The Last Gentleman

Chapter 5: face

Chapter 5 Straight

Since memorizing, since

Yi Chen has never experienced such a clear visual picture.

It feels like an ultra -high pixel imaginger, and the details of the graveyard can be seen.

Even if the light of kerosene lamps is adjusted to the lowest, the general situation of ten meters away can still be seen.

【Sensory Leap】

When I first touched the ability of "transcending humans'" for the first time,

Yi Chen's brain became extremely excited, and even stimulated the body to secrete a certain amount of adrenaline, which further improved the entire person's concentration.

Confidence surge,

Dare to fight with living corpses.

Before acting, he still has the last question,

Try to communicate with meat **** through consciousness,

"How can the living corpse hovering between the 4th cemetery be killed completely? Before beheading? 』

"It seems you don't understand it at all.

Your perception of this world is still on the surface ... Even if this kind of thing cuts off the skull and removes the heart, it can survive normally, at most it only affects their body activities.

The reason why he became like this is [sick].

Want to kill this living corpse,

You must find and destroy the [pathogen] on him, so he will change the state of some corpses.

This kind of guy is still in the early stage of infection,

The characteristics of the pathogen should be very obvious,

If you carefully observe the position with a drum, swelling, or a particularly darker color on him, it is likely to correspond to the pathogens of the subcutaneous path.

And the "silver -plated hand ax" in your hand has a very good killing of the pathogen.

As for this guy's ability, I don't know ... Come on, don't die. 』

"understood. 』

The battle began.

Yi Chen stuck to the tombstone, quietly revealed half of his face, and scanned the situation nearby.

A slow -moving [Black Shadow] appears on the edge of the view,

Focus on the field of vision,

The staggering living corpse came into the eyes.

Very slow,

But those roots swaying on the back, like octopus tentacles, just look at it, just look at it.

As if in the stab, these roots will squeeze the body fluid of the target.

Yi Chen took a deep breath and analyzed the situation in front of the brain.

"No time, no tools to arrange traps and other things.

The venue is also limited to the graveyard No. 4, and it is difficult to conduct long -distance roundabouts.

The front battle is inevitable, but ... before that, I had to clarify the real location of the disease. "

Focus on vision again,

All parts of the living body, including the root must be seen clearly,

The body table has four obvious bulges, which are located in the neck, right shoulder, waist and abdomen, and right thighs.

"Confirm it ..."

Yi Chen picked up some stones that were appropriate nearby and could just be held by hand.

At a young age,

Yi Chen can always win the game in the orphanage's dodge game room, and can ensure that the accurate hit every playmate who is trying to avoid, and even a child who is a few years older than him is not an opponent.

With the enhancement of the field of vision, the throw accuracy is further improved.

Well ~

Four stone, shot to the target with one second as the interval.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Three of them hit,

The corresponding skin was smashed into the skin, and even some disgusting liquid flowed out.

The stone that shot towards the waist is when it is about to hit ... slap!

It's like the most basic stress effect of creatures (Irritability),

The roots on the back of the living corpse suddenly waved, accurately hit the surface of the flying stone,

Like a home run, the beaten stone flew directly out of the graveyard directly.

Not only that,

There are several roots that follow closely,

They are entangled and affixed to the waist, forming a unique protective structure.

According to the direction of the stone,

The head of the living corpse suddenly turned 135 °, and the special eyes filled by the bacteria umbrella stared at the arched stone monument on the high slope.

Stressing the sensation,

Although Yi Chen wanted to answer, cold sweat continued to slip.

"At least my approach achieves the effect, the bulge of the waist and abdomen must correspond to [pathogen]. It also shows that this meatball did not deceive me.

However, the "stress" of this guy is too outrageous.

Suddenly shot and have no signs of stone like this, can actually bounce accurately ... and quickly build a protective layer on the waist.


If you want to kill this living corpse, you must cut off all the roots on the back,

Otherwise, any attack on the key will be invalid. 』

Pop ~ Pap ~

A string of palms stepped on the soil and interrupted thoughts.

The living corpse is approaching,

Specked the footsteps in front of the arched stone ... 唰! Alas!


The two strong roots were raised in the air, crossing left and right, and pulled out violently.


The solid large stone monument was directly broken,

Blected together,

There is also a dark gray coat that is residual, and the metal chest cards also fall on the ground, with the name of [William Berranus] printed on it.

That's it,

Only the stele and coat were crushed.

Just when the living corpse is doubtful, it hasn't had time to take back the root.

There is a moment of movement from the grave pile corresponding to the crushing stone monument,

The shadow of dormant later jumped out,

The silver mang flickered in my hand is more dazzling,


Silver light draws a perfect arc in the air,

Just cut the "cross point" of the two roots ... 唰 ~ The dark green rotten juice splashed out, and the two roots were completely cut off.

Not only that,

Due to the cutting of silver -plated materials, thick black smoke appears at the break of the root must be healed.


The dried and decaying channels of the living corpse emitted the rotten roar, like an important life pulse beheaded.

Seeing this,

Yi Chen pulled back his hand ax, set up a posture, and whispered excitedly: "There are 8 left!"

The scream has not ended,

Those roots swaying on the back of the living corpse seemed to have self -awareness, and they have locked 'attackers'.

They turned into a sharp spear and pierced.

【Vision Capture】

The eyes of Yi Chen and the meat ball were stared at this moment like a copper bell ~ focusing on her eyes.

In this straight puncture attack, the route of each root must be seen.

When the distance is less than one meter,

A perfect side roll over to avoid the puncture of all root bears.

Not only that,

At the same time to make perfect dodge,

Yi Chen actually kneeling in a half -kneeling posture, and giving a sterilicant to chopping,

One of the closest roots from him was cut off,

The stinky juice splashed on the face, but could not hide his smile, and the mouth was still counting silently:

"There are 7 left!"

this moment,

The black meatballs that were rooted in Yi Chen's shoulder could not help but stare at his eyes, and he felt incredible about the performance of the 'bottom worker'.

"My vision is really right ... this guy is completely different from those ordinary 'meat pigs'.

With such danger, a mistake may lead to death. He actually adapted so quickly, and he also mixed with a bit of enjoyment.

Come on, young humans!

If you kill the pus with such a weak body, you will definitely attract the attention of 'above' ... I may also use this opportunity to get the opportunity to go outside. 』

When the meat ball is immersed in the fantasy of freedom,

what! Another scream came.


The individual this time screamed was the youth he had high hopes.

I don't know where the root must be drilled out of the ground,

The shoes trampled on both feet, and the entire feet are penetrated together,

The roots that run out of the instep, and even flowers even have flowers, sucking the blood between the feet and being stained with bright red.

At this moment,

The living corpses not far away are sticking to the ground.


It was he controlled the underground plants, completed such a weird attack, and restrained the goal.

Kaka ~

The cervical spine is sounded when the cervical spine twists,

The biased corpse stared at the completely fixed 'prey'.

He is serious ~

Slowly walk before,

The root beard that remains on the back is the legs and feet, and it quickly strikes like a spider.

His mouth is completely open,

A large amount of mycelium is exposed inside the mouth,

It seems that the prey laughed because of her hands -on,

It seemed to want to have a 'deep kissing' with Yi Chen, and to connect the mycelium into the brain through the mouth and nasal cavity, squeeze the target.

   (end of this chapter)

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