The Last Gentleman

Chapter 363: Receive the award again

  Chapter 363 Receiving the award again

  Although the New Year has little meaning to people living in this world,

   Even in the eyes of some people, the arrival of the new year means that another year has passed, and it means that the distance from the end of the day has been shortened by another year.

   Even so, there are still many people who are enjoying themselves in time.

  Reagan spent the New Year with many researchers in the Institute, and today he will no longer talk about anything related to research.

  Because Jin consumed a lot of meat medicine in the battle, she couldn't find William during the Chinese New Year, so she had to cook meat all night alone in her room. Even if the smell wafted through the entire apartment building, no one dared to disturb her.

  Yi Chen unexpectedly stayed in the principal's office to spend the New Year's Eve with Daislin. The two looked up at the starry sky on the surface of the planet. They no longer communicated about magic and academic matters, but talked about some ordinary topics.

   Unknowingly, we talked about Daislin's original family,

  Valdivia family

  One of the four major families in the organization. Counting Daislin, there have been three prophets in the past. Daislin's mother is also an elite gentleman in the organization, but she failed the prophet examination.

  Mother is extremely strong, whether she is extremely harsh on Daislin or her husband,

  As an adult, Daislin couldn't bear it anymore. After obtaining the identity of a prophet, she prepared to take her father to leave the family. Unexpectedly, her father still couldn't get rid of this cowardice, and she still chose to stay when she was about to step out of the house.

   At this point, Daislin is completely independent.

  From now on, I have never returned to my family, nor have I had any contact.

  Always lived alone, she enjoys the feeling of immersing herself in the void alone, without anyone restraining and discipline her, even labeling herself as 'absolutely independent'.

  Although she often disguises herself to go to the street area to eat something, but refuses to communicate with anyone for a long time.

   This is the first time,

  Desline tore off the label that had followed her for decades, actively and instinctively wanted to stay with others, and even temporarily put aside her identity to share the past buried in her heart.

  Early morning, principal's office

  When Yi Chen woke up, he was the only one still lying on the sofa, with a note left on the desktop, and Daislin left early because she needed to attend the morning meeting of the high-level organization.

   Washing off the lingering fragrance from the side of his face, leaving a note behind, he also picked up his suitcase and left the principal's office.

   "Huh...Since Principal Daislin gave such a high evaluation to 【Insomniac Garon】, no matter how hard I try to catch up in the last few days, it is impossible to catch up.

   It's better to let go of this nervous and uneasy mood completely, and go to Jin first. "

   Who knows, when Yi Chen took the train out of school, he ran into two teammates on the platform, or Jin and Reagan were about to go to the school to find him.

   "Huh? How about you?"

   Just when Yi Chen was curious, Jin stepped forward, raised his mask slightly and sniffed.

   "...has the body been washed? Where were you last night?"

   "I learned about dead bodies and communicated verbally and physically with Mr. Zed. After all, I just recovered, so I couldn't fight melee... I took a bath because I was tainted by the smell of corpses."

   "Oh~ So it's in the underground area, no wonder the [messenger] between the organizations said they couldn't reach you, so they had to let us deliver the letter."

  Jin deliberately dragged his tone, as if he didn't quite believe it.

   "What letter?"

   "You should be able to guess, William?"

   "Are there rewards for death events?"

   "That's right, in view of the fact that we eliminated the threat of Ravenholm and the dead, we have the opportunity to go to the Hall of Glory to accept the commendation...Although I don't want to have too much connection with the organization, it is naturally impossible not to get free things delivered to my door."

"it is good."


  【Hall of Glory】

  A horizontal stele with the label "Death Herald" engraved with three youths and a floating eyeball was placed in the alcove of the hall, and everyone also received a large amount of bonuses and the qualification to go to the gentleman's treasure house.

   The team is also voting within the team. If someone in the three-person team gets two votes, they will be eligible to go to the "secret room".

   As a result, there was no doubt that William had been selected when he was hesitating.

"you again."

The archbishop-Allery Heaton squeezed his wrinkled face, and could only lead Yi Chen to the secret storage room of the original church again. Since the development of the organization, no one has ever received it for one month in a row. Two Vault rewards.

  The voice of the vicissitudes of life squeezed through the throat and warned:

   "Stop thinking about the Eucharists..."


  Yi Chen smiled awkwardly. Without the archbishop's words, he might really go to the [Sacrament Chamber] again.

   After all, Little Putao contributed a lot to this incident, and Yi Chen also felt the true potential of Little Putao through this "skin combination".

  If you can continue to develop small grapes, it will also greatly increase your own growth.

  『I also just got a spine weapon that perfectly fits the death attribute, and I don’t need a weapon anymore... Wait, besides the ax, I’m still short of a weapon. 』

  Yi Chen took out the cut-off shotgun from the suitcase that had not been used for a long time - "Bodybreaker".

  This weapon made of sick things (severely sick people) can no longer satisfy Yi Chen at this stage, and is no longer used. The attribute of bullets absorbing iron has little effect on the open source.

  Although "Dead Spine Lake" can be switched to a dual-wield state, it cannot be as flexible as a firearm, and it will suffer when facing mid-to-long-distance enemies.

  Yi Chen still prefers to take both near and far at the same time, and he himself has adapted to this complex combat mode of mixing hot and cold weapons.

  His body and brain can adapt to such a mix and match, and exert the effect of 1+1>2.

  『The secret storage rooms of the original church are basically old antiques, and there are no things directly related to firearms. It is probably useless to ask the archbishop, he has never stepped out of here, and he may not even know about firearms.

   However, some of the principles can be asked. 』

  "Archbishop Yaleris, I have a modern weapon made from an unopened source disease. Is there a way to upgrade it to an open source level?"

   "Using disease props, if the original structure of the disease is not destroyed, you can use [relics] with similar attributes to improve the quality.

   There are some relics in the secret storage room, you can choose them. "

   "A relic?"

  Speaking of relics, Yi Chen happened to have one in his hand. Compared with the relics in the secret storage room, it is not necessarily inferior, and it is even fresher in terms of quality.

   "Archbishop, can you see this thing?"

  As Yi Chen unbuttoned his shirt in an ungentlemanly way, he inserted his fingers into his navel, and a black umbilical cord was taken out from it.

   This 'token' from an old friend was rarely used after Yi Chen awakened the attribute of death. It has always been entrenched in the depths of the body, buried in the inner wall and melted into the body.

  With the umbilical cord exposed and breathing fresh air at the mouth of the umbilical cord, it immediately began to twist in the air, releasing wisps of "breath of new life" from the other port.

  Although this breath is similar to Jin's regenerative tumor, it is completely different in essence,

  Tumor corresponds to infinite proliferation, representing the process from 1→∞,

  The umbilical cord corresponds to the newborn, representing the process from 0→1,

  As this rare breath of new life expands in the secret storage room, it penetrates the ground... Buzz buzz!

  Below the area where everyone is, that is, the [Sacrament Room], there was a burst of strong movement, and at least three holy bodies had a strong physical resonance due to this new birth.

  The archbishop was both shocked and helpless,

   "Why is the Eucharist so restless every time you come over?"

   This thing should be very rare, even in the old world, the "Navel of Veterinary Diseases". Put it away first~ Let's talk about your rewards again. "

  (end of this chapter)

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