The Last Gentleman

Chapter 129: Ill-substance

   Chapter 129 Ill-substance

  【Wendel Town】It is only a three-hour drive from Zion.

   After getting some information from the housekeeper, Yi Chen planned to wait for Edmund to come back and talk about it. Now that his arm has recovered, there is only the question of paying back the money.

   This kind of event task identified by the organization should not be a big problem.


When   Kin heard that the incident was suspected to be related to modern products such as firearms, he smelled the danger and interest in it, and took the initiative to request to go as a supporter of "Gethsemane".

   Since he has been saying 'next time for sure' these days, considering that the incident is not far away, he responded.

   The two rented a speed-type carriage and hurried to their destination.

   When he came to the inside of the town and saw a patient whose body had mutated into a gun body structure, Jin's excitement was pulled to the maximum.

  Using the clothes to cover up the breath, he quietly approached the weapons factory in the dark of night.

   Extending through the plants, carrying small grapes to observe each room, and soon found the position of Edmund and the two.


  【Staff Lounge-03】

  The iron gate was sealed, and there was no sound outside.

   Dagbert has been able to walk normally, and is currently trying to move his arms and wield a great sword.


  Jin leaned against the door very leisurely, rubbing some meat pellets from somewhere in her hands and feeding it to Xiaopei on her shoulders.

  Yi Chen is helping Edmund repair the injury in his waist and abdomen, and a lot of new flesh has grown to curb the pain.

   "Edmund, what kind of sick person is hiding in this factory building that can actually hurt you like this? But it's very strange, there is no pursuit or search for your movements."

   "It has been determined that it is a very special and rare severely ill person, or called [ill-substance]."


   Yi Chen's eyes widened when he heard the word, and even Jin at the door stopped feeding.

  ill-substance, this term Yi Chen has known in books, literally means sick substance, which generally refers to the unconscious substance that has been infected by disease.

   The unconscious matter here also needs to be divided into two categories.

  1. Unconscious organic matter such as plants, fungi, etc.

  2. Inorganic substances such as stones, steel, water, etc.

  According to a large number of investigations, the closer it is to humans, the greater the probability of being infected and affected by the disease, and vice versa.

   Therefore, especially inorganic substances, the probability of being affected by disease is very small, and even if they are invaded by disease, they often do not change much.

   However, in some extreme, special or accidental circumstances, inorganic substances have a small probability of comprehensive disease,

  When it passes the infection period, it will become an existence equivalent to a sick person, which is [sickness].

  Different from the sick person, since inorganic objects have no consciousness, when they become [sick objects], consciousness will be born for the first time, and only then will they begin to understand and adapt to the current world.

   Therefore, the nature of [diseases] itself determines whether they are dangerous and harmful to the world.

   For example, a disease that is transformed by a stone may always be in a neutral state. You walk by it, or even sit on its head, and it will not respond.

   Unless you take out a miner’s **** to chisel its flesh, it will cause emotional fluctuations and attack you out of a dangerous instinct.


   A modern industrial product like firearms, which is defined as war and killing itself, once turned into a disease, the consciousness born is also related to war and killing.

  They will kill other creatures indiscriminately, whether they are sick or not, and gain satisfaction from killing, gain knowledge of the world, and gain self-improvement.

   In addition, one point needs to be emphasized.

There is an essential difference between   【abnormally ill】and 【disease】.

  The former needs to be fully formed in a severe graying environment or gray area where there have been human activities, corpse remnants, and even the subjective creation of open source patients.

   Although their bodies contain inorganic substances, they possess a human body, a larger proportion of the human body, and sound human consciousness and thinking patterns.

   For example, the doctors and nurses in the Twilight Clinic, they are mostly designed by [Moon Mark], and formed together with the bathing of moonlight and the effect of ashing.

   is therefore classified in the category of sick persons.

   No matter how difficult it is to form, the substance content is higher. They can be said to be 'pure natural' diseased products, which are extremely rare and difficult to deal with.

   And their value is far above the sick, and even the gentlemen call them 'dangerous treasures'.


   "There is actually a disease with the essence of [gun] born here, and the degree of disease has reached a serious level~ Fortunately, I listened to Jin's persuasion and came to support you, otherwise it would be really dangerous.

   What is the opponent's form, attack mode and infection method? Has it been investigated? "

   Edmund lit a cigarette and said helplessly:

   "So far, we and another team have not been able to confirm the "true form" of the disease, only know that it is hidden in the factory, and it can quickly transfer to any ordinary firearm to shoot 'bullets' at us.

   Including the pistol I carry with me has been forced to throw away. "

   The classic gun that should have been mounted on Edmund's waist has long since disappeared.

   "The main body can be transferred to any firearm at will... This is too restraining you, and it is no wonder that you two teams are in danger.

  Speaking of which, is there anything to be aware of with the bullets fired by it? "

   "It's extremely accurate and changes trajectory mid-flight.

  The bullet that Dagbert could have blocked with the greatsword could change its trajectory just before it touched the greatsword, bypassing the greatsword in an arc, hitting the flesh.

   As long as it is within its range, it is almost impossible to dodge.

   Once it hits, the bullet will definitely be embedded in the body, quickly absorb the iron element in the blood, causing the individual to die due to lack of oxygen.

  When the individual dies, the bullet will turn into a "pathogen" to enslave the corpse and become an infected person. The corpse will actively eat metal to increase the iron content of the body and appear the barrel structure.

   As you can see on the way here, they are all living corpses of residents who were transformed by bullets.

  This thing inherits the murderous nature of firearms and can be enhanced by killing the human body again and again... If it leaves here, I am afraid that a small town or even a city will be massacred soon.

   It can also achieve [open source] with the essence of firearms. "

   "Hmm... Self-aiming, body transfer, and bullet infection~ and being in such a firearms factory with a complete geographical advantage, it's really troublesome.

   Kim, any thoughts? "

   "I'm not very good at dealing with 'non-blood meat' things, but this kind of disease that comes with gunpowder, maybe my red lotus can also be effective.

  Wait for me, I'll go out and see how accurate the so-called [self-aiming] is. "

  Jin directly tore off the seal paper on the iron door and swaggered out of the room.

   "Hey! It's dangerous..."

   Edmund wanted to stop, but was interrupted by Yi Chen.

   "It's okay, let her go."

   About ten seconds passed, and three consecutive gunshots sounded outside, accompanied by a roar of chickens.

   Kim returned to the room soon,

   Xiaopei, who was standing on her shoulders, was in a state of frightened hair.

   "Huh! It's really dangerous, one of the bullets almost grazed my trouser leg and almost got hit... I tried to catch the bullet without success.

  Like this guy said, firearms in different positions will shoot at me.

   But not at the same time, but at a certain time interval~ Otherwise, I really can't dodge.

  William, I can't handle this incident alone, shall we go together? It's a lot easier for me to have someone to help draw the fire. "

"Oh, I see."

   After a conversation,

  Edmund and Dagbert looked at this gentleman wearing a colorful mask with incredible eyes. They probably remembered that they were the same batch of appraisers, but they had never seen him.

   "William, who is this..."

   "Kim Almeida, my teammate on the last mission is from Gethsemane~ Besides, I have already thought of a way to break the game."

   (end of this chapter)

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