The Last Gentleman

Chapter 43: Physical training

Chapter 43 Perial Special Training

When completing the browsing of the data list and analysis report, Yi Chen also gave birth to a question.

He recalled in the pathology class,

Dagbert grabbed the entire metal desk with one hand, and a throwing action directly smashed the living corpse out, and his head was completely opened.

Even before the gentleman's skin was not obtained, the power he showed in Green Lake Town was equally amazing.

"I am at the level of [physical], can I really reach the level like Dagbert?"

"Dagbert ... oh! Remember.

Is the strong, fair skin and perfect muscle line? "

Talk to this person,

Zide couldn't help exporting water, and seemed to want to dissecting the other's muscles and insight into the line distribution.

After some fantasies, continue to answer:

"No ... he has an innate talent in strength. Just after simple activity training, he should be able to touch the" limited diaphragm ".

Even if you have no special training day and night, you can do some uncomfortable transformation of your body, and it is impossible to obtain such power within two years.


You seem to have made a wrong question,

[Physical PHYSIQUE] contains not only strength, but also directly related to the flesh, such as endurance, tolerance, etc.

What we need to do is to choose one of the most suitable for you and amplify through special training to achieve the so -called limit.

Rest assured, I have customized the best solution for physical growth! As long as you can stick to it, it is absolutely okay to reach [physical] limit within two years.

I personally optimistic about you. "

Speaking of which, Teacher Zade slowly cracked his mouth, and even the thin lines in the corner of his mouth were broken, and he took a deep patted on Yi Chen's shoulders.

"I know, I will persist."

Immediately afterwards,

Zide took out a piece of pocket watch without blocking from a coat pocket, and knew the time above through touch.

"Because of your coma, it is now [3 o'clock in the morning].

The teaching building during this period is in a closed state, and you can only stay here tonight.

We will not waste time ~ hurry up to eat these foods and start special training. "

"Okay ... good."

Zide squatted here like this, tearing his strange mouth, facing Yi Chen ... quietly waiting for the other party to eat the food.


Such a weird atmosphere does not affect Yi Chen's feeding. He is very important to supplement nutrition.

Just like the "food grabbing session" of the orphanage during his lifetime, everyone will be uniformly concentrated in the dark room. The huge pipeline on the top will only flow out of half a number of people.

Not only do you need to compete with ‘playmate’, but the mouse group in the dark is also a great enemy.

If you fail to grab enough food, you will not be able to fill your stomach ... In the next long continuous game, it will inevitably be exhausted, and finally [out of the situation].

Recalling this experience,

Yi Chen's eating speed is getting faster and faster, and even put the entire head into the pot.

Seeing this, Zide patted his back of his back lightly,

"Hey! Don't worry ~ Don't eat slowly, we still have this time."

Yi Chen's thinking was pulled back and responded in a low voice: "Hmm ... I just thought of some bad things."

It didn't take long ~ Dang!

The eaten rice bowl was thrown on the ground.

"Start special training, Mr. Zide."

"Well, come with me!"

Zide still wore only a black coat and led Yi Chen back to the main hall of the office.

When opening the carpet,

A deeper deeper display was displayed.

"Can you go down?"

"That's right ... this is only my [office], which is used for research and brain exercise for my personal preference.

My body cannot get enough relaxation and activities in this small office area.

When the college decides to place me below,

I naturally make a request to create a ‘paradise’ that can be used to relax the flesh. "

Zide became excited again when he talked about the 'paradise', and couldn't wait to lead Yi Chen down.

When going down between the secret road,

A faint breath mixed with smelly stinky, tied into the nasal cavity like a small acupuncture, forcing Yi Chen to rub the nose.

Obviously there is no sound,

The thinking between the thinking was vaguely heard from the lower end,

Crossing the secret road, Zide turned on the power switch on the side wall.


The wall lamps hanging here are all red glass,

The filtered red light, like two weird blood hands, took the initiative to unveil the mysterious curtain of 'Paradise'.

Although Yi Chen made psychological preparations in advance, the picture displayed in front of him instantly stimulated the escape instinct.

Even though he was trying to restrain, Yi Chen still stepped back.

"Welcome to my paradise!"

Teacher Zade was like the host of the paradise, and he was proud to open his arms and present the dark red place behind him to the greatest extent.

About three or four hundred square meters of basement,

Full of all kinds of 'fitness equipment',

These equipment were designed by Zide himself, and the finished products from the design drawing were subsequently handed over to the college.

Zide came to the corner of the park for a while, beckoning to Yichen at the door.

"Come! Say hello to the monitor here.

The group in the courtyard is very stingy, and we must go through their consent to start special training ... Otherwise, if you accidentally die during fitness, they will hold my responsibility.

Of course, I believe you can support it, and it will not be so easy to die. "

"Okay ... good."

Yi Chen came to monitor the naked eye and squeezed as much as possible.

After a while, monitoring the eyeballs began to shake up and down.

"Oh! Today, the college is quite generous, and I agree so soon, so let's start a special training!

Today is the first time you come to the park, first try to use some simple equipment.

Did you see that treadmill?

Standing up and running, you must not stop before your physical fitness is completely squeezed. "


Looking in the direction of Zide's fingers.

The all -metal treadmill has a restraint at the handrail. Once the quilt is put on, it cannot leave ... unless the two arms are broken off.

The most terrible point,

The running belt is covered with iron nails, with a length between 2 and 5 cm and densely packed. Every time you run, it will inevitably fall on the iron nail.

Once you can't keep up with the speed of running,

Because the arm is fixed, the lower body will be in close contact with the running belt, and it will not be shaped by the iron nails.


The spikes are placed in ‘Zede’ s Paradise ’, but the entry -level fitness equipment. He himself disdain at all, and even covered with dust.

Before stepping on the treadmill, Yi Chen had a small question,

"Mr. Zide, is this ready to hone me [tolerance]?"

"Undiating is just one aspect,

If you think about it ~ If you have an attack on you, not only do you have no pain, but make you feel very comfortable ... Is it very advantageous?

What I really want to grant you is the "physical control".

For us humans, the body has never been the belonging to the brain. 'She' has always had her own ideas.

You can treat the body as a playful little cute,

She belongs to you on the surface, and she looks very obedient, but she often does some small movements in the back, and she will strike when she is unhappy ~ even wants you to die quickly.

For example, holding a hammer to knock on the knee, the brain obviously did not issue any instructions, but she would actively show the mouth -watering white tender calf.

With a little stimulation from a bit of the outside world, she would yell at grievance and pass a lot of pain substances.

Only by continuously destroying and repairing 'her' can deepen your close relationship and let her turn into your most loyal part. "

"Um." Yi Chen reluctantly accepted this set of words.

"By the way, before going to the runner ... Remember to take off all your clothes." The Skin of Gentlemen "is a good thing, but it is not helpful for our special training, try not to stain it. "

Yi Chen changed his clothing and clothing that he had purchased in the town of Iston.

Take off the leather shoes,

Step on a treadmill,

After fixing your arms in the armrest of the treadmill,

Zide also pushed a circular infusion device intimately,

Connect Yi Chen's wrist blood vessels at one end,

One end connects the storage tank under the treadmill,

The blood flowing out during the running will continue to enter Yi Chen's body through the circulation device to ensure that it will not faint due to blood loss.

With the beginning of special training running,

Zide found a bench like watching the favorite TV show, admiring Yi Chen, a painful runner.

   (end of this chapter)

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