The Last Gentleman

Chapter 294: fall into nightmare

  Chapter 294 Falling into a nightmare

"Hey! Although we agreed to meet in the afternoon, you don't need to be stuck at the latest time, right? Forget it, we don't care about it... Hurry up and go to bed, the game will start in the last 10 minutes. "

   Facing Catherine's warm invitation, Yi Chen just walked forward slowly, without any intention of approaching the bed at all.

  As Catherine said, since there are still ten minutes instead of ten seconds, there is still time to hang around, and he began to wander around this bedroom.

  Put your finger on the table, slide over the exquisite items on the table,

  Musical boxes, carousel boxes, clowns riding unicycles, jewelry boxes, strange paper-cuts, novel books, and three different sizes of mirrors framed in pink plastic, wood, and metal, etc.

   Soon, Yi Chen discovered the problem,

  Although these objects are more feminine, there are obvious differences in the corresponding age groups.

   Moreover, Catherine often refers to herself as "we", and only uses "I" in rare cases. There are indications that Catherine may be a combination of multiple women rather than an independent individual.

   "What? Are you interested in other people's toys?

correct! Don't open the locked drawer on the third right side of the table. It contains my personal toys. Although the unlock code is written on the cover of the first book, don't be curious. "

   "Oh...then I won't open it."

  Yi Chen turned directly to the other side of the room, not intending to open the drawer at all.

  Of course, part of Catherine's body was left out of the corner of her eye, and the other party's mouth was puffing up, obviously a little unhappy.

   But Catherine stayed on the bed the whole time, covering her upper body with the quilt, and she didn't even intend to get up. This kind of behavior reminded Yi Chen of the old Mr. Li, as if the other party and the bed had been bound and fused together.

  There are many posters hanging on the wall on the other side of the dormitory, and some posters even overlap each other.

   The vast majority of posters are irrelevant,

  But Yi Chen still found a clue. After uncovering several posters on the surface, a black and white realistic circus advertising poster appeared in front of him, more precisely, it should be a recruitment poster.

  The center of the poster is facing the circus gate opened in a herringbone shape. You can even feel a suction force if you stare at it for a long time, as if you want to drag Yi Chen in.

  There are weird slogans written under the poster.

  ≮This circus tries to recruit female employees, regardless of age, without any foundation. If you pass the interview, you can become a member of us, and you will enjoy three meals a day, a comfortable place to rest, and the safe shelter given by the circus. ≯

  This kind of recruitment advertisement shows that there is a big problem,

But combined with the human situation in the current world, those who are desperate, who cannot even meet the most basic living guarantees, and who are about to starve to death, will not only forget their doubts when they see this advertisement, they will even dismiss it. This job as a lifeline, as the only ray of light in their dark future.

   "Catherine, have you ever been to this circus?"

  When Yi Chen asked this sentence, the face of Catherine, who had always been quite 'friendly', twisted weirdly for a moment. Although it passed by in a flash, she was still captured by the overall vision.

   At that moment,

Catherine's cheeks were squeezed into many wrinkles, and the cheeks on both sides seemed to reflect human faces, and multiple pupils suddenly rolled out of her eyeballs, and there seemed to be tentacles moving between her mouth, and some black liquid overflowed from her nasal cavity .

  By the time Yi Chen turned around again, there was no one on the bed.

  At this moment, there is only one minute left before the game's appointed time.

  『It seems that the birth of Catherine and even the nightmare is really related to the circus. The ten minutes spent are too worthwhile~ Successfully shake the other party's mentality, so that 'variables' will follow. 』

  Yi Chen didn't hesitate, and quickly lay down on the bed.

  Yi Chen, who has a black epileptic brain, can easily control his brain, allowing him to fall asleep quickly.

  The moment he moved his brain nerves to fall asleep, the bed suddenly sank downwards, stripping Yi Chen of the clothes he was wearing, causing him to fall naked into the abyss called nightmare.

  Go straight to the deepest part of the nightmare through the behavior of [falling], no need to build ladders or swallow nightmare materials to go deep like in the power station.

   Under the guidance of Catherine, go straight to the deepest point.


  The body fell on the icy ground, but the impact was not as strong as falling from a high altitude, but more like slipping on a bed.

  A freshly lit white candle is burning beside you,

  The surrounding ground is covered with cold black and white checkered floor tiles,

  Yi Chen quickly got up and picked up the candle at the same time. He didn't care about his naked appearance, but immediately tested his physical state and ability use.

  Feeling the normal operation of the epileptic brain, the uniform movement of the iron chains all over the body, and the temporarily sleeping little grape in the brain, he felt relieved.

   "By the way, is this the center of the nightmare?"

  As Yi Chen raised the candle over his chest, he saw a large number of steel wires hanging down from the sky, and these lines hung women of different ages.

  From eight years old to thirty years old.

  The restraint method is similar to that of marionettes. The strings are tied and even inserted into the joints of these women, strangling their necks, and hanging them in the air in a posture beyond the limits of their joints.

  Their heads were all covered by sackcloth bags, and exaggerated smiling faces were drawn on the surface of the pockets.

  There are so many that there is no end in sight due to the limited lighting provided by the candles.

   "Did I tell Catherine that she broke the defense? Why didn't she come out and explain the rules of the game?"

  Yi Chen tried to walk in a straight line in one direction, and all the way along the way were women hanging in the air, all in a dead state.

  Combined with the circus posters I saw before, I can immediately think that these women are probably former candidates for the circus.

   walked for about ten minutes,

   Yi Chen frowned and stared at the front, and found that there was actually a person walking towards him with a candle in the distance.

   Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was just a side wall made of a huge mirror.

   "Are you over the edge? What do you need to do next?"

   Just as Yi Chen reached out to touch the huge borderless mirror in front of him, the picture reflected inside suddenly became weird, and the women hanging in the air began to twist their postures.


   One by one the steel wires broke.

  The twisted female bodies that were suspended in the air fell to the ground one after another, and there was a sound that was the same as when Yi Chen fell.

   Immediately afterwards, the woman wearing a smiling headgear began to twist and crawl on the ground, rushing towards Yi Chen in front of the mirror like a tide.

   Facing such a scene, Yi Chen just stood still, not even turning his head.

  Hundreds of women are piled up behind him, protruding from the linen hood with tentacles, intertwined, fused, kneaded, compressed and reconstructed.

  Every woman is turned into a small part of the body, and finally turned into the appearance of 'Catherine'.

  She stood on tiptoe, crossed Yi Chen's left and right shoulders with her hands, and hugged him from behind.

  Yi Chen stared at Catherine's crossed hands in front of him, and could even see the obvious female body structure in the fingers. Each knuckle corresponds to two or three women hugging each other.

   "I see, is this your body?"

   "No~ What we have shown you is only a part. If you want to know us better, come to your body. We have already launched a vote, and 73% of people like you very much."

   "Find me a piece of clothing, and start the game quickly... If you delay, the gentlemen may come to the bottom. Don't underestimate the strength of the seniors."

  (end of this chapter)

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