The Last Gentleman

Chapter 17: Traveling in the lake

Chapter 17

Even during the day,

The surface of the lake is also filled with thick fog,

Not to mention that even the heart of the lake could not reach.

This old -fashioned pedal boat is very laborious, and every round of a shaft will make a hard friction sound.

The trample passed to the legs gives a sense of **** in the mud,

As the ship gradually penetrates into the lake, everyone also feels the huge green lake ... like a giant mouth that cannot see the margin, it may be swallowed at any time.

On the ship

The man with a huge physique and carrying a big sword, sitting in front of the woman wearing a feather -decorative hat,

Yi Chen and blonde Edmond are side by side.

The staff sits on the bow and watched the four people with wide eyes, especially paying attention to their walking behavior. There is a feeling of monitoring slaves.

"Although there were no accidents in the front of the boat,

But this lake always gives me a very bad feeling ~ If something goes wrong, we may need to be forced to cooperate.

Let's introduce yourself again,

My name is Edmond, from the Mariano family. "

He continued to introduce two companions, reached out and patted the man's wide back muscle,

"His name is Dagbert, a warrior from the north. Some of the flesh comes from the blood veins, and part of the carving and polishing from extremely cold ... In the future, it must be a powerful gentleman.

As for this beautiful lady, she is a friend I met in the training ground, Yuliana. "


After Yi Chen softly reported the name of the original owner of the body, he continued to say:

"Also, I don't recommend chatting here ..."


At the end,

Everyone will focus on the lake,

Due to the potential risk of disease and the rules of the boat, everyone is very honest. They did not do the death of the lake water, but only observed the lake on the naked eye.

In the process of staring at the lake for a long time, Yi Chen,

I unexpectedly noticed a peeping feeling from the depths of the bottom of the lake ... as if there was something horrible staring at myself at the bottom.

When this feeling was passed on to the small grapes, it penetrated a lot of saliva.

"There seems to be delicious things below!"

When everyone observed and watched the situation between the lake.

Click ~

The pedal boat suddenly stuck, and the main ship seemed to be entangled by something.

"Water plants? Or is it a debris?"

Considering the danger of unknown,

Yi Chen did not show his head recklessly to observe the water surface, but stretched out his right arm, and observed the situation under the boat hidden by the small grapes on the cuffs.

Through the clear lake,

A lot of disturbing things are seen clearly -hair.

Thick black hair wraps the paddle,

There is also a swollen body under the hair.

After Yi Chen briefly explained the situation, the three of the Edmond team were also vigilant, and one of them had held weapons

at this time,

The staff who had no blink of an eye all over, dull staff fulfilled their duties instinctively.

He put on a pair of plastic gloves straight up to his elbow, half his body pointed out the stern, and settled to clean up the wound on the paddle.


Yi Chen and Edmond, sitting in the back row, also held the clothes of the brother together to prevent him from accidentally falling into the lake.

Seeing that a black hair was dragged out, everyone was going to get out of trouble.

The staff's body is froze,

A strange effect beyond imagination ... the power is great ~ hissing!

Yi Chen and Edmund only left the ripped clothing fabrics in the hands,

The employee's brother fell into the water instantly and did not see the trace.


The blonde Edmond changed the friendly appearance in weekdays, his eyes were firm, and a finger was made at the same time.

All staff alert,

Be wary, all around,

However, the calm lake has no terrible things for the time being.

A drop of sweat slipped along Edmond's forehead, and he said embarrassingly:

"Obviously, there was nothing to do with it, but there was something wrong with us ... Is it a coincidence? Or is it staring at the things in the lake in the lake?"

These words immediately reminded Yi Chen's behavior of walking on the banks of the lake last night, accidentally throwing 'security officers' into the lake.


Edmond quickly confessed again,

"After the end of the party last night, we killed the diseased individuals between several small towns, which may be angered the existence behind.

It was embarrassed to accidentally involve William. "

Yi Chen responded coldly:

"Think about how to leave this lake."

Half of the black hair between the paddle is not cleared. If it continues to clean up, it is likely to be dragged down.

At this time,

Dagbert, from the north, took the initiative to stand out,

The generous giant sword in his hand can be used as a handmade paddle, and he has also had a rowing experience when he lived in the north.

The giant sword is inserted into the lake,

Alternately move left and right,

With the strength of one person, the ship moves quickly, which is more than doubled faster than before.

It is worth noting,

The black hair entangled on the paddle was dragged together with the corpse, and the scene was a little weird.


The danger is not broken,

The large ripples produced by the giant sword seem to wake up some things that sleep on the bottom of the lake,

With a circle of ripples,

Some black outlines about the size of the human body are looming under the water ... They swing a soft and slender body, approaching the ship.


Edmond gently patted his companion's muscle shoulders in one hand,

"Dagbert, you just keep the line of line ... the rest are left to us."


So, say,

Edmond picked up the pistol decorated with the feathers in the left hand, and the silver bomb was carried.

Holding the silver -plated short sword in his right hand, the eagle -like sharp eyes observed the surroundings.

Yulianna leaned over and took out the dagger between the boots, and also posted a standard fighting attitude.

Yi Chen took out the silver ax from the waist, and the small grapes were also installed on the shoulder.


Wow ~ water splashes!

A arm covered with fish scales and on the surface was grasped on the edge of the ship.

When a severe soaked head was exposed, the cold muzzle had reached the top of the head.

BANG ~ The sound of the sound of the gun opens the silent curtain.

The red body fluid opened on the water surface, and the first weird fisherman who was in trouble sinking into the bottom of the lake.

Edmond, who completed the killing, also took the time to give a reminder:

"To deal with this parasitic guy, it only needs to destroy the brain ... they have not evolved into a real [sick person], and it is not particularly troublesome to deal with it.

But pay attention,

Don't let them destroy the ship, I don't want to fall into this dirty, disgusting green lake. "

The words are just falling,

The three -rome arm extend from different directions to the ship,

The edema and erosion, the mouth of the mouth was protruding and a sharp -fledged head.

Blonde Edmond sent the short sword with his right hand to the target face with a precise sword, breaking the internal brain.

Yulianna waved backhand, the dagger was inserted horizontally into the target temple ... the speed was even faster.

Compared to the two people who are trained,

Yi Chen's "half -way monk" crossed by many aspects is naturally incomparable.


Facing the danger in the lake in front of you,

A strong willingness to kill the goal in the brain,

Driven by this will,

The roots of the plants are drilled by the back of the hand and the palm of the hand, entangled with the ax, and even combined with the ax of the walnut wood.

Yi Chen holds tighter,

Waving is more powerful,


Yin Mang passed, and fell accurately on the neck of the mermaid.

Fish scale,

Flesh, flesh

Cervical spine,

Everything that may be caused by the hindrance to the chopping is not effective.


A puffy and ulcerated head fluttered in the air, slap ~ just fell on the ship.

When this head still wants to recruit and cause damage to Yi Chen,

A black meatball jumps from Yi Chen's shoulder,

The two 'grapes' instantly swallowed the mermaid's head, and further drilled into the eyes, and ate the fresh sashimi inside the skull.

When I saw this,

Whether it is a rowing Dagbert,

Still the two people in the battle, both of which were surprised, and the evaluation of Yi Chen took another layer.


With the joint operation of everyone,

After killing nearly twenty diseased mermaids from the lake,

The ship is against the shore.

The corpse wrapped around the paddle was also dragged ashore.

When Yi Chen saw the appearance of the corpse, his body trembled.

The corpse with thick long hair turned out to be a security officer who was thrown into the lake ... but in the impression, the public security officer was obviously short hair.

Just as the lake has the effect of a petri dish, it will be accelerated by some kind of stimulus.

"Is it because of my reason ..."

   (end of this chapter)

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