The Last Gentleman

Chapter 31: tailor shop in the corner

Chapter 31 Tailor Store in Corner

  Led by Chamberson

  Cross the street arch bridge and go to the lower street at the elevator next to the road.

The sub -streets that are divided into three floors are not just vertical distances, but their style, personnel density, and main business involved are large.

The less down, the less ‘limit’, the less, the

So that there will be some entertainment venues that are not in line with the 'gentleman' in the lower streets. The overall is also biased towards scattered and entertainment, and the regular places are relatively small.

At this time, Qian Bosen suddenly said:

"Zion's [tailor shop] is mostly located in the upper neighborhood, especially the shops on the road of college streets, mostly have a long history and loud name.

But ... your skin is different.

   Even the tailors directly under the academy, I'm not sure they can handle such skins perfectly.

I have an old man who has known for many years, and was forced to open the [tailor shop] in the depths of the lower streets for some reason ... He reached the level of advanced tailor as early as thirty years ago, and his craftsmanship must be able to use this one well. Skin.

   And he likes very challenging tasks. "

   hear this,

  Yi Chen remembered that this ready-to-wear garment on his body also came from the [tailor shop] under the organization.

At that time, the boss also said that when he passed the assessment, he could get a free full custom opportunity.

"Professor Qian Bosen, there seems to be many tailors located outside the organization?"

   "That's right,

[Tailor Store] is one of the important organizational institutions

For gentlemen, it is indispensable and an important supply station.

Each tailor shop that is opened outside will be supported by the organization's funds

Gentlemen who perform tasks outside can enjoy the basic services in the tailor shop for free,

Clean the body of the infected disease,

Repair the destructive clothing,

Receive local related tasks or receive rewards,

It is also a safe house and temporary refuge.

We have always screened elite gentlemen with tailor talents, adding external tailors to the spread of the disease and reducing the mortality of gentlemen. "


   Small chat room.

The two are stuck in a slit between the buildings that can be squeezed over,

Come to the depths of the lower neighborhood

[Chasm-Street], as the name suggests, located in the street between the slit,

There are more recreational stores here, and even most stores violate Zion's regulations on the bright side.

The gentlemen walking here are also relatively loose. They wear masks to cover their appearance and cover their expressions.

The seemingly strict Professor Qian Bosen accepted such a street and whispered:

"The gentleman's spirit can keep us' self" in the world of infection, but it will inevitably be tired.

As long as the gentlemen have sufficient self -control, [indulgence] as a rational tool for temporary decompression and seeking balance is a good thing. "


at this time.

A public telephone booth not far away from the two suddenly rang a rapid ringtone.

   is a fixed frequency that exists between ringtones, as if to convey some kind of information.

  Chamberson squeezed into the small phone booth in a flash, and put the old receiver next to his ear.

He didn't say a word throughout the whole process,

   just silently listening to the sound coming from the receiver.

call ended,

   When Chamberson walked out of the phone booth, he took out a business card with an owl's head on it and handed it to Yi Chen.

   "I received a temporary meeting notice, and the custom clothing can only be done by you alone.

  【The Tailor Shop】 is at the end of the street. Although it is very remote, it is still quite conspicuous in this kind of place.

   When you get to the store, hand my business card to the old guy, and he will naturally customize the most suitable clothes for you. "

"it is good…"

While bowing the card while receiving the card, thank you

   By the time Yi Chen looked up, Chamberson had already disappeared.

"By the way, my temporary accommodation hasn't been arranged yet? Forget it ... Go to customize clothing first, and then consider the problem of sleeping. It's okay to sleep on the street."

   To reduce trouble,

Yi Chen will have a ten -finger veneer,

  Sizz~ Quickly build a green mask to cover up your appearance.

   In addition, a very environmentally friendly plant handbag is made, and the black box of "Gentleman's Leather" is hidden in it.

   Walking in the depths of the lower area, there are many strange shops without signboards and half-closed doors on both sides of the street.

   Or you can smell the fragrance, or you can smell a **** smell,

Yi Chen finally suppressed curiosity,

  These places can be explored until you become a gentleman.

  According to Chamberson's description, he finally came to a narrower street corner.

   A black building with a strong Gothic style, pulling Yi Chen's vision over, also without any signboards,

Step on the stone step in front of the door,

When preparing to ring the front door,


   The front door smeared with jet-black paint actually opened by itself, and no living person could be seen in the extremely dim interior space.

"anyone there?"

Yi Chen trapped it carefully,

   Unlike the clothing store in Easton Town, there is not only no light source, but not even a single piece of clothing.

replaced by,

   There are hundreds of "human sculptures" carved in stone in equal proportions.

  They crowd every corner of the house, dividing the open large flat into a winding path that gives a claustrophobic feel.

   What's even weirder is that,

   Perhaps the face carving was not completed, and the human body sculptures were covered with white cloth, which was eerie and eerie.


   There are also a large number of drawing boards stacked in the corners of the walls, all of which are paintings related to the human body, some of which have formed cobwebs.

   "Did I go to the wrong place?"

   Just when Yi Chen wondered if he had entered a desolate art museum by mistake.

  Sa~ A change came.

   A white cloth fell on Yi Chen's shoulder,

   At the same time, a small snort came from behind,

   At the same time, I can feel the cold air blowing on the neck,


   Yi Chen touched the axe at his waist with one hand and turned around quickly.

   I saw a sculpture with uncarved facial features standing behind him, his stiff arms raised at some point, pointing in a certain direction.

   look in the direction of the finger,

   I vaguely saw a turn-around staircase leading to the second floor,

at the same time,


The sound of    leather shoes overlapping with a walking stick came from the stairwell.

   wearing a brown beret,

   half face with mask,

   A middle-aged man in a neat suit is slowly walking down the stairs.

  It is worth noting that,

   Suits are divided into left and right colors

  The left is black,

   The right is red and has a flame pattern (the right face is also covered by the mask).

   This person also wears rubber gloves on his right hand, and can barely go downstairs with the support of a cane.

   "Who introduced a newcomer like you?"

   "Professor Chamberson originally came with me, but received a meeting notice in the middle of the meeting... I can only come alone."

Just when Yi Chen was about to move forward and showed the owl business card.


The human sculpture around him actually moved,

   Mechanically raised his arm, blocking his way.

"Cough ... I can smell the owl smell on your body, so you don't have to show any proof.

   You just need to say why I am here. "

"it is good."

  Yi Chen is no nonsense,

Take 10 × 10cm "Gentleman's Skin" from the black box,

The moment the    skin is displayed,

All sculptures in the store have 'peeling symptoms', and the skin of the stone layer actively stripped the body, exposing the muscle and vascular tissue (all stone materials).

The owner standing in the stairwell also widened his eyes and could not help but amazed:

"Such a large one of the" initial skin "? Put it up first, this kind of thing is not suitable for long -term exposure."


  When the leather is put back into the box,

  The restlessness of the human sculpture stopped immediately,

Yi Chen also followed up: "Professor Qian Bosen said specifically that only you can control and deal with such [leather]."

"He said it was right. Most of the tailors on the bright side only had a group of wine pockets. Take such a skin to them.

Come with me,

The process of [full customization] is quite complicated, and you need to have a certain patience. "

   (end of this chapter)

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