The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1623: Take control of the purple battle flag!

After the Macross sniper stalled, Su Chen finally activated his own spiritual power.

It’s just that he feels a little strange, it’s his own spiritual power, but it feels very vain, like a fake, what the hell

"Where is the problem? It seems that it can be used normally, try first."

With that said, Su Chen came outside, found someone who was alone, and used mind control on him.

The result is the same as he thought, the mind control is successful, but there are sequelae

The other party became a fool

"I am so special, I can still play like this" Su Chen himself was shocked.

With the spiritual power, he barely had the capital to protect himself. During this year, he not only studied the spiritual technology, but also made some weapons for himself and carried it with him.

It can be said that as long as he is not subjected to a large-scale bombing, he will not die.

After that, Su Chen tried a few more times, and found that there was a distance between his mind control, which could not exceed one kilometer. Once he was far away, the control was broken, and that person would become a fool.

"The goal now is to control the purple battle flag first."

The headquarters of the purple battle flag, Su Chen had already let the super-time sniper get through, and came here with a familiar road.

"Stop, this is the center of the purple battle flag, and other people are not allowed to enter." Two soldiers stopped them.

Su Chen passed by with a mind control, and the two immediately got it done easily. Under the leadership of the two soldiers, they came all the way to the office of the Purple Banner City Lord.

"My Lord, someone wants to see you." the soldier shouted.

The city lord is a little strange. He doesn't remember that someone has made an appointment at this time, but everyone is here and they can come here directly. There should be no problem.

But soon, the city lord regretted it too late, and was controlled by Su Chen.

"Do you know artificial intelligence" Su Chen asked directly.

"do not know."

Su Chen was full of question marks at the time, a person at the highest level in this world, he actually said that he did not know artificial intelligence

What the **** is this

The purpose of his coming here is to find artificial intelligence, complete the task by the way, and go back to help Alice improve.

As a result, after coming to this world, he has always been confused.

The mission is inexplicable, but he finally managed to control a large-power city lord, but he said he didn’t know artificial intelligence.

Su Chen suddenly felt a headache, he thought he was looking in the wrong direction.

At first he felt that artificial intelligence should be found by conquering the world, but finally he managed to control this person with mental power, but he said that he didn't know artificial intelligence, and it was reasonable to say that the system could not have problems.

"System, are you broken?"

"Master, the system is operating normally, this task needs to be solved by the master himself."

Okay, the system is good, so here is the problem.

Su Chen sat in a chair and began to meditate.

Suddenly, on a whim, he asked, "Is a wanted criminal caught last year?"

However, what Su Chen did not expect was that the city lord actually said, "There was no fugitive last year."

"Impossible" Su Chen stood up all of a sudden. To know the wanted order for the fugitive, he had seen it with his own eyes. The wanted order could not appear without the permission of the city lord.

"Take out all the information about the wanted criminal."

Soon, a folder was delivered to him. Su Chen opened it and took a closer look. There was indeed no information about the wanted criminal in it, and no wanted warrant appeared.

The problem is that there is a clear memory of the wanted criminal in his mind, and this cannot be wrong.

"By the way, the uncle who sells biscuits" Su Chen thought of this person.

It was this person who told him the existence of this wanted criminal, and the uncle could not forget.

He left the three of them here, and brought the super-time sniper to the uncle selling sesame seeds.

In the year he studied, the place he visited the longest was here. After all, this sesame seed cake is really delicious.

"Oh, isn't this Su Chen? Why did you come to eat sesame seed again? This time he is bleeding, let me give you one more." The uncle laughed.

"Uncle, I'm not here to buy sesame cakes this time, but I'm actually here to ask you something."

"what's up"

"Last year you told me that there was a wanted man in the city, do you remember?"

"There are no wanted criminals. We haven't seen any wanted criminals for a long time here. Most people who commit crimes are quickly caught."

Sure enough, there is a problem

Su Chen's expression suddenly became serious, his memory couldn't be wrong, so the only problem was the memory of these people.

But there is no extraordinary power in this world, and his spiritual power also appears because of spiritual technology. In theory, it can be regarded as a scientific power. Could it be said that this world has similar powers?

Saying goodbye to the uncle, Su Chen returned to the basement.

He felt that the world was getting more and more weird. The abnormality of spiritual power and the forgetting of wanted criminals by these people all showed that things were abnormal.

If these can only be regarded as abnormal, then the next day, Su Chen saw a person on the street, and he was shocked.

"Chrono-space sniper, is that person the first to experiment with mental power" Su Chen asked, pointing to a person not far away.

A dozen meters away in front of them, a man was shopping, and his appearance was exactly the same as that of Su Chen who was the first person to try psychic power.

The problem is, this man has become a fool because of the side effects of his spiritual power, how come one day has passed, he has recovered

Could it be said that the power of the mind turns people into fools, it is not permanent

He suddenly remembered something. If a person becomes a fool, there should be all kinds of rumors and gossip in the city, but he didn't hear it at all, even the super who often went out to inquire about the news. Space-time sniper has never heard of it, which is very strange.

Suddenly, Su Chen thought of a possibility, a possibility that he had overlooked from the beginning.

"If this is the case, then I really walked into a dead end." Su Chen smiled.

In order to try his own conjecture, he once again selected a target and used his psychic power control to turn them into fools.

Then took the man to his basement and just stared at him.

Until the moment at 12 o'clock in the night, Su Chen found that this person suddenly woke up and looked around with a puzzled look.

Su Chen casually turned him into a fool again, and looked at the top with a helpless expression, "It turns out that this is the answer. From the beginning, the world is fake, and I have only discovered it now."

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