you can live in the solar system or not depends on fate.

"When I was young, I thought about what it would feel like if I stood on the moon and looked at the earth." Su Chen looked at the huge blue planet in front of him and said.

"I also thought about it, but it was only for a moment. After all, I didn't have much time to think about this in order to survive at that time." Leng Yuwei smiled, and the two held hands.

At this time, the two couldn’t help but recall the first time they met. At that time, Su Chen had just arrived on Earth. He was surrounded by only nine Red Police soldiers from Su Yi to Su Jiu, and Leng Yuwei was even more alone. Several players.

None of them would have thought that the future will have current achievements.

"The moon is only the first stop. Next, in half a month, we will roughly make a round of the human star field and the human alliance, and browse many sceneries that we didn’t have time to watch before. Of course, if we try to live there. ,no problem."

"By the way, how are those moon people now" Leng Yuwei suddenly remembered this.

"After all, their appearance is very different from that of human beings. Later I asked them to give them a choice, whether to have a facelift or directly replace a clone. Most of them chose the second one. After all, the appearance of the clone can be changed at will. If you have a facelift, it won’t work, you can only change it on the original basis."

Leng Yuwei nodded. This is the best way for lunar people, otherwise their weird appearance will easily be rejected.

The empire can't give orders, can't bully the moon man.

The moon is very small, the two of them just turned around and left. The next stop is

When Su Chen and Leng Yuwei were in the two-person world, the others were fighting desperately on the battlefield.

The battle at the constellation level is over, but their battles below the constellation level are still in progress.

In these wars, there are often some extremely dazzling new stars. If this were the case before, humans would have hidden them to prevent them from being assassinated by foreign races.

But now, they can’t wait for the light on their bodies to become more dazzling, so that your majesty can see their appearance

With the current situation of the alien race, it is impossible to assassinate them. They would be pretty good if they did not kill the alien race.

No one told them that the alien constellation level was annihilated, and no one told the alien that all your constellation levels were finished.

Both sides are fighting with all-out strength on the basis of race wars. This is the most suitable opportunity for military training.

Les suddenly felt bored. After fighting so many times, suddenly there was nothing to do. He didn't know what to do.

"Would you like to watch those little guys fight and scare them by the way"

But after thinking about it, he still shook his head. He was worried that he would be severely criticized by the boss.

Seeing Les's distress, Miao Yu made a suggestion, "Basically, things on the human side will not change. You can go back to rectify the Protoss and deepen the relationship between the Protoss and humans."

Les thought about it, that's the truth.

Protoss wants to fight for the hegemony of the universe, this is impossible, but if it has a good relationship with humans, there is still much to do.

His boss, Su Chen, is human, and the only empire of human beings, the emperor of the Red Police Empire.

"Okay, let's go back first to rectify the Protoss. Wife, do you want to build a faith for the Protoss and move the statue of the boss over," Les thought suddenly.

The corners of Miao Yu's eyes twitched slightly. "I think if you do this, the most likely thing is to be beaten up by the commander."

Les chuckled, "Well, I just think about it."

He just remembered that what his boss dislikes most is his belief. If he wants to, so many human beings are all his believers.

After all, Su Chen has long been portrayed as a brand-new human savior, his appearance has been deeply imprinted in the minds of countless people, and it is hard to forget.

If anyone doesn't remember Su Chen's appearance, he will definitely be beaten if he speaks out.

Les and Miaoyu returned to the Protoss Star Territory, and took advantage of this half a month's time to rectify the Protoss. Even the rules of the Protoss were added.

Treat humans as close relatives, do not allow any active attacks on humans, and offenders die

This command shocked the entire Protoss. The Protoss who stayed in the Protoss Star Territory didn't know the situation in the human Star Territory. Seeing such a rule, they naturally wanted to ask the Divine Lord.

As a result, these high-level protoss were all kicked out one by one by Les, and said something to let them think about it, and then there was nothing.

Fortunately, the number of protoss is not very large, and Les has the supreme power among the protoss, no one dares to do anything against his orders.

Not only this, Les also went to the place of trial later and released the consciousness of the god-made planet, and he saw the potential of planet consciousness.

Not to mention the earth consciousness, it is absolutely awesome.

The home planet of the Wing Clan has created a Wing Clan comparable to the full power of the Protoss.

If the consciousness of this god-made planet can also be like them, the **** race will make a profit.

"Hehehe." Thinking of this, Les couldn't help but let out a weird laugh. , Please keep in mind:, free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft

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