The Last Gentleman

Chapter 137: depth

Chapter 137

【Swan Academy】

All gentlemen present, including the discouraged students who failed the test, looked up at this moment, watching the young man floating at high altitude.

Yi Chen's floating height has reached the roof. Without the restrictions of the roof, he would even fly out of the school.

The depth of the consciousness he achieved has exceeded the normal value, and the space space traction is perfectly matched with the principal's traction to build a real spiritual scene that is no different from reality.

All senses will get 100%restoration within the thinking space, and the test will be more intuitive, more real and effective.

Under the crying mask, the principal's eyes changed. She rarely saw young students with such interesting brains and deep thinking.


【Rain Night Gallery】

"Very clear, very real ... it is basically not much different from reality.

It is completely different from the kind of hazy, irresistible, and blurred thinking that goes to the old age, which is completely like real.


The principal is responsible for support. According to my weaknesses, is the thinking space built by consciousness so dark? "

Finger rain sound,

Strange shadow outside the window,

And the weird and disturbing abstract paintings, such as "Metra's Woman", corresponds to a woman with a skewed head of 90 °. The blood -filled eyes stared at the frame.

Yi Chen habitually wanted to open the box, took out his hand ax and gun, but found that there was nothing in his hand.

There is no response to use plants,

The consciousness of coming to the thinking space as a whole was restricted by the principal as an ordinary body,

However, Yi Chen used Li to hold his arms. What he felt was not pain, but itching ... it shows that what Teacher Zade taught himself was not affected. The change of this physical nature associated the essence of the soul and could not block it.

"Although it is not clear whether the time flow rate inside is consistent with reality, let's hurry up."

Since this is a gallery,

No matter how gloomy and weird, Yi Chen immediately substituted himself as a [audience] who came to participate in the art exhibition and carefully observed each painting.

Before starting to appreciate, Yi Chen browsed a circle.

There are no entrances and exits composed of four corridors.

Although the length of each gallery, the location of the window, and the color of the carpet, etc. are all the same, Yi Chen still uses the name of the painting of the gallery to distinguish it and numbers the number.

Among them, the number of paintings of No. 1 to 3 gallery is equal,

There is only a painting in the middle of the No. 4 gallery, and a white wall is empty, but it is only an ordinary wall on the inspection.

The only [different points] in Yi Chen is likely to be the key to breaking the situation.

Next is an appreciation painting.

Different from the precise memories of scene details on weekdays, Yi Chen did not deliberately record the painting pattern in the mind.

This kind of artistic form is not fully memorized and re -engraved by memory.

Instead, we can understand, perceive, and taste the essence of painting as much as possible.

When the fourth painting- "Orange abandoned baby", a thunder flashed outside the window, accompanied by the sound of glass cracking.

The sudden abnormality forced Yi Chen to turn his head to look.

The square windows located in the middle of the gallery have an additional exaggerated cracks due to the thunder shock just now.

"Is the interference factor? 』

Yi Chen had no expression changes and was ready to continue immersing the appreciation of paintings.

However, when his eyes returned to the painting of "Orange abandoned baby", the babies that should have existed under the orange tree disappeared, leaving only the scattered crickets.

The change of painting makes Yi Chen alert instantly,


A burst of cry came from the corner of the corridor, and the candlelights nearby were extinguished.


A yellow baby replaced by orange peel climbed out of the dark,

The completely torn mouth reveals the tooth -like teeth similar to insects, and the abdomen also has a strong attachment with a stubborn style.

The moment it appeared, he jumped directly towards Yi Chen, locking his neck arteries.

"This is…"

Yi Chen immediately made a quick flash with his combat experience.

While avoiding it completely,

Body like a bow,

Hammer with both hands,

Smooth vertically! Orange abandonment in the air perfectly hit the air, and the huge power smashed it on the ground.

Do not give the monster any asthma plan, step under the shoes.

Step ~ ignore the mucus of the soles, continue to appreciate the next painting.

And take up some brain capacity to quickly think about what happened just now,

"I did not expect that the [spiritual test] initiated by the principal was also dangerous. If you die here, the test may fail directly.

As for the physicalization of painting, two reasons can be introduced according to the situation just now.

1. Thunder and lightning flashed outside the window

2. My subjective appreciation for painting

At the same time, meeting these two conditions should cause the painting of the painting to be entitled ... When the next flashing lightning, try not to open the eyes, it may avoid this situation.

Moreover, I have to speed up.

The gallery is not stable. Once these cracks are broken, all those ghosts climbing on the outside will pour in, and the test may also fail. 』

During thinking, Yi Chen's brain overflowed the white steam again. As the focus increased, he gradually accelerated his appreciation of painting.

The interval between the lightning and lightning is almost the same,

When Yi Chen tasting the ninth painting- "The Maze Strange Shadow", Lei Guang flashed and accompanied by a more crisp glass fissure, a larger crack appeared on the window.

But this time Yi Chen did not tilume, staring at the paintings in front of him.

Monsters in the man -shaped body and sun -like head in the maze still exist in the painting, and they did not run out of trouble.

"Nice! As long as you keep the field of vision and keep the subjective consciousness unwavering, the things in the painting cannot run out ... It really is a pure thinking space. The subjective consciousness occupies a great role. It is really interesting. 』

Yi Chen, who was concluded, no longer had any distractions, abandoned all interference, and was completely immersed in painting.

With the end of the tasting of Gallery No. 1, 2, 3,

Finally came to the slightly different gallery,

In the middle of the corridor, a painting is vacant at the wall of the window.

Snapped! Lightning flashed.

The severe thunder ranged a small piece of winding windows, and the rain couldn't wait to pour in it, and poured into the gallery in the form of water flow.

Yi Chen is still not affected, ignoring the water layer of the soles, and the final tasting at the fastest speed.

When the field of vision removes the last painting.

Throughout the digestive paintings, the digestive clips quickly flashed back, effectively interweaving, and splicing each other to form a brand new thing.

Yi Chen moved to the middle of the Gallery No. 4,

Seeing the vacant white wall carefully,

Try to imprint the things in your mind and wait for an opportunity.


Yi Chen blinked while Lei Guang shone.

There is an extra painting on the wall that was empty in front of me ... this painting is exactly the result of the work between Yi Chen's brain, and the result formed by all paintings.

Name "Gate".

It is a brand -new iron gate that is drawn between the frame, which is the ‘exit 'to the outside world.

At this moment,

呯 呯! The windows behind them are completely broken.

When the broken glass was flying next to Yi Chen, there was a shadow arms grabbed together.

Unfortunately, as he moved forward, all of these arms grabbed the air.

Without any influence, Yi Chen continued to stare at the painting and approached very indifferently.

When the distance between the two is only less than ten centimeters,

Perhaps I was too serious to watch the iron door between the frame, and I felt that the iron door seemed to have seen it.

Perhaps the appreciation of paintings was fully focused, allowing him to fall into a deeper conscious area, and even exceeded the setting value of the principal.

Some weird brain signals suddenly poured out,

These signals directly affect the current thinking space, like a dark silk thread climbing to the door.

The iron door between the paintings became more and more real, and even a rusty skin scar appeared, and the metal house card full of scratches.

Yi Chen was not controlled, and instinctively raised his hand to touch.

When he touched the cold iron door between the paintings ... squeaking ~ the sound of friction of the door axis echoed in the brain domain.

The gallery, rain and shadows in front of you do not exist,

But he did not return to the Swan Academy ... but fell to a deeper conscious space, an independent space derived from his own consciousness.

More realistic and not disturbed by the outside world.

Yi Chen's eyes widened, and he had never been so panicked and afraid.

"How could this ... why did you come here!?"

The more excited emotions spread a trace of black silk threads in the pupils, and even completely blackened their eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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