The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1700: The knot is over in three seconds!

You know, if a team wins a planet within a month, there is a bonus.

If you win more than one planet in a month, the bonus will be even more amazing, and the final reward will be higher, and you can even get some rewards that exceed those on the list. Who is not excited

Zhu Xiaozhuang knew about his family affairs from his family. He found that he was lucky and his extraordinary ability was relatively strong, but he had a big shortcoming, that is, he had too little background.

His family is an ordinary family, nothing, everything can only rely on himself.

Fortunately, he is valued by his majesty, so that he can have the current achievements, otherwise he will always be just an ordinary rural baby.

"This time, I must seize the opportunity"

Zhu Xiaozhuang's progress here is very smooth, while Wei Chao has some problems.

His strength is not as good as Zhu Xiaozhuang, and the time he came here is not as good as Zhu Xiaozhuang, who was born here. In other words, he was suppressed by Zhu Xiaozhuang in all aspects, which made him a little anxious and wanted to make achievements.

As a result, he was self-defeating and directly exposed the people in their team, and suddenly became the enemy of everyone on the planet.

No matter how powerful they are, it is impossible for them to confront people on a planet head-on.

At this time, Wei Chao took his team members and hid under the ocean, using the power of the mecha to open up an area, plus the spiritual shield, finally there was a temporary safe place.

"Captain, are we just consuming it like this? If you can't get a planet in a month, there will be no rewards added." A team member reminded.

"Yes, I'm also going to use this opportunity to exchange for a potion of extraordinary ability." Another team member said.

Each team member has their own ideas. They thought that this action would be pretty stable, but they found that they underestimated the people here. The other party actually used a kind of detection ability to directly see the identity of their invaders. Fry the pan.

Zhu Xiaozhuang knew about the existence of such people for a long time, and cleared them out when he went up.

Wei Chao's lack of experience caused problems all at once.

Wei Chao knew very well that he was a traverser, but he didn't have any golden fingers, he could only rely on himself.

"We still have a chance. Under what circumstances do you think we have a chance to catch people" Wei Chao asked with a glint flashing in his eyes.

"I don't know." These people are reckless, how could they know such complicated things.

"It's very simple. Only when there is chaos is our opportunity. What we have to do is to create chaos, the more chaos the better."

Under Wei Chao's measures to remedy the situation, the contradictions that existed on the planet were directly aroused, and they actually fought themselves.

At this time, they don't care that the population on the planet has decreased. If they don't win a planet, they will lose the bonus bonus.

In contrast, they would rather have fewer people.

Wei Chao is not strong in other abilities, but his ability to hold fire is absolutely top-notch. All of this is due to his experience as a keyboard man on the Internet, and that period of time was his lost youth.

As long as he opens his mouth, he can definitely lift the anger of others.

It was precisely relying on his mouth to forcibly turn the original planet into its current appearance, which also facilitated their actions.

By the time those people noticed it, the population was already much smaller

This is the situation on the periphery. The remaining irregular forces are much more casual. When they encounter a planet, they rush to deter them by force. They can't think of any good ideas.

Since it is force deterrence, people will die naturally, as long as they don’t die a lot, it’s not a problem.

Once these people are caught, they are dead or alive.

Of course, for the sake of the future, they all exercised restraint and tried not to kill, at most they would hurt others.

In the future, these people are all residents of the empire. Now that they have hatred with them, how can they play happily in the future

They believe that as long as these people join the Red Police Empire, with their empire's great dyeing vat ability, they will definitely be able to dye these people into the colors of the empire easily.

Most people are on the planet of life, but there are also a few people who like to stay on unmanned planets, or wander around with warships. Anyway, the empire is so big, there are everyone.

These people will be marked on the star map, and if they are closer, they will be caught.

In turn, on the side of the Astrology Empire, everyone received the task of killing the invaders. Many people came back to their senses. It turned out that their planet was invaded.

The counterattack to defend the empire has begun

One second, two seconds, three seconds

Okay, the war is over

Because of the guardian **** of their empire, the only constellation-level powerhouse announced that the astrological empire would unconditionally take refuge in the Red Alert Empire.

At this time, he still did not admit that the empire had surrendered, but only admitted refuge. This was his last insistence.

Seeing the other party's insistence, Ju Ling didn't care about the other party's picking words, the result was the same anyway.

It's a pity that the news of the astrological empire is too slow, and it will take at least a month to reach the end, and such a long time is long enough for them to win the astrological empire.

Ju Ling didn't care, letting those people continue to do it, she needed results, not process.

One month later, she will return to the Red Police Empire with all the people in the Astrology Empire. These people will be reviewed to determine whether they can join the Red Police Empire.

Under normal circumstances, this would be no problem, but to Ju Ling's surprise, the constellation-level powerhouse of the astrological empire suddenly told her that the system actually prepared the surrounding servers to attack here, seeming to want to drive them away.

"Interesting, it's been a long time since I fought the big galaxy empire, what's the situation with those servers?" Ju Ling asked.

The name of the constellation-level powerhouse of the astrological empire is called Zodiac, and this is the empire named after him.

The horoscope told Ju Ling that none of the surrounding servers were human, all of them were races in the universe, and a single strength was not very strong. Once they joined forces, the astrological empire could not stop them.

"I see, how long will it take for them to arrive here"

"It shouldn't take long. The existence of the system directly erases the distance of the intergalactic space. It only takes a short time for each server to cross." Zhanxing explained.

Ju Ling discovered that this semi-digital star field is really a convenient thing if it is not a threat to the empire.

"Everything that threatens the existence of the empire shouldn't exist," Ju Ling murmured.

Ju Ling grabbed the back collar of the horoscope with one hand and dragged him to the edge of the horoscope empire. They saw it from a distance. There were dense black shadows in front of them. It was the cosmic race from other servers. Please remember :, Free and fastest update no anti-theft no anti-theft

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