The Last Gentleman

Chapter 619: elevator encounter

  Chapter 619 Elevator Encounter

  Looking at the huge sum of money in front of him, the arrears at the Duke Chamber of Commerce have finally been settled, and maybe they can use the extra money to find some good things at the Duke.

  After confirming the huge sum of money stored in the treasury, William turned his head to look at the various treasures stored in the treasury of greed.

   Among them, the most conspicuous one is undoubtedly Glider's most commonly used and his favorite [Cross Sword]. The overall look is like the cross that Yi Chen often saw in the world before his death.

  Drenched in blood plague for thousands of years, it has been forcibly changed into Greed's exclusive weapon.

   Following Glider's death, the cross sword with the treasure house label was automatically withdrawn and stored in the glass display case in the center of the treasure house.

  When William tried to take the three-meter-long cross sword... As soon as he grasped the hilt, huh! Bloody spikes ran through the back of his hand, obviously repelling him.

   This is quite normal. The Blood Cross Sword has been domesticated by Greed for many years, and only recognizes his blood. Even the other Seventh Marquis cannot use it normally.

  With an attitude of giving it a try, William held it in his hand, ignoring the penetration of his palm.

   "Try it with the epileptic brain, whether it can domesticate the blood components inside the sword body, if not, just soak it in black liquid."

  When the epileptic brain generates directional pulses to cover the sword body, trying to forcibly control the blood inside the sword body.

  嗡~A memory image stored on the blade was accidentally ingested.


  William looked at the group of humanoids flying above the clouds with wings of light on their backs in the memory screen, combined with Yi Chen's memory before he died, he said such a term.

   And this cross-shaped sword comes from an archangel,

  At the beginning, he led a group of angel troops to participate in the war in the old world, beheading a large number of patients along the way, but was accidentally attacked by Greed from behind.

   Even so, Glider consumed a lot of treasures in the treasure house before killing him.

  At this time, Yi Chen's voice came from his head: "Oh~ Sure enough, even angels, a product of mythology, participated in the war? The combined army that invaded the old world is really interesting."

   "Yi Chen, do you know anything?"

   "Of course I know a little~ But, these things will be cleared up slowly when you return to the world before I was alive. It's just that listening to my dictation is not very good, and even I myself don't fully understand the situation there.

   After all, I have always been in a state of restraint. Whether it is inside or outside the orphanage, my perception of the world is always limited by the special groups and organizations around me.

  Until I was forced to cross over to come here and land on your body.

   Wait for you to get the things in front of you done, get ready and try to find a way to "world transfer". "


   "This sword is not suitable for you... Give it away or sell it.

  This kind of equipment belonging to angels often has the attributes of sacredness and justice. The forced soaking of the blood plague has already caused structural damage to the sword body. If you want to forcefully change it or even soak it with dead liquid, you will only get a pile of scrap iron in the end. "


  William didn't have many characteristics and talents at the level of blood. After confirming that he could not control the cross sword, he returned it to its original place and focused on other treasures.

   Soon found the monastery chains that Glid used at the last moment.

   "This iron chain should be just a "regular type", not as good as the "acupuncture iron chain" used in my body to torture prisoners... However, I should be able to use it. "

  When William reached out to touch it, the needle-piercing iron chain in his body immediately became active, quickly winding this ordinary iron chain and extracting the essence of pain from it.

   In less than a minute, the iron chain stored in the treasury has turned into broken copper and rotten iron.

  Due to sucking the essence of iron chains,

The acupuncture chains in William's body were fully activated, and a large number of needles were arranged equidistantly on the surface of the skin, presenting a "painful posture". Even the gentleman's clothing automatically adapted to this pain, turning into a close-fitting and dark uniform. Body leather jacket.

  If Asimov saw this gesture, he might have strange thoughts on William.

"Huh? The iron chains can actually absorb each other...or is it only the needle-punched iron chains on my body that can do it? After all, when the needle-punched iron chains were inserted into my body, they were fused with plant diseases, and they were also affected by it later. The umbilical cord and the influence of 【生】.

   If only I can do it, it might be interesting to go to the monastery in the future. "

William checked the inventory in the treasury, and nodded secretly from time to time, "I didn't expect this guy, Glider, to be quite tasteful, and his standards are set very high. The things here are basically top-grade... Even if I don't need it, I can still buy it in the future." Use it for the students."

  William couldn't wait to go to the Duke's side, pay off the debt, and ask the Chamber of Commerce to help estimate the total value of the treasure house.

   Stand back at the gate again, looking at the treasure house of greed in front of you.

   "Not to mention the things stored in it, the value of the treasure house itself is very high. Carrying such a storage space with you will make many things very convenient."

  William also brought in his suitcase, which can be used at any time without worrying about the damage caused by the battle.


   Leave the treasure house and return to the hospital.

  William looked at the ring on his finger, but finally took it off and put it in his pocket.

   "Go and see Jin... She was seriously injured because of my last instructions."

  When William walked out of his ward with an apology, all the doctors and apprentices on the current floor stopped, staring at him with wide eyes, and there was silence.

  Until one of them called out his name: "Mr. William."

  The name quickly spread, and even some gentlemen who were hospitalized forced their bodies out of the ward, wanting to take a look at this real gentleman, this genius who could kill the "Seventh Marquess" at such a young age.

   "Mr. William, thank you for everything you do for the organization."

   "Mr. William, this is a gift I prepared in advance, can you accept it?"

   "Mr. William, can you sign me? It's best to sign on the stomach, if not, the **** is fine."

  The current floor was soon surrounded by water, and William was even more unable to move.

  Until there was a sharp, even bone-scratching voice from the elevator entrance, "Don't disturb William, let him come over."

  As soon as this remark was made, the crowd gave way to a path leading to the elevator entrance.

  Dr. Asimov, who covered his nose and mouth with a hoop collar, was standing at the elevator entrance. William also took this opportunity to quickly lean over, took the elevator with him, and headed to the [Intensive Care Unit] on the top floor.

  Before William asked, Asimov spoke first:

   "The reason why the Cancer Palace is the largest source of the epidemic is that every tumor knight is like a cockroach that can't be killed, no matter how big the wound is, it can heal perfectly after a period of time.

   So are your friends, don't worry. "

   "Thank you, Dr. Asimov."

"It's probably a coincidence that you were able to kill Greed, right? Well done, I thought the organization would definitely fail this time, but I didn't expect to be able to do this to this extent. Reassess.

   In addition, it is also the main reason why I found you.

  I can feel that the chains in your body are extremely active. Have you ever thought about going to the monastery with me? Anyway, you have been removed from the hunting list now. If you go with me, you will just have a simple visit. "

  William secretly smiled, he knew exactly what the so-called 'visit' meant.

  As the largest prison in the old world, it is also the area with the highest security.

   Just when William wanted to find an excuse to refuse, Ding Dong! The elevator has arrived. It's not the top floor... but someone on the middle floor pressed the elevator.

  A 'corpse' walked in.

  The corpse covered its eyes with a black cloth, its pale hands were slightly hanging in front of its face, and the position where he was standing was exactly between William and Asimov,

  A dangerous atmosphere permeated the narrow elevator room.

   "Teacher..." William softly called out this long-lost title.

  'Corpse' didn't answer, but slowly raised his fisted right arm.

  William was so frightened that he sweated profusely, and began to use the power of the stars in his body, preparing to transfer the teacher away forcibly...Once the hospital is destroyed, many gentlemen, including Jin, will suffer secondary injuries.

  Fist swung out, lightly touching Asimov's arm.

   "Long time no see, Asimov."

   "Almost twenty years, Captain Zed."

   "Did you really choose to stay in the monastery? It seems that you are doing well."

   "Otherwise? I can't escape forcibly like you... When I choose to accept the iron chain and the rules of the monastery from the depths of my consciousness, I feel pretty good."

   "Have a meal together later?"

   "Yes, I can go back within tomorrow."

  Such a relaxed and ordinary chat stunned William on the side.

  (end of this chapter)

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